Django foreign key constraint with Model that lives in different database - django

I'm trying to use the oauth2_provider library which provides a model for AccessToken, which foreign keys into a User model. My User model will actually live in a different database from the OAuth2 token models. I can use a router to direct which DB to use for a particular model, but am I correct in concluding that Django would not support a foreign key to a model in a different DB?
If I still wanted to extend from the AbstractAccessToken with my User in a different DB, is there any way that Django allows me to populate the user_id foreign key column at all? Or would I simply need to leave it null and define and have my custom AccessToken class define its own unconstrained external_user_id column?

Django doesn't support any ForeignKey operations that span multiple databases. So, as you suggested, I think the best you can do is to provide your own IntegerField for the user and use it manually. Unfortunately that may require a lot of fiddling with that third-party library if it has a lot of internal code that's expecting to pull the user from the database.


How can I implement authentication in Django

I am new to Django.
I am going to build simple register and login fullstack application by using React and Django.
My problem is when I received register request with form data.
Is it ok to create custom table for users?
I am going to create another table related to user table.
So in that case, there must be id in the users.
That's why I am going to create custom table.
Please help me it is good practice.
You can abstract from AbstractBaseUser and then you can customise the user model and to specify it in your settings file.
Please see the django documentation here:
In Django you can link between multiple table by different relationships depends on what you want like:
And by default when you create a model django create a pk field it is ID for table, you can make another field as a primary key for model
When you use one of those relationships django by default use model id to link between them
and you can also create a custom user model to use it
Good luck

Best approach to enrich User model in Django pluggable app

I am currently working on expanding, which provides two-factor authentication over jwt for rest-framework.
I would like to make the two-factor auth non-enforced; that is, users should be able to choose if they want this extra security.
For that purpose, I would like to add a boolean field (lets call it two_auth) to the user model.
What is the best approach to add this field?
I am currently thinking on some possibilities, but none of them seems to be neat enough:
Create a relation table (user_id, two_auth) without foreign-key enforcement: I should use signals for user deletion
Create a relation table (user_id, two_auth) with foreign-key enforcement: The foreign key should point to the model specified at settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL. I generally like model declaration parameters to be explicit, not patchable.
This is a nice guide on options to extend the built-in user model.

How to update primary key of an existing object in Django (with PostgreSQL)?

I need to change some objects primary keys in my django app, I wonder how can I achieve that?
Also my model has relations with other models.
Technically, it should be possible with an update query on the queryset:
The relations should cascade too if the constraints in the database have been set up correctly, but in general, I'd avoid updating PKs.

Django model with dynamic fields based on foreign key

I am trying to implement a model where only a subset of the fields should be presented in forms, based on a foreign key in the model.
The total number of fields is relatively low (~20), but may change frequently with different values of the foreign key.
I would like to use something like single table inheritance, but with a single model (no inheritance). I looked at existing packages eav, dynamic models... but they did not seem to fit my needs.
I part of the requirement is that I would like to query the models by sql without too many joins.
Here is a use case representing applications to grants based on a request for application (rfa). The rfa is entered in the admin by staff and the applications are made by end users.
application class
rfa (request for application): foreign key
rfa class:
app_fields (coma separated list of field names)
In the forms, only the fields in app_fields should be visible for a particular rfa.
I have the rfa part covered with django-separatedvaluesfield and I was wondering how to implement the application pages so that they work with generic views in the frontend and admin, and be DRY.
For the update views, I could have a method in the application model, but it would not work for create as the rfa is not defined for create:
def get_current_app_fields(self):
return self.rfp.app_fields
Any ideas on the best DRY strategy to implement frontend views and admin?

Django model wih a ForeignKey pointing to a salesforce model

I am using django-salesforce and I would like to create a model within Django that has a ForeignKey field pointing to a SFDC model (hosted on
I created a custom model on, let us call it SFModel, and I can successfully work on it from django (CRUD) by subclassing salesforce.models.Model.
I also created a django.db.models.Model, let us call it DJModel, that has a unique field ForeignKey(SFModel). This model is registered on the admin panel.
All models validate and I can go to my admin panel to try to create a new instance of DJModel. However, when I try to display the create_form in the admin I get the following error :
hasattr(): attribute name must be string
and the debug stream says
So I tried to set an arbitrary alias to the SF entry in the DATABASES of my There is a dedicated variable for that :
But I still have the same problem.
Any recommendation?
Django doesn't support it and an external reference to Salesforce should be currently saved as a CharField and a reference to other databases as IntegerField.
Django docs about Limitations of multiple databases:
Django doesn’t currently provide any support for foreign key or many-to-many relationships spanning multiple databases. If you have used a router to partition models to different databases, any foreign key and many-to-many relationships defined by those models must be internal to a single database.
I tried the cross reference with sqlite as 'default' database. It was possible to create an object of model DJModel with cross-database reference from sqlite to Salesforce. It behaves similarly to normal Django cross-database references, without obscure errors and only a dot reference can be used.
EDIT: Simplified after many years.