Stacking reviews - Project to create a health virtual assistant using Dialogflow - amazon-web-services

I am working on a project to create an online medical booking system using Dialogflow as the frontend to provide users with a more personable experience.
So far I have come up with an ideal stack PIC. I plan to have it hosted on AWS (or GCP). However, I am new to Dialogflow but I know it is a very powerful platform. My two criteria are: (A) A stack that makes it easy to personalize frontend UI display and (B) Scalability, I am starting with a web app but would like to also develop an iOS app.
I have two questions: (1) Would you change anything in the stack? and (2) Is there a way to change the name of the bot each time user visits (to make it more "real")?
Super appreciative of you guys expert opinion :)

IMHO, I've found GCP to be easier to use than AWS, since Google handles SSL encryption with .app domains, while AWS requires a more manual solution. Google Cloud also offers a terminal window inside a Chrome tab, which can be a fun experience. So, for hosting, I recommend Google Cloud, unless AWS has a unique feature that applies to your personal circumstances.
Personally, I prefer Angular to React, but Angular, React, and VueJS are all fine choices for a front-end framework on a web app. Your choice of these probably depends on which framework you already know, or (if you plan to outsource development) which language you can use to hire better engineering talent.
For my own projects, I use Express and Node on the server side, instead of GraphQL and Prisma. Your call there.
Good luck!


Building a multi page serverless application using AWS Lambdas Serverless application model

I am new to the serverless application model for the web and want to understand a few things. I went through the AWS Building your first serverless tutorial and have a couple of questions. I am used to the MVC model of LEMP or using .NET.
In the tutorial all the pages that were accessed were static html like and Is this the way things are done in the serverless world? I get it that the lamdba and rest api add the dynamic content.
How do I name the pages in my browser to go from to instead?
Is Lamdba essentially like just writing Node.js?
Is there a way if they are all individual html pages to make one global layout? Any layout template advice would be helpful.
I want a multi page application like say this site vs Gmail (less ajaxy) and more like a blog. How is this accomplished? A tutorial on this would be helfpul.
1) you can use a modern front end framework like Angular, React, Vue, etc. and host your website statically on S3. Check
Hosting a Static Website on Amazon S3 for more info. Your static website will then interact via HTTP with API Gateway. You then map your lambda functions to events from API Gateway. Check this tutorial
2) depends on how the framework chosen on step 1) deals with it
3) it can be NodeJS, Go, Python and other supported languages if you wish. Each microservice (lambda function) can be written in a separate language. For more info, see the supported languages at
Lambda FAQ
4) again, depends on the framework of your choice
5) this you’ll have to lookup for yourself, but anything like "Blog Tutorial in {Framework of Choice} should do it. Here's an example using React
Let's now say you have deployed your application, you can then make use of other Events supported by AWS. Since you're creating a Blog example, you may want to upload pictures to your Post itself so it looks fancy, but you don't want users on mobile phones to load these high resolution pictures when they are only browsing through your Blog, so you could make use of an S3 Event to generate a thumbnail for your picture, so they can have a preview before actually clicking to see the content. The possibilities are endless.
Using a Serverless model to create applications also enables building event-driven applications out of the box. These applications are highly available and auto-scalable by default.

how do you integrate gamification with sharepoint

I am planning to use open source gamification - rails based Gioco gem to for enteprise productivity and collaboration applications. I am starting with Sharepoint. While I have supporting material for gamification strategies and use of commercial software apps such as Badgeville, how can I integrate using REST/JSON API with Sharepoint?
Ideally I am looking to generate points on the gamification when users tag, upload, comment on Sharepoint and Yammer. So user action should trigger the REST API.
RedCritter has pre-built integration with SP2013 which is very easy to deploy. There are also pre-built integrations for workflow management tools like Nintex to reward granular behaviors within SharePoint.
This is going to be tough. There are far too many places in SharePoint you'd have to handle. While SharePoint does have various event handlers which you can hook up to trigger your code, they would have to be installed farm-wide in all sites, all lists and document libraries, independently. Then you would have to somehow hook up various web parts.
Alternate strategies:
try to handle everything client-side in JavaScript — tedious in nature, error-prone, can't catch everything (e.g. Office integration beyond reach)
turn on auditing everywhere and generate info from audit logs — will be behind in time in respect to user actions, won't catch everything again (e.g. various user interface operations that don't trigger audit records)
In any case, your SharePoint farm admin won't fall in love with this. Most likely you will cause them a lot of troubles and headaches, not speaking about unwanted interferences with 3rd party solutions deployed on the farm.
My recommendation: don't waste your time, it's not worth it.
I would have to agree with Ondrej - SharePoint is fully of proprietary functionality that will be a challenge to work with. I know you had your heart set on going open source, but I know that Badgeville specifically has a SharePoint connector which might get you what you need.

Server Side / Cloud Coding for the app?

I am am making an app for iOS & Android whose frontend UI is ready. Now I wanted to learn some server side coding to connect my backend with Amazon services.
MY app will feature 1.image upload & download 2. storing of data and meta data 3. user registration and stuff
I have no clear idea about server side and cloud coding ? so want you guys push me a bit from where should I begin and how should I begin to make the above features for my app working ?
It sounds like you are looking to do mobile app development that works with cloud datastores.
Here are a few blogs that you can take a look at get started with:
The above blog post talks about using AWS Mobile SDKs with DynamoDB. In general, has more resources for developing with other datastores and might be a good resource. For DynamoDB's support for enabling mobile developers to build serverless architectures, please take a look:
Hope this helps.
If you have no clear idea about server side coding maybe you should use a backend-as-a-service platform such as Backbeam. These platforms give you SDKs for iOS and Android typically and you don't have to worry about the servers stuff. You can create a database in the control panel and start using it from your iOS apps making queries, inserting data, etc. You have also other features such as push notifications, users authentication, and more.
Disclaimer: I work at Backbeam. Other well-known platforms are parse and kinvey

Use of JBMP on Django Projects

My company has created multiple enterprise applications over the past 15 years that now needs to gradually migrate to the web. I've created a pilot app using Django showcasing it's powers and how each legacy app can be converted.
For now the MVC architecture was the best solution proposed. Among the other architectures was a full Java stack that made use of JBPM for it's workflow management which my boss needed and asked if we could somehow make use of JBPM and preferably not some other BPM - 'cuase of it's powers.
The idea is to create multiple Django powered applications that each work on their own and then use JBPM to connect some of the Django services/views together in a workflow manner.
The question is can this be done?
I don't see why not:
Django can interact with webservices -- which is what you could use in order to interact with jBPM from the Django applications, and vice versa. A quick google implied that web services were easy enough to implement in order to interact with a Django frontend (from jBPM in this case).

Suggestion for Approachs to Develop Multi tenant Django Proj on Google App Engine

I was hoping to get some suggestions on some best approaches to develop a multi tenant Django project on Google AppEngine.
Some Thoughts to Consider.
I would assume using djnago.contrib.sites is a must.
I would like to use existing applications such as django-profiles and django-registration, I know their models would need porting.
Can multiple domains be pointed to the GAE App and the site be automatically chosen from the request headers?
IF not multiple domains, is there a way to say take a request say to and and push them to one view but with knowledge tennant without changing all the views, maybe using custom managers to hide the complexity from the views.
Generally hoping this will be a discussion of any approaches you have taken in the past or plan to take.
Looking forward to any Comments/Answers.
I can answer the App Engine questions for you, though I don't know the Django ones:
Yes, anyone can point a domain to your app using Google Apps, with the 'add services' option, entering your App ID when prompted. You can then check the 'Host' header to determine what site you want to use.
You can hide information per-tenant by using hooks to automatically insert the host in entities and queries:
Today Google released SDK 1.3.6, which includes multi-tenancy baked right into the solution.