How to install GMP Mp on windows? (C++) - c++

I've followed every single guide I could possibly find but to be completely honest I have no idea what some installation 'steps' even mean.
I tried installing Cygwin (and MYSY) and running the commands that the guides told me to, but the terminal either doesn't do anything or it gives me the error: 'no such file or directory'. (I changed the folder directory to where my files where)
Also I'm not entirely sure I installed everything correctly because I should've checked some add-ons during the installation right? I did as in the guide but still I maybe missed something...
Could someone please explain to me step by step how to install it saying explicitly all that has to be done, (I'm running windows 7) considering It's the first time I do such thing and I have no idea what ./configure , make and all the other commands even mean...

The following is a simple step by step using only cygwin tools.
To compile C++ we need the g++ compiler; to locate the correct package to be installed the cygwin tool is cygcheck (that is installed by default), with the -p switch it interrogates the database at
$ cygcheck -p bin/g++
Found 3 matches for bin/g++
gcc-g++-7.3.0-1 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
gcc-g++-7.3.0-2 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
gcc-g++-7.3.0-3 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
so we need the gcc-g++ package.
To install it, we run the cygwin setup, select the Full view, search the gcc-g to filter the thousands of packages and click on skip at the gcc-g++ row
after complety the installation, to verify we have it correctly installed:
$ cygcheck -c gcc-g++
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
gcc-g++ 7.3.0-3 OK
Installing gcc-g++ will pull also the installation of the C compiler package gcc-core.
To compile a gmp program we need the proper header and shared library; that are usually included in a "*-devel" package:
$ cygcheck -p include/gmpxx.h
Found 9 matches for include/gmpxx.h
libgmp-devel-6.1.0-3p1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development) (installed binaries and support files)
libgmp-devel-6.1.1-1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development) (installed binaries and support files)
libgmp-devel-6.1.2-1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development)
mingw64-i686-gmp-6.0.0a-2 - mingw64-i686-gmp: Multiple Precision arithmetic library for Win32 toolchain (installed binaries and support files)
All the packages with mingw64 are for cross compiling and we can ignore, so it is libgmp-devel. Verifying that is properly installed
$ cygcheck -c libgmp-devel
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
libgmp-devel 6.1.2-1 OK
And the package content is the header files and the import libraries
$ cygcheck -l libgmp-devel
Now we can program one example, I am taking it from
and written in a file called mpz_add.cpp
You can use whatever editor you want. The important is that the file follows
the Unix line termination standard LF and not the Windows CR+LF (see note below if not)
$ file mpz_add.cpp
mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text
$ cat mpz_add.cpp
#include <gmpxx.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (void)
mpz_class a, b, c;
a = 1234;
b = "-5678";
c = a+b;
cout << "sum is " << c << "\n";
cout << "absolute value is " << abs(c) << "\n";
return 0;
To compile our example and test it:
$ g++ mpz_add.cpp -lgmpxx -lgmp -o mpz_add
$ ./mpz_add
sum is -4444
absolute value is 4444
We can also verify which library are linked in the program mpz_add, I added some extra comment:
$ cygcheck ./mpz_add
D:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll <= cygwin library
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll <= windows system library
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll ...
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll ...
D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggmp-10.dll <= GMP C library
D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggmpxx-4.dll <= GMP C++ library
D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll <= C library
D:\cygwin64\bin\cygstdc++-6.dll <= C++ library
If the file has the wrong line termination, the best tool is d2u (Dos to Unix)
$ cygcheck -p bin/d2u
Found 6 matches for bin/d2u
dos2unix-7.4.0-1 - dos2unix: Line Break Conversion
$ file mpz_add.cpp
mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
$ d2u mpz_add.cpp
dos2unix: converting file mpz_add.cpp to Unix format...
$ file mpz_add.cpp
mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text
As you added also the tag makefile and autotools, the first is in the package make:
$ cygcheck -p bin/make.exe
Found 6 matches for bin/make.exe
make-4.2.1-2 - make: The GNU version of the 'make' utility
The second is more complex and you need the packages autoconf automake and libtool,


Can't compile with mingw linking a library on Linux to create executable for Windows

I'm trying to compile C/C++ code from my Debian partition to generate some executable files for Windows.
Running $ uname -a on the command line gives Linux machine 5.14.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.14.9-2 (2021-10-03) x86_64 GNU/Linux. My processor is an Intel® Core™ i5-1035G4 CPU # 1.10GHz × 8, with a Mesa Intel® Iris(R) Plus Graphics (ICL GT1.5) integrated GPU.
A minimal example to show my current situation includes the following code (called code.cpp):
#include <iostream>
#include <CL/opencl.hpp>
int main()
std::vector <cl::Platform> all_platforms; //Get all platforms
if (all_platforms.size() == 0)
std::cout << "No platforms found. Check OpenCL installation." << std::endl;
int pz = all_platforms.size();
std::cout << "Platforms size: " << pz << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < pz; i++)
cl::Platform default_platform = all_platforms[i];
std::cout << "Using platform: " << default_platform.getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>() << std::endl;
which uses OpenCL to print all recognized devices. I compile my code writing g++ code.cpp -o code.out -lOpenCL. The executable file code.out works fine, doing what you would expect it to do. I have another program which uses GSL (GNU Scientific Library) written in C which also works well, linking with -lgsl (therefore I think there's not a problem with my code or the regular compilation process). Both OpenCL and GSL were installed from the official repositories (~# apt install ...) with no problem at all. When I execute code.out the output is
Platforms size: 2
Using platform: Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
Using platform: Portable Computing Language
I installed mingw (via ~# apt install mingw-w64) to create executable files to be run on Windows, and for basic programs (i.e. without "external" libraries) it works well (replacing gcc by x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc or i686-w64-mingw32-gcc). However for the code written above (and for the one using GSL) it doesn't work. Most of the error outputs are very similar for both examples, and I will show the command line outputs for the code using OpenCL.
When I try x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ code.cpp -o code.out -lOpenCL the output is
code.cpp:2:10: fatal error: CL/opencl.hpp: No such file or directory
2 | #include <CL/opencl.hpp>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
I thought this meant that I needed to be more specific when linking and including, so I gave the explicit path where the headers are located (found them via dpkg -S opencl.hpp or dpkg -S gsl*.h), and the .so file for OpenCL was found via dpkg -S *, while the one for GSL was found using dpkg -S * When I try x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ code.cpp -o code.out -I/usr/include/ -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ the output is
In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10-win32/include/c++/cwchar:44,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10-win32/include/c++/bits/postypes.h:40,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10-win32/include/c++/iosfwd:40,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10-win32/include/c++/ios:38,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10-win32/include/c++/ostream:38,
from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10-win32/include/c++/iostream:39,
from code.cpp:1:
/usr/include/wchar.h:27:10: fatal error: bits/libc-header-start.h: No such file or directory
27 | #include <bits/libc-header-start.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
Therefore it seems that MinGW needs additional instructions to properly find, include and/or link the libraries. I don't know how to solve this problem. Those are my attempts based on some answers I've found, and the documentation provided by MinGW says nothing about this. The exact same problem occurs no matter if I use x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ or i686-w64-mingw32-g++, or their gcc counterparts.
When cross-compiling make sure you are only linking things targeting the same platform together. In other words, your dependencies (and their dependencies) must be for the same target platform. You can't link with those libraries for your build platform.
So if you have a Windows 64-bit application that depends on OpenCL, you will need to link it against a Windows 64-bit build of OpenCL.
The OpenCL the sources can be found here:
so you would need to build those first.

Script for Notepad++ NppExec for C++ in ubuntu

I just switched to ubuntu and I wanted to setup notepad++ for CPP.
So I used the NppExec plugin to compile within notepad++,
My script was :
Here the "obj" I used is to just save the file with an "obj" keyword nothing else.
The last line ./"$(NAME_PART)obj" is to run the program.
But it looks not working in ubuntu, it produces this error:
NPP_SAVE: Z:\home\username\cpp\test.cpp
g++ "Z:\home\username\cpp\test.cpp" -o "Z:\home\username\cpp\testobj"
; about to start a child process: "g++ "Z:\home\username\cpp\test.cpp" -o "Z:\home\username\cpp\testobj"
CreatProcess() failed with error code 2:
File not found.
; about to start a child process: "./"testobj""
CreatProcess() failed with error code 2:
File not found.
I have investigated some of what I think is the problem, so I think is the usage of / and \ in changing the directory.
I don't know how to fix that, so I can not be sure.
Any ideas? :) I am using vim btw in the same machine and it is working perfectly.
In theory it might be possible (see below), in practice it is rather convoluted and works only for simple compiles (like single file hello world type).
I would suggest you try a linux program, e.g.
an editor like
scite (same editing engine as notepad++) or
or a real IDE like
kdeveloper or
The problems with Notepad++ inside wine and g++ outside wine (from the linux install ) are this:
notepad++ inside wine under linux is still a windows program
NppExec can only do, what a cmd inside wine can do.
starting g++ directly inside cmd is an error due to g++ being a linux binary and not a windows binary
that is your CreatProcess() failed with error code 2, it means: you are trying to execute a linux program inside wine.
That does not work! (At least not so easy.)
Though you can start linux program inside cmd inside wine using start /unix ...
started this way, g++ wants linux paths and NppExec through its variables will provide only windows paths (whatever wine has set up as drives like Z:\home\username\src\hello.cpp)
though you can convert wine paths to linux paths via the winepath -u command.
g++ started through 'start /unix ... ' inside a cmd inside wine has no proper terminal to report errors to you
though you can start an xterm for g++ and have g++ reports its messages to the xterm
the downside is that g++ will report errors using the linux paths in the xterm, so you cannot double click on an error message an get to the corresponding filename and line.
You get the idea: its complicated not comfortable.
What worked for me for a helloword.cpp was this NppExec script:
npp_run cmd /c start /unix /usr/bin/xterm -e "/usr/bin/winepath -u '$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)' | xargs g++ -o /tmp/a.out && /tmp/a.out ; echo 'Press return'; read"
The second line
uses an xterm,
let winepath convert the Z:\home\... path to /home/... and
have that send to g++ for compilation using /tmp/a.out as binary
if compile is successfull, /tmp/a.out is executed
the echo and read are for keeping the xterm open so that you can read the output.
If you really want to use Notepad++ inside wine, one option might be using Gnu Make outside of wine and have NppExec run make all or make run similar to the g++ in my script example. That would work for more complicated compiles.

Gradle Cpp-Application not detecting gcc in windows

I am starting to get into c++ more and I have began learning gradle to use as the build too for it. I am using gradle's cpp-application plugin for compiling the code. However when I try to build it gradlew tells me that it can't detect gcc, my only installed compiler.
I have for the most part followed the guide on gradle's website ( That is where I came up with most of the code so far.
I have gcc from ming-w32 installed in my path correctly (I can run it from the command prompt and through make without any issues)
I am also using a gradlew install that was made with gradle 5.2.1
I am, for the most part, using the exact setup in the gradle guide.
apply plugin : 'cpp-application'
application {
baseName = "test"
^ /$Project/build.gradle
This is the command line output when i run gradlew assemble
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compileDebugCpp'.
> No tool chain is available to build C++ for host operating system 'Windows 10' architecture 'x86-64':
- Tool chain 'visualCpp' (Visual Studio):
- Could not locate a Visual Studio installation, using the command line tool, Windows registry or system path.
- Tool chain 'gcc' (GNU GCC):
- Could not determine GCC metadata: failed to execute gcc.exe -m64 -dM -E -v -.
- Tool chain 'clang' (Clang):
- Could not find C++ compiler 'clang++' in system path.
When I run the command that they say failed to execute in the same command prompt (gcc.exe -m64 -dM -E -v -.)
I do get output from gcc without any errors that I can see
If you are curious on what it outputs you can find it here
I would expect that the issue isn't with my cpp code because it isn't ever recognizing the compiler but it is fairly short so I might as well.
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << "Hello World!!" << std::endl;
return 0;
^ /$Project/src/main/cpp/main.cpp
By default, Gradle tries to locate a tool chain that matches your system's architecture (x86_64), but you only have a 32-bit MinGW
A workaround is to explicitly configure a 32-bit target in your Gradle script:
application {
targetMachines = [ ]

No such file or directory "ruby/config.h" when trying to compile C++ into Ruby using SWIG

I'm trying to get a basic example running using SWIG to convert a C++ file into Ruby. I have Ruby 2.0.0p451 (64 bit version) installed and I've also installed the 64-bit DevKit. I'm running Windows 7 and trying to use swigwin-2.0.12. Finally, I am using the GCC C++ compiler supplied by Mingw-builds for the 64-bit version of Windows.
I have the basic C++ hello world program as shown below.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;
At the command prompt, I use the command:
swig -module -c++ -ruby hello_world.cpp
This completes fine and produces a file titled hello_world_wrap.cxx. However, when I receive an error when I try to compile the .cxx file using the command:
g++ -fPIC -c hello_world_wrap.cxx -IC:\Ruby200-x64\include\ruby-2.0.0
The error I am receiving is:
All the research I've done has pointed me to an installation of the incorrect DevKit, but I don't think this is my issue. I've made sure to download the 64-bit version of Ruby and the DevKit. I've checked the folder specified in the error, and there is no config.h file. I'm not sure why the config.h file does not exist or why ruby.h is trying to load it.
Any thoughts?
Check that C:\Ruby200-x64\include\ruby-2.0.0\ruby\config.h exists. If not, find it and fix the path.
Check if there is a ruby.h in the same folder. If there is then just use -IC:\Ruby200-x64\include\ruby-2.0.0\ruby\x64-mingw instead. Otherwise try adding a second -I, for this extra path. I agree with you this is a little strange (not so much the former, but definitely if you have to have two -I). The script at!topic/comp.lang.ruby/RpjuvXpFI30 suggests that this might be normal, I.e. you need one -I for platform-independent headers and one for platform-dependent.

How to generate a C++ header with Apache Avro (python script)

I am interested in generating a C++ header using Apache Avro's code generation tool (i.e. the python script). According to the documentation it should be fairly easy to do, but I don't usually use python, so things look kinda strange to me.
The instructions state:
To generate the code is a two step process:
precompile < imaginary > imaginary.flat
The precompile step converts the schema into an intermediate format that is used by the code generator. This intermediate file is just a text-based representation of the schema, flattened by a depth-first-traverse of the tree structure of the schema types.
python scripts/ --input=example.flat --output=example.hh –-namespace=Math
This tells the code generator to read your flattened schema as its input, and generate a C++ header file in example.hh. The optional argument namespace will put the objects in that namespace...
My Issue (no, I can't see a doctor or use a cream for it):
I don't see anything that explains in details how to precompile. The documentation makes it seem like if I just type "precompile" in the command prompt and supply the command line arguments, then things would magically work, but precompile is not a valid Windows command. So what's the proper way to precompile on Windows? If anybody knows how to do it, then PLEASE let me know!
I also tried to run the script, but it gets an error in line 316 (which, I suspect, may be happening because I didn't precompile the schema):
def doEnum(args):
structDef = enumTemplate;
typename = args[1]
structDef = structDef.replace('$name$', typename)
end = False
symbols = '';
firstsymbol = '';
while not end:
line = getNextLine()
if line[0] == 'end': end = True
elif line[0] == 'name':
if symbols== '' :
firstsymbol = line[1]
else :
symbols += ', '
symbols += line[1]
else: print "error" // <-- Syntax Error: invalid syntax
structDef = structDef.replace('$enumsymbols$', symbols);
structDef = structDef.replace('$firstsymbol$', firstsymbol);
addStruct(typename, structDef)
return (typename,typename)
About the only way I figured to do this is to:
Download VirtualBox.
Install Ubuntu (or another distro).
Download Avro.
Install cmake.
Install the C++ compilers (build essential).
Install boost, flex, bison (sudo apt-get install boost flex bison); btw, you will specifically need these boost libraries:
-- regex
-- filesystem
-- system
-- program_options
Build Avro:
$ tar xf avro-cpp-1.5.1.tar.gz
$ cd avro-cpp-1.5.1
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
$ make -j3
$ build/precompile file.input file.flatoutput
You can now generate a header file (still in the terminal window of the VM):
python scripts/ --input=example.flat --output=example.hh
Note that even after you generate the C++ file, you will still be unable to build with it in Windows (even if you have the right dependency includes to the avro-cpp-1.5.1/api. Avro has dependencies on GNU libraries (such as sys/uio.h) and I'm not sure how to specifically resolve them yet.
I found that it is required python version 2 to run