- How to indent multiline list item - list

How do I indent a multiline list item so that the designator so that both lines are flush left and the designor (in this case the d) is outside of them to the left.
So it appears like this:
I've tried two spaces at the end of first line with a break, placing where I want the break to happen, indenting manually, nothing seems to work.

Instead of indenting manually, just let the line run on:
1. **Expired:** a post that was once live, but has been removed from the Suggested Library either manually by an admin, or reached its set expiration date
If you must break the line manually, indent further lines by four spaces, e.g.
1. **Expired:** a post that was once live,
but has been removed from the Suggested
Library either manually by an admin, or
reached its set expiration date
This will work by default in most Markdown implementations I'm aware of, though bear in mind that Markdown itself is only concerned with content. Presentation rules (e.g. CSS) can further modify presentation, including alignment of lists.


Notepad++ - Selecting or Highlighting multiple sections of repeated text IN 1 LINE

I have a text file in Notepad++ that contains about 66,000 words all in 1 line, and it is a set of 200 "lines" of output that are all unique and placed in 1 line in the basic JSON form {output:[{output1},{output2},...}]}.
There is a set of characters matching the RegEx expression "id":.........,"kind":"track" that occurs about 285 times in total, and I am trying to either single them out, or copy all of them at once.
Basically, without some super complicated RegEx terms, I am stuck because I can't figure out how to highlight all of them at once, and also the Remove Unbookmarked Lines feature does not apply because this is all in one line. I have only managed to be able to Mark every single occurrence.
So does this require a large number of steps to get the file into multiple lines and work from there, or is there something else I am missing?
Edit: I have come up with a set of Macro schemes that make the process of doing this manually work much faster. It's another alternative but still takes a few steps and quite some time.
Edit 2: I intended there to be an answer for actually just highlighting the different sections all at once, but I guess that it not possible. The answer here turns out to be more useful in my case, allowing me to have a list of IDs without everything else.
You seem to already have a regex which matches single instances of your pattern, so assuming it works and that we must use Notepad++ for this:
Replace .*?("id":.........,"kind":"track").*?(?="id".........,"kind":"track"|$) with \1.
If this textfile is valid JSON, this opens you up to other, non-notepad++ options, like using Python with the json module.
Edited to remove unnecessary steps

Compare files and return only the differences using Notepad++

Notepad++ has a Compare Plugin tool for comparing text files, which operates like this:
Launch Notepad++ and open the two files you wish to run a comparison
check on.
Click the “Plugins” menu,
Select “Compare” and click “Compare.”
The plugin will run a comparison check and display the two files side
by side, with any differences in the text highlighted.
This is a nice feature, and which I have used happily for some time. Now, I have been looking for an option to go further and select the highlighted differing lines (e.g. by deleting the non-highlighted ones), or vice versa: i.e. expunge the highlighted lines.
Is there a straightforward way to achieve this?
To substract two files in notepad++ (file1 - file2) you may follow this procedure:
Recommended: If possible, remove duplicates on both files, specially if the files are big. To do this: Edit => Line operations => Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending (do it on both files)
Add ---------------------------- as a footer on file1 (add at least 10 dashes). This is the marker line that separates file1 content from file2.
Then copy the contents of file2 to the end of file1 (after the marker)
Control + H
Search: (?m-s)^(?:-{10,}+\R[\s\S]*+|(.*+)\R(?=(?:(?!^-{10,}$)-++|[^-]*+)*+^-{10,}+\R(?:^.*+\R)*?\1(?:\R|\z))) note: use case sensitivity according to your needs
Replace by: (leave empty)
Select Regular expression radio button
Replace All
You can modify the marker if It is possible that file1/file2 can have lines equal to the marker. In that case you will have to adapt the regular expression.
By the way, you could even record a macro to do all steps (add the marker, switch to file2, copy content to file1, apply the regex with a single button press.
Changed the regex to add some improvements:
Speed related:
Avoid as much backtracking as possible
Avoid searching after the mark
Dashes are allowed for the lines. But the separator is still ^-{10,}$
Works with other characters besides words
Speed comparison:
New method vs Old method
So basically 78ms vs 1.6seconds. So a nice improvement! That makes comparing Kilobyte-sized files possible.
Still you may want to use some dedicated program for comparing or substracting bigger files.
If the number of differences is not large, a quicker method might be just bookmarking each differing line using keyboard shortcuts. Starting from the beginning of the file, press Alt+Page Down to focus on the first difference, and then press Ctrl+F2 to bookmark it. Continue with alternatingly pressing Alt+Page Down and Ctrl+F2 until the last difference.
With all the differing lines bookmarked, you can use any of the operations under "Search -> Bookmarks" menu:
Cut Bookmarked Lines
Copy Bookmarked Lines
Paste to (Replace) Bookmarked Lines
Remove Bookmarked Lines
Remove Unmarked Lines
I have a dirty workaround for this. It saves some time compared to Control+C, Alt+Tab, Control+V; Control+C, Alt+Tab, Control+V; ... but It may not be worth on big files or if the differences for both files are big. For bigger files you may prefer using some other tool.
Typically this works best when comparing group of 'words' and does not work with content that is tabulated (like source code)
So the workaround is:
Optional: (depends on the content that's being compared) Sort both files (it will make the future comparison easier) To do this: Edit => Line operations => Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending (do it on both files)
Compare files with the plugin
Choose one file and inspect the lines you want to keep. Add one tabulator before each of those lines. Remeber you can select several lines and press tab for tabulating them. Optionally, you may add tabulators to the lines you want to remove
Sort the file. The tabulated lines will come up first. So now you can copy-paste them (or copy-paste the untabulated ones)
move the files to a linux box and then execute diff command:
$ diff file1.txt file2.txt > file_diff.txt

Highlighting Javascript Inline Block Comments in Vim

I use JScript (Microsoft's ECMAScript implementation) for a lot of Windows system administration needs. This means I use a lot of ActiveX (Automated COM) objects. The methods of these objects often expect Number or Boolean arguments. For example:
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var a = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\\testfile.txt", true);
a.WriteLine("This is a test.");
(CreateTextFile Method on MSDN)
On the second line you see that the second argument is one that I'm talking about. A Boolean of "true" doesn't really describe how the method's behavior will change. This isn't a problem for me, but my automation-shy coworkers are easily spooked. Not knowing what an argument does spooks them. Unfortunately a long list of constants (not real constants, of course, since current JScript versions don't support them) will also spook them. So I've taken to documenting some of these basic function calls with inline block comments. The second line in the above example would be written as such:
var a = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\\testfile.txt", /*overwrite*/ true, /*unicode*/ false);
That ends up with a small syntax highlighting dilemma for me, though. I like my comments highlighted vibrantly; both block and line comments. These tiny inline block comments mean little to me, personally, however. I'd like to highlight those particular comments in a more muted fashion (light gray on white, for example). Which brings me to my dilemma.
I'd like to override the default syntax highlighting for block comments when both the beginning and end marks are on the same line. Ideally this is done solely in my vimrc file, and not in a superseding personal copy of the javascript.vim syntax. My initial attempt is pathetic:
hi inlineComment guifg=#bbbbbb
match inlineComment "\/\*.*\*\/"
Straight away you can see the first problem with this regular expression pattern is that it's a greedy search. It's going to match from the first "/*" to the last "*/" on the line, meaning everything between two inline block comments will get this highlight style as well. I can fix that, but I'm really not sure how to deal with my second concern.
Comments can't be defined inside of String literals in ECMAScript. So this syntax highlighting will override String highlighting as well. I've never had a problem with this in system administration scripts, but it does often bite me when I'm examining the source of many javascript libraries intended for browsers (less.js for example).
What regex pattern, syntax definition, or other solution would the amazing StackOverflow community recommend to restore my vimrc zen?
I'm not sure, but from your description it sounds like you don't need a new syntax definition. Vim syntax files usually let you override a particular syntax item with your own choice of highlighting. In this case, the item you want is called javaScriptComment, so a command like this will set its highlighting:-
hi javaScriptComment guifg=#bbbbbb
but you have to do this in your .vimrc file (or somewhere that's sourced from there), so it's evaluated before the syntax file. The syntax file uses the highlight default command, so the syntax file's choice of highlighting only affects syntax items with no highlighting set. See :help :hi-default for more details on that. BTW, it only works on Vim 5.8 and later.
The above command will change all inline /* */ comments, and leave // line comments with their default setting, because line comments are a different syntax item (javaScriptLineComment). You can find the names of all these groups by looking at the javascript.vim file. (The easiest way to do this is :e $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/javascript.vim .)
If you only want to change some inline comments, it's a little more complicated, but still easy to see what to do by looking at javascript.vim . If you do that, you can see that block comments are defined like this:-
syn region javaScriptComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=#Spell,javaScriptCommentTodo
See that you can use separate regexes for begin and end markers: you don't need to worry about matching the stuff in between with non-greedy quantifiers, or anything like that. To have a syntax item that works similarly but only on one line, try adding the oneline option (:h :syn-oneline for more details):-
syn region myOnelineComment start="/\*" end="\*/" oneline
I've removed the two contains groups because (1) if you're only using it for parameter names, you probably don't want spell-checking turned on inside these comments, and (2) contained sections that aren't oneline override the oneline in the container region, so you would still match all TODO comments with this region.
You can define this new kind of comment region in your .vimrc, and set the highlighting how you like: it looks like you already know how to do that, so I won't go into more details on that. I haven't tried out this particular example, so you may still need a bit of fiddling to make it work. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
Why don't you simply add a comment line above the call?
I think that
// fso.CreateTextFile(filename:String, overwrite:Boolean, unicode:Boolean)
var a = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\\testfile.txt", true, false);
is a lot more readable and informative than
var a = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\\testfile.txt", /*overwrite*/ true, /*unicode*/ false);

Easily comment (C++) code in vim

I have looked at the following question:
How to comment out a block of Python code in Vim
But that does not seem to work for me. How do I comment code easily without resorting to plugins/scripts?
Use ctrl-V to do a block selection and then hit I followed by //[ESC].
Alternatively, use shift-V to do a line-based select and then type :s:^://[Enter]. The latter part could easily go into a mapping. eg:
:vmap // :s:^://<CR>
Then you just shift-V, select the range, and type // (or whatever you bind it to).
You can add this to your .vimrc file
map <C-c> :s/^/\/\//<Enter>
Then when you need to comment a section just select all lines (Shift-V + movement) and then press CtrlC.
To un-comment you can define in a similar way
map <C-u> :s/^\/\///<Enter>
that removes a // at begin of line from the selected range when pressing CtrlU.
You can use the NERD commenter plugin for vim, which has support for a whole bunch of languages (I'm sure C++ is one of them). With this installed, to comment/uncomment any line, use <Leader>ci. To do the same for a block of text, select text by entering the visual mode and use the same command as above.
There are other features in this such as comment n lines by supplying a count before the command, yank before comment with <Leader>cy, comment to end of line with <Leader>c$, and many others, which you can read about in the link. I've found this plugin to be extremely useful and is one of my 'must have' plugins.
There's always #ifdef CHECK_THIS_LATER ... #endif which has the advantage of not causing problems with nested C-style comments (if you use them) and is easy to find and either uncomment or remove completely later.

Regular Expression Carriage Return Find & Replace on Google Docs

On Google Docs, I want each list-item (my bullet is an en dash, "-"), of which there are over 1,000 in 20 or so documents, to be separated by an additional line feed. It makes it easier to read on mobile devices.
How can I search for a line feed delimiting a bullet, and replace it with two line feeds?
(I.e. the equivalent of searching for "^p-" and replacing it with "^p^p-" in Microsoft Word)
I am a little confused about your question, but:
I found the only way to do something like this is to go to find each - or space (which Google Docs will find) and insert a "dummy" character.
Then do a search and replace with ,
Then copy all, delete all, go to the html mode and paste it.
Go back to normal view and you should have an extra space after each.
If you are trying to do this:
(I.e. the equivalent of searching for "^p-" and replacing it with "^p^p-" in Microsoft Word)
Go to html mode, and find out which tag is causing the line break, (could be div tag or a br tag (I can't get the tag characters <> to show), copy it, go back to normal mode, paste all,use copy and replace on whatever it was (br, or div) with two of them, copy, delete, paste back in html, and you should have the extra line break. Hope that helps.