Google Sheets: Multiple "if" and "find" within an Array formula - if-statement

background info - not important
I realise I need improvement on understanding logic and understanding documentation when playing around with Android apps. So, I thought I'll switch to Google Sheets in the hope of some basic practice in a context I might find easier to understand.
I've set up a Google Sheet:
I would like Column B to:
display "Folder1" if "Black" is found in the adjacent Column A cell.
display "Folder2" if "Blue" is found in the adjacent Column A cell.
display "Folder3" if "Green" is found in the adjacent Column A cell.
and to then be able to add more conditions.
My formula for Column B is currently:
find("Black", A2:A,1)>0,"Folder1",
find("Blue", A2:A,1)>0,"Folder2",
find("Green", A2:A,1)>0,"Folder3")
Which is only meeting the first condition "Folder1" if "Black" is found and not continuing with the rest of the if clauses.
I think I have nested it correctly though because all of the IFS() are at the same level with their corresponding find() within. And, I have two closing brackets which close the IFS and the ARRAYFORMULA.
Am I just simply not using the right kind of functions for what I'd like to do?
Thank you for your suggestions on how I can solve this!

The problem is that find() only returns a number > 0 if it actually finds a match. Otherwise it returns an error which you can't test for explicitly.
You can fix you code like this:
isnumber(find("Black", A2:A,1)),"Folder1",
isnumber(find("Blue", A2:A,1)),"Folder2",
isnumber(find("Green", A2:A,1)),"Folder3")
Now we can test that what find() returns is an number and the code will work!
Obviously, I put on multiple lines for clarity.


How to Keep rows of multi-line cells containing a keyword in google sheets

I'm trying to keep lines that contain the word "NOA" in a column A which has many multi-line cells as can be viewed in this Google Spreadsheet.
If "NOA" is present then, I would like to keep the line. The input and output should look like the image which I have "working" with too-many helper cells. Can this be combined into a single formula?
Theoretical Approaches:
I have been thinking about three approaches to solve this:
ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXREPLACE - couldn't get it to work
JOIN(FILTER(REGEXMATCH(TRANSPOSE - showing promise as it works in multiple steps
Using the QUERY Function - unfamiliar w/ function but wondering if this function has a fast solution
Practical attempts:
FIRST APPROACH: first I attempted using REGEXEXTRACT to extract out everything that did not have NOA in it, the Regex worked in demo but didn't work properly in sheets. I thought this might be a concise way to get the value, perhaps if my REGEX skill was better?
ARRAYFORMULA(REGEXREPLACE(A1:A7, "^(?:[^N\n]|N(?:[^O\n]|O(?:[^A\n]|$)|$)|$)+",""))
I think the Regex because overly complex, didn't work in Google or perhaps the formula could be improved, but because Google RE2 has limitations it makes it harder to do certain things.
Then I came up with an alternate approach which seems to work 2 stages (with multiple helper cells) but I would like to do this with one equation.
Can these formulas be combined and applied to the entire Column using an Index or Array?
Or perhaps, the REGEX in my first approach can be modified?
Is there a faster solution using Query?
The shared Google spreadhseet is here.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Here's one way you can do that:
filter(A2:A,A2:A<>""),char(10)),))," ","❄️")
,,9^9)))," ",char(10)),"❄️"," "))
First, we split the data by the newline (char 10), then we filter out the lines that don't contain NOA and finally we use a "query smush" to join everything back together.

How can I extract specific patterns from a string?

I currently have a dataset filled with the following pattern:
My goal is to get each value into a different cell.
I have tried with the following formula, but it's not yielded the results I am looking for.
I would appreciate any guidance on how I can get to the ideal output, using Google Sheets.
Thank you in advance!
I will assume here from your post that your original data runs D8:D.
If you want to retain [Stock] in each entry, try the following in the Row-8 cell of a column that is otherwise empty from Row 8 downward:
If you don't want to retain [Stock] in each entry, use this version:
These formulas don't function based on using any punctuation at all as markers. They also assure that you don't wind up with blank (and therefore unusable) cells interspersed for ending SPLITs.
, only used in the separator
, used also in each string ([stock] will be replaced)
, used also in each string ([stock] will not be replaced)
=ArrayFormula(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(M9:M11,"(\[Stock\]), ","$1♦"),"♦"))

Regexmatch for multiple words in Sheets

I'm trying to write a REGEXMATCH formula for Sheets that will analyze all of the text in a cell and then write a given keyword into another cell.
I've figured out how to do this for a single keyword: for example,
=IF(REGEXMATCH(F3, "czech"),"CZ",IF(REGEXMATCH(F3, "african"),"AF",IF(REGEXMATCH(F3, "mykonos"),"MK")))
What I'm having trouble with though is writing one of these values only if two or more terms are matched in the reference cell.
If I were trying to match one of two words, I realize I could use | as in:
=IF(REGEXMATCH(F3, "czech|coin"),"CZC"
But in this instance I only want to produce CZC if the previous cell contains BOTH czech AND coin.
Can someone help me with this?
try like this:
=IF((REGEXMATCH(F3, "czech"))*(REGEXMATCH(F3, "coin")), "CZC", )
multiplication stands for AND

Google Sheets Pattern Matching/RegEx for COUNTIF

The documentation for pattern matching for Google Sheets has not been helpful. I've been reading and searching for a while now and can't find this particular issue. Maybe I'm having a hard time finding the correct terms to search for but here is the problem:
I have several numbers (part numbers) that follow this format: ##-####
Categories can be defined by the part numbers, i.e. 50-03## would be one product category, and the remaining 2 digits are specific for a model.
I've been trying to run this:
(E9:E13 contains the part number formatted as text. If I format it any other way, the values show up screwed up because Google Sheets thinks I'm writing a date or trying to do arithmetic.)
This returns 0 every time, unless I were to change to:
So it seems like wildcards work, but pattern matching does not?
As you identified and Wiktor mentioned COUNTIF only supports wildcards.
There are many ways to do what you want though, to name but 2
=ArrayFormula(SUM(--REGEXMATCH(E9:E13, "50-03[123][012]*")))
=COUNTA(FILTER(E9:E13, REGEXMATCH(E9:E13, "50-03[123][012]*")))
This is a really big hammer for a problem like yours, but you can use QUERY to do something like this:
=QUERY(E9:E13, "select count(E) where E matches '50-03[123][012]' label count(E) ''")
The label bit is to prevent QUERY from adding an automatic header to the count() column.
The nice thing about this approach is that you can pull in other columns, too. Say that over in column H, you have a number of orders for each part. Then, you can take two cells and show both the count of parts and the sum of orders:
=QUERY(E9:H13, "select count(E), sum(H) where E matches '50-03[123][012]' label count(E) '', sum(H) ''")
I routinely find this question on $searchEngine and fail to notice that I linked another question with a similar problem and other relevant answers.


I can't find an example close enough to this one on StackOverflow so here goes:
I want to return a message "Type?" if cell X is blank and cell Y has any text. But I'm trying to nestle it into an existing set of IFs.
Existing :
Nestling this into the above:
I tried this but it returns FALSE, maybe due to the AND I'm using, which I need since I'm creating a return based on two cells two cells.
getting Error:
AND expects boolean values. But 'Type?' is a text and cannot be coerced to a boolean.
IF(and(isblank(cell x),iferror(isstring(cell y),false)),"Type?","OK")
That should do it for you I think. you will need to replace cell x and cell y with the appropriate references. The iferror statement is there to catch what happens when evaluating a blank cell y.
The problem with this formula
is you are trying to check G240 for different values when it cant. Lets simplify your formula. We will replace your empty cell check with FORMULA 1
=If($G240="EVO", Do True Condition, Do Formula 1, IF(G$240=Free, Do Free True Condition, Do Free False Condition)
The problem is since you already did something (Formula 1) when G240 = "EVO", you cant start another check on what G240 after the fact with the way you have embedded your formula. a batter way of thinking of it is how to do a second check when G240="EVO" is false. Remember the general format of an if statement is:
IF(CONDITION,True Result, False Result)
There are only 3 things that go into an if statement. you tried putting in 3.
Try rearranging to this:
=If($G240="EVO", Do True Condition, IF(SOME CHECK to determine DO FOMULA 1 or CHECK for G240 = FREE, Do Formula 1, IF(G$240=Free, Do Free True Condition, Do Free False Condition)))
Basically break down what you want to check for in G240 and do it in sequence with your IF statement. Right now with what you have written, I cant tell how you want to determine if you want to run your formula 1 or if you want to check if G240="free" since you have two different outcomes if G240="Free"/
OK I think i found the issue. The IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK works on it's own since there are no other IFs in the formula. I do want to test two different cells for text(letters) in order to show a warning if one cell was blank while the other not. But as soon as you insert the (AND into a string of multiple IFs it doesn't work.
Simply removing the (AND was all I needed to do. Another way to achieve a test for more than one blank cell was to simply add multiple IF(ISBLANKs.
EG: =IF(ISBLANK(A1)+IF(ISBLANK(A2)>2;condition true;condition false)
ForwardEd thanks very much for your help!