CkZip.class -class file has wrong version 55.0, should be 52.0 - chilkat

Both my java and javac are in same version 1.8 - still I am getting the below errors - Any help is appreciated...
c:\DATA\Chilkat\chilkat-9.5.0-jdk11-x64>javac -encoding utf8 -classpath ".;./chilkat.jar" error: cannot access CkZip
import com.chilkatsoft.CkZip;
bad class file: .\chilkat.jar(com/chilkatsoft/CkZip.class)
class file has wrong version 55.0, should be 52.0
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
c:\DATA\Chilkat\chilkat-9.5.0-jdk11-x64>java -Djava.library.path=. -classpath ".;./chilkat.jar" Test
Error: Could not find or load main class Test
Press any key to continue . . .
c:\DATA\Chilkat\chilkat-9.5.0-jdk11-x64>java -version
java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)
c:\DATA\Chilkat\chilkat-9.5.0-jdk11-x64>javac -version
javac 1.8.0_181
c:\DATA\Chilkat\chilkat-9.5.0-jdk11-x64>java -version
java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)

You have JDK 8, but you're trying to use Chilkat built for JDK 11.
You should instead download the Chilkat build for JDK 8 (at )


CMAKE - AIX installation

I am fighting with this CMAKE for Wazuh Agent installation issue and I will be thankful for your help.
Server info>
AIX 7.1 - Technology Level 5 - Service Pack 8
Server is not connected to the internet. I am following this Wazuh installation documentation>
So every dependencies I downloaded by myself.
After I execute wazuh ./ script, I get this error>
4- Installing the system
Running the Makefile
grep: can't open /etc/os-release
grep: can't open /etc/redhat-release
/opt/freeware/bin/gmake build_sysinfo build_shared_modules build_syscollector
gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/myname/wazuh-wazuh-d9bdabd/src'
grep: can't open /etc/os-release
grep: can't open /etc/redhat-release
cd data_provider/ && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/var/ossec .. && /opt/freeware/bin/gmake
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):
**CMake 3.12.4 or higher is required. You are running version 3.9.1**
– Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
gmake[1]: *** [Makefile:1370: build_sysinfo] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/myname/wazuh-wazuh-d9bdabd/src'
gmake: *** [Makefile:722: agent] Error 2
Error 0x5.
Building error. Unable to finish the installation.
So I need to upgrade CMAKE at least to version 3.12.4
I downloaded 3.12.4 (also higher versions but with same issue), but I got this is error:
CMake 3.12.4, Copyright 2000-2018 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors
Found XL toolchain
C compiler on this system is: xlc
Error when bootstrapping CMake:
Cannot find a C++ compiler that supports both C+11 and the specified C+ flags.
Please specify one using environment variable CXX.
The C++ flags are "".
They can be changed using the environment variable CXXFLAGS.
See cmake_bootstrap.log for compilers attempted.
Log of errors: /tmp/test/cmake-3.12.4/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake_bootstrap.log
Here is cmake_bootstrap.log>
xlC: 1501-210 (W) command option t contains an incorrect subargument
"/usr/vacpp/include/unordered_map", line 70.5: 1540-0859 (S) #error directive: To use the unordered map library, macro _IBMCPP_TR1_ must be defined
by user to non zero integer value..
"cmake_bootstrap_11272306_test.cxx", line 7.2: 1540-0859 (S) #error directive: "Compiler is not in a mode aware of C++11.".
Test failed to compile
Information about my compiler>
/usr/vacpp/bin/xlC -qversion
IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V12.1 (5765-J02, 5725-C72)
Version: 12.01.0000.0000
/usr/vac/bin/xlc -qversion
IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V12.1 (5765-J02, 5725-C72)
Version: 12.01.0000.0000
lslpp -l | grep "vac.C"; lslpp -l | grep "vacpp.cmp.core"; lslpp -l | grep "xlC.aix*"
vacpp.cmp.core COMMITTED IBM XL C/C++ Compiler
vacpp.cmp.core COMMITTED IBM XL C/C++ Compiler
xlC.aix61.rte COMMITTED IBM XL C++ Runtime for AIX 6.1
Could you please help me, what can I do now, how to install CMAKE to make wazuh installation works?
The simplest solution to this is to download the Wazuh package generation tool for AIX (wget --no-check-certificate), and run it with -e flag: ./ -e. This script will install all the dependencies you need. Then, you can run again the ./install if you want to install from sources.
On the other hand, Wazuh has a pre-built AIX package: ready to install using rpm -i.

Cordova build fail for iOS 11 with XCode 9.0.1 Remote debugging in Visual Studio

With my cordova app with taco in VS, when I try to remote build(VS in windows to Mac) it gives this part of error lines.
ERROR: Plugin 'Device' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin. Check your plugin mapping in config.xml.
[CDVCommandQueue executePending] [Line 142] FAILED pluginJSON = ["Device313876570","Device","getDeviceInfo",[]]
ERROR: Plugin 'File' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin. Check your plugin mapping in config.xml.
[CDVCommandQueue executePending] [Line 142] FAILED pluginJSON = ["File313876571","File","requestAllPaths",[]]
[MC] Reading from private effective user settings.
for me it seems like problems with the 2 plugins,
cordova-plugin-device (v1.1.7) and
cordova-plugin-file (v4.3.3)
VS Cordova tool-set version 6.3.1
does anybody encounter this kind of situation and any suggestions?

Xcode9 Realm Error - No viable overloaded ‘=’

I just install Xcode 9 and build my native iOS project. (Is written in swift)
The project was OK in Xcode 8 but now, I obtain this error:
No viable overloaded '='
In the file: Pods\Pods\Realm\object.cpp
Line 42 => m_notifier = std::make_shared<_impl::ObjectNotifier>(m_row, m_realm);
If you are using Cocoapods, open up the Podfile and set the RealmSwift version to 2.8.1 (or 2.8.3 as David mentioned above). Here is my Podfile for Swift 3.0 using Xcode 9:
target ‘<PROJECT>’ do
# Pods
pod 'RealmSwift', '2.8.1'
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.0'
Then, save the file and run:
pod install
If you're not setting a specific pod version (which I recommend), run the following command:
pod update RealmSwift
and it will automatically update to the most recent version (2.8.3).
Hope it helps to complement David's answer. Thanks!
The Realm team has worked on a new version allowing you to build your project with XCode 9.
Just update your Realm version to at least 2.8.1 (current version is 2.8.3)
The Realm release note of 2.8.1 clearly states :
Add support for building with Xcode 9 Beta 1.

Getting error while installing realm through cocoapods

I am getting this strange error while installing realm on xcode 8, cocoa pods version cocoapods-1.2.0
The error is -
Installing Realm (2.4.3)
[!] /bin/bash -c
set -e
sh cocoapods-setup
./scripts/ line 59: [: =: unary operator expected
No version of Xcode found that supports Swift 3.0.2
All other pods work great.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Hey for anyone looking for an answer -
I did find out that I had the second xcode installed (xcode 7), due to which the command line tools which were chosen were of xcode 7.3 which was causing the error.
So what I did was, I went to -
xcode >> preferences >> locations >> CommandLineTools
and selected the commandLineTools for the latest Version(xcode 8).
I too faced the same issue
xcode version - 8.1
error - No version of Xcode found that supports Swift 2.2
so I did the following
pod 'RealmSwift', :git => '',
:commit => '2faba712db752fba8e85639e7023ce35ada0fb15', :submodules =>
For reference you may have a look to this link

upgrade ocsigen error

I want to upgrade the ocsigen to 2.1 in my freebsd box.
$pkg_info | grep -i ocsigen
ocsigen-1.1.0_1 Web programming framework for OCaml
$cat /usr/ports/www/ocsigen/Makefile | grep -i version
$sudo pormaster ocsigen
===> Building for ocaml-tyxml-2.1
gmagmake: *** no rule to create “files/” needed by “files/META”。 Stop
StoStop in /usr/ports/textproc/ocaml-tyxml.
===>>> You can restart from the point of failure with this command line
porportmaster <flags> www/ocsigen textproc/ocaml-tyxml
Maybe it is a simple error, but i cannot fix it by myself.
You should now use OPAM, the "standard" tool for managing source distributions of OCaml packages. OPAM is available here: