Access django celery results in views - django

I'm using the django-celery-results extension and successfully saving records in the db backend table, celery_results_taskresults. My tasks are associated with model instances, and I want to be able to list them as attributes of each instance, in views and ultimately templates. I can see them in the admin interface, but can't figure out how to access them in a list.
I though of creating an #property on the model in question, using raw sql, but the sql examples I've seen all refer to a model, and if there's a celery_results_taskresults model, I can't find it.

As celery_results_taskresults use a model to store results, so we can use them in the views. You can try like this:
from django_celery_results.models import TaskResult
class SomeTemplateView(TemplateView):
def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
context = super(SomeTemplateView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
context['results'] = TaskResult.objects.all()
return context
And in the template:
{% for r in results %}
{% endfor %}


How to get annotated attributes in a template from a DetailView?

I'm working on a small e-commerce. For a model 'Product' I keep track of the stock using a Custom Manager and a method called Products.objects.with_stock() that uses annotations (I'm required to do so, there's no way I can add a stock attribute in Product)
In a ListView of all the products, it's pretty straightforward to add the stock, to access it from a template:
# app/
class ProductListView(ListView):
def get_stock(self, obj):
return obj.stock
def get_queryset(self):
return super().get_queryset().with_stock()
And then in the template I just call it:
<!-- templates/home.html-->
{% for product in products %}
<p> Stock: {{product.stock}} <p>
{% endfor %}
How do I perform something similar for a DetailView?
Given that a DetailView gets a particular object instance, where or how do I run something similar to what I did in the ListView? Where do I run that query method that affects all objects as a whole, so that then I can access it in the same way from the template?
It couldn't be simpler: just do the same in the DetailView:
# app/
class ProductDetailView(DetailView):
def get_stock(self, obj):
return obj.stock
def get_queryset(self):
return super().get_queryset().with_stock()

Revert objects on site instead of admin using django simple history

I have employed django simple history package on the admin site to be able to track and revert to previous versions of the object of the model. I am designing a web form that allows users to change instances of the model object using model form on django and would like to allow the users to view and revert to previous versions. Also to allow them to see what are the changes compared to the current version.
With the code below I am able to get the list of historical records on my template under histoire.
class CompanyDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin,generic.DetailView):
model = Company
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(CompanyDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
company_instance = self.object
context['histoire'] = company_instance.history.all()
return context
In my template,
Previous versions:
{% for item in histoire %}
{{ item }} submitted by {{ item.history_user }} {{
item.history_object }}
{% endfor %}
But ideally I want item.history_object to be a link that users can view the previous object and be able to revert if desired.
I did something similar by adding HistoricForm to my model forms.
class MyModelForm(HistoricForm, ModelForm):
HistoricForm takes and extra history_id kwarg.
If history_id is provided HistoricForm swaps the ModelForm instance with the historic_instance (what your instance looked like at the time of history_id). This way your form will show the historic version of your object.
class HistoricForm(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.history_id = kwargs.pop('history_id', None)
instance = kwargs.get('instance')
if instance and self.history_id:
kwargs['instance'] = self.get_historic_instance(instance)
super(HistoricForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_historic_instance(self, instance):
model = self._meta.model
queryset = getattr(model, 'history').model.objects
historic_instance = queryset.get(**{,
'history_id': self.history_id,
return historic_instance
If history_id is not provided the ModelForm works as usual.
You can revert by showing the historic instance and save (this way you will post your historic data).

Making Django forms return forms.instance in templates

I have complex user-defined permissions for my users. But to make thinks simpler, let's imagine there's only read-only or write permissions for each user.
I am using Django forms to edit and save model objects. And my goal is to render <input> in the Django HTML template for those users who have the permission to edit a given model instance, and a hard-coded data (without <input> tag) if the user has only read-only permission.
Currently, I have the following code in my Django template to achieve this:
{%if user.has_permission_to_edit %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
And here's my_form:
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for field_name, field in self.fields.items():
field.widget.attrs['class'] = 'form-control input-sm'
if field.required == True:
field.widget.attrs['required'] = ''
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ('my_field',)
The problem with the code in the template is that I have to use multiple {% if %}{% else %} blocks. I am relatively new to Django, and I know that there is plethora of advanced tools making Django code potentially super DRY, so I want to asked you guys, what is the most DRY method to organize what I described in the template. Specifically, is there any way to make Django forms return instance values based on some condition specified inside the form definition? Or do I have to some used-defined tag ? Or maybe some totally different architecture is used to achieve such goals?
For what I understood form your question, you want to pass the instance of the data fetched from your data-source.
from .forms import MyForm
from django.shortcuts import render
assuming you have created a file at the level.
Fetching data from data-source(Detail is the model in below example)
detail_instance = Detail.objects.get(
reg_form = MyForm(instance=detail_instance or None)
# In case of edit scenario you can pass in the post params to the form as well
reg_form = MyForm(request.POST, instance=detail_instance)
# Or form with uploads
reg_form = MyForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=detail_instance)
Now once we have data inside our reg_form parameter we can pass it in the template
return render(request, 'applicant/register.html', { 'my_form' : reg_form})
Do whatever you wish, with you my_form variable in the template.
You can pass parameter to the init function of a form
reg_form = MyForm(exist = exist, some_param = param_value, instance=detail_instance or None)
After passing the param, the param can be fetched and processed in the init function of the form
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
exist = kwargs.pop('exist', None)
pk_reg = kwargs.pop('param', None)
super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
#do some stuff with you custom params here
if exist == True or pk_reg:
self.fields['username'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True
The above approach has an alternative as well for having separate forms for separate permission and calling the appropriate form based on the user permissions.

Pagination from a Django DetailView

Given a
class Partner(models.Model):
... (fields irrelevant to this example)
class Lecture(models.Model):
... (other fields not relevant to this example)
partner models.ForeignKey(Partner)
I have a ListView for each and a DetailView for each (working fine).
The problem is that on the Partner DetailView page, I have the list of Lectures. In many cases this list can be quite long (e.g., >200), and the stakeholders want it to be paginated. I've had no problems with pagination on the ListView pages (that's easy), but I can't seem to figure out on the Partner's DetailView page how to paginate on their Lecture list.
I was hoping to see in the Django docs code that would look something like:
class PartnerDetailView(DetailView):
model = Partner
paginate_using = Lecture # (or something like self.lecture ?)
paginate_by = 20
whereupon the DetailView would act on the single Partner object, but would (easily) allow pagination from the Lecture FK results.
Is there support for this? Or will it require far more custom view code (perhaps putting a 'page' variable in **kwargs for get_context_data() and creating the subset based on that)?
It just seems like a very common situation under CBVs so I'm puzzled why a search hasn't turned up any examples.
UPDATE: It should have occurred to me that a simple way to do this would be to just add a "page" piece to the url() entry that references the DetailView and use that to create the subset of pagination on the FK objects.
Note that this also might be a workable approach to getting around the "how do you paginate results from a FormView" issue...
Your best bet is probably to subclass ListView rather than DetailView, and override get_queryset to get the Lectures from the Partner. You can add the Partner object in get_context_data as well if you need it.
MultipleObjectMixin with DetailView
Hello. I would use MultipleObjectMixin and have pagination just like you did in ListView.
from django.views.generic.detail import DetailView
from django.views.generic.list import MultipleObjectMixin
class PartnerDetailView(DetailView,MultipleObjectMixin):
model = Partner
paginate_by = 5
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
object_list = Lecture.objects.filter(partner=self.get_object())
context = super(PartnerDetailView, self).get_context_data(object_list=object_list, **kwargs)
return context
Now in your template you can use object_list (all the lectures that are related to this partener) and use pagination.
{% if is_paginated %}
{% include "includes/pagination.html" %}
{% endif %}
where in "includes/pagination.html" you have access to the pagination context(page_obj).
To extend #MsCheikh answer i will provide version without MultipleObjectMixin. Sample of my
class DealDetailView(DetailView):
model = Deal
template_name = "crm/deals/deal_detail.html"
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(DealDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
activities= self.get_related_activities()
context['related_activities'] = activities
context['page_obj'] = activities
return context
def get_related_activities(self):
queryset = self.object.activity_rel.all()
paginator = Paginator(queryset,5) #paginate_by
page = self.request.GET.get('page')
activities = paginator.get_page(page)
return activities
So later i include standard Django pagination template (copied from docs) and iterate over related_activities

Can I have multiple lists in a Django generic.ListView?

As a Django beginner I'm working on the the tutorial provided by django docs at
In it they demonstrate a list of multiple polls that are listed using a query by publication date. Could I add another list to be also used in the template to be used as well. Example Displaying a list of latest polls by date and another by alphabetical order on the same page.
class IndexView(generic.ListView):
template_name = 'polls/index.html'
context_object_name = 'latest_poll_list'
def get_queryset(self):
"""Return the last five published polls."""
return Poll.objects.order_by('-pub_date')[:5]
Absolutely, you'll just need to write your own 'get_context_data' method that will retrieve those values and then they will be available in the view. Something like:
def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
context = super(IndexView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
context['alphabetical_poll_list'] = Poll.objects.order_by('name')[:5]
return context
With this both {{ latest_poll_list }} and {{ alphabetical_poll_list }} would be available in your template.