How to upgrade amber framework? - crystal-lang

my crystal version is 0.26.1
my amber version is 0.7.2
I would like to upgrade my amber framework installation to the latest stable version (currently 0.9.0). What is the best way to do it? Thanks

Upon further inspection, this looks like something the shard.yml would be good for:
crystal: 0.26.1
github: Amber-Crystal/amber
BRANCH_HERE: being something like master, or stable
Also see : on master
from commit
Where you can also use the version key.
However, without any shard/package management.
See where they are currently located:
which amber
which crystal
Upgrading amber:
export VERSION=0.10.0
wget "$VERSION.tar.gz"
tar xvfz $VERSION.tar.gz
cd amber-$VERSION
make install # perhaps sudo
It will build a dist and overwrite /usr/local/bin/amber with the new one.
Upgrading crystal:
export CRYSTAL_VERS=0.26.1
wget "$CRYSTAL_VERS.tar.gz"
tar xvfz $CRYSTAL_VERS.tar.gz
cd crystal-$CRYSTAL_VERS
ln -s [full path to bin/crystal] /usr/local/bin/crystal
There are pre-compiled versions targeting specific systems as well, which can be found here:
With those you'll be able to skip the build/compile step.
As far as code migration, I'm not sure what sort of migration tools are currently available, but you'll want to check the changelogs for any breaking changes


Python2 required as dependencie but already installed

First of all, sorry for my english and sorry for taking your time, I'm pretty sure the answers are online but it seems like I can't find the right keywords for this issue.
The problem: Python2 is installed but still asked as a dependency for every python2 module I want to install with my package manager.
I built python2 from source on Archlinux in a proot environment
(because I use termux on a non rooted phone and it's probably why yay did not worked as expected to install python2) and I think I did it well because "python2" open the python command line and "python2 -V" return me "Python 2.7.18", i can execute python scripts with it, etc.
I built python by downloading and uncompressing python2 from, then in the uncompressed file ./configure --enable-optimization , make -s and make install.
I'm a noob so i don't know but i probably just need a way to handle python2 with pacman or a way to tell pacman that python2 is indeed installed.
I know to handle manualy built pkgs with pacman, but not software built from source. So i'v found a PKGBUILD for python2 but (again, probably because of the proot) when i use makepkg here what's happen :
==> Extracting sources...
-> Extracting Python-2.7.18.tar.xz with bsdtar
==> Starting prepare()...
bsdtar: Removing leading '/' from member names
patching file
patch: setting attribute security.selinux for security.selinux: Permission denied
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().
So if anyone know how could i make makepkg works as intended or how could i tell pacman that python2 is already installed, it would totaly make my day.
PS : I know python2 is deprecated and as it's not updated anymore the security is getting worse and worse, but it's not for my main setup so don't worry. I also think i could install modules manually but it is not something i wish to do since i'd like to install the all BlackArch repo.

Could not install sudo apt-get install libshogun17

When trying to install shogun im getting this error. Can some one suggest a solution?
N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
E: Unable to locate package libshogun17
Im using ubuntu operating system.
See this explanation of the origin and purpose of .ucf-dist files. This means you can either ignore the notice (that's what the N: prefix stands for) or remove said file.
sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist
libshogun17 is not part of ubuntu by default. Currently we supply two different ppa's for xenial and trusty:
for nightly builds:
for stable releases:
please follow the instruction either the given page or how to add the ppa to your system.
Note, as mentioned above those PPAs only supply packages for ubuntu trusty or xenial.

RabbitMQ C++ client for old Debian

I have an old Debian (Lenny), on which I develop an application that should connect to RabbitMQ.
I downloaded the official C++ client rabbitmq-c-0.8.0 from , but unfortunately, I can't compile it on my old Debian:
tar zxvf v0.8.0.tar.gz
autoreconf -i
autoreconf -i
/usr/share/aclocal/libmcrypt.m4:17: warning: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_LIBMCRYPT
/usr/share/aclocal/libmcrypt.m4:17: run info '(automake)Extending aclocal'
/usr/share/aclocal/libmcrypt.m4:17: or see Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' to `' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. If `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' is in `', make sure its definition is in aclocal's search path.
autoreconf2.50: automake failed with exit status: 1
Version of automake I have (and I can't upgrade it): 1:1.10.1-3
Version of libtool I have (and I can't upgrade it as well): 1.5.26-4+lenny1
Does anyone know how to build the RabbitMQ client on the old OS I use?
Many thanks!!!
Eventually, the best solution was to move to ubuntu 14+

Compiling Gnash from source fails due to giflib update - alternatives?

Based on the bug report filed here, Gnash will not compile with the latest giflib. I assume that means that if I use an older giflib, it'll compile just fine. I'm not sure how to do this, though - my package manager (I'm on Manjaro, and have access to AUR) doesn't seem to help here, and I'm not sure what I would have to modify or do in such a case anyway.
Basically, after I get the code for Gnash from Savannah, what would I need to do/change to make it compile using an older giflib?
If you haven't already seen it, as Raydel notes there has been a reply to your request for a workaround on the bug report itself.
This is certainly the quicker solution, though there is nothing wrong with having two versions (or just the older, working) version of the GifLib library on your system.
To do that, you can download GifLib v4.2.3 here, a version older than the change that breaks gnash compilation.
Either place it in a different directory (you probably have v5.1 in /usr/local/lib?) and change the include/linker paths or replace v5.1 files in-place and you shouldn't need to change your compilation steps at all.
Trying the same steps myself, I have been unable to replicate your error.
Excluding sudo apt-get install-ing numerous packages (which aren't the cause of your troubles - and at every step I was told exactly what was missing) these were my steps on a fresh installation:
$ git clone git://
$ curl
$ tar xvjf giflib-4.2.3.tar.bz2
$ cd giflib-4.2.3
$ ./configure
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../gnash
$ ./
$ ./
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install
I recommend you begin afresh, since these steps took care of everything for me - without any manual moving of files, specifying compiler/linker options or editing of makefiles which seems to be causing you problems.
Well I, just checked the bug report you have posted. And there is a workaround:
As a workaround, you can change line 123 of libbase/GnashImageGif.cpp file as follows:
// Clean up allocated data.
- DGifCloseFile(_gif);
+ DGifCloseFile(_gif, 0);
EDIT: According to my experience, it is better practice to apply the patch. If you use an older version of giflib you will miss any change made in the newer version. And those changes most of the time are for good, bug fixes, optimization ect ..

ocropus installation on Ubuntu 11.04

I need to install ocropus on Ubuntu 11.04.
I went through a long and painful process of trying ocropus 0.3 and 0.4 from the project's Downloads page, but to no avail - I could find no way of making it locate tesseract, which it recommended. I labored on Google and came across the page
Great. Except when I issue the command:
hg clone $release ocropus
I get the error message:
abort: unknown revision 'ocropus-0.4.4'!
A post here by the maintainer of the ocropus package for archlinux says
they have completely refactored ocropus and at the same time they have also completely removed the old repository so it's not possible to access the old "stable" versions. I suggest using the ocropus-hg package, at least for the time being.
I thought I would go ahead with this idea and issued the command:
hg clone ocropus #I deftly avoid any
mention of the release
The result is I get a folder with a file interestingly named ocroinst. I run it and it says I need to run the following commands:
sudo ./ocroinst packages #checks the dependencies
./ocroinst install #installs ocropus
sudo ./ocroinst dl #downloads models
I was glad and I issued the first command, which is when I got the message:
Package libjpeg8-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package libjpeg8-dev has no installation candidate
I think a certain Murphy may have had a point.
The situation, with an delicious added complication, is this:
(please correct me if I am wrong)
Ubuntu 11.04 comes with libjpeg62-dev. The required version for ocropus is libjpeg8-dev.
Ocropus requires libtiff4-dev, and libtiff4-dev depends on libjpeg62-dev. Therefore there is no way for me to uninstall libjpeg62-dev.
libjpeg62-dev conflicts with libjpeg8-dev. Therefore, I can have only one of libjpeg8-dev or libjpeg62-dev, and never both.
If libjpeg8-dev is installed, I will have no libjpeg62-dev, which means I must remove libtiff4-dev and therefore have no way to install ocropus.
If libjpeg62-dev is installed, I will have no libjpeg8-dev and thus I will have no way to install ocropus.
(An experiment description)
I had libjpeg62-dev installed on the system already. I figured I could take a chance and I went right ahead and changed every libjpeg8-dev I could find to libjpeg-dev, and ran the 3 commands.
It installed. No error.
This gave me great joy
I ran the command
ocropus <image-file-name>
and I was greeted by the charming:
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ undefined symbol: _ZN5iulib6dcloseEv
The more sophisticated
ocropus book2pages out image*
failed with the same error. A post on stack overflow indicates that this is caused by incorrectly versioned libraries.
How should I proceed?
Thanks in advance.