Debugging QuerySets in Django - django

When in debug mode and looking at a QuerySet that did return results, how / where can I see the objects in the debugger? I am not interested in the code to evaluate (e.g. Class.objects.all() etc, but more like the structure, e.g.:
- QuerySet
-- object_list
--- object[0]
--- object[1]
--- object[n]
Let's say I am looking at a QuerySet in the debugger, I am getting a bunch of attributes and related objects, but I cannot seem to find the actual objects that I am after. If I have a class A and I am executing qs = A.objects.get.all() and I am looking at the structure of qs in the debugger, I am getting a bunch of different items but cannot find the actual objects / instances of A.

From the documentation,
Internally, a QuerySet can be constructed, filtered, sliced, and generally passed around without actually hitting the database. No database activity actually occurs until you do something to evaluate the queryset.
Which means, wheever you call Class.objects.all(), it won't fetch the actual instances from DB (just like generators in Python)
to evaluate all objects, do something like this,
all_instance = [i for i in Class.objects.all()]
The above method is not recomended for your production/live code, because it's too ugly to store all instance in a list

Suppose the best way is to add to watches list(Class.objects.all())


It is good practice to get all object in RetrieveUpdateDestroy Method?

Why we need to get all object in RetrieveUpdateDestroy Method?
In real project can I do it just like this Without fear even if there is large data?
Why [do] we need to get all object[s] in [a] RetrieveUpdateDestroy [view]?
We don't: the queryset is not evaluated. This is only used as a "parent" queryset to make querysets to retrieve, update, and delete a single object.
Indeed, for a retrieve method, it will add .get(pk=some_pk) at the end, and thus make a query to retrieve that single object.
The queryset can be used to filter certain items, to prevent retrieving, updating and removing certain objects for example. You can for example use queryset = Student.objects.filter(active=True) to only be able to retrieve active Students.

Will Django use previously-evaluated results when applying additional filters to a query set?

Let's say I need to do some work both on a set of model objects, as well as a subset of the first set:
things = Thing.objects.filter(active=True)
for thing in things: # (1)
pass # do something with each `thing`
special_things = things.filter(special=True)
for thing in special_things: # (2)
pass # do something more with these things
My understanding is that at point (1) marked in the code above, an actual SQL query something like SELECT * FROM things_table WHERE active=1 will get executed against the database. The QuerySet documentation also says:
When a QuerySet is evaluated, it typically caches its results.
Now my question is, what happens at point (2) in the example Python code above?
Will Django execute a second SQL query, something like SELECT * FROM things_table WHERE active=1 AND special=1?
Or, will it use the cached result from earlier, automatically doing for me behind the scenes something like the more optimal filter(lambda d: d.special == True, things), i.e. avoiding a needless second trip to the database?
Either way, is the current behavior guaranteed (by documentation or something) or should I not rely on it? For example, it is not only a point of optimization, but could also make a possible logic difference if the database table is modified by another thread/process between the two potential queries.
It will execute a second SQL query. filter creates a new queryset, which doesn't copy the results cache.
As for guarantees - well, the docs specify that filter returns a new queryset object. I think you can be confident that that new queryset won't have cached results yet. As further support, the "when are querysets evaluated" docs suggest using .all() to get a new queryset if you want to pick up possibly changed results:
If the data in the database might have changed since a QuerySet was
evaluated, you can get updated results for the same query by calling
all() on a previously evaluated QuerySet.

How do I tell if a Django QuerySet has been evaluated?

I'm creating a Django queryset by hand and want to just use the Django ORM to read the resulting querset.query SQL itself without hitting my DB.
I know Django quersets are lazy and I see all the ops that trigger a queryset being evaluated:
But... what if I just want to verify my code is purely building the queryset guts but ISN'T evaluating and hitting my DB yet inadvertently? Are there any attributes on the queryset object I can use to verify it hasn't been evaluated without actually evaluating it?
For querysets that use a select to return lists of model instances, like a basic filter or exclude, the _result_cache attribute is None if the queryset has not been evaluated, or a list of results if it has. The usual caveats about non-public attributes apply.
Note that printing a queryset - although the docs note calling repr() as an evaluation trigger - does not in fact evaluate the original queryset. Instead, internally the original queryset chains into a new one so that it can limit the amount of data printed without changing the limits of the original queryset. It's true that it evaluates a subset of the original queryset and therefore hits the DB, so that's another weakness of this approach if you're in fact trying to use it to monitor all DB traffic.
For other querysets (count, delete, etc) I'm not sure there is a simple way. Maybe watch your database logs, or run in DEBUG mode and check connection.queries as described here:

Is it a good idea to modify fields in Model instances returned in a QuerySet? Will it kill performance?

So, my problem is this. I have a legacy MySQL database that I'm building a shiny new Django application over. For whatever reason, some fairly daft design decisions were made—such as all fields, no matter what they contain, being stored as varchars—but because since other systems that I'm not rewriting depend on that same data I can't destructively change that schema at all.
I want to treat a certain field—the stock quantity on hand—as an integer, so that in my template I can check its amount and display a relevant value (basically, if there are more than 100 items available, I want to just display "100+ Available").
The existing value for stock quantity is stored as, oddly, a varchar holding a float (as if it's possible to have fractional amounts of an item in stock):
item.qty: u"72.0"
Now, I figure as a worst case I can use QuerySet.values(), and iterate over the results, replacing each stock quantity with an int() parsed version of itself. Something like ...
item_list = items.values()
for item in item_list:
item['qty'] = int(float(item['qty']))
... but won't that cause my QuerySet to evaluate itself completely? I confess to being fairly ignorant of the process by which Django handles lazy execution of queries, but it seems like working with actual values would mean evaluating the query before it needs to.
So, am I complaining about nothing (I mean, it's definitely evaluating these values in the template anyway), or is there a better way to do what I need to do?
Yes, iterating through in the view would evaluate the entire queryset. That may or not be what you want - for example, if you're paginating, the paginator limits the query automatically, so you don't want to evaluate the whole thing separately.
I would approach this in a different way, by calling a function in the template to format the data. You can either do this with a method on the model, if there's just one field you want to format:
class Item(models.Model):
def get_formatted_qty(self):
return int(float(self.qty))
and call it:
{{ item.get_formatted_qty }}
Or, to make it more general, you can define a custom filter in your templatetags:
def format_value(value):
return int(float(value))
{{ item.qty|format }}

Passing limited queryset to related_to() in django-tagging

I want to use the related_to() function in django-tagging and I am passing a queryset looking like this:
Chapter.objects.all().order_by('?')[:5] #the important thing here is the "[:5]"
My problem is that this function apparently uses the in_bunk() function and you Cannot use 'limit' or 'offset' with in_bulk
How can I restrict my queryset to only pass 5 objects and at the same time make use of in_bunk?
I know that related_to() lets you pass the variable num (which is the number of objects it should return) but I don't want it to output the same queryset every single time. So i came up with the idea of ordering it randomly and limiting it before it was passed to the function. But as you can see: limited querysets and bunk_it doesn't go hand in hand very well.
I found a solution though it wasn't the best and though it processes unnecessary data. I simply run through all instances of the model related to the current instance and I then sort randomly and slice afterwards:
related_objects = instance.related_to(Model) # all related objects are found
related_objects = random.sample(related_objects,5) # .. and afterwards sorted randomly and sliced