Set refresh rate on tables in power bi desktop created from log analytic queries - powerbi

I have created a report in power Bi desktop and in that report i have imported data from Log analytics in Azure, using exported m-language queries for each table.
Is there any way to set the refresh rate for each table/data set or something a like? I want the report to display some what live data.

Power bi desktop is a business intelligence tool, and reports in Power BI can be refreshed manual, or scheduled in power BI service.
Once you publish to you can setup the refresh frequency based on your source files.
premium capacity
When using PowerBI PRO as license type, then you have a limit of 8 refreshes a day. Premium capacity can have up to 48 automatic refresh.
When you need more up to date data, or don't want to pay for premium capacity. You can store your data in an azure sql database, and use direct query to get your data.


Is there any REST API to refresh specific table in a Power BI Dataset?

Like a refresh data menu in Power BI desktop. I have exported these datasets from SQL Server database by running stored procedure query.
Unfortunatly not.
The most specific API to refresh data is "Refresh Dataset In Group" but it will update the full dateset.
If your workspace is assigned to a Power BI Premium Capacity or Premium Per User you can use the XMLA endpoint programmatically to refresh just one table in a dataset.

Do we need a scheduled refresh with Live Connection?

I am working on SSAS Tabular project and I am using Live Connection when importing data to Power BI.
Do I need to schedule refresh in Power BI ?
Power BI does not import data over connections that operate in DirectQuery/LiveConnect mode. Instead, the dataset returns results from the underlying data source whenever a report or dashboard queries the dataset. Power BI transforms and forwards the queries to the data source.
Although DirectQuery mode and LiveConnect mode are similar in that Power BI forwards the queries to the source, it is important to note that Power BI does not have to transform queries in LiveConnect mode. The queries go directly to the Analysis Services instance hosting the database without consuming resources on shared capacity or a Premium capacity.
Because Power BI does not import the data, you don't need to run a data refresh. However, Power BI still performs tile refreshes and possibly report refreshes, as the next section on refresh types explains. A tile is a report visual pinned to a dashboard, and dashboard tile refreshes happen about every hour so that the tiles show recent results. You can change the schedule in the dataset settings, or force a dashboard update manually by using the Refresh now option.

Refresh Data - Power BI

I am using Sharepoint List and OData Feed for my Power BI reports using import. What I want to accomplish is that my power bi desktop to get updated data and publish to power bi service even if I'm not around. Is it possible? I have a colleague who can refresh it for me but the logic is that he'll be creating a new power bi project service (I think).
You cannot schedule a report to refresh in Power BI Desktop, you have to do it via a manual process.
You will need to publish the report to the Power BI Service, you can then set a refresh schedule there and the report will refresh automatically from your data source. You will not have to recreate the report or upload it again one it is there.
First publish your Power BI desktop to Power BI Services, which will enable auto refresh.
Power BI has direct connectors for SharePoint so you can set schedule auto refresh. And for connecting SharePoint OnPrem you can use Data connectors.

Not able to schedule refresh report on POWER BI for web

I was able to refresh a power BI report using the desktop application. But when I am trying to schedule a refresh using the web application I am getting the following error.
I am getting data using the web source. I am using functions in the connection string. Is there a way I can schedule refresh in this case.
The maximum size for datasets imported into the Power BI service is 1 GB and Power BI Service places a limit on the amount of uncompressed data that is processed during refresh to 10 GB.
If you still hit the above two limitations, you are not able to refresh dataset in Power BI Service. You can use DirectQuery/Live connection mode to connect to your data source instead, or purchase Power BI Premium license to solve this issue.
You can also try to solve the issue by creating a view of the table within the source database

Power BI Desktop Scheduled Refresh

I know it is possible to adhoc refresh the data on power bi desktop but unlike on power bi online I am unable to find a way of creating a scheduled refresh. I have looked into personal gateways but unable to find a suitable solution. I want the data to be refreshed daily and this data is coming from a postgres database in Amazon Web Service where the data is updated daily.
Power BI desktop(local) have only manual refresh, scheduler is not available in desktop power bi when you want to implement scheduler then follow this link
when you established a connection using the database and create report and publish on app power bi from power bi desktop after that apply scheduler then it will reflect data changes on every refresh.