C/C++ bit array resolution transform algorithms - c++

Anyone aware of any algorithms to up/down convert bit arrays?
ie: when the resolution is 1/16:
every 1 bit = 16 bits. (low resolution to high resolution)
1010 -> 1111111111111111000000000000000011111111111111110000000000000000
and reverse, 16 bits = 1 bit (high resolution to low resolution)
1111111111111111000000000000000011111111111111110000000000000000 -> 1010
Right now I am looping bit by bit which is not efficient. Using a whole 64-bit word would be better but run into issues when the word isn't divisible by resolution equally (some bits may spill over to the next word).
std::vector<uint64_t> bitset;
uint64_t *bitset = calloc(total_bits >> 6, sizeof(uint64_t)); // free() when done
which is accessed using:
const uint64_t idx = bit >> 6;
const uint64_t pos = bit % 64;
const bool value = (bitset[idx] >> pos) & 1U;
and set/clear:
bitset[idx] |= (1UL << pos);
bitset[idx] &= ~(1UL << pos);
and the OR (or AND/XOR/AND/NOT) of two bitsets of same resolution are done using the full 64-bit word:
bitset[idx] |= source.bitset[idx];
I am dealing with large enough bitsets (2+ billion bits) that I'm looking for any efficiency in the loops. One way I found to optimize the loop is to check each word using __builtin_popcountll, and skip ahead in the loop:
for (uint64_t bit = 0; bit < total_bits; bit++)
const uint64_t idx = bit >> 6;
const uint64_t pos = bit % 64;
const uint64_t bits = __builtin_popcountll(bitset[idx]);
if (!bits)
i += 63;
// process
I'm looking for algorithms/techniques more than code examples. But if you have code to share, I won't say no. Any academic research papers would be appreciated too.
Thanks in advance!

Does the resolution always between 1/2 and 1/64? Or even 1/32? Because if you need very long sequence, you might need more loop nesting which might cause some slow down.
Are you sequence always very long (millions of bits) or this is a maximum but usually your sequences are shorter? When doing high to low resolution, can you assume that data is valid or not.
Here are some tricks:
uint64_t one = 1;
uint64_t n_one_bits = (one << n) - 1u; // valid for 0 to 63; not sure for 64
If your sequence are so long, you might want to check if n is some power of 2 and have more optimized code for those cases.
You might find some other useful tricks here:
So if your resolution is 1/16, you don't need to loop individual 16 bits but you can check all 16 bits at once. Then you can repeat for next group again and again.
If the number is not an a divider of 64, you can shift bits as appropriate each time you would cross the 64 bits boundary. Say, that your resolution is 1/5, then you could process 60 bits, then shift 4 remaining bit and combine with following 60 bits.
If you can assume that data is valid, then you don't even need to shift the original number as you can pick the value of the appropriate bit each time.


Set all meaningful unset bits of a number

Given an integer n(1≤n≤1018). I need to make all the unset bits in this number as set (i.e. only the bits meaningful for the number, not the padding bits required to fit in an unsigned long long).
My approach: Let the most significant bit be at the position p, then n with all set bits will be 2p+1-1.
My all test cases matched except the one shown below.
My output
Expected output
using namespace std;
typedef long long int ll;
int main() {
ll n;
cin >> n;
ll x = log2(n) + 1;
cout << (1ULL << x) - 1;
return 0;
The precision of typical double is only about 15 decimal digits.
The value of log2(288230376151711743) is 57.999999999999999994994646087789191106964114967902921472132432244... (calculated using Wolfram Alpha)
Threfore, this value is rounded to 58 and this result in putting a bit 1 to higher digit than expected.
As a general advice, you should avoid using floating-point values as much as possible when dealing with integer values.
You can solve this with shift and or.
uint64_t n = 36757654654;
int i = 1;
while (n & (n + 1) != 0) {
n |= n >> i;
i *= 2;
Any set bit will be duplicated to the next lower bit, then pairs of bits will be duplicated 2 bits lower, then quads, bytes, shorts, int until all meaningful bits are set and (n + 1) becomes the next power of 2.
Just hardcoding the maximum of 6 shifts and ors might be faster than the loop.
If you need to do integer arithmetics and count bits, you'd better count them properly, and avoid introducing floating point uncertainty:
unsigned x=0;
for (;n;x++)
The good news is that for n<=1E18, x will never reach the number of bits in an unsigned long long. So the rest of you code is not at risk of being UB and you could stick to your minus 1 approach, (although it might in theory not be portable for C++ before C++20) ;-)
Btw, here are more ways to efficiently find the most significant bit, and the simple log2() is not among them.

Use bit manipulation to convert a bit from each byte in an 8-byte number to a single byte

I have a 64-bit unsigned integer. I want to check the 6th bit of each byte and return a single byte representing those 6th bits.
The obvious, "brute force" solution is:
inline const unsigned char Get6thBits(unsigned long long num) {
unsigned char byte(0);
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
byte <<= 1;
byte |= bool((0x20 << 8 * i) & num);
return byte;
I could unroll the loop into a bunch of concatenated | statements to avoid the int allocation, but that's still pretty ugly.
Is there a faster, more clever way to do it? Maybe use a bitmask to get the 6th bits, 0x2020202020202020 and then somehow convert that to a byte?
If _pext_u64 is a possibility (this will work on Haswell and newer, it's very slow on Ryzen though), you could write this:
int extracted = _pext_u64(num, 0x2020202020202020);
This is a really literal way to implement it. pext takes a value (first argument) and a mask (second argument), at every position that the mask has a set bit it takes the corresponding bit from the value, and all bits are concatenated.
_mm_movemask_epi8 is more widely usable, you could use it like this:
__m128i n = _mm_set_epi64x(0, num);
int extracted = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_slli_epi64(n, 2));
pmovmskb takes the high bit of every byte in its input vector and concatenates them. The bits we want are not the high bit of every byte, so I move them up two positions with psllq (of course you could shift num directly). The _mm_set_epi64x is just some way to get num into a vector.
Don't forget to #include <intrin.h>, and none of this was tested.
Codegen seems reasonable enough
A weirder option is gathering the bits with a multiplication: (only slightly tested)
int extracted = (num & 0x2020202020202020) * 0x08102040810204 >> 56;
The idea here is that num & 0x2020202020202020 only has very few bits set, so we can arrange a product that never carries into bits that we need (or indeed at all). The multiplier is constructed to do this:
a0000000b0000000c0000000d0000000e0000000f0000000g0000000h0000000 +
0b0000000c0000000d0000000e0000000f0000000g0000000h00000000000000 +
00c0000000d0000000e0000000f0000000g0000000h000000000000000000000 etc..
Then the top byte will have all the bits "compacted" together. The lower bytes actually have something like that too, but they're missing bits that would have to come from "higher" (bits can only move to the left in a multiplication).

What's the fastest way to pack 32 0/1 values into the bits of a single 32-bit variable?

I'm working on an x86 or x86_64 machine. I have an array unsigned int a[32] all of whose elements have value either 0 or 1. I want to set the single variable unsigned int b so that (b >> i) & 1 == a[i] will hold for all 32 elements of a. I'm working with GCC on Linux (shouldn't matter much I guess).
What's the fastest way to do this in C?
The fastest way on recent x86 processors is probably to make use of the MOVMSKB family of instructions which extract the MSBs of a SIMD word and pack them into a normal integer register.
I fear SIMD intrinsics are not really my thing but something along these lines ought to work if you've got an AVX2 equipped processor:
uint32_t bitpack(const bool array[32]) {
__mm256i tmp = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __mm256i *) array);
tmp = _mm256_cmpgt_epi8(tmp, _mm256_setzero_si256());
return _mm256_movemask_epi8(tmp);
Assuming sizeof(bool) = 1. For older SSE2 systems you will have to string together a pair of 128-bit operations instead. Aligning the array on a 32-byte boundary and should save another cycle or so.
If sizeof(bool) == 1 then you can pack 8 bools at a time into 8 bits (more with 128-bit multiplications) using the technique discussed here in a computer with fast multiplication like this
inline int pack8b(bool* a)
uint64_t t = *((uint64_t*)a);
return (0x8040201008040201*t >> 56) & 0xFF;
int pack32b(bool* a)
return (pack8b(a + 0) << 24) | (pack8b(a + 8) << 16) |
(pack8b(a + 16) << 8) | (pack8b(a + 24) << 0);
Suppose the bools a[0] to a[7] have their least significant bits named a-h respectively. Treating those 8 consecutive bools as one 64-bit word and load them we'll get the bits in reversed order in a little-endian machine. Now we'll do a multiplication (here dots are zero bits)
| a7 || a6 || a4 || a4 || a3 || a2 || a1 || a0 |
× 1000000001000000001000000001000000001000000001000000001000000001
+ ↑...e....↑..d.....↑.c......↑b.......a
= abcdefghxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The arrows are added so it's easier to see the position of the set bits in the magic number. At this point 8 least significant bits has been put in the top byte, we'll just need to mask the remaining bits out
So by using the magic number 0b1000000001000000001000000001000000001000000001000000001000000001 or 0x8040201008040201 we have the above code
Of course you need to make sure that the bool array is correctly 8-byte aligned. You can also unroll the code and optimize it, like shift only once instead of shifting left 56 bits
Sorry I overlooked the question and saw doynax's bool array as well as misread "32 0/1 values" and thought they're 32 bools. Of course the same technique can also be used to pack multiple uint32_t or uint16_t values (or other distribution of bits) at the same time but it's a lot less efficient than packing bytes
On newer x86 CPUs with BMI2 the PEXT instruction can be used. The pack8b function above can be replaced with
_pext_u64(*((uint64_t*)a), 0x0101010101010101ULL);
And to pack 2 uint32_t as the question requires use
_pext_u64(*((uint64_t*)a), (1ULL << 32) | 1ULL);
Other answers contain an obvious loop implementation.
Here's a first variant:
unsigned int result=0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
result = (result<<1) + a[i];
On modern x86 CPUs, I think shifts of any distance in a register is constant, and this solution won't be better. Your CPU might not be so nice; this code minimizes the cost of long-distance shifts; it does 32 1-bit shifts which every CPU can do (you can always add result to itself to get the same effect). The obvious loop implementation shown by others does about 900 (sum on 32) 1-bit shifts, by virtue of shifting a distance equal to the loop index. (See #Jongware's measurements of differences in comments; apparantly long shifts on x86 are not unit time).
Let us try something more radical.
Assume you can pack m booleans into an int somehow (trivially you can do this for m==1), and that you have two instance variables i1 and i2 containing such m packed bits.
Then the following code packs m*2 booleans into an int:
Using this we can pack 2^n bits as follows:
unsigned int a2[16],a4[8],a8[4],a16[2], a32[1]; // each "aN" will hold N bits of the answer
a2[0]=(a1[0]<<1)+a2[1]; // the original bits are a1[k]; can be scalar variables or ints
a2[1]=(a1[2]<<1)+a1[3]; // yes, you can use "|" instead of "+"
Assuming our friendly compiler resolves an[k] into a (scalar) direct memory access (if not, you can simply replace the variable an[k] with an_k), the above code does (abstractly) 63 fetches, 31 writes, 31 shifts and 31 adds. (There's an obvious extension to 64 bits).
On modern x86 CPUs, I think shifts of any distance in a register is constant. If not, this code minimizes the cost of long-distance shifts; it in effect does 64 1-bit shifts.
On an x64 machine, other than the fetches of the original booleans a1[k], I'd expect all the rest of the scalars to be schedulable by the compiler to fit in the registers, thus 32 memory fetches, 31 shifts and 31 adds. Its pretty hard to avoid the fetches (if the original booleans are scattered around) and the shifts/adds match the obvious simple loop. But there is no loop, so we avoid 32 increment/compare/index operations.
If the starting booleans are really in array, with each bit occupying the bottom bit of and otherwise zeroed byte:
bool a1[32];
then we can abuse our knowledge of memory layout to fetch several at a time:
a4[0]=((unsigned int)a1)[0]; // picks up 4 bools in one fetch
a4[1]=((unsigned int)a1)[1];
a4[7]=((unsigned int)a1)[7];
Here our cost is 8 fetches of (sets of 4) booleans, 7 shifts and 7 adds. Again, no loop overhead. (Again there is an obvious generalization to 64 bits).
To get faster than this, you probably have to drop into assembler and use some of the many wonderful and wierd instrucions available there (the vector registers probably have scatter/gather ops that might work nicely).
As always, these solutions needed to performance tested.
I would probably go for this:
unsigned a[32] =
1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 ,0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0
, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
int main()
unsigned b = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(a) / sizeof(*a); ++i)
b |= a[i] << i;
printf("b: %u\n", b);
Compiler optimization may well unroll that but just in case you can always try:
int main()
unsigned b = 0;
b |= a[0];
b |= a[1] << 1;
b |= a[2] << 2;
b |= a[3] << 3;
// ... etc
b |= a[31] << 31;
printf("b: %u\n", b);
To determine what the fastest way is, time all of the various suggestions. Here is one that well may end up as "the" fastest (using standard C, no processor dependent SSE or the likes):
unsigned int bits[32][2] = {
unsigned int b = 0;
for (i=0; i< 32; i++)
b |= bits[i][a[i]];
The first value in the array is to be the leftmost bit: the highest possible value.
Testing proof-of-concept with some rough timings show this is indeed not magnitudes better than the straightforward loop with b |= (a[i]<<(31-i)):
Ira 3618 ticks
naive, unrolled 5620 ticks
Ira, 1-shifted 10044 ticks
Galik 10265 ticks
Jongware, using adds 12536 ticks
Jongware 12682 ticks
naive 13373 ticks
(Relative timings, with the same compiler options.)
(The 'adds' routine is mine with indexing replaced with a pointer-to and an explicit add for both indexed arrays. It is 10% slower, meaning my compiler is efficiently optimizing indexed access. Good to know.)
unsigned b=0;
for(int i=31; i>=0; --i){
Your problem is a good opportunity to use -->, also called the downto operator:
unsigned int a[32];
unsigned int b = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 32; i --> 0;) {
b += b + a[i];
The advantage of using --> is it works with both signed and unsigned loop index types.
This approach is portable and readable, it might not produce the fastest code, but clang does unroll the loop and produce decent performance, see https://godbolt.org/g/6xgwLJ

How to set the highest-valued 1 bit to 0 , prefferably in c++ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What's the best way to toggle the MSB?
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
If, for example, I have the number 20:
0001 0100
I want to set the highest valued 1 bit, the left-most, to 0.
0001 0100
will become
0000 0100
I was wondering which is the most efficient way to achieve this.
Preferrably in c++.
I tried substracting from the original number the largest power of two like this,
unsigned long long int originalNumber;
unsigned long long int x=originalNumber;
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
x >>= 1;
originalNumber ^= x;
,but i need something more efficient.
The tricky part is finding the most significant bit, or counting the number of leading zeroes. Everything else is can be done more or less trivially with left shifting 1 (by one less), subtracting 1 followed by negation (building an inverse mask) and the & operator.
The well-known bit hacks site has several implementations for the problem of finding the most significant bit, but it is also worth looking into compiler intrinsics, as all mainstream compilers have an intrinsic for this purpose, which they implement as efficiently as the target architecture will allow (I tested this a few years ago using GCC on x86, came out as single instruction). Which is fastest is impossible to tell without profiling on your target architecture (fewer lines of code, or fewer assembly instructions are not always faster!), but it is a fair assumption that compilers implement these intrinsics not much worse than you'll be able to implement them, and likely faster.
Using an intrinsic with a somewhat intellegible name may also turn out easier to comprehend than some bit hack when you look at it 5 years from now.
Unluckily, although a not entirely uncommon thing, this is not a standardized function which you'd expect to find in the C or C++ libraries, at least there is no standard function that I'm aware of.
For GCC, you're looking for __builtin_clz, VisualStudio calls it _BitScanReverse, and Intel's compiler calls it _bit_scan_reverse.
Alternatively to counting leading zeroes, you may look into what the same Bit Twiddling site has under "Round up to the next power of two", which you would only need to follow up with a right shift by 1, and a NAND operation. Note that the 5-step implementation given on the site is for 32-bit integers, you would have to double the number of steps for 64-bit wide values.
#include <limits.h>
uint32_t unsetHighestBit(uint32_t val) {
for(uint32_t i = sizeof(uint32_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(val & (1 << i)) {
val &= ~(1 << i);
return val;
Here we take the size of the type uint32_t, which is 4 bytes. Each byte has 8 bits, so we iterate 32 times starting with i having values 31 to 0.
In each iteration we shift the value 1 by i to the left and then bitwise-and (&) it with our value. If this returns a value != 0, the bit at i is set. Once we find a bit that is set, we bitwise-and (&) our initial value with the bitwise negation (~) of the bit that is set.
For example if we have the number 44, its binary representation would be 0010 1100. The first set bit that we find is bit 5, resulting in the mask 0010 0000. The bitwise negation of this mask is 1101 1111. Now when bitwise and-ing & the initial value with this mask, we get the value 0000 1100.
In C++ with templates
This is an example of how this can be solved in C++ using a template:
#include <limits>
template<typename T> T unsetHighestBit(T val) {
for(uint32_t i = sizeof(T) * numeric_limits<char>::digits - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(val & (1 << i)) {
val &= ~(1 << i);
return val;
If you're constrained to 8 bits (as in your example), then just precalculate all possible values in an array (byte[256]) using any algorithm, or just type it in by hand.
Then you just look up the desired value:
x = lookup[originalNumber]
Can't be much faster than that. :-)
UPDATE: so I read the question wrong.
But if using 64 bit values, then break it apart into 8 bytes, maybe by casting it to a byte[8] or overlaying it in a union or something more clever. After that, find the first byte which are not zero and do as in my answer above with that particular byte. Not as efficient I'm afraid, but still it is at most 8 tests (and in average 4.5) + one lookup.
Of course, creating a byte[65536} lookup will double the speed.
The following code will turn off the right most bit:
bool found = false;
int bit, bitCounter = 31;
while (!found) {
bit = x & (1 << bitCounter);
if (bit != 0) {
x &= ~(1 << bitCounter);
found = true;
else if (bitCounter == 0)
found = true;
I know method to set more right non zero bit to 0.
a & (a - 1)
It is from Book: Warren H.S., Jr. - Hacker's Delight.
You can reverse your bits, set more right to zero and reverse back. But I do now know efficient way to invert bits in your case.

Find "edges" in 32 bits word bitpattern

Im trying to find the most efficient algorithm to count "edges" in a bit-pattern. An edge meaning a change from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. I am sampling each bit every 250 us and shifting it into a 32 bit unsigned variable.
This is my algorithm so far
void CountEdges(void)
uint_least32_t feedback_samples_copy = feedback_samples;
signal_edges = 0;
while (feedback_samples_copy > 0)
uint_least8_t flank_information = (feedback_samples_copy & 0x03);
if (flank_information == 0x01 || flank_information == 0x02)
feedback_samples_copy >>= 1;
It needs to be at least 2 or 3 times as fast.
You should be able to bitwise XOR them together to get a bit pattern representing the flipped bits. Then use one of the bit counting tricks on this page: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html to count how many 1's there are in the result.
One thing that may help is to precompute the edge count for all possible 8-bit value (a 512 entry lookup table, since you have to include the bit the precedes each value) and then sum up the count 1 byte at a time.
// prevBit is the last bit of the previous 32-bit word
// edgeLut is a 512 entry precomputed edge count table
// Some of the shifts and & are extraneous, but there for clarity
edgeCount =
edgeLut[(prevBit << 8) | (feedback_samples >> 24) & 0xFF] +
edgeLut[(feedback_samples >> 16) & 0x1FF] +
edgeLut[(feedback_samples >> 8) & 0x1FF] +
edgeLut[(feedback_samples >> 0) & 0x1FF];
prevBit = feedback_samples & 0x1;
My suggestion:
copy your input value to a temp variable, left shifted by one
copy the LSB of your input to yout temp variable
XOR the two values. Every bit set in the result value represents one edge.
use this algorithm to count the number of bits set.
This might be the code for the first 3 steps:
uint32 input; //some value
uint32 temp = (input << 1) | (input & 0x00000001);
uint32 result = input ^ temp;
//continue to count the bits set in result
Create a look-up table so you can get the transitions within a byte or 16-bit value in one shot - then all you need to do is look at the differences in the 'edge' bits between bytes (or 16-bit values).
You are looking at only 2 bits during every iteration.
The fastest algorithm would probably be to build a hash table for all possibles values. Since there are 2^32 values that is not the best idea.
But why don't you look at 3, 4, 5 ... bits in one step? You can for instance precalculate for all 4 bit combinations your edgecount. Just take care of possible edges between the pieces.
you could always use a lookup table for say 8 bits at a time
this way you get a speed improvement of around 8 times
don't forget to check for bits in between those 8 bits though. These then have to be checked 'manually'