AWS S3, can not add bucket policy, get "Acess Denied" error - amazon-web-services

I have read everything I can read on the Internet or the official documents, but this error is so awkward.
I want to add following policy on to my bucket:
{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[
"Principal": "*",
} ]
however, the only thing I can get is access denied:
I've tried to set this, but it did not work:
enter image description here
What's more, I tried to add bucket policy on my friend account, and it works, the only difference between these two accounts is that my account has an elastic beanstalk(I do not know whether this would affect the result), so please tell me what should I do?

Check what is the policy on that bucket and what is the policy the user under which you are logged in have. For being able to to change bucket policy you need the PutBucketPolicy permission. Keep in mind that Deny anywhere will block you from doing the specified action.
The fix would be adding s3:PutBucketPolicy to yourself and then you should be able to change the s3 bucket permissions. The user policy and the bucket policy on the same account should be "a union" of both policies, but it would be "an intersection" if you are accessing another account - but it seems that you are changing a bucket in your account, so you should be fine with that.
If you cannot change your user IAM policy or you accidentally put Deny on the bucket you will have to log in as the account root and try to fix that this way.
Also, make sure that making all objects in your bucket public is what you plan to do. You allow only GetObject, so if this should be some statically hosted content, this should be fine.


I get invalid json error when i try to add read access policy in s3 permission tab

I am new to AWS. I created s3 bucket - public where i stored all my images which i want to show on my front end page. But when i try to show them on the front end page with the s3 object url i get 403 forbidden error.
I googled and i found answer
Angular 4 app on S3 denied access after redirect
The guy there says that we should add read access policy in the permissions tab.
So i did exactly like he said but when i paste this object like he suggest in the CORS tab
"Principal": "*",
and click save changes i get error
The CORS configuration must be written in valid JSON.
why in past this was valid JSON and now it is not ? As i said i am new to AWS and don't know how to fix this. Also can somoene tell me why even my s3 bucket is public - i can't access the objects inside publiccly from my front end ?
Based on the comments.
The json document in the question is bucket policy, not CORS, and it should be added as explained in the docs.
The specific policy that you are using:
"Principal": "*",
has following meaning. Also from docs:
grants anonymous read permission on all objects in a bucket. The bucket policy has one statement, which allows the s3:GetObject action (read permission) on objects in a bucket named somename. By specifying the principal with a wild card (*), the policy grants anonymous access, and should be used carefully. For example, the following bucket policy would make objects publicly accessible.
Further explanation of this specific policy is given in:
Granting Read-Only Permission to an Anonymous User

Disable AWS S3 Management Console

Is it possible to disable AWS S3 management console for the security reasons?
We don't want anyone including root/admin users to access customer files directly from the AWS S3. We should just have programmatic access to the files stored in S3.
If this is not possible, is it possible to stop listing the directories inside the bucket for all users ?
This is a tricky one to implement, however the following should be able to fulfill the requirements.
Programmatic Access Only
You need to define exactly which actions should be denied you would not want to block access completely otherwise you might lose the ability to do anything.
If you're in AWS you should use IAM roles, and a VPC endpoint to connect to the S3 service. Both of these support the ability to control access within your S3 buckets Bucket Policy.
You would use this to deny List* actions where the source is not the VPC endpoint. You could also deny where its not a specific subset of roles.
This works for all programmatic use cases and for people who login as an IAM user from the console, however this does not deny access to the root user.
Also bear in mind for any IAM user/IAM role that they do not have access unless you explicitly give it to them via an IAM policy.
Denying Access To The Root User
There is currently only one way to deny access to the root user of an AWS account (although you should share these credentials with anyone, even within your company) as that is using a Service Control Policy.
To do this the account would need to be part of an AWS organisation (as an organisational unit). If/once it is you would create a SCP that denies access to the root principal for the specific actions that you want.
An example of this policy for you would be
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "RestrictS3ForRoot",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:PrincipalArn": [
Yes, it is possible to disable the Management Console: Don't give users a password.
When creating IAM Users, there are two ways to provide credentials:
Credentials (for the Console)
Access Key (for API calls)
Only give users an Access Key and they won't be able to login to the console.
However, please note that when when using the Management Console, users have exactly the same permissions as using an Access Key. Thus, if they can do it in the console, then they can do it via an API call (if they have an Access Key).
If your goal is to prevent anyone from accessing customer files, then you can add a Bucket Policy with a Deny on s3:* for the bucket, where the Principal is not the customer.
Please note, however, that the Root login can remove such a policy.
If the customers really want to keep their own data private, then they would need to create their own AWS account and keep their files within it, without granting you access.

S3 bucket and object access

As per my understanding with out giving access, any IAM user can not access the S3 bucket/object. But in my use case I am able to access it.
Am I misunderstood the security policy in S3.
Here is my use case I have root account in AWS, say root user. And this user created two IAM users,say Admin and Test users. And root user given S3FullAccess permission to both IAM users.
Now I logged in as Admin and created one Bucket( say Test). And enabled "Block all public access ".
Now with another IAM user still I am able to access Test bucket, even though " Block all public access " enabled.
Ideally it should not right. The Test user should get access denied permission while accessing Test bucket.
Am I missing anything, any help would be highly appreciated
AWS learner
The "block all public access" to the bucket is referring to outside your organization, not with the IAM users.
In other words, if your bucket is accessible to the public, then anyone who has access to the objects S3 URL can directly access that object.
You may restrict access to the bucket by using a bucket policy, but it would make more sense to remove the S3FullAdminAccess from the test user in IAM.
And root user given S3FullAccess permission to both IAM users
This is the reason why your both the users are able to see the bucket as they have the below policy attached with the user :
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "*"
You remove this policy from the user and you'll see below error :

aws s3 access denied when changing bucket policy for root user

I am logged in as a root user for aws account. A bucket has been created for static website hosting. I have also unchecked all the options on Public access Settings as you can see in this image below.
After that I tried to update the bucket policy to this from docs
"Principal": "*",
But I keep getting Access denied Error. I don't get it what have I missed. I have tried following things.
I have found other SO posts this which tells to uncheck block
new public bucket policies option which I have already done but
why does it not work for me?
I destroyed the bucket and redid everything from scratch but same issue
I also created a new IAM user with roles to access everything. This also didn't solve the issue.
I can however manually change the s3 objects to public through Make Public option in s3 menu under s3 Overview tab. This has been solving my problem temporarily for now but I have to keep doing this every time I re upload the files.
So my Question is. Why do I keep getting access denied even for root user?
I followed your steps and it worked fine for me:
I created a new bucket
I clicked on the bucket, went into the Permissions tab and edited the Public access settings
I turned off the two settings under Manage public bucket policies for this bucket
I added a Bucket Policy by taking your policy (above) and changed the bucket name to match my bucket
I successfully saved the Bucket Policy
It then gave me a warning note:
This bucket has public access
You have provided public access to this bucket. We highly recommend that you never grant any kind of public access to your S3 bucket.
I cannot see why you would be receiving Access Denied. My only suggestion is to try it with a different browser just in case there's some strange issue.
You could also add the Bucket Policy via the the AWS CLI: put-bucket-policy — AWS CLI Command Reference
This also successfully added a Bucket Policy onto my bucket.

S3 - Revoking "full_control" permission from owned object

While writing S3 server implementation, ran into question I can't really find answer anywhere.
For example I'm the bucket owner, and as well owner of uploaded object.
In case I revoke "full_control" permission from object owner (myself), will I be able to access and modify that object?
What's the expected behaviour in following example:
s3cmd setacl --acl-grant full_control:ownerID s3://bucket/object
s3cmd setacl --acl-revoke full_control:ownerID s3://bucket/object
s3cmd setacl --acl-grant read:ownerID s3://bucket/object
So there's the official answer from AWS support:
The short answer for that question would be yes, the bucket/object
owner has permission to read and update the bucket/object ACL,
provided that there is no bucket policy attached that explicitly
removes these permissions from the owner. For example, the following
policy would prevent the owner from doing anything on the bucket,
including changing the bucket's ACL:
"Id": "Policy1531126735810",
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Example bucket policy",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket>",
"Principal": "*"
However, as root (bucket owner) you'd still have permission to delete
that policy, which would then restore your permissions as bucket owner
to update the ACL.
By default, all S3 resources, buckets, objects and subresources, are
private; only the resource owner, which is the AWS account that
created it, can access the resource[1]. As the resource owner (AWS
account), you can optionally grant permission to other users by
attaching an access policy to the users.
Example: let's say you created an IAM user called -S3User1-, and gave
it permission to create buckets in S3 and update its ACLs. The user in
question then goes ahead and create a bucket and name it
"s3user1-bucket". After that, he goes further and remove List objects,
Write objects, Read bucket permission and Write bucket permissions
from the root account on the ACL section. At this point, if you log in
as root and attempt to read the objects in that bucket, an "Access
Denied" error will be thrown. However, as root you'll be able to go to
the "Permissions" section of the bucket and add these permissions
These days it is recommended to use the official AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) rather than s3cmd.
You should typically avoid using object-level permissions to control access. It is best to make them all "bucket-owner full control" and then use Bucket Policies to grant access to the bucket or a path.
If you wish to provide per-object access, it is recommended to use Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs, which give time-limited access to a private object. Once the time expires, the URL no longer works. Your application would be responsible for determining whether a user is permitted to access an object, and then generates the pre-signed URL (eg as a link or href on an HTML page).