QT slot not getting called on main thread - c++

From the thread context of a slot in my QT GUI application (upon button push), I am trying to launch a worker thread to update other another part of the GUI with the results of a CPU intensive calculation - these results will update a table or a google like map widget - so this needs to occur in the main QT application thread where it is safe to update these widgets.
The problem I have is that the updateGUIWidget slot never gets called unless I change the connection type to Qt::DirectConnection - in which case it gets called in the worker thread (where it is unsafe to update the GUI). I checked the results of each of the connect calls and they are fine, it seems that there is some issue with the event loop somewhere. I'm not sure if I need to allocate the thread and the worker objects as members of the mainwindow or if its OK to do so from stack variables in the slot.
// experimental worker thread model adapted from YouTube tutorial
// by Giuseppe di Angelo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgqT6SIeRn4
// auto thread = new QThread;
// note worker created in gui thread here - we will move its thread
// affinity to 'thread' below before starting it.
auto thread = new QThread;
auto worker = new Worker;
connect(thread, &QThread::started, worker, &Worker::doWork);
// connect(worker, &Worker::progressUpdate, this, &mainwindow::updateGUIWidget, Qt::DirectConnection);
connect(worker, &Worker::progressUpdate, this, &mainwindow::updateGUIWidget, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(worker, &Worker::workDone, thread, &QThread::quit);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, worker, &Worker::deleteLater);
// move worker to separate thread
The mainwindow has a slots declared in mainwindow.h as follows:
class mainwindow : public QMainWindow
explicit mainwindow(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR);
public slots:
void on_importSimulatedFlight_clicked();
void updateGUIWidget(const param& rParam);
and implemented in mainwindow.cpp as follows:
mainwindow::updateGUIWidget(const param& rParam)
... update widget components with rParam partial result here
and my worker is as follows:
class Worker : public QObject
public slots:
void doWork() {
const QString result;
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
const MMRTimedRecord foo;
// QThread::sleep(1);
emit progressUpdate(foo);
emit workDone(result);
void progressUpdate(const MMRTimedRecord&);
void workDone(const QString &result);

The reason it isn't working is because there's a serious flaw in your code: you are trying to emit a reference to a local variable to be handled in an slot on a different thread. That is a recipe for disaster.
When you are using Qt::QueuedConnection, you MUST emit by value, like this:
void progressUpdate(MMRTimedRecord val);
That means that your MMRTimedRecord must be copyable, and correspondingly, your slot must also accept by value. And why is there a mismatch between the signal progressUpdate(const MMRTimedRecord&) and the slot updateGUIWidget(const param& rParam); ?

You can check this answer for a possible solution. You can do
// gui update stuff
in your slot to do the gui update in the main thread, but it is a crude approach to be sure. Despite this, I do something like this all the time. Be careful of dangling pointers and references (use QPointer)..., as the issued event is independent of the issuing object. Alternatively, use the timer approach.

It’s really easy – and you shouldn’t be managing any threads manually:
void Ui::slot() {
auto result = compute();
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this, r = std::move(result)]{
The type of the data you compute should be movable.


QTimer running in QThread

I need a class with a timer which will do a task every 100msec, this class need to run in a thread, so I would like to combine qtimer with qthread.
I have created the following code:
class Worker : public QObject
void setEnabled(bool enable);
public slots:
void initialize();
void doWork();
QTimer *m_timer;
void Worker::initialize()
m_timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Worker::doWork, Qt::DirectConnection);
void Worker::setEnabled(bool enable)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc,argv);
QThread *thread = new QThread;
Worker *worker = new Worker;
QObject::connect(thread, &QThread::started, worker, &Worker::initialize);
delete worker;
delete thread;
With the following commands I could then enable/disable the time
I have tested and it works fine, but I would like to know if this is the correct way?
Thanks for the help
No, it's not entirely correct.
Worker::setEnabled(bool enable) should be a slot too, as it's invoking the QTimer::start() slot directly. Calling Worker::setEnabled directly from the main thread then results in undefined behavior. You must use a signal-slot connection to invoke setEnabled safely from the main thread.
You also should have initialized Worker::m_timer in the constructor rather than deferring it until initialize(), so you don't run into a dangling pointer if Worker::setEnabled was invoked earlier than expected. moveToThread will move all children of Worker with it, so that's perfectly sane behavior.
The only thing I need to mention is that the m_timer can't be initialzed in the constructor. See here information from qt:
By the way, one extremely important thing to note here is that you should NEVER allocate heap objects (using new) in the constructor of the QObject class as this allocation is then performed on the main thread and not on the new QThread instance, meaning that the newly created object is then owned by the main thread and not the QThread instance. This will make your code fail to work. Instead, allocate such resources in the main function slot such as initialize() in this case as when that is called the object will be on the new thread instance and thus it will own the resource.

Qt moveToThread, signals/slots with arguments

I've tried to use an approach from https://wiki.qt.io/QThreads_general_usage
with moveToThread. Everything is fine. But if I try to add the argument to the finished signal, there is the following problem:
class Worker : public QObject {
public slots:
void process();
void finished(const std::string& value);
void Worker::process() { // Process. Start processing data.
// allocate resources using new here
qDebug("Hello World!");
std::string s = someFunctionReturningString();
emit finished(s);
The main class is:
class Main: public QObject {
void startProgram();
public slots:
void slotFinished(const std::string& s);
void Main::startProgram() {
QThread* thread = new QThread;
Worker* worker = new Worker();
connect(thread, &QThread::started, worker, &Worker::process);
connect(worker, &Worker::finished, thread, &QThread::quit);
connect(worker, &Worker::finished, worker, &Worker::deleteLater);
connect(worker, &Worker::finished, this, &Main::slotFinished);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QThread::deleteLater);
void Main::slotFinished(const std::string& value) {
qDebug() << "result " << value.c_str();
If I connect this finished signal to some slot (slotFinished), I didn't get the call of this slot.
Is it an expected behavior of the signals/slots/moveToThread?
Problem is meta data information.
When you do a default connection between signal and slot and when signal is emitted from different thread than receiver is assigned to, Qt does a magic and wraps arguments for signal (creates a copy) and queue them in event loop of destination thread.
Then when destination tread executes logic of the Qt event loop, values are unwrapped and respective slot is invoked with copied values.
Now to be able to do this copy, Qt has to have some minimal knowledge about that type.
So when you use Qt types it will work out of the box, but you use external types like std::string in your case, you have to first perform type registration.
So basically your code is missing something like this:
// to be declared somewhere
// to be invoked at the beginning of program
Without type registration Qt doesn't know how to do a copy and provides a warning in logs. Check Qt logs I'm sure it prompts you with proper error message.

QThread finished() emitting fails if called inside window closing

I have done an application with some threads. Everything seems to work ok if I call my stopConsumer inside a keypressedEvent. But If I call it inside a destructor of closeEvent.. it fails.
My QThread class that has a run method like this one:
void Consumer::run()
forever {
// do something something
// do something something
// do something something
//-------------------------------- check for abort
if(abort) {
qDebug() << "abort..";
} abortMutex.unlock();
//-------------------------------- check for abort
qDebug() << "Consumer > emit finished()";
emit finished();
void Consumer::stopConsume() {
abort = true;
and a method in the MainWindow:
void initConsumers()
consumer1 = new Consumer(....);
connect(consumer1, SIGNAL(finished()),
this, SLOT(deleteConsumer()));
void stopConsumer() {
if(consumer1!=NULL) {
qDebug() << "stopConsumer";
If I have a keypressed that calls stopConsumer.. it's ok, deleteConsumer is reached.
If I call stopConsumer inside the MainWindow destructor or inside a MainWindow closeEvent.. the slot deleteConsumer is never reached!
Any ideas?
Given that the Consumer class and your MainWindow have different thread affinities, the call you make to connect inside initConsumers() is likely using a Qt::QueuedConnection, which means that the deleteConsumer() slot won't get called immediately.
If you would like to ensure that the consumer gets deleted from the destructor of your main window (or equivalently, from a close event), one possible solution is to call stopConsume() on the consumer, then wait until the thread is no longer running (see http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtcore/qthread.html#isRunning), then call deleteConsumer() directly.
Here's an example of what I described above:
It's not advisable to switch the connection type to Qt:DirectConnection since that will cause the deleteConsumer() function to be called from the body of Consumer::run(), which will likely crash your application.
Part of the problem here is that you're deriving from QThread, which is not how it is supposed to be used. You can read about why deriving from QThread is wrong here.
Instead, what you should be doing is deriving your class from QObject, creating a QThread object and moving the derived QObject instance to that thread.
class Consumer : public QObject
void finished();
private slots:
void run();
QThread pThread = new QThread;
Consumer pObject = new Consumer;
// move the pObject to the thread
You can then control the thread with signals and slots.
// assuming you've added a run slot function to the Consumer class
connect(pThread, SIGNAL(started()), pObject, SLOT(run()));
connect(pObject, SIGNAL(finished()), pThread, SLOT(quit()));
connect(pObject, SIGNAL(finished()), pObject, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// Note the thread cleans itself up here, but if the app is quitting,
// waiting on the thread to finish may be required instead
connect(pThread, SIGNAL(finished()), pThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
And start the thread: -
Used this way, it also enables multiple objects to be moved to a single new thread, rather than creating a new thread per object instance.

Issues with Qt's signals and slots behavior with multithreading

I'm currently trying to understand how signals and slots in Qt behave with threads.
I've tried to run a small test with the following code:
class Worker : public QObject{
Worker(int _value){value = _value;}
int value;
public slots:
void changeValue(int newValue){value = newValue;}
void doWork(){
std::cout << "Value is " << value << std::endl;
if(value == 0)break;
emit finished();
void finished();
class Manager : public QObject{
void modifiedValue(int value);
void changeTheValue(int value){emit modifiedValue(value);}
Basically, the worker display its value member every once in a while, and has a slot with a function that modifies the value.
The manager has the only purpose of emitting a signal with a new value when changeTheValue is called, that maps to the slot in Worker that modifies the value member.
Then I make my Worker class work in a thread the following way :
QThread myThread;
Worker myWorker(10);
Manager manager;
QObject::connect(&myThread, SIGNAL(started()), &myWorker,SLOT(doWork()));
QObject::connect(&myWorker, SIGNAL(finished()), &myThread, SLOT(quit()));
QObject::connect(&myWorker, SIGNAL(finished()), &myWorker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
QObject::connect(&myThread, SIGNAL(finished()), &myThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
QObject::connect(&manager, SIGNAL(modifiedValue(int)),
&myWorker, SLOT(changeValue(int)));
for(int i = 1; i < 10 ; i++){
But nothing happens. The value doesn't seem to be changed: output show a dozen lines with Value is 10.
What I can't understand is, why does the signal/slot mapping with Manager::modifiedValue and Worker::changeValue does not seem to work ? Is it only because the thread is currently running the doWork()'s loop ? Where does the call to the slots ends up then (queued, discarded, other) ?
I couldn't find much more on how does the signals/slots mechanism work with threads (I only found this thread which explains in which thread's call stack does the call to the slot end up, but the link provided in the answer seems outdated and leads to Qt 5 home).
To sum up the questions:
Why does the call to the slot that modifies the value does nothing ?
Is it possible to make this work (adding thread-safety wherever necessary) and how ?
There are multiple modes of how signals and slots work with threads (you absolutely must use QThreads for these to work!). These are documented in the manual:
The mistake in your code is that the Qt event loop is never called (as doWork never returns). For a repeating call you should be using a timer in that thread. Alternatively (NOT the recommended solution) you can call processEvents in your infinite loop.

How to stop looping thread

I want to stop a looping thread when a signal was emitted so here is my code
void MyThread::stopWatchingThread()
qDebug()<<"MyThread::stopWatchingThread Keep_running"<<Keep_running;
void MyThread::run()
qDebug()<<"MyThread::run Keep_running"<<Keep_running;
qDebug()<<"MyThread::run Keep_running"<<Keep_running;
qDebug()<<"MyThread::run Keep_running"<<Keep_running;
void Watcher::Init()
WatchingThread=new MyThread(this->L_RootToWatch);
connect(this,SIGNAL(stopmonotiring()),WatchingThread, SLOT(stopWatchingThread()));
void Watcher::StartWatching()
void Watcher::StopWatching()
emit stopmonotiring();
So every thing goes all right but my problem is that Keep_running never get false value in MyThread::run() after emitting stopWatchingThread and so while loop for ever.
What did I miss ?
any help will be appreciated.
Don't create threaded classes explicitly in Qt. Instead, create a worker object, move that object to a QThread, then call start() on the QThread. Here's a quick example:
class Worker : public QObject
Worker( QObject * parent = 0 )
: QObject( parent )
public slots:
void doWork( ... )
// do work here
void stopMonitoring()
emit finished();
void finished();
int main()
Worker * w = new Worker();
QThread * thread = new QThread();
QObject::connect( w, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit())
QObject::connect( w, SIGNAL(finished()), w, SLOT(deleteLater())
QObject::connect( thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater())
w->moveToThread( thread );
// some other object emits a signal connected to the 'doWork()' slot.
I omitted some of the standard QApplication boiler-plate, but you have that already if you're using Qt. This should get you started.
As your run() method is blocking and the event loop never entered, the slot stopWatchingThread will never be called. You must call exec() and not block the event loop by a spinning loop in run(). Either that, or have the watcher thread call stopWatchingThread directly instead of using a signal/slot connection. I'd go for the latter. keepRunning will be accessed from multiple threads then, so you have to protect it using a QMutex, QReadWriteLock or QAtomic. (Start with QMutex, it's easiest).
If you use an event loop in your thread just post the quit() signal to the thread object.
Maybe your C++ compiler optimizes away the read operation on Keep_running. Try declaring it as volatile, which tells the compiler that this variable might change "unexpectedly", e.g. from other threads or hardware interrupts.