Multiple Transforms for VSCode Snippet - regex

I've got a few snippets set up and working as I would like to, but I'm having a hard time getting one snippet to work where I believe I will need to have multiple transforms occur?
Essentially I have a TypeScript Interface defined for one of my components.
i.e. IRadioButtonListProps.ts which is inside of an Interfaces folder. The Interfaces folder has a sibling folder named Theme containing an interface named IRadioButtonListTheme.ts
Inside of IRadioButtonListProps I'm trying to stub out the entire interface. The snippet I currently have stubs out the interface like...
import * as React from 'react';
import IRadioButtonListPropsTheme from '../Theme/IRadioButtonListPropsTheme';
export interface IRadioButtonListPropsProps {
export default IRadioButtonListPropsProps;
The import line inside of the snippet is...
"import I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)\\..+$/$1/}Props from './Interfaces/I${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)\\..+$/$1/}Props';"
What I'm trying to have happen and can't seem to figure out is how to also remove the word "Props". So instead of import IRadioButtonListPropsTheme... I would get import import IRadioButtonListTheme....
At the same time, I want to remove all extensions, including those of the form * ("two" extensions) and *.abc (one simple extension).
Is this possible?

It isn't crystal clear what you what but try:
"import ${TM_FILENAME/((\\w*)Props)*?(\\..*)/$2/}Theme from './Interfaces/${TM_FILENAME/((\\w*)Props)*?(\\..*)/$2/}Theme';"
which results in:
import IRadioButtonListTheme from './Interfaces/IRadioButtonListTheme';
from IRadioButtonListProps.ts
import CheckboxListTheme from './Interfaces/CheckboxListTheme';
from CheckboxListProps.test.tsx
[Edit] Here is a simpler version which I think also works:
"import ${TM_FILENAME/(Props)*?(\\..*)//}Theme from './Interfaces/${TM_FILENAME/(Props)*?(\\..*)//}Theme';"
match any "Props", if any, replace with nothing.
match from first \. to end of filename, replace with nothing.


WebStorm: turn off auto deletion for unused imprts

I like the optimized imports a lot except for one behavior that I want to get rid of.
So if I make a bracket mistake in my JSX and use an imported library below this mistake it automatically removes this import on save. Then I fix the issue and now my imports are gone and I have to get them manually back (or copy my changes and command + z until they are back again and paste my new changes).
This is really annoying so I'm searching for the option to turn off deletion for unused imports in WebStorm.
Just found out that suppressing JavaScript and TypeScript | Imports and dependencies | Unused ES6 / TypeScript imports inspection for particular import or for the whole file with // noinspection ES6UnusedImports helps:
// noinspection ES6UnusedImports
import {Bar} from "bar";

Can ember-cli import json and other non-JS files?

Given that ember-cli uses ES6 modules syntax to import other JavaScript files, is it also possible to use this same syntax to import non-JavaScript files, such as JSON files or other text files?
Assume I have a JSON file named "foo.json" in my current directory. How could I import the contents of that file into a variable within my current JavaScript file? I've tried, without success, several variations of:
import foo from 'foo.json';
if (typeof foo === 'object') {
// Success
} else {
// import failed
Is it possible to import non-JavaScript files into the current file using the import statement or any other means?
No it's not. The ES6 modules syntax to import stuff also needs the requested object to be properly exported, which your json-files or text-files won't be. Also, since we don't really have ES6 in browsers yet, all those nifty statements are converted to commonjs-modules when building your project.
As I see it you have two options for this.
Putting the files in your public-folder and load them via ajax is the simple solution though not very elegant.
The cool option would be to add a preprocessor of your own that wraps your json-files in a proper export-statement as a build-step. That would be quite a lot of more work though and might require some deep diving into ember-cli and broccoli to attach it at the right time.
Yes, ember-cli can import JSON and non-JS files as long as you have the proper plugin.
This one allows the import of JSON files:
... and this one works for YAML:

Python Relative Path Import from subfolder

first post to SO, so if I'm missing some details, please forgive me.
Is there a way to use relative paths from another subfolder without resorting to modifying sys.path via os? Eventually this will be run from a cgi webserver so I'd rather stay away from any -m arguments to python.exe.
I'm using Python 2.7.3 and have a file/directory structure of the following :
In the root, I have a single .py file, called :
#file .\
from functions import *
hello("Hi from Main")
In the functions folder I have two files,, :
#The File: functions\ :
from myfunctions import *
#The File: functions\ :
def hello(sometext):
print sometext
And finally, in the subfolder, I have :
#The File: subfolder\ :
from ..functions import *
hello("Hi From mysubprogram")
The executes fine (when running python.exe from the parent folder), printing "Hi From Main", however, the (when executed from the subfolder) keeps putting the error: ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
I have tried varying combinations in such as from ..functions.myfunctions import * yet none yields the desired result.
I have read a few relevant articles :
How to import classes defined in
But just can't figure this out. Oh, and once I get this working, I would like to remove the import *'s wherever possible, however, I'd rather not have to put the full paths to the hello function each time it's called, so any advise there or on cleaning up the (using all or in another manner) would be a bonus.
Thanks Blckknght EDIT, I also found the below :
Relative imports for the billionth time
Which, if what I'm requesting isn't possible, perhaps I'm asking the wrong thing. If this is just outright bad practice, is the right way to accomplish my goal using sys.path or is there something else someone can recommend (like not calling functions from ../folders) ?
I think the issue has to do with how you are running the script. Python doesn't tend to do well with scripts in packages, since the main script module is always named __main__ rather than its usual name.
I think you can fix this by running mysub with python -m subfolder.mysub, or by manipulating the __package__ variable in (as described by PEP 366). It's not neat, unfortunately.

Scan a directory to load Python plugin from C++

I want to make a C++ application that can handle both C++ and Python plugin. For the C++ part i'm fine, but I have questions about Python plugins.
What I want to do, is to have a directory with all my python plugins, and the application will load all plugins located in this directory (like Sublime Text 2).
My problem is that I don't know how to "parse" a python script to get the name of every class that inherits from my plugin interface in order to create them.
Is there a way in boost.python to do that ? (I haven't found informations about it)
Does python have module variable I can use to do this ? (I'm not so
good with python)
Do I need to use a lexer like antlr ? ( seems heavy ...)
Do I need to have a "create" function like in C++ ? (Sublime Text
2 don't seems to need that)
Finally, do you know C++ application that handle Python plugin where I can check the code ?
Thanks ;)
This question is a bit loaded/unclear, but I'll give it a shot.
My problem is that I don't know how to "parse" a python script to get the name of every class that inherits from my plugin interface in order to create them.
This can be done somewhat easily with a python script; perhaps you can write one and call it from your C++ application. Here is a snippet of code that finds python scripts '*.py', imports them, and looks for classes that subclass a class called PluginInterface... not sure what you need to do after that, so I put a TODO there.
def find_plugins(directory):
for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk(directory): # recursively search 'directory'
for filename in filenames:
# Look for files that end in '.py'
if (filename.endswith(".py")):
# Assume the filename is a python module, and attempt to find and load it
### need to chop off the ".py" to get the module_name
module_name = filename[:-3]
# Attempt to find and load the module
module_info = imp.find_module(module_name, [dirname])
module = imp.load_module(module_name, *module_info)
# The module loaded successfully, now look through all
# the declarations for an item whose name that matches the module name
## First, define a predicate to filter for classes from the module
## that subclass PluginInterface
predicate = lambda obj: inspect.isclass(obj) and \
obj.__module__ == module_name and \
issubclass(obj, PluginInterface)
for _, declaration in inspect.getmembers(module, predicate):
# Each 'declaration' is a class defined in the module that inherits
# from 'PluginInterface'; you can instantiate an object of that class
# and return it, print the name of the class, etc.
# TODO: fill this in
# If anything goes wrong loading the module, skip it quietly
Perhaps this is enough to get you started, although it's not really complete, and you'll probably want to understand all the python libraries being used here so you can maintain this in the future.

Testing a python recipe

I want to run a python recipe I found, but I don't know how as it imports from another one!
For example, I would like to test the code here.
I have downloaded it and also downloaded this one as it uses it.
So how can I test the this code by passing the needed parameter as below?!
>>> G = {'s':{'u':10, 'x':5}, 'u':{'v':1, 'x':2}, 'v':{'y':4}, 'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2}, 'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}}
>>> Dijkstra.Dijkstra(G,'s','v')
I have added the two files in one of the python paths, and imported both but still get error
Could you please give me some advice on simple way to test this code?
You really should put the files in your current directory if you are just testing, instead of putting them in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/ as that path is reserved for the Python standard library.
It seems that the second recipe, the Priority Dictionary, needs to be put in a file called since the Dijkstra code imports from priodict. So, you should have the following files in your current directory:, Then you can just start Python and do import Dijkstra, and it should work.
Also, don't modify the Dijkstra code to remove the import as you apparently did...