Create a list using SWI-cpp.h - c++

I'm trying to use the SWI-PL engine in C++ using SWI-cpp.h.
I don't have any tutorial, I'm only using this reference and I'm looking in GitHub repos for some examples.
My code works fine, except for one thing; calling this definition:
As you can see, the definition requires a list.
Since I can't put a PlTermv in a PlTermv, I have no idea how to construct a list. I could use a PlTail, but I only know a way in which I have to add an empty head.
This is my CPP code so far:
PlTermv av(1);
// Load external pl file that contaions the foo definition.
PlCall("consult", PlTerm(""));
PlAtom bar = PlAtom("hello");
// I want Prolog to return a list with this compound.
av[0] = PlCompound("foo", PlTermv(bar));
PlCall("call", av); // So that this statement returns 'true' instead of 'false'.
How could I change this code in a way that PlCall("call",av); returnstrue?

Creating lists in Prolog can be done using the atomic_list_concat/3 predicate.
This means PlCall has to be called one more time in the code and it's result has to be stored in a PlTerm:
PlTermv av(1);
// Load external pl file that contaions the foo definition.
PlCall("consult", PlTerm(""));
PlTerm list;
// Use space as separator. Sets the value of 'list' to '[bar]'.
PlCall("atomic_list_concat", PlTermv(list, " ", "bar"));
av[0] = PlCompound("foo", PlTermv(list));
PlCall("call", av); // returns 'true'


Convert data type a of class object (C++)

I am writing a game in which one Object has an ability to turn into an object of another class (e.g. Clark Kent -> Superman). I would like to know what is the most efficient way to implement this.
The logic of my current code:
I have created a turnInto() function inside the ClarkKent class. The turnInto function calls the constructor of Superman class, passing all needed infos to it. The next step is to assign the address of Superman object to the current ClarkKent object.
void ClarkKent::turnInto() {
Superman sMan(getName(), getMaxHP(), getDamage());
&(*this) = &w; // <- error here
As you might have guessed, the compiler gives an error that the expression is not assignable. Not sure how to find a correct solution to this.
Keep it simple and don't play tricks you don't understand with your objects.
Superman ClartkKent::turnInto() {
return {getName(), getMaxHP(), getDamage()};
At the callee:
ClartkKent some_guy{...};
auto some_other_guy = some_guy.tunInto();
Or if you need something fancy:
using NotBatman = std::variant<ClartkKent, Superman>;
NotBatman some_guy = ClartkKent{...};
using std::swap;
swap(some_guy, some_guy.tunInto());

Binding a Lua table function to a C++ variable using LUAPlus

I want to link a Lua table function to a C++ variable using LUAPlus. So far using what information I can find on the web, I've managed to call a table function using DoString("tableName:functionName"), but I want to be able to call the function through a variable. I know its possible but I cant figure out what I'm doing wrong.
In the code I've added, pLuaState->DoString("table1:prints()") works fine and prints everything as needed.
When I try to get the function and call it using the func variable, my program crashes with
error message
Assertion failed: 0, file .../luafunciton.h, line 41
If I remove all the prints in the prints() function in Lua except "print("in prints")", everything works fine. Based on this I assume that GetByName("functionName") returns a function that doesn't contain a reference to its parent table. And this is where I get stuck.
pLuaState = LuaPlus::LuaState::Create(true);
LuaObject globals = pLuaState->GetGlobals();
LuaObject metaTableObj = pLuaState->GetGlobals().Lookup("RandomMove");
if (metaTableObj.IsNil())
metaTableObj = pLuaState->GetGlobals().CreateTable("RandomMove");
metaTableObj.SetObject("__index", metaTableObj);
metaTableObj.RegisterObjectDirect("GetX", (TestLua*)0, &TestLua::GetX);
metaTableObj.RegisterObjectDirect("SetX", (TestLua*)0, &TestLua::SetX);
TestLua obj1(6);
LuaObject table1Obj = pLuaState->GetGlobals().CreateTable("table1");
table1Obj.SetLightUserData("__object", &obj1);
table1Obj.SetObject("__index", metaTableObj);
auto prints = table1Obj.GetByName("prints");
if (!prints.IsFunction())
cout << "nil function" << endl;
LuaPlus::LuaFunction<void> func(prints);
RandomMove =
_thing = 1
function RandomMove:SetThing()
print("I am "..tostring(self.__object))
function RandomMove:prints()
print("in prints")
print("__object is: " .. tostring(self.__object))
print("_thing is: ".. tostring(self._thing))
Any help would be appreciated.
You are correct. Functions do not know anything about their "parents" or their "objects" or anything. That's why the : calling syntax exists. The call table1:prints() is identical to table1.prints(table1) (only lua ensures that table1 is evaluated only once.
So if you grab the function from the table/etc. directly when you call it directly you need to ensure that you pass the correct table/etc. as the first argument (before any other arguments the function expects).

C++ Adding new pointer objects to List

I have a data structure defined up here called this:
typedef list <classSpec*> ClassSpecList;
I'm trying to add stuff into the list here based on functions that return certain values of that match the same data type. In one function, I have a list pointer object defined here and I have another statement that calls a function.
ClassSpecList *answer = 0;
classSpec *thisanswer = parseClass(br);
Basically I'm trying to add the results of what thisanswer returns into my main ClassSpecList. Problem is, when I try
answer->push_back(new classSpec (*thisanswer));
It compiles but I get a seg fault
When I try somethign else like:
answer->insert(ClassSpecList.begin(), *thisanswer);
I keep getting primary expression errors and I do not know why. I even tried it with other list made without typedef and I still get those.
Thank you.
You should initialize the pointer answer first, like :
ClassSpecList *answer = new ClassSpecList;
then you can add thisAnswer into this list.
This should work:
ClassSpecList *answer = new ClassSpecList;
as should this, which is usually recommended:
ClassSpecList answer;
If possible, parseClass shouldn't return a pointer, and you should use typedef list <classSpec> ClassSpecList;.

creating an array of objects within a function of a program

could someone please tell me what I need to do in order to create an array of objects in a function (other than in the main function).
I will try to explain by making up some sort of example...
Let's say I have a program named TimeScheduler.cpp that implements the class Schedule.h
(and I have the implementation in a separate file Schedule.cpp where we define the methods).
In the declaration file we have declared two constructors
Schedule(); //the default
Schedule(int, int, int);//accepts three arguments
to get to the point--let's say in the main program file TimeScheduler.cpp we created our own functions in this program apart from the functions inherited from the class Schedule. so we have our prototypes listed at the top.
void makeSomeTime();
we have
//etc etc...
we then define these program functions
void makeSomeTime(){
let's say that inside the function makeSomeTime(), we would like to create an array of Schedule objects like this
Schedule ob[]={
summer(5,14, 49),
what do I have to do to the function makeSomeTime() in order for it to allow me to create this array of objects.
The reason I ask is currently i'm having difficulty with my own program in that it WILL allow me to create this array of objects in main()....but NOT in a function like I just gave an example of. The strange thing is it will allow me to create a dynamic array of objects in the function..... like
Schedule *ob = new Schedule[n+1];
ob[2]= Schedule(x,y,z);
Why would it let me assign to a non-dynamic array in main(), but not let me do that in the function?
This is not correct:
Schedule ob[]={
summer(5,14, 49),
You appear to be trying to introduce 3 new names:
ob, which is an array of Scedules
summer, which is a Schedule
fall, which is a Schedule
You can't introduce summer and fall as new names like that. Perhaps this was just a typo, and you meant:
Schedule ob[]={
Schedule(5,14, 49),
...which is perfectly fine, and can exist in a function such as:
void make_schedule()
Schedule ob[]={
Schedule(5,14, 49),
But now you have another problem -- your make_schedule function returns void. The Schedule array you created in make_schedule is created and then just thrown away. If you want to return an array from a functtion, the best thing to do is to use a vector, and return that:
std::vector<Schedule> make_schedule()
Schedule ob[]={
Schedule(5,14, 49),
const size_t num_obs = sizeof(ob)/sizeof(ob[0]);
std::vector<Schedule> ret;
std::copy( &ob[0], &ob[num_obs], std::back_inserter(ret));
return ret;
A poorer alternative is to use dynamic allocation to allocate your array, and return a pointer to the first element. In this case, when using new [] it's important to note that you can only use the default constructor.
I decided that instead of using a vector, I could use an unordered_map. I didn't realize that when you 'name' an object in c++, you aren't really giving it a is simply used as a sort of temporary reference. if you want to use names you are better off using a name as a sort of key value in a set. like:
string foodname;
foodname = "cake";
[foodname, 10.95]
foodname = "bread";
[foodname, 5.75]
I found help with unordered_map on

Syntax for std::binary_function usage

I'm a newbie at using the STL Algorithms and am currently stuck on a syntax error. My overall goal of this is to filter the source list like you would using Linq in c#. There may be other ways to do this in C++, but I need to understand how to use algorithms.
My user-defined function object to use as my function adapter is
struct is_Selected_Source : public std::binary_function<SOURCE_DATA *, SOURCE_TYPE, bool>
bool operator()(SOURCE_DATA * test, SOURCE_TYPE ref)const
if (ref == SOURCE_All)
return true;
return test->Value == ref;
And in my main program, I'm using as follows -
typedef std::list<SOURCE_DATA *> LIST;
LIST; *localList = new LIST;;
LIST* msg = GLOBAL_DATA->MessageList;
SOURCE_TYPE _filter_Msgs_Source = SOURCE_TYPE::SOURCE_All;
std::remove_copy(msg->begin(), msg->end(), localList->begin(),
std::bind1st(is_Selected_Source<SOURCE_DATA*, SOURCE_TYPE>(), _filter_Msgs_Source));
What I'm getting the following error in Rad Studio 2010. The error means "Your source file used a typedef symbol where a variable should appear in an expression. "
"E2108 Improper use of typedef 'is_Selected_Source'"
Edit -
After doing more experimentation in VS2010, which has better compiler diagnostics, I found the problem is that the definition of remove_copy only allows uniary functions. I change the function to uniary and got it to work.
(This is only relevant if you didn't accidentally omit some of your code from the question, and may not address the exact problem you're having)
You're using is_Selected_Source as a template even though you didn't define it as one. The last line in the 2nd code snippet should read std::bind1st(is_Selected_Source()...
Or perhaps you did want to use it as a template, in which case you need to add a template declaration to the struct.
template<typename SOURCE_DATA, typename SOURCE_TYPE>
struct is_Selected_Source : public std::binary_function<SOURCE_DATA *, SOURCE_TYPE, bool>
// ...
At a guess (though it's only a guess) the problem is that std::remove_copy expects a value, but you're supplying a predicate. To use a predicate, you want to use std::remove_copy_if (and then you'll want to heed #Cogwheel's answer).
I'd also note that:
LIST; *localList = new LIST;;
Looks wrong -- I'd guess you intended:
LIST *locallist = new LIST;