Direct IP Attacks, ElastickBeanstalk/NGINX - amazon-web-services

I have a bit problem with my site.
So setup is ElasticBeanstalk(NGINX) + Cloudflare
But each day around 4AM I have direct IP attack to my server.
Around 300 requests in 1-2 minutes.
Bot try to access some resources like
GET /phpMyadmi/index.php HTTP/1.1
GET /shaAdmin/index.php HTTP/1.1
POST /htfr.php HTTP/1.1
For now all of them going to 80 or 8080 ports.
And successfully handled by Nginx configuration that redirect it to example:443
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen 8080 default_server;
server_name _;
return 301$request_uri;
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl on;
So questions are,
have many site owners/devOps face the same attack. What is your action to prevent such attacks.
For now it is handled very well and did not affect on server work, should I worry about it? Or just filter out logs with /phpmy/ pattern and forgot about it.
Before this attacks I have request with method PROPFIND, should I blocked it for security reasons? It is handled by default server for now.
I know that I can use Cloudflare Argotunel or ELB + WAF. But I am not really want to do it for now.
I have found one solution on stackoverflow. Is whitelist of all cloudflare ips. But i think it is not a good one.
Also another solution that should work I guess it is to check Host header, and compare it with ''.

To answer your specific questions:
Every public IP receives unwanted traffic like you describe, sadly its pretty normal. This isnt really an attack as such, its just a bot looking for signs of specific weaknesses, or otherwise trying to provoke a response that contains useful data. This data is no doubt later used in actual attacks, but its basically automated recognisance on a potentially massive scale.
This kind of script likely isnt trying to do any damage, so as long your server is well configured & fully patched its not a big concern. However these kinds of scans are first step towards launching an attack - by identifying services & application versions with known vulnerabilities - so its wise to keep your logs for analysis.
You should follow the principle of least privilege. PROPFIND is related to WebDAV - if you dont use it, disable it (or better white list the verbs you do support and ignore the rest).
If your site is already behind CloudFlare then you really should firewall access to your IP so only Cloudflares IPs can talk to your server. Those IPs do change, so I would suggest a script to download the latest from and have it periodically update your firewall. Theres a slightly vuage help article from CloudFlare on the subject here:
If for whatever reason you cant firewall the IP, your next best option is something like fail2ban ( - its a log parser that can manipulate the firewall to temporarily or permanently block an IP address based on patterns found in your log files.
A final thought - id advise against redirecting from your IP to your domain name - your telling the bot/hackers your URL - which they can then use to bypass the CDN and attack your server directly. Unless you have some reason to allow HTTP/HTTPS traffic to your IP address, return a 4XX (maybe 444 a " Connection Closed Without Response") instead of redirecting when requests hit your IP. You should then create a separate server block to handle your redirects, but only have it respond to genuine named URLs.


Am I handling users' passwords safely(Django + Gunicorn HTTP vs HTTPS)?

I have a django website running the django-auth package to let users register and sign in. I haven't changed anything about how django-auth implements register and sign in, so there should be no issues there.
I'm running my server through gunicorn, and after setting up SSL and changing port to 443, I noticed that when you type there's no response because the server isn't running on http anymore, only https.
I searched around for solutions and it said I had to set up nginx or a reverse proxy of some sort, I've decided to skip that step and maybe set it up later. What I did was run two instances of gunicorn, one on port 80 and one on port 443. Then I ran some code to redirect the http traffic to https traffic:
if request.scheme is 'http' and settings.DEBUG is False:
return HttpResponseRedirect('')
I know this is probably a bad idea, and I should really switch to nginx soon, I'm not concerned with any performance losses yet or any security losses since I don't carry any sensitive data EXCEPT for the users' passwords.
All I want to know is, does just having an http version of the website up pose a security risk to passwords, or is it fine? Could bad actors use the fact that parts of my website are not https to find out my users' passwords?

Prevent Suspicios actions in django

I have following suspicious logs in my django output logs. Somebody is doing vulnerability check or what?
Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ''. You may need to add '' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.
[03/Dec/2017 20:09:28] "GET HTTP/1.0" 400 62446
How can I prevent it? Tried to block IP, but didn't help. Request is coming from different IP address probably
Check your server - you will very likely find that is your own server's IP address! This error indicates that someone is able to get to your server but that your Django application is not set to respond to the requests based on IP address. If it is working otherwise then you actually have ALLOWED_HOSTS set correctly based on domain name. Do NOT add the IP address to your ALLOWED_HOSTS unless you actually want to access it by IP address, which is usually not necessary in a production system.
So the IP address access is an indication of someone trying to get it that shouldn't be allowed. The port 58204 is also a clue. Regular ports for most web servers are 80 & 443. Occasionally, in order to have alternate ports for different applications, you will see 8000 or 8080 or other numbers. 58204 is not a typical web site port number. The third clue is that the requested file is ip_js.php which indicates a request for a PHP-based web site and not Django/Python.
Bottom line: See if you can configure your firewall to allow ONLY the necessary open ports from the outside world in to your server. Typically this will include:
80 - http
443 - https
22 - ssh
and possibly others depending on how your server is configured and what applications it runs. For example, if you host MySQL or another database on the same box then you will need to open additional ports if-and-only-if you require remote access to the database outside of the application.

Create AWS Application Load Balancer Rule which trim off request's prefix without using additional reverse proxy like nginx, httpd

Basically, I have a couple of services. I want to forward every requests with prefix "/secured" to server1 port 80 and all other requests to server 2 port 80. The problem is that on server1, I am running service which accept the request without "/secured" prefix. In other words, I want to forward every requests such as "" to server1 as "" (remove /secured from request' path).
With AWS ALB, currently the request is sent as; which forces me to update my server1's code so that the code handles requests with /secured prefix which doesn't look good.
Is there any easy way to solve this with ALB?
I can confirm that this is unfortunately not possible with the ALB alone - and I agree it really should be.
AWS states:
Note that the path pattern is used to route requests but does not
alter them. For example, if a rule has a path pattern of /img/*, the
rule would forward a request for /img/picture.jpg to the specified
target group as a request for /img/picture.jpg.
I had the same issue, and as Mark pointed out, you can use reverse proxy on your server and do something like this (this is Nginx configuration):
server {
listen 80 default_server;
location /secured/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:{service_port}/;
This will strip the /secured part and proxy everything else to your service. Just be sure to have the trailing / after the service port.

AWS VPC instance doesn't resolve public DNS name

The problem:
My url is getting resolved into an ugly AWS public DNS name such as It doesn't stick to
Here's what I did:
I have set up my Route 53 configuration according to, so I created an A record pointing to the IP address and a CNAME alias record to allow for The domain is sitting with godaddy and the name servers are configured to the AWS delegation set.
The instance itself sits in the default VPC. I double-checked and DNS resolution and DNS host names are both active.
I'm a bit stuck here with this. Any help would be highly appreciated!
What you are seeing isn't actually related to name resolution.
It's impossible for DNS to change what appears in the address bar of the web browser -- DNS and web browsers simply do not interact in a way that makes such behavior possible. Your URL is not "getting resolved to" this new value via anything DNS-related, since DNS, configured correctly or incorrectly, can't impact what shows up there, on its own.
The fact that navigating to the IP address has the same impact backs up this assertion.
What you are seeing is not related in any way to DNS or Route 53 or even EC2 or VPC. Your web server is, for whatever reason, configured to redirect incoming requests with any other hostname... over to the hostname you are subsequently seeing in the address bar (which is the one you don't like).
You should notice this in your web server's log. It will be issuing a 301 or 302 redirect on the initial request.
You should also be able to verify this yourself with the curl command line utility. Here, a server accessed as "" is redirecting the browser to use its preferred address, "" (Hostnames and addresses are sanitized, but the output is otherwise unmodified.)
$ curl -v
* Rebuilt URL to:
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
The next block of output is the request sent to the web server.
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
The http response from the web server includes a redirect.
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Content-length: 0
< Location:
< Connection: close
* Closing connection 0
If we were using a browser instead of a command line tool, this would cause the address bar to change to the new value, and establish a new connection to the web server (which might actually be the same one, or a different one... in this case, it's the same).
In spite of the fact that I had typed into my browser, it would now show only The same thing would happen if I typed in the IP address if my server was configured to redirect everything to one hostname, as yours appears to be. In my case, it's deliberately configured to do something else.
The above should illustrate that you do not actually have a DNS issue, and explain the mechanism that's causing this to occur (because you may find this to be something useful to do deliberately in the future, as my web servers do -- any www.* request gets stripped and rewritten without the www).
The issue is with your web server, telling the browser to use a different hostname. How to fix that will depend on what web server you are running and why it thinks the redirect is necessary.

Browser DNS behaviour - multiple IP addresses for single domain

I have the following problem and I am struggling to find if a solution exists for it, or what the best practice is here.
I have a site, and multiple servers with different IP addresses around the world. I am seeing the following behaviour in my browser (Chrome) - for simplicity lets say I only have 2 IP addresses for now.
I connect to and data is served from IP address A.B.C.D (server 1). After 40 seconds or, any subsequent request (GET/POST) to then resolves to W.X.Y.Z (server 2). My issue is that I have a cookie based web session on server 1, and server 2 knows nothing about that session. There is no kind of back-end replication I can do to sync state between both servers.
Is there any way I can force the browser to only connect to a single server once a server has served the first page? I am using RR DNS with multiple A records at the moment. Would switching to CNAME solve this problem?
One solution I was thinking of was having each server reply with a configured domain in the http headers (e.g. server1 would reply with X-HEADER:, server2 would reply with X-HEADER: and then force the browser to make requests to these. I would then have a single IP address for, and another for Does this break same-origin policy though? If I am on can I send GET/POST/PUT etc. to
I'd really appreciate any advice on this - I'm so confused!