unable to parse google geocoding API - geocoding

In google geocoding API, how can I split the street name like "Plymouth Rd" as "Plymouth" and "Rd". The default JSON format is not splitting the name and type.
"long_name" : "Plymouth Road",
"short_name" : "Plymouth Rd",

In PHP there's the explode() function.
array explode(separator, OriginalString, NoOfElements)
$str = "Plymouth Rd";
array explode(" ", $str);
That should get you an array with both.


JMeter json path extractor and Regular expression combination

I want to extract sys_id for the employee_number does not starting with "C"
"items": [{
"sys_updated_on": "2021-01-15 15:04:04",
"sys_id": "60eaa1dc47870d9132f624846d434a",
"employee_number": "C89"
}, {
"sys_updated_on": "2017-12-08 09:26:49",
"sys_id": "c57058e8db8689ca52c4be13961974",
"employee_number": "983"
}, {
"sys_updated_on": "2016-04-08 13:25:00",
"sys_id": "fd413e848716119096ca2d0ebb358e",
"employee_number": "565"
I tried multiple JSON Extractor expressions but no luck
Need both Xpath and Regular expression combination as the JSON contains many other fields and provided JSON is a small part of that.
I also want to know how to combine the regular expression and JSON
If you want to match only numbers in the employee_number - try out the following:
$.items[?(#.employee_number =~ /\d+/)].sys_id
More information:
JsonPath Operators
How to Use the JSON Extractor For Testing
with regards to what you "also want to know" - one post - one question, however I'll give you some hint:

How to extract the dynamically generated access token from the text file in perl?

I am Beginner to perl programming and I want know solution for this problem. I have this below information in the text file called token.txt. I want to extract only dynamically generated access_token value and store that value to mysql database.As mentioned access_token will be auto generated everytime so how I need to store this access_token value everytime. Anyone help me with the perl code. Thanks in advance
"access_token" : "JgV8Ln1lRGE8JTz4olEQW0rJJHUYsq2LO8Ny9o6m",
"token_type" : "abcdef",
"expires_in" : 123456
This is JSON formatted text, so I would suggest reading the file into a string and decoding it, e.g.:
use File::Slurp;
use v5.10;
use JSON;
$token = decode_json ( read_file('token.txt') );
say $token->{'access_token'};
Test it like this:
perl parse.pl
token will be in $tok,
perl -ne 's/"access_token"\s:\s"([^"]+)"/$tok=$1;print $1/e' token.txt

Twitch TMI, extract all users

I'm trying to extract all the user names from the source (https://tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/twitchpresents/chatters), but so far I'm only able to get like the first "name".
Goal is to get all the names into an array, and then just remove the "viewers", "admins", "staff", etc. names.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #listusers = userlist();
sub userlist {
my $url = "https://tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/twitchpresents/chatters";
my $array = get($url);
my #array2;
my $time = 0;
while ($time != 2){
my $mylist = (join "",grep(/"\s*(.*?)\s*"/, $array[$time])) =~ /"\s*(.*?)\s*"/;
print $1;
return #array2;
print #listusers;
I assume that you get the page with get from LWP::Simple. Please always show relevant includes.
Since this is valid JSON, use a module for that
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Data::Dump qw(dd);
use LWP::Simple;
use JSON;
my $data_json = get($url);
my $data = JSON->new->decode($data_json);
#dd $data;
my #names = #{ $data->{chatters}{moderators} }; # get "moderators"
say "#names";
# my #all_names = map { #$_ } values %{$data->{chatters}}; # or get all names
This prints the line: cliccer cuda hnlbot nixi93 scorpy0 somppe
I print "names" of moderators as an example of getting one category out; the commented out line gets all names in one array. Once you have a hashref there are various ways to extract what you need.
Your code seems to be trying to parse that JSON string. It is very easy with a module.
One can view complex data structures with Data::Dumper or such. I use Data::Dump.
Here JSON is used, which delegates to JSON::XS if installed or to the "pure Perl" (and slower) JSON::PP otherwise. Another option is Cpanel::JSON::XS.
For convenience, the structure printed by dd $data is
_links => {},
chatter_count => 15,
chatters => {
admins => [],
global_mods => [],
moderators => [
staff => [],
viewers => [
I recommend that you use
for this, as it contains a JSON decoder as well as an HTTP user agent and makes the code much more concise
I assume you want the names of all the different categories of chatters so that's what the map statement does: simply flattening all of the categories—admins, global_mods, moderators, staff, and viewers—into a single list
If anything goes wrong with the HTTP transfer then the subroutine will simply return an empty list, so you may want to add some proper error handling
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my #list_users = chatters();
say for #list_users;
sub chatters {
my $url = 'https://tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/twitchpresents/chatters';
return unless my $data = Mojo::UserAgent->new->get($url)->res->json;
map { #$_ } values %{ $data->{chatters} };

Jmter complicated regular expression solution? [duplicate]

I have following JSON format in response body
"Name" : "Prashant",
"City" : "Sydney"
"Name" : "Yogi",
"City" : "London"
What is the better way for checking if this array has any records and if yes give me "Name" for first array index. I am using jp#gc JSON extractor plugin for jMeter.
Is it possible to parse this using a plugin or do I need to do it using regular expressions?
Using Ubik Load Pack JSON plugin for JMeter which is part of JMeter since version 3.0 (donated plugin) and called JSON Extractor, you can do it:
Test Plan overview:
ULP_JSON PostProcessor:
If Controller:
And here is the run result:
So as you can see it is possible with plain JMeter
If you're looking to learn JMeter, this book by 3 developers of the project will help you.
I am not sure about your plugin but if it supports JSON path expressions it should be possible.
Try with this expression: $.[0].Name.
This is the plugin I use: http://jmeter-plugins.org/wiki/JSONPathExtractor/ and given expression works with it.
You can find more about JSON Path expressions here: http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/index.html#e2.
Working with JSON in JMeter is not quite easy as JMeter was designed long ago before JSON was invented.
There are some extensions however that make life easier:
We can add a regular expression extractor for fetching the value from the response.
Like This:
If possible, always use Regular Expression Extractor. Try to avoid JSON / XPATH / Other extractors. They might look easy to use. But they consume more memory and time. It will affect the performance of your test plan.
source: http://www.testautomationguru.com/jmeter-response-data-extractors-comparison/
Rest Get service sample:
"ObjectIdentifiers": {
"internal": 1,
"External1": "221212-12121",
"External3": "",
"Name": "koh"
"PartyType": "naturalPerson",
"NaturalPerson": {
"idNo": "221212-12121",
"Title": "Mr",
"Name": "koh",
"FirstName": "",
We had a similar requirement in our project for parsing json responses using jmeter. The requirement was to validate all the fields in the json response and the expected values of field would be provided from external data source.
I found the JSR223 PostProcessor quite usefule in this case as we are able to implement Groovy scripts with this. it comes as a default plugin with the recent Jmeter version
Below is the code snippet:
//get the JSON response from prev sampler
String getResponse = prev.getResponseDataAsString();
//parse the response and convert to string
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(JSONParser.MODE_JSON_SIMPLE);
String parResponse = parser.parse(getResponse);
String preResponse = parResponse.toString();
JsonObject NaturalPerson = JsonObject.readFrom(preResponse);
//replace all commas with a semi-colon
String csvResponse = preResponse.replaceAll(",", ";");
//log response to file
logFileName = "C:/apache-jmeter-5.1.1/Web_Service_Output.csv";
BufferedWriter outLog = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(logFileName, true));
outLog.write(csvResponse + "\n");

text formattation of "description" array variable in graph protocol

On the website I am developing, I'm using a function that get information about events taken from a group on facebook.
I noticed that using the graph protocol, the text contained in the "description" of the created array , there are strange characters like "\ u00b" or "\ n" for new lines.
How can I do to display the content formatted correctly?
thanks in advance
It is called unicode_decode ( http://webarto.com/83/php-unicode_decode-5.3 ), it will come out in PHP6 until then...
function unicode_decode($string) {
$string = preg_replace_callback('#\\\\u([0-9a-f]{4})#ism',
create_function('$matches', 'return mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", $matches[1]), "UTF-8", "UCS-2BE");'),
return $string;
Raska Top\u010dagi\u0107
Raska Topčagić
If you are not using PHP, sorry...
Better solution:
echo json_decode('Raska Top\u010dagi\u0107'); # Raska Topčagić