In which of these examples is conversion necessary? - c++

Here are three examples, where I get a number from a function with some general non-double type (could be some sort of int, some sort of size_t, etc), and need to store that in a double.
My question is, is the code fine as is in all three examples, or do I need to do some conversion?
double x = getNotDouble(); //Set x = some number.
//Set x equal to division between two non-doubles:
double x = getNotDouble() / getAnotherNotDouble();
//Take non-double in constructor
class myClass
double x
myClass(someType notDoublex) : x(NotDoublex)

Strictly speaking, a conversion is used whenever you assign a value of one type to a variable of another type. In this respect, a conversion is needed in all three cases, since all three cases assign a non-double value to a double variable.
However, needing a conversion is not the same as needing to specify a conversion. Some conversions are provided automagically by the compiler. When this happens, you do not need to specify a conversion unless the automatic conversion is not the one you wanted. So whether or not a conversion needs to be specified depends on what you want to achieve.
Each of your three cases is correct in certain situations, but not necessarily in all situations. At the same time, each of your three cases could be enhanced with an explicit conversion, which would at least serve as a reminder to future programmers (including you!) that the conversion is intentional. This could be particularly useful when there are integers and division involved, since an explicit conversion could confirm that the intent is to convert to double after the integer division (dropping the fractional part).
In the end, what you need to do depends upon what you want to accomplish. One program's feature is another program's bug, simply because the programs seek to accomplish different goals.
Note that I have taken the following statement at face value:
I get a number from a function [...] and need to store that in a double.
For the second example, the value being stored in a double is getNotDouble() / getAnotherNotDouble(). To make this fit the statement, I needed to interpret "function" in the mathematical sense, not the programming sense. That is, the division is the "function" producing the value to store in a double. Otherwise I would have two numbers from two C++ functions, and that is inconsistent with "a number from a function". So I read the question as asking whether or not a conversion is needed after the division.
If the intent was to ask if a conversion is needed before the division, the answer still depends upon what you want to accomplish. The behavior of division depends on its operands, not on what is done with the result. So if the operands are integers, then integer division is performed, and the result is an integer even if that resulting integer is then assigned to a floating point variable. Sometimes this is desired. Often not.
If you are storing the result of the division in a double because you want to store the fractional part of the quotient, then you would need to make sure at least one of the operands is a floating point value before the division is performed. (There are floating point types other than double, so "not double" is not enough to know if an explicit conversion is needed.) However, this is really a separate topic than what this question is nominally about since this is about the division operator, while the question is nominally about storing values.

Your first and third example result in no loss of data, so I assume they're fine.
Your second example is where some loss of data takes place (integer division means the result is rounded down), which you could potentially:
double x = static_cast<double>(getNotDouble()) / getAnotherNotDouble();
One of the values has to be a double in order for the return value to also be a double.


Floating point equality

It is common knowledge that one has to be careful when comparing floating point values. Usually, instead of using ==, we use some epsilon or ULP based equality testing.
However, I wonder, are there any cases, when using == is perfectly fine?
Look at this simple snippet, which cases are guaranteed to succeed?
void fn(float a, float b) {
float l1 = a/b;
float l2 = a/b;
if (l1==l1) { } // case a)
if (l1==l2) { } // case b)
if (l1==a/b) { } // case c)
if (l1==5.0f/3.0f) { } // case d)
int main() {
fn(5.0f, 3.0f);
Note: I've checked this and this, but they don't cover (all of) my cases.
Note2: It seems that I have to add some plus information, so answers can be useful in practice: I'd like to know:
what the C++ standard says
what happens, if a C++ implementation follows IEEE-754
This is the only relevant statement I found in the current draft standard:
The value representation of floating-point types is implementation-defined. [ Note: This document imposes no requirements on the accuracy of floating-point operations; see also [support.limits]. — end note ]
So, does this mean, that even "case a)" is implementation defined? I mean, l1==l1 is definitely a floating-point operation. So, if an implementation is "inaccurate", then could l1==l1 be false?
I think this question is not a duplicate of Is floating-point == ever OK?. That question doesn't address any of the cases I'm asking. Same subject, different question. I'd like to have answers specifically to case a)-d), for which I cannot find answers in the duplicated question.
However, I wonder, are there any cases, when using == is perfectly fine?
Sure there are. One category of examples are usages that involve no computation, e.g. setters that should only execute on changes:
void setRange(float min, float max)
if(min == m_fMin && max == m_fMax)
m_fMin = min;
m_fMax = max;
// Do something with min and/or max
emit rangeChanged(min, max);
See also Is floating-point == ever OK? and Is floating-point == ever OK?.
Contrived cases may "work". Practical cases may still fail. One additional issue is that often optimisation will cause small variations in the way the calculation is done so that symbolically the results should be equal but numerically they are different. The example above could, theoretically, fail in such a case. Some compilers offer an option to produce more consistent results at a cost to performance. I would advise "always" avoiding the equality of floating point numbers.
Equality of physical measurements, as well as digitally stored floats, is often meaningless. So if your comparing if floats are equal in your code you are probably doing something wrong. You usually want greater than or less that or within a tolerance. Often code can be rewritten so these types of issues are avoided.
Only a) and b) are guaranteed to succeed in any sane implementation (see the legalese below for details), as they compare two values that have been derived in the same way and rounded to float precision. Consequently, both compared values are guaranteed to be identical to the last bit.
Case c) and d) may fail because the computation and subsequent comparison may be carried out with higher precision than float. The different rounding of double should be enough to fail the test.
Note that the cases a) and b) may still fail if infinities or NANs are involved, though.
Using the N3242 C++11 working draft of the standard, I find the following:
In the text describing the assignment expression, it is explicitly stated that type conversion takes place, [expr.ass] 3:
If the left operand is not of class type, the expression is implicitly converted (Clause 4) to the cv-unqualified type of the left operand.
Clause 4 refers to the standard conversions [conv], which contain the following on floating point conversions, [conv.double] 1:
A prvalue of floating point type can be converted to a prvalue of another floating point type. If the
source value can be exactly represented in the destination type, the result of the conversion is that exact
representation. If the source value is between two adjacent destination values, the result of the conversion
is an implementation-defined choice of either of those values. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
(Emphasis mine.)
So we have the guarantee that the result of the conversion is actually defined, unless we are dealing with values outside the representable range (like float a = 1e300, which is UB).
When people think about "internal floating point representation may be more precise than visible in code", they think about the following sentence in the standard, [expr] 11:
The values of the floating operands and the results of floating expressions may be represented in greater
precision and range than that required by the type; the types are not changed thereby.
Note that this applies to operands and results, not to variables. This is emphasized by the attached footnote 60:
The cast and assignment operators must still perform their specific conversions as described in 5.4, 5.2.9 and 5.17.
(I guess, this is the footnote that Maciej Piechotka meant in the comments - the numbering seems to have changed in the version of the standard he's been using.)
So, when I say float a = some_double_expression;, I have the guarantee that the result of the expression is actually rounded to be representable by a float (invoking UB only if the value is out-of-bounds), and a will refer to that rounded value afterwards.
An implementation could indeed specify that the result of the rounding is random, and thus break the cases a) and b). Sane implementations won't do that, though.
Assuming IEEE 754 semantics, there are definitely some cases where you can do this. Conventional floating point number computations are exact whenever they can be, which for example includes (but is not limited to) all basic operations where the operands and the results are integers.
So if you know for a fact that you don't do anything that would result in something unrepresentable, you are fine. For example
float a = 1.0f;
float b = 1.0f;
float c = 2.0f;
assert(a + b == c); // you can safely expect this to succeed
The situation only really gets bad if you have computations with results that aren't exactly representable (or that involve operations which aren't exact) and you change the order of operations.
Note that the C++ standard itself doesn't guarantee IEEE 754 semantics, but that's what you can expect to be dealing with most of the time.
Case (a) fails if a == b == 0.0. In this case, the operation yields NaN, and by definition (IEEE, not C) NaN ≠ NaN.
Cases (b) and (c) can fail in parallel computation when floating-point round modes (or other computation modes) are changed in the middle of this thread's execution. Seen this one in practice, unfortunately.
Case (d) can be different because the compiler (on some machine) may choose to constant-fold the computation of 5.0f/3.0f and replace it with the constant result (of unspecified precision), whereas a/b must be computed at runtime on the target machine (which might be radically different). In fact, intermediate calculations may be performed in arbitrary precision. I've seen differences on old Intel architectures when intermediate computation was performed in 80-bit floating-point, a format that the language didn't even directly support.
In my humble opinion, you should not rely on the == operator because it has many corner cases. The biggest problem is rounding and extended precision. In case of x86, floating point operations can be done with bigger precision than you can store in variables (if you use coprocessors, IIRC SSE operations use same precision as storage).
This is usually good thing, but this causes problems like:
1./2 != 1./2 because one value is form variable and second is from floating point register. In the simplest cases, it will work, but if you add other floating point operations the compiler could decide to split some variables to the stack, changing their values, thus changing the result of the comparison.
To have 100% certainty you need look at assembly and see what operations was done before on both values. Even the order can change the result in non-trivial cases.
Overall what is point of using ==? You should use algorithms that are stable. This means they work even if values are not equal, but they still give the same results. The only place I know where == could be useful is serializing/deserializing where you know what result you want exactly and you can alter serialization to archive your goal.

Do literals in C++ really evaluate?

It was always my understanding that l-values have to evaluate, but for kind of obvious and easily explained reasons. An identifier represents a region of storage, and the value is in that storage and must be retrieved. That makes sense. But a program needing to evaluate a literal (for example, the integer 21) doesn't quite make sense to me. The value is right there, how much more explicit can you get? Well, besides adding U for unsigned, or some other suffix. This is why I'm curious about literals needing to be evaluated, as I've only seen this mentioned in one place. Most books also switch up terminology, like "Primary Expression," "operand," or "subexpression" and the like, to the point where the lines begin to blur. In all this time I have yet to see a clear explanation for this particular thing. It seems like a waste of processing power.
A ordinary literal only needs to be evaluated during compilation, by the compiler.
A user defined literal may be evaluated also at run time. For example, after including the <string> header, and making its ...s literals available by the directive using namespace std::string_literals;, then "Blah"s is a user defined literal of type std::string. The "Blah" part is evaluated by the compiler, at compile time. The conversion to std::string, which involves dynamic allocation, necessarily happens at run time.
But a program needing to evaluate a literal (for example, the integer
21) doesn't quite make sense to me. The value is right there, how much
more explicit can you get?
Things are a little more complicated for floating point types. Consider the number 0.1. In binary it cannot be represented exactly and the closest floating point representation must be selected for it. If you input that number during runtime, the conversion of 0.1 to the binary representation has to respect the rounding mode (upward, downward, toward zero, toward infinity). Strict treatment of floating point arithmetic suggests that conversion of the 0.1 floating point literal to the binary representation should also be performed respecting the rounding mode (which only becomes known during runtime) and therefore cannot be done by the compiler (actually the bigger part of it can be done by the compiler but the final rounding has to be performed during runtime, taking into account the rounding mode).

Why does C++ promote an int to a float when a float cannot represent all int values?

Say I have the following:
int i = 23;
float f = 3.14;
if (i == f) // do something
i will be promoted to a float and the two float numbers will be compared, but can a float represent all int values? Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
When int is promoted to unsigned in the integral promotions, negative values are also lost (which leads to such fun as 0u < -1 being true).
Like most mechanisms in C (that are inherited in C++), the usual arithmetic conversions should be understood in terms of hardware operations. The makers of C were very familiar with the assembly language of the machines with which they worked, and they wrote C to make immediate sense to themselves and people like themselves when writing things that would until then have been written in assembly (such as the UNIX kernel).
Now, processors, as a rule, do not have mixed-type instructions (add float to double, compare int to float, etc.) because it would be a huge waste of real estate on the wafer -- you'd have to implement as many times more opcodes as you want to support different types. That you only have instructions for "add int to int," "compare float to float", "multiply unsigned with unsigned" etc. makes the usual arithmetic conversions necessary in the first place -- they are a mapping of two types to the instruction family that makes most sense to use with them.
From the point of view of someone who's used to writing low-level machine code, if you have mixed types, the assembler instructions you're most likely to consider in the general case are those that require the least conversions. This is particularly the case with floating points, where conversions are runtime-expensive, and particularly back in the early 1970s, when C was developed, computers were slow, and when floating point calculations were done in software. This shows in the usual arithmetic conversions -- only one operand is ever converted (with the single exception of long/unsigned int, where the long may be converted to unsigned long, which does not require anything to be done on most machines. Perhaps not on any where the exception applies).
So, the usual arithmetic conversions are written to do what an assembly coder would do most of the time: you have two types that don't fit, convert one to the other so that it does. This is what you'd do in assembler code unless you had a specific reason to do otherwise, and to people who are used to writing assembler code and do have a specific reason to force a different conversion, explicitly requesting that conversion is natural. After all, you can simply write
if((double) i < (double) f)
It is interesting to note in this context, by the way, that unsigned is higher in the hierarchy than int, so that comparing int with unsigned will end in an unsigned comparison (hence the 0u < -1 bit from the beginning). I suspect this to be an indicator that people in olden times considered unsigned less as a restriction on int than as an extension of its value range: We don't need the sign right now, so let's use the extra bit for a larger value range. You'd use it if you had reason to expect that an int would overflow -- a much bigger worry in a world of 16-bit ints.
Even double may not be able to represent all int values, depending on how much bits does int contain.
Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
Probably because it's more costly to convert both types to double than use one of the operands, which is already a float, as float. It would also introduce special rules for comparison operators incompatible with rules for arithmetic operators.
There's also no guarantee how floating point types will be represented, so it would be a blind shot to assume that converting int to double (or even long double) for comparison will solve anything.
The type promotion rules are designed to be simple and to work in a predictable manner. The types in C/C++ are naturally "sorted" by the range of values they can represent. See this for details. Although floating point types cannot represent all integers represented by integral types because they can't represent the same number of significant digits, they might be able to represent a wider range.
To have predictable behavior, when requiring type promotions, the numeric types are always converted to the type with the larger range to avoid overflow in the smaller one. Imagine this:
int i = 23464364; // more digits than float can represent!
float f = 123.4212E36f; // larger range than int can represent!
if (i == f) { /* do something */ }
If the conversion was done towards the integral type, the float f would certainly overflow when converted to int, leading to undefined behavior. On the other hand, converting i to f only causes a loss of precision which is irrelevant since f has the same precision so it's still possible that the comparison succeeds. It's up to the programmer at that point to interpret the result of the comparison according to the application requirements.
Finally, besides the fact that double precision floating point numbers suffer from the same problem representing integers (limited number of significant digits), using promotion on both types would lead to having a higher precision representation for i, while f is doomed to have the original precision, so the comparison will not succeed if i has a more significant digits than f to begin with. Now that is also undefined behavior: the comparison might succeed for some couples (i,f) but not for others.
can a float represent all int values?
For a typical modern system where both int and float are stored in 32 bits, no. Something's gotta give. 32 bits' worth of integers doesn't map 1-to-1 onto a same-sized set that includes fractions.
The i will be promoted to a float and the two float numbers will be compared…
Not necessarily. You don't really know what precision will apply. C++14 §5/12:
The values of the floating operands and the results of floating expressions may be represented in greater precision and range than that required by the type; the types are not changed thereby.
Although i after promotion has nominal type float, the value may be represented using double hardware. C++ doesn't guarantee floating-point precision loss or overflow. (This is not new in C++14; it's inherited from C since olden days.)
Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
If you want optimal precision everywhere, use double instead and you'll never see a float. Or long double, but that might run slower. The rules are designed to be relatively sensible for the majority of use-cases of limited-precision types, considering that one machine may offer several alternative precisions.
Most of the time, fast and loose is good enough, so the machine is free to do whatever is easiest. That might mean a rounded, single-precision comparison, or double precision and no rounding.
But, such rules are ultimately compromises, and sometimes they fail. To precisely specify arithmetic in C++ (or C), it helps to make conversions and promotions explicit. Many style guides for extra-reliable software prohibit using implicit conversions altogether, and most compilers offer warnings to help you expunge them.
To learn about how these compromises came about, you can peruse the C rationale document. (The latest edition covers up to C99.) It is not just senseless baggage from the days of the PDP-11 or K&R.
It is fascinating that a number of answers here argue from the origin of the C language, explicitly naming K&R and historical baggage as the reason that an int is converted to a float when combined with a float.
This is pointing the blame to the wrong parties. In K&R C, there was no such thing as a float calculation. All floating point operations were done in double precision. For that reason, an integer (or anything else) was never implicitly converted to a float, but only to a double. A float also could not be the type of a function argument: you had to pass a pointer to float if you really, really, really wanted to avoid conversion into a double. For that reason, the functions
int x(float a)
{ ... }
int y(a)
float a;
{ ... }
have different calling conventions. The first gets a float argument, the second (by now no longer permissable as syntax) gets a double argument.
Single-precision floating point arithmetic and function arguments were only introduced with ANSI C. Kernighan/Ritchie is innocent.
Now with the newly available single float expressions (single float previously was only a storage format), there also had to be new type conversions. Whatever the ANSI C team picked here (and I would be at a loss for a better choice) is not the fault of K&R.
Q1: Can a float represent all int values?
IEE754 can represent all integers exactly as floats, up to about 223, as mentioned in this answer.
Q2: Why not promote both the int and the float to a double?
The rules in the Standard for these conversions are slight modifications of those in K&R: the modifications accommodate the added types and the value preserving rules. Explicit license was added to perform calculations in a “wider” type than absolutely necessary, since this can sometimes produce smaller and faster code, not to mention the correct answer more often. Calculations can also be performed in a “narrower” type by the as if rule so long as the same end result is obtained. Explicit casting can always be used to obtain a value in a desired type.
Performing calculations in a wider type means that given float f1; and float f2;, f1 + f2 might be calculated in double precision. And it means that given int i; and float f;, i == f might be calculated in double precision. But it isn't required to calculate i == f in double precision, as hvd stated in the comment.
Also C standard says so. These are known as the usual arithmetic conversions . The following description is taken straight from the ANSI C standard.
...if either operand has type float , the other operand is converted to type float .
Source and you can see it in the ref too.
A relevant link is this answer. A more analytic source is here.
Here is another way to explain this: The usual arithmetic conversions are implicitly performed to cast their values in a common type. Compiler first performs integer promotion, if operands still have different types then they are converted to the type that appears highest in the following hierarchy:
When a programming language is created some decisions are made intuitively.
For instance why not convert int+float to int+int instead of float+float or double+double? Why call int->float a promotion if it holds the same about of bits? Why not call float->int a promotion?
If you rely on implicit type conversions you should know how they work, otherwise just convert manually.
Some language could have been designed without any automatic type conversions at all. And not every decision during a design phase could have been made logically with a good reason.
JavaScript with it's duck typing has even more obscure decisions under the hood. Designing an absolutely logical language is impossible, I think it goes to Godel incompleteness theorem. You have to balance logic, intuition, practice and ideals.
The question is why: Because it is fast, easy to explain, easy to compile, and these were all very important reasons at the time when the C language was developed.
You could have had a different rule: That for every comparison of arithmetic values, the result is that of comparing the actual numerical values. That would be somewhere between trivial if one of the expressions compared is a constant, one additional instruction when comparing signed and unsigned int, and quite difficult if you compare long long and double and want correct results when the long long cannot be represented as double. (0u < -1 would be false, because it would compare the numerical values 0 and -1 without considering their types).
In Swift, the problem is solved easily by disallowing operations between different types.
The rules are written for 16 bit ints (smallest required size). Your compiler with 32 bit ints surely converts both sides to double. There are no float registers in modern hardware anyway so it has to convert to double. Now if you have 64 bit ints I'm not too sure what it does. long double would be appropriate (normally 80 bits but it's not even standard).

std::numeric_limits::is_exact ... what is a usable definition?

As I interpret it, MSDN's definition of numeric_limits::is_exactis almost always false:
[all] calculations done on [this] type are free of rounding errors.
And IBM's definition is almost always true: (Or a circular definition, depending on how you read it)
a type that has exact representations for all its values
What I'm certain of is that I could store a 2 in both a double and a long and they would both be represented exactly.
I could then divide them both by 10 and neither would hold the mathematical result exactly.
Given any numeric data type T, what is the correct way to define std::numeric_limits<T>::is_exact?
I've posted what I think is an accurate answer to this question from details supplied in many answers. This answer is not a contender for the bounty.
The definition in the standard (see NPE's answer) isn't very exact, is it? Instead, it's circular and vague.
Given that the IEC floating point standard has a concept of "inexact" numbers (and an inexact exception when a computation yields an inexact number), I suspect that this is the origin of the name is_exact. Note that of the standard types, is_exact is false only for float, double, and long double.
The intent is to indicate whether the type exactly represents all of the numbers of the underlying mathematical type. For integral types, the underlying mathematical type is some finite subset of the integers. Since each integral types exactly represents each and every one of the members of the subset of the integers targeted by that type, is_exact is true for all of the integral types. For floating point types, the underlying mathematical type is some finite range subset of the real numbers. (An example of a finite range subset is "all real numbers between 0 and 1".) There's no way to represent even a finite range subset of the reals exactly; almost all are uncomputable. The IEC/IEEE format makes matters even worse. With that format, computers can't even represent a finite range subset of the rational numbers exactly (let alone a finite range subset of the computable numbers).
I suspect that the origin of the term is_exact is the long-standing concept of "inexact" numbers in various floating point representation models. Perhaps a better name would have been is_complete.
The numeric types defined by the language aren't the be-all and end-all of representations of "numbers". A fixed point representation is essentially the integers, so they too would be exact (no holes in the representation). Representing the rationals as a pair of standard integral types (e.g., int/int) would not be exact, but a class that represented the rationals as a Bignum pair would, at least theoretically, be "exact".
What about the reals? There's no way to represent the reals exactly because almost all of the reals are not computable. The best we could possibly do with computers is the computable numbers. That would require representing a number as some algorithm. While this might be useful theoretically, from a practical standpoint, it's not that useful at all.
Second Addendum
The place to start is with the standard. Both C++03 and C++11 define is_exact as being
True if the type uses an exact representation.
That is both vague and circular. It's meaningless. Not quite so meaningless is that integer types (char, short, int, long, etc.) are "exact" by fiat:
All integer types are exact, ...
What about other arithmetic types? The first thing to note is that the only other arithmetic types are the floating point types float, double, and long double (3.9.1/8):
There are three floating point types: float, double, and long double. ... The value representation of floating-point types is implementation-defined. Integral and floating types are collectively called arithmetic types.
The meaning of the floating point types in C++ is markedly murky. Compare with Fortran:
A real datum is a processor approximation to the value of a real number.
Compare with ISO/IEC 10967-1, Language independent arithmetic (which the C++ standards reference in footnotes, but never as a normative reference):
A floating point type F shall be a finite subset of ℝ.
C++ on the other hand is moot with regard to what the floating point types are supposed to represent. As far as I can tell, an implementation could get away with making float a synonym for int, double a synonym for long, and long double a synonym for long long.
Once more from the standards on is_exact:
... but not all exact types are integer. For example, rational and fixed-exponent representations are exact but not integer.
This obviously doesn't apply to user-developed extensions for the simple reason that users are not allowed to define std::whatever<MyType>. Do that and you're invoking undefined behavior. This final clause can only pertain to implementations that
Define float, double, and long double in some peculiar way, or
Provide some non-standard rational or fixed point type as an arithmetic type and decide to provide a std::numeric_limits<non_standard_type> for these non-standard extensions.
I suggest that is_exact is true iff all literals of that type have their exact value. So is_exact is false for the floating types because the value of literal 0.1 is not exactly 0.1.
Per Christian Rau's comment, we can instead define is_exact to be true when the results of the four arithmetic operations between any two values of the type are either out of range or can be represented exactly, using the definitions of the operations for that type (i.e., truncating integer division, unsigned wraparound). With this definition you can cavil that floating-point operations are defined to produce the nearest representable value. Don't :-)
The problem of exactnes is not restricted to C, so lets look further.
Germane dicussion about redaction of standards apart, inexact has to apply to mathematical operations that require rounding for representing the result with the same type. For example, Scheme has such kind of definition of exactness/inexactness by mean of exact operations and exact literal constants see R5RS §6. standard procedures from
For case of double x=0.1 we either consider that 0.1 is a well defined double literal, or as in Scheme, that the literal is an inexact constant formed by an inexact compile time operation (rounding to the nearest double the result of operation 1/10 which is well defined in Q). So we always end up on operations.
Let's concentrate on +, the others can be defined mathematically by mean of + and group property.
A possible definition of inexactness could then be:
If there exists any pair of values (a,b) of a type such that a+b-a-b != 0,
then this type is inexact (in the sense that + operation is inexact).
For every floating point representation we know of (trivial case of nan and inf apart) there obviously exist such pair, so we can tell that float (operations) are inexact.
For well defined unsigned arithmetic model, + is exact.
For signed int, we have the problem of UB in case of overflow, so no warranty of exactness... Unless we refine the rule to cope with this broken arithmetic model:
If there exists any pair (a,b) such that (a+b) is well defined
and a+b-a-b != 0,
then the + operation is inexact.
Above well definedness could help us extend to other operations as well, but it's not really necessary.
We would then have to consider the case of / as false polymorphism rather than inexactness
(/ being defined as the quotient of Euclidean division for int).
Of course, this is not an official rule, validity of this answer is limited to the effort of rational thinking
The definition given in the C++ standard seems fairly unambiguous:
static constexpr bool is_exact;
True if the type uses an exact representation. All integer types are exact, but not all exact types are
integer. For example, rational and fixed-exponent representations are exact but not integer.
Meaningful for all specializations.
In C++ the int type is used to represent a mathematical integer type (i.e. one of the set of {..., -1, 0, 1, ...}). Due to the practical limitation of implementation, the language defines the minimum range of values that should be held by that type, and all valid values in that range must be represented without ambiguity on all known architectures.
The standard also defines types that are used to hold floating point numbers, each with their own range of valid values. What you won't find is the list of valid floating point numbers. Again, due to practical limitations the standard allows for approximations of these types. Many people try to say that only numbers that can be represented by the IEEE floating point standard are exact values for those types, but that's not part of the standard. Though it is true that the implementation of the language on binary computers has a standard for how double and float are represented, there is nothing in the language that says it has to be implemented on a binary computer. In other words float isn't defined by the IEEE standard, the IEEE standard is just an acceptable implementation. As such, if there were an implementation that could hold any value in the range of values that define double and float without rounding rules or estimation, you could say that is_exact is true for that platform.
Strictly speaking, T can't be your only argument to tell whether a type "is_exact", but we can infer some of the other arguments. Because you're probably using a binary computer with standard hardware and any publicly available C++ compiler, when you assign a double the value of .1 (which is in the acceptable range for the floating point types), that's not the number the computer will use in calculations with that variable. It uses the closest approximation as defined by the IEEE standard. Granted, if you compare a literal with itself your compiler should return true, because the IEEE standard is pretty explicit. We know that computers don't have infinite precision and therefore calculations that we expect to have a value of .1 won't necessarily end up with the same approximate representation that the literal value has. Enter the dreaded epsilon comparison.
To practically answer your question, I would say that for any type which requires an epsilon comparison to test for approximate equality, is_exact should return false. If strict comparison is sufficient for that type, it should return true.
std::numeric_limits<T>::is_exact should be false if and only if T's definition allows values that may be unstorable.
C++ considers any floating point literal to be a valid value for its type. And implementations are allowed to decide which values have exact stored representation.
So for every real number in the allowed range (such as 2.0 or 0.2), C++ always promises that the number is a valid double and never promises that the value can be stored exactly.
This means that two assumptions made in the question - while true for the ubiquitous IEEE floating point standard - are incorrect for the C++ definition:
I'm certain that I could store a 2 in a double exactly.
I could then divide [it] by 10 and [the double would not] hold the
mathematical result exactly.

Implicit type conversions in expressions int to double

I've been trying to reduce implicit type conversions when I use named constants in my code. For example rather than using
const double foo = 5;
I would use
const double foo = 5.0;
so that a type conversion doesn't need to take place. However, in expressions where I do something like this...
const double halfFoo = foo / 2;
etc. Is that 2 evaluated as an integer and is it implicitly converted? Should I use a 2.0 instead?
The 2 is implicitly converted to a double because foo is a double. You do have to be careful because if foo was, say, an integer, integer division would be performed and then the result would be stored in halfFoo.
I think it is good practice to always use floating-point literals (e.g. 2.0 or 2. wherever you intend for them to be used as floating-point values. It's more consistent and can help you to find pernicious bugs that can crop up with this sort of thing.
This is known as Type Coercion. Wikipedia has a nice bit about it:
Implicit type conversion, also known as coercion, is an automatic type conversion by the compiler. Some languages allow, or even require, compilers to provide coercion.
In a mixed-type expression, data of one or more subtypes can be converted to a supertype as needed at runtime so that the program will run correctly.
This behavior should be used with caution, as unintended consequences can arise. Data can be lost when floating-point representations are converted to integral representations as the fractional components of the floating-point values will be truncated (rounded down). Conversely, converting from an integral representation to a floating-point one can also lose precision, since the floating-point type may be unable to represent the integer exactly (for example, float might be an IEEE 754 single precision type, which cannot represent the integer 16777217 exactly, while a 32-bit integer type can). This can lead to situations such as storing the same integer value into two variables of type integer and type real which return false if compared for equality.
In the case of C and C++, the value of an expression of integral types (i.e. longs, integers, shorts, chars) is the largest integral type in the expression. I'm not sure, but I imagine something similar happens (assuming floating point values are "larger" than integer types) with expressions involving floating point numbers.
Strictly speaking, what you are trying to achieve seems to be counterproductive.
Normally, one would strive to reduce the number of explicit type conversions in a C program and, generally, to reduce all and any type dependencies in the source code. Good C code should be as type-independent as possible. That generally means that it is a good idea to avoid any explicit syntactical elements that spell out specific types as often as possible. It is better to do
const double foo = 5; /* better */
const double foo = 5.0; /* worse */
because the latter is redundant. The implicit type conversion rules of C language will make sure that the former works correctly. The same can be said about comparisons. This
if (foo > 0)
is better than
if (foo > 0.0)
because, again, the former is more type-independent.
Implicit type conversion in this case is a very good thing, not a bad thing. It helps you to write generic type-independent code. Why are you trying to avoid them?
It is true that in some cases you have no other choice but to express the type explicitly (like use 2.0 instead of 2 and so on). But normally one would do it only when one really has to. Why someone would do it without a real need is beyond me.