Create and Configure a Cognito User Pool from the AWS CLI - amazon-web-services

I'm currently trying to automate the Cognito User Pool creation process via bash scripts on AWS-CLI. However, following the steps from the AWS console, I'm trying to reproduce the same steps via the CLI. I like to know which commands I should be looking at and in what sequence? The AWS docs don't really say much and the commands sometimes tend to be confusing.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

First install aws cli using following command
sudo pip install awscli
Configure AWS credentials, Run below commonond, system will ask following input AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Default region name, Default output format
sudo aws configure
Create user pool
sudo aws cognito-idp create-user-pool --pool-name MyUserPool

You can install first awscli
sudo pip install awscli
configure aws cli with your private key and access key.
to run configure aws-cli run the command:
aws configure
For all the details of Cognito, you can find available command for it over here:
Create the user pool in cognito:
aws Cognito-idp create-user-pool --pool-name <Whatever name you want to add>
Update the user pool incognito
aws cognito-idp update-user-pool --user-pool-id <value>
You can also refer this bash script :


AWS: Hot to configure AWS credentials for multiple accounts in Mac OS terminal

I found way to configure AWS credentials by
aws configure
command. But this is not very comfortable for me since I'm using multiple AWS accounts. Is there any way to make it easy to configure AWS credentials and switch between them?
Yes. You can configure multiple profiles.
The easiest way is to use:
aws configure --profile <name>
You can then use it with:
aws s3 ls --profile <name>
If --profile is not specified, it will use the default profile.
All configuration information is stored in the ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config files.
See: Named profiles - AWS Command Line Interface

AWS Aurora - How to enable serverless mode via CLI

I am using the following command to create AWS Aurora Serverless instance
aws rds create-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier test-cluster --database-name testdb --master-username test --master-user-password testtest --engine aurora --engine-mode serverless --region us-east-1
but I am getting the following error.
Unknown options: --engine-mode, serverless
Above command works great on my AWS account but its not working on my clients account. (I just have programmatic access to that account). I have double check the permissions and I have the similar permissions as of my own account.
Summary: AWS command to create serverless aurora cluster is working on one account but not on another account with similar permissions.
Account 1:
The error message states that it does not know about the engine-mode argument. This is a clear indication that your AWS CLI version is out dated. Serverless was added as part of a recent (late 2018) release, so you need to update your client's AWS CLI to recognize these inputs.
I have figured it out. I was using awscli version 1.14 on my server and 1.16 on my laptop. I updated the awscli and now its working fine.
sudo pip install --upgrade awscli

AWS Windows Powershell ECR Login

I am new to AWS and Docker. I am trying to setup AWS ECR and docker and trying to retrieve ECR Login using windows powershell. I am trying to use the command -
Invoke-Expression -Command (aws ecr get-login)
which gives me the error
My problem is it is trying to use the ccuser on its own. I don't think I have configured it to use this user. I have created a separate user with AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess. How do I configure this as the user for AWS Powershell to execute the command?
aws ecr get-login will simply use the creds that you've already setup for the AWS CLI. If you want to change the creds for the CLI, use aws configure to do the setup again, it will ask you for:
AWS Access Key ID []:
AWS Secret Access Key []:
Default region name []:
Default output format []:
If you only want to use that user temporarily without reconfiguring your existing account, here are the docs for doing that.
simple and easy, I was debugging this for while but somehow it worked
aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-south-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

Unknown service: 'secretsmanager' or AWS Secrets Manager service is not in the list of AWS CLI

I was trying to use AWS secrets manager service for storing secret keys. I could store the key in the secrets manager, but while retrieving the key using the code they provide I'm getting this error.
UnknownServiceError: Unknown service: 'secretsmanager'. Valid service names are: acm, alexaforbusiness,...
I tried a search on the AWS CLI and the service is not on the list also.
aws: error: argument command: Invalid choice, valid choices are:
acm | alexaforbusiness
apigateway | application-autoscaling
appstream | appsync
Do I need some kind of aws cli update? May be because of the CLI version that I'm using.
Then, how can I update that. I tried
sudo apt-get install -y awscli
an it says
awscli is already the newest version (1.11.13-1ubuntu1~16.04.0).
secretsmanager is only available from aws cli version 1.15.8 and upwards
aws --version
aws-cli/1.15.10 Python/2.7.10 Darwin/17.5.0 botocore/1.10.10
You may need to manually install/update aws cli

Enable AWS Batch in AWS CLI

I am working in the US-East-1 (N.Virginia) and have even configured the Default Region Name to us-east-1 using the command aws configure.
But I am not able to access Batch using CLI. Batch is not even listed as one of the Available Services in aws help.
Any ideas how to enable Batch in AWS Cli? I have administrative access in IAM console so permissions don't seem to be the issue.
The batch service is relatively new, so its commands only exist in fairly new versions of the aws CLI.
Commands for batch in the latest cli documentation:
If you are running Windows, simply download the updated installer.
If you are using OSX or Linux use pip. pip install --upgrade awscli