How can I set a timeout on Dataflow? - python-2.7

I am using Composer to run my Dataflow pipeline on a schedule. If the job is taking over a certain amount of time, I want it to be killed. Is there a way to do this programmatically either as a pipeline option or a DAG parameter?

Not sure how to do it as a pipeline config option, but here is an idea.
You could launch a taskqueue task with countdown set to your timeout value. When the task does launch, you could check to see if your task is still running:
If it is, you can call update on it with job state JOB_STATE_CANCELLED
This is done through the googleapiclient lib:
Here is an example of how to use it
class DataFlowJobsListHandler(InterimAdminResourceHandler):
def get(self, resource_id=None):
Wrapper to this:
if resource_id:
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
service ='dataflow', 'v1b3', credentials=credentials)
project_id = app_identity.get_application_id()
_filter = self.request.GET.pop('filter', 'UNKNOWN').upper()
jobs_list_request = service.projects().jobs().list(
filter=_filter) #'ACTIVE'
jobs_list = jobs_list_request.execute()
return {
'$cursor': None,
'results': jobs_list.get('jobs', []),


How to stop Dataproc Job from airflow

From Airflow we can submit dataproc jobs via DataprocSubmitJobOperator.
We can stop dataproc jobs in development environment but not in Production environnment via GCP Console.
Is there any way, we can kill dataproc jobs directly via Airflow, if dataproc job id is provided as parameter.
At the moment there is no operator for this action but DataprocHook has cancel_job function so you can create a custom operator :
class MyDataprocCancelJobOperator(BaseOperator):
""" Starts a job cancellation request."""
template_fields: Sequence[str] = ("region", "project_id", "impersonation_chain")
def __init__(
job_id: str,
project_id: str,
region: Optional[str] = None,
retry: Union[Retry, _MethodDefault] = DEFAULT,
timeout: Optional[float] = None,
metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (),
gcp_conn_id: str = "google_cloud_default",
impersonation_chain: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None,
) -> None:
self.job_id = job_id
self.project_id = project_id
self.region = region
self.retry = retry
self.timeout = timeout
self.metadata = metadata
self.gcp_conn_id = gcp_conn_id
self.impersonation_chain = impersonation_chain
def execute(self, context: 'Context'):
hook = DataprocHook(gcp_conn_id=self.gcp_conn_id, impersonation_chain=self.impersonation_chain)
job = hook.cancel_job(
return job
It seems that Airflow Dataproc doesn't include an operator to cancel job. See Maybe you can raise a feature request in the airflow community.

Saving a celery task (for re-running) in database

Our workflow is currently built around an old version of celery, so bear in mind things are already not optimal. We need to run a task and save a record of that task run in the database. If that task fails or hangs (it happens often), we want to re run, exactly as it was run the first time. This shouldn't happen automatically though. It needs to be triggered manually depending on the nature of the failure and the result needs to be logged in the DB to make that decision (via a front end).
How can we save a complete record of a task in the DB so that a subsequent process can grab the record and run a new identical task? The current implementation saves the path of the #task decorated function in the DB as part of a TaskInfo model. When the task needs to be rerun, we have a get_task() method on the TaskInfo model that gets the path from the DB, imports it using getattr, and another rerun() method that runs the task again with *args, **kwargs (also saved in the DB).
Like so (these are methods on the TaskInfo model instance):
def get_task(self):
"""Returns the task's decorated function, which can be delayed."""
module_name, object_name = self.path.rsplit('.', 1)
module = import_module(module_name)
task = getattr(module, object_name)
if inspect.isclass(task):
task = task()
# task = current_app.tasks[self.path]
return task
def rerun(self):
"""Re-run the task, and replace this one.
- A new task is scheduled to run.
- The new task's TaskInfo has the same parent as this TaskInfo.
- This TaskInfo is deleted.
args, kwargs = self.get_arguments()
celery_task = self.get_task()
celery_task.delay(*args, **kwargs)
defaults = {
'path': self.path,
'status': Status.PENDING,
'args': args,
'kwargs': kwargs,
'parent': self.parent,
TaskInfo.objects.update_or_create(, defaults=defaults)
There must be a cleaner solution for saving a task in the DB to rerun later, right?
The latest version of Celery (4.4.0) included a param extended_result. You can set it to True, then the table (it is named celery_taskmeta by default) in the Result Backend Database will store the args and kwargs of the task.
Here is a demo:
app = Celery('test_result_backend')
#app.task(bind=True, name='add')
def add(self, x, y):
self.request.task_name = 'add' # For saving the task name.
return x + y
With the task info recorded in MySQL, you are able to re-run your task easily.

Push results of one to another job django-rq

I'm building an application in which users' information are frequently updated from external APIs. For that, I'm using django-rq.
The first job is scheduled once a day to get users who need to update their profiles.
With each result returned by the first job, schedule another job to get new user information from remote API and update the user in my database.
import requests
from django_rq import job
def get_users_to_update():
"""Get a list of users to who need update"""
users = User.objects.filter(some_condition_here...)
return users
def remote_update_user(user):
"""Calls external API to get new user information"""
url = '{}'.format(
headers= {'Authorization': "Bearer {}".format(user.access_token)}
# Send the request, probably takes long time
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
data = r.json() # new user data
for key, value in data.items():
setattr(user, key, value)
return user
I can schedule those two jobs like following:
import django_rq
scheduler = django_rq.get_scheduler('default')
interval=24 * 60 * 60
interval=24 * 60 * 60
However, this is certainly not what I want. I'm wondering if there is any way in django-rq to notify when get_users_to_update is finished, get its results and schedule the remote_update_user.
rq allows depends_on for declaring the dependent job a submitted job, but it seems that such functionality isn't available in django-rq.

Set dynamic scheduling celerybeat

I have send_time field in my Notification model. I want to send notification to all mobile clients at that time.
What i am doing right now is, I have created a task and scheduled it for every minute
def send_notification():
# here is logic to filter notification that fall inside that 1 minute time span
'send-notification-every-1-minute': {
'task': 'app.tasks.send_notification',
'schedule': crontab(minute="*/1"),
All things are working as expected.
is there any way to schedule task as per send_time field, so i don't have to schedule task for every minute.
More specifically i want to create a new instance of task as my Notification model get new entry and schedule it according to send_time field of that record.
Note: i am using new integration of celery with django not django-celery package
To execute a task at specified date and time you can use eta attribute of apply_async while calling task as mentioned in docs
After creation of notification object you can call your task as
# here obj is your notification object, you can send extra information in kwargs
send_notification.apply_async(kwargs={'obj_id'}, eta=obj.send_time)
Note: send_time should be datetime.
You have to use PeriodicTask and CrontabSchedule to schedule task that can be imported from djcelery.models.
So the code will be like:
from djcelery.models import PeriodicTask, CrontabSchedule
crontab, created = CrontabSchedule.objects.get_or_create(minute='*/1')
periodic_task_obj, created = PeriodicTask.objects.get_or_create(name='send_notification', task='send_notification', crontab=crontab, enabled=True)
Note: you have to write full path to the task like 'app.tasks.send_notification'
You can schedule the notification task in post_save of Notification Model like:
def schedule_notification(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
instance is notification model object
# create crontab according to your notification object.
# there are more options you can pass like day, week_day etc while creating Crontab object.
crontab, created = CrontabSchedule.objects.get_or_create(minute=instance.send_time.minute, hour=instance.send_time.hour)
periodic_task_obj, created = PeriodicTask.objects.get_or_create(name='send_notification', task='send_notification_{}'.format(
periodic_task_obj.crontab = crontab
periodic_task_obj.enabled = True
# you can also pass kwargs to your task like this
periodic_task_obj.kwargs = json.dumps({"notification_id":})

How do we trigger multiple airflow dags using TriggerDagRunOperator?

I have a scenario wherein a particular dag upon completion needs to trigger multiple dags,have used TriggerDagRunOperator to trigger single dag,is it possible to pass multiple dags to the TriggerDagRunOperator to trigger multiple dags?
And is it possible to trigger only upon successful completion of the current dag.
I have faced the same problem. And there is no solution out of the box, but we can write a custom operator for it.
So here the code of a custom operator, that get python_callable and trigger_dag_id as arguments:
class TriggerMultiDagRunOperator(TriggerDagRunOperator):
def __init__(self, op_args=None, op_kwargs=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(TriggerMultiDagRunOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.op_args = op_args or []
self.op_kwargs = op_kwargs or {}
def execute(self, context):
session = settings.Session()
created = False
for dro in self.python_callable(context, *self.op_args, **self.op_kwargs):
if not dro or not isinstance(dro, DagRunOrder):
if dro.run_id is None:
dro.run_id = 'trig__' + datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
dbag = DagBag(settings.DAGS_FOLDER)
trigger_dag = dbag.get_dag(self.trigger_dag_id)
dr = trigger_dag.create_dagrun(
created = True"Creating DagRun %s", dr)
if created is True:
else:"No DagRun created")
trigger_dag_id is dag id what we want running multiple times.
python_callable is a function, it should return a list of DagRunOrder objects, one object for schedule one instance of DAG with dag_id trigger_dag_id.
Code and examples on GitHub:
Little bit more description about this code:
In Airflow 2, you can do a dynamic task mapping. For example:
import uuid
import random
from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from airflow.operators.trigger_dagrun import TriggerDagRunOperator
dag_args = {
"start_date": datetime(2022, 9, 9),
"schedule_interval": None,
"catchup": False,
def define_runs():
num_runs = random.randint(3, 5)
runs = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in range(num_runs)]
return runs
def dynamic_tasks():
runs = define_runs()
run_dags = TriggerDagRunOperator.partial(
dag = dynamic_tasks()
Docs here.
You can try looping it! for example:
for i in list:
trigger_dag =TriggerDagRunOperator(task_id='trigger_'+ i,
Set this dependent on the task that is required. I have automated something like this for PythonOperator. You could try if this works for you!
As the API docs state, the method accepts a single dag_id. However, if you want to unconditionally kick off downstream DAGs upon completion, why not just put those tasks in a single DAG and set your dependencies/workflow there? You would then be able to set depends_on_past=True where appropriate.
EDIT: Easy workaround if you absolutely need them in separate DAGs is to create multiple TriggerDagRunOperators and set their dependencies to the same task.