I've been following this tutorial (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/DynamoDBLocal.DownloadingAndRunning.html) on how to set up a downloadable DynamoDB on my computer, but have been coming across an issue when I try to connect to a local host.
I have checked my host file and everything seems to be ok...
I am using Windows 10 cmd and these are the outputs on my command line:
C:\Users\Desktop\dynamodb_local_latest>java -
D"java.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib" -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar
Initializing DynamoDB Local with the following configuration:
Port: 8000
InMemory: false
DbPath: null
SharedDb: false
shouldDelayTransientStatuses: false
CorsParams: *
C:\Users\Desktop\dynamodb_local_latest>aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-
url http://localhost:8000
Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "http://localhost:8000/"
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
You must run 'aws configure' and set the required parameters (even if you're only using a local dynamo db emulator, just ignore the access/secret keys)
In addition to running aws configure as mentioned in #J.S.'s answer, you will need to ensure Dynamo DB is running. I recently had this error, where the service had shut down and I didn't realize it. If this is your case, make sure to restart it by going to the folder it is installed in and running java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb &
I am running DynamoDB locally using the instructions here. To remove potential docker networking issues I am using the "Download Locally" version of the instructions. Before running dynamo locally I run aws configure to set some fake values for AWS access, secret, and region, and here is the output:
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************fake]:
AWS Secret Access Key [****************ake2]:
Default region name [local]:
Default output format [json]:
here is the output of running dynamo locally:
$ java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb
Initializing DynamoDB Local with the following configuration:
Port: 8000
InMemory: false
DbPath: null
SharedDb: true
shouldDelayTransientStatuses: false
CorsParams: *
I can confirm that the DynamoDB is running locally successfully by listing tables using aws cli
$ aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000
"TableNames": []
but when I visit http://localhost:8000/shell in my browser, this is the error I get and the page does not load.
I tried running curl on the shell to see if I can get a more useful error message:
$ curl http://localhost:8000/shell
"Message":"Request must contain either a valid (registered) AWS access key ID or X.509 certificate."}%
I tried looking up the error above, but I don't have much choice in doing setup when running the shell merely in the browser. Any help is appreciated on how I can run the Dynamodb javascript web shell with this setting.
Software versions:
aws cli: aws-cli/2.4.7 Python/3.9.9 Darwin/20.6.0 source/x86_64 prompt/off
OS: MacOS Big Sur 11.6.2 (20G314)
DynamoDB Local Web Shell was deprecated with version 1.16.X and is not available any longer from 1.17.X to latest. There are no immediate plans for a new Web Shell to be introduced.
You can download an old version of DynamoDB Local < 1.17.X should you wish to use the Web Shell.
Available versions:
aws s3 ls s3://dynamodb-local-frankfurt/
Download most recent working version with Web Shell:
aws s3 ls s3://dynamodb-local-frankfurt/dynamodb_local_2021-04-27.tar.gz .
The next release of DynamoDB Local will have an updated README indicating its deprecation
As I answered in DynamoDB local http://localhost:8000/shell this appears to be a regression in new versions of DynamoDB Local, where the shell mysteriously stopped working, whereas in versions from a year ago it does work.
Somebody should report it to Amazon. If there is some flag that new versions require you to set to enable the shell, it isn't documented anywhere that I can find.
Update JAVA to the latest version and voila, it works!
I'm trying to connect a python 2.7 script to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
The coding part is done and the test cases work in our development environment. We're are coding in Python 2.7 in MacOS X and connecting to ADW via ctds.
The problem appears when we deploy on our Azure Kubernetes pod (running Debian 9).
When we try to instantiate a connection this way:
# init a connection
self._connection = ctds.connect(
we get an exception that only prints the user name
the type of the exception is
The code deployed is the exact same and also the requirements are.
The documentation we found for this exception is almost non-existent.
Do you guys recognize it? Do you know how can we go around it?
We also tried in our old AWS instances of EC2 and AWS Kubernetes (which rans the same OS as the Azure ones) and it also doesn't work.
We managed to connect to ADW via sqlcmd, so that proves the pod can in fact connect (I guess).
def connection(self):
""":rtype: pyodbc.Connection"""
if self._connection is None:
env = '' # whichever way you have to identify it
# init a connection
driver = '/usr/local/lib/libmsodbcsql.17.dylib' if env == 'dev' else '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}' # my dev env is MacOS and my prod is Debian 9
connection_string = 'Driver={driver};Server=tcp:{server},{port};Database={db};Uid={user};Pwd={password};Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30;'.format(
self._connection = pyodbc.connect(connection_string, autocommit=True)
return self._connection
As Ron says, pyodbc is recommended because it enables you to use a Microsoft-supported ODBC Driver.
I'm going to go ahead and guess that ctds is failing on redirect, and you need to force your server into "proxy" mode. See: Azure SQL Connectivity Architecture
# Get SQL Server ID
sqlserverid=$(az sql server show -n sql-server-name -g sql-server-group --query 'id' -o tsv)
# Set URI
# Get current connection policy
az resource show --ids $id
# Update connection policy
az resource update --ids $id --set properties.connectionType=Proxy
Has anyone tried connecting superset to AWS athena ?
I was able to connect to redshift by using SQLAlchemy URI:
but I am having hard time connecting to AWS athena. AWS has JDBC driver (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/connect-with-jdbc.html) but I can't figure out how to use it with superset. Any example ?
In case someone else would come here:
This is from the superset documentation.
We tried installing superset with PyAthena JDBC & REST. Our experience with PyAthena (REST) is far better than PyAthenaJDBC, would recommend to use same in production.
Install PyAthena (pure python library, java is not needed)
pip install "PyAthena>1.2.0"
Access database by creating connection url
I found this article, a good guide on deploying superset.
Take a look at this github PR
You'll want to install PyAthenaJDBC package into pip. The driver that you are referring to is a Java driver, which is great, but Superset is largely a Python application, so it'll need a python driver to connect/interact with Athena.
The above answer is correct, but you'll want to install that package to ensure that you actually can connect to athena.
You must define a property s3_staging_dir when you connect to Athena's Driver.
Example: s3_staging_dir=s3://your_bucket
I got it to work using: PyAthenaJDBC (python 3.6.7) with these steps:
1) Make sure you have the PyAthenaJDBC pkg. installed:
pip install "PyAthenaJDBC>1.0.9"
2) Restart superset
3) Download the JDBC driver: from aws driver download I used the AthenaJDBC41-2.0.6.jar version
Example driver download url, Note: I saved my driver in /drivers/
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/athena-downloads/drivers/JDBC/SimbaAthenaJDBC_2.0.6/AthenaJDBC41_2.0.6.jar
4) Add the data-source to superset:
Note: If superset is running on ECS / EC2 you can assign an IAM role, and remove the AWS KEY/SECRET from the URI, Example raw connection URI below:
Much more info here:
Official guidance from Superset:
You need to have some tweaks by yourself. This worked for me after many hours of reading posts on 2021-12-12:
awsathena+rest://{secret id}:{secret access key}#athena.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/test?s3_staging_dir=s3://{your bucket where Athena query result is stored}/test/&work_group=primary
Note that in my example:
"schema_name = test": You must see a database named "test" under Athena \ Query Editor \ Database at this point. It is created in Glue Console \ Data Catalog \ Database with a crawler or manual.
s3://{your bucket}/{path if needed}/test: you need to go to Athena \ Workgroups, select a workgroup and check the setting if it turned on the "Query result location" or not. In my case, the name of the workgroup is "primary", the query result of the "test" database will be stored in s3://{your bucket where Athena query result is stored}/test/
Make sure you have installed these under Python Virtual Environment:
pip install "PyAthenaJDBC>1.0.9"
pip install "PyAthena>1.2.0"
See how to create Superset under Python Env:
Security Group:
(I got this instruction from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzuPQPRcT-0)
I build Superset on the EC2 Instance. Therefore, you need to check out the security group setting. Because it relates to EC2 service, Athena service, and the website which Superset is running in UI.
In my case, I have turned on all these settings to make sure it can run the first time. Then you can narrow down the setting later.
Custom TCP - TCP - 8088 - ::/0 ;
HTTP - TCP - 80 - ::/0 ;
SSH - TCP - 22 - ::/0 ;
Custom ICMP - IPv4 - Echo Request - N/A -
All ICMP - IPv6 - IPv6 ICMP - All - ::/0
All ICMP - IPv6 - IPv6 ICMP - All -
After lot of hustle managed to create connection string which works, note that all key & s3 path needs to be encoded, below format works for me
awsathena+rest://{encoded aws_access_key_id}:{encoded aws_secret_access_key}#athena.{region_name}.amazonaws.com:443/{schema_name}?s3_staging_dir={encoded s3_staging_dir}
You can use below code to generate connection string, save it to file & run
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
conn_str = "awsathena+rest://{aws_access_key_id}:{aws_secret_access_key}#athena.{region_name}.amazonaws.com:443/"\
I'm running Redis server 2.8.17 on a Debian server 8.5. I'm using Redis as a session store for a Django 1.8.4 application.
I haven't changed the software configuration on my server for a couple of months and everything was working just fine until a week ago when Django began raising the following error:
MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots but is currently not able to persist to disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details...
I checked the redis log and saw this happening about once a second:
1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving...
Background saving started by pid 22213
Failed opening .rdb for saving: Permission denied
Background saving error
I've read these two SO questions 1, 2 but they haven't helped me find the problem.
ps shows that user "redis" is running the server:
redis 26769 ... /usr/bin/redis-server *.6379
I checked my config file for the redis file name and path:
grep ^dir /etc/redis/redis.conf =>
dir /var/lib/redis
grep ^dbfilename /etc =>
dbfilename dump.rdb
The permissons on /var/lib/redis are 755 and it's owned by redis:redis.
The permissons on /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb are 644 and it's owned by redis:redis too.
I also ran strace on the server process:
ps -C redis-server # pid = 26769
sudo strace -p 26769 -o /tmp/strace.out
But when I examine the output, I don't see any errors. In particular I don't see a "Permission denied" error as I would expect.
Also, /var/lib/redis is not an NFS directory.
Does anyone know what else could be causing this? I'd hate to have to stop using Redis. I know I can run the command "set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes" but that doesn't solve the problem.
This is now happening on a daily basis and the only way I can stop the error is to restart the Redis server.
I just had a similar issue. Despite my config file being correct, when I checked the actual dbfilename and dir in redis-client, they were incorrect.
Run redis-cli and then
CONFIG GET dbfilenamewhich should return something like
1) "dbfilename"
2) "dump.rdb"
1) is just the key and 2) the value. Similarly then run CONFIG GET dir should return something like
1) "dir"
2) "/var/lib/redis"
Confirm that these are correct and if not, set them with CONFIG SET dir /correct/path
Hope this helps!
If you have moved Redis to a new mounted volume: /mnt/data-01.
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/redis.service
Set ReadWriteDirectories=-/mnt/data-01
sudo mkdir /mnt/data-01/redis
Set chown and chmod on new redis data dir and rdb file.
The permissons on /var/lib/redis are 755 and it's owned by redis:redis
The permissons on /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb are 644 and it's owned by redis:redis
Switch configurations while redis is running
$ redis-cli> CONFIG SET dir /data/tmp
redis-cli> CONFIG SET dbfilename temp.rdb> BGSAVE
tail /var/log/redis/redis.cnf (verify saved)
Start Redis Server in a directory where Redis has write permissions
The answers above will definitely solve your problem, but here's what's actually going on:
The default location for storing the rdb.dump file is ./ (denoting current directory). You can verify this in your redis.conf file. Therefore, the directory from where you start the redis server is where a dump.rdb file will be created and updated.
Since you say your redis server has been working fine for a while and this just started happening, it seems you have started running the redis server in a directory where redis does not have the correct permissions to create the dump.rdb file.
To make matters worse, redis will also probably not allow you to shut down the server either until it is able to create the rdb file to ensure the proper saving of data.
To solve this problem, you must go into the active redis client environment using redis-cli and update the dir key and set its value to your project folder or any folder where non-root has permissions to save. Then run BGSAVE to invoke the creation of the dump.rdb file.
CONFIG SET dir "/hardcoded/path/to/your/project/folder"
(Now, if you need to save the dump.rdb file in the directory that you started the server in, then you will need to change permissions for the directory so that redis can write to it. You can search stackoverflow for how to do that).
You should now be able to shut down the redis server. Note that we hardcoded the path. Hardcoding is rarely a good practice and I highly recommend starting the redis server from your project directory and changing the dir key back to./`.
CONFIG SET dir "./"
That way when you need redis for another project, the dump file will be created in your current project's directory and not in the hardcoded path's project directory.
You can resolve this problem by going into the redis-cli
Type redis-cli in the terminal
Then write config set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no and it resolved my problem.
Hope it resolved your problem
Up to redis 3.2 it shipped with pretty insane defaults which opened the port to the public. In combination with the CONFIG SET instruction everybody can change your redis config from outside easily. If the error starts after some time, someone probably changed your config.
On your local machine check that
is denied. Otherwise check your config, you should have the setting
Dependent on the user that runs redis, you should also check for damage that the intruder has done.
Please feel free to redirect me to any other place if this isn't the right one for this question.
Problem: When I log to the administration panel : "localhost:8083" with "root" "root" I cannot see the existing databases nor the data in it. Also, I have no way to access InfluxDB from the command line.
Also the line sudo /etc/init.d/influxdb start does not work for my setup. I have to go into /etc/init.d/ and run sudo ./influxdb start -config=config.toml in order to get the server running.
I've installed influxDB v0.8 from https://influxdb.com/docs/v0.8/introduction/installation.html for Ubuntu 14.04.
I've been developing a Clojure program using the Capacitor API just to get started and interact with InfluxDB. It runs well, I can create delete, insert and query a database without problems.
netstat -anp | grep LISTEN confirms me that ports 8083 8086 8090 and 8099 are listening.
I've been Googling all around but cannot manage to get a solution.
Thanks for the support and enjoy building things !
Problem solved: the database weren't visible in firefox but everything is visible in Chromium!
Why couldn't I access the CLI ? I was expecting the v0.8 to behave exactly like the v0.9.
You help was appreciated anyway !
For InfluxDB 0.9 the CLI could be started with:
then you can display available databases:
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 0.9.1
InfluxDB shell 0.9.1
> show databases
name: databases
> use collectd
Using database collectd
> show series limit 5
You can try creating new database from CLI:
or with curl command:
curl -G 'http://localhost:8086/query' --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE mydb"
Web UI should be available on http://localhost:8083