GCE ingress health checks failing on kubernetes - google-cloud-platform

I am trying to run a bitcoin node on kubernetes. My stateful set is as follows:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: bitcoin-stateful
namespace: dev
serviceName: bitcoinrpc-dev-service
replicas: 1
app: bitcoin-node
app: bitcoin-node
- name: bitcoin-node-mainnet
image: myimage:v0.13.2-addrindex
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 8332
- name: bitcoin-chaindata
mountPath: /root/.bitcoin
- bitcoin-cli
- getinfo
initialDelaySeconds: 60 #wait this period after staring fist time
periodSeconds: 15 # polling interval
timeoutSeconds: 15 # wish to receive response within this time period
- bitcoin-cli
- getinfo
initialDelaySeconds: 60 #wait this period after staring fist time
periodSeconds: 15 # polling interval
timeoutSeconds: 15 # wish to receive response within this time period
command: ["/bin/bash"]
args: ["-c","service ntp start && \
bitcoind -printtoconsole -conf=/root/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf -reindex-chainstate -datadir=/root/.bitcoin/ -daemon=0 -bind="]
Since, the bitcoin node doesn't serve any http get requests and only can serve post requests, I am trying to use bitcoin-cli command for liveness and readiness probe
My service is as follows:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: bitcoinrpc-dev-service
namespace: dev
app: bitcoin-node
- name: mainnet
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8332
When I describe the pods, they are running ok and all the health checks seem to be ok.
However, I am also using ingress controller with the following config:
kind: Ingress
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
name: dev-ingress
namespace: dev
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: "dev-ingress"
- host: bitcoin.something.net
- path: /rpc
serviceName: bitcoinrpc-dev-service
servicePort: 80
The health checks on the L7 load balancer seem to be failing. The tests are automatically configured in the following manner.
However, these tests are not the same as the ones configured in the readiness probe. I tried to delete the ingress and recreate however, it still behaves the same way.
I have the following questions:
1. Should I modify/delete this health check manually?
2. Even if the health check is failing (wrongly configured), since the containers and ingress are up, does it mean that I should be able to access the service through http?

What is is missing is that you are performing the liveness and readiness probe as exec command, therefor you need to create a pod that includes an Exec readiness probe and other pod that includes Exec readiness probe as well, Here and Here is described how to do it.
Another thing is to receive traffic through the GCE L7 Loadbalancer Controller you need:
At least 1 Kubernetes NodePort Service (this is the endpoint for your Ingress), so your service is not configured well. therefor you will not be able to able to access the service.
The health check in picture in for the Default backend (where your MIG is using it to check the health of the node) that mean your nodes health check not the container.

No, you don't have to delete the health check as it will get created automatically even if you delete it.
No, you won't be able to access the services until the health checks pass because the traffic in case of gke is passed using NEGs which depend on health checks to know where they can route traffic to.
One possible solution this could be that you need to add a basic http router to your application that returns 200, this can be used health check endpoint.
Other possible options include:
Creating a service of type NodePort and using LoadBalancer to route traffic on the given port to the node pool/instance groups as backend service rather than using NEG
Create the service of type LoadBalancer. This step is the easiest but you need to ensure that the load balancer ip is protected using best security policies like IAP, firewall rules, etc.


AWS EKS, How To Hit Pod directly from browser?

I'm very new to kubernetes. I have spent the last week learning about Nodes, Pods, Clusters, Services, and Deployments.
With that I'm trying to just get some more understanding of how the networking for kubernetes even works. I just want to expose a simple nginx docker webpage and hit it from my browser.
Our VPC is setup with a direct connect so I'm able to hit EC2 instances on their private IP addresses. I also setup the EKS cluster using the UI on aws for now as private. For testing purposes I have added my cidr range to be allowed on all TCP as an additional security group in the EKS cluster UI.
Here is my basic service and deployment definitions:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: testing-nodeport
namespace: default
infrastructure: fargate
app: testing-app
type: NodePort
app: testing-app
- port: 80
targetPort: testing-port
protocol: TCP
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: testing-deployment
namespace: default
infrastructure: fargate
app: testing-app
replicas: 1
infrastructure: fargate
app: testing-app
infrastructure: fargate
app: testing-app
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.14.2
- name: testing-port
containerPort: 80
I can see that everything is running correctly when I run:
kubectl get all -n default
However, when I try to hit the NodePort IP address on port 80 I can't load it from the browser.
I can hit the pod if I first setup a kubectl proxy at the following url (as the proxy is started on port 8001):
I'm pretty much lost at this point. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and why I can't hit the basic nginx docker outside of the kubectl proxy command.
What if you use the proxy option? Something like this:
kubectl port-forward -n default service/testing-nodeport 3000:80
Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:3000 -> 80
After this, you can access your K8S service from localhost:3000. More info here
Imagine that the kubernetes cluster is like your AWS VPC. It has its own internal network with private IPs and connects all the PODs. Kubernetes only exposes things which you explicitly ask to expose.
Service port 80 is available within the cluster. So one pod can talk to this service using the service name:service port. But if you need to access from outside, you need ingress controller / LoadBalancer. You can also use NodePort for testing purposes. The node port will be something bigger than 30000 (within this 30000-32767).
You should be able to access nginx using node IP:nodeport. Here I assumed you have security group opening the node port.
Use this yaml. I updated the node port to be 31000. You can access the nginx on nodeport:31000. As I had mentioned you can not use 80 as it is for within the cluster. If you need to use 80, then you need ingress controller.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: testing-nodeport
namespace: default
infrastructure: fargate
app: testing-app
type: NodePort
app: testing-app
- port: 80
targetPort: testing-port
protocol: TCP
nodePort: 31000
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: testing-deployment
namespace: default
infrastructure: fargate
app: testing-app
replicas: 1
infrastructure: fargate
app: testing-app
infrastructure: fargate
app: testing-app
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.14.2
- name: testing-port
containerPort: 80
Okay after 16+ hours of debugging this I finally figured out what's going on. On fargate you can't set the security groups per node like you can with managed node groups. I was setting the security group rules in the "Additional security groups" settings. However, fargate apparently completely ignores those settings and ONLY uses the security group from your "Cluster security group" setting. So in the EKS UI I set the correct rules in the "Cluster security group" and I can now hit my pod directly on a fargate instance.
Big take away from this. Only use "Cluster security group" for fargate nodes.

Istio installation on AWS using ELB TCP getting 504 timeout

i am fairly new to Istio - so far i have a k8s cluster (using kops) on AWS , behind ELB.
All traffic is routed via TCP.
Ingress gateway service is configured as NodePort with following config
istio-system istio-ingressgateway NodePort <none> 15020:31038/TCP,80:30205/TCP,31400:30204/TCP,15029:31714/TCP,15030:30016/TCP,15031:32508/TCP,15032:30110/TCP,15443:32730/TCP
I have used 'demo' helm option to deploy Istio 1.4.0.
Have created gateway, VS and DR with following config -
Gateway is in istio-system namespace, VS and DR on default namespace
kind: Gateway
name: ingress-gateway
istio: ingressgateway
- port:
number: 31400
name: tcp
protocol: TCP
- "*"
kind: VirtualService
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
name: webapp
namespace: default
- "*"
- ingress-gateway
- route:
- destination:
host: webapp
subset: original
weight: 100
- destination:
host: webapp
subset: v2
weight: 0
kind: DestinationRule
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
name: webapp
namespace: default
host: webapp
- labels:
version: original
name: original
- labels:
version: v2
name: v2
Service pods listen on port 80 - and i have tested via port forwarding - and are functioning as expected.
Although when i do curl on https://hostname externally i get a
<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>
i have enabled debug logging in the envoy - but dont see anything meaningful in the logs relating to the timeout.
Any suggestion on where i might be going wrong?
Do i need to add any service annotations relating to ELB in istio ingress gateway?
Any other suggestions?
I found few things which need to be fixed
1. Connect with loadbalancer
As I mentioned in comments you need to fix your ingress-gateway to automaticly get EXTERNAL-IP addres as in istio documentation, for now your ingress is a NodePort so as far as I'm concerned it won't work, you can configure it to use with nodeport, but I assume you want the loadbalancer.
The first step would be to change istio-ingressgateway svc type from NodePort to loadbalancer and check if you get the EXTERNAL-IP.
If the EXTERNAL-IP value is set, your environment has an external load balancer that you can use for the ingress gateway. If the EXTERNAL-IP value is (or perpetually ), your environment does not provide an external load balancer for the ingress gateway. In this case, you can access the gateway using the service’s node port.
It should look like there
kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer 80:31380/TCP,443:31390/TCP,31400:31400/TCP 17h
And then everything goes through the external-ip address which is
2. Fix your yamls
Note, for tcp traffic like that, we must match on the incoming port, in this case port 31400
Check this example from istio documentation
Specially this part with gateway, virtual service and destination rule.
You should add this to your virtual service.
- match:
- port: 31400
3. Remember about namespaces.
In your example, because it's default it should work, but if you create another namespace, remember that if gateway and virtual service are in another namespace then your need to show virtual service where is the gateway.
Example here
Specially the part in virtual service
- some-config-namespace/my-gateway
I hope it help you with your issues. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Access AWS cluster endpoint running Kubernetes

I am new to Kubernetes and I am currently deploying a cluster in AWS using Kubeadm. The containers are deployed just fine, but I can't seem to access them with by browser. When I used to do this via Docker Swarm I could simply use the IP address of the AWS node to access and login in my application with by browser, but this does not seem to work with my current Kubernetes setting.
Therefore my question is how can I access my running application under these new settings?
You should read about how to use Services in Kubernetes:
A Kubernetes Service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of
Pods and a policy by which to access them - sometimes called a
Basically Services allows a Deployment (or Pod) to be reached from inside or outside the cluster.
In your case, if you want to expose a single service in AWS, it is as simple as:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: myApp
app: myApp
- port: 80 #port that the service exposes
targetPort: 8080 #port of a container in "myApp"
app: myApp #your deployment must have the label "app: myApp"
type: LoadBalancer
You can check if the Service was created successfully in the AWS EC2 console under "Elastic Load Balancers" or using kubectl describe service myApp
Both answers were helpful in my pursuit for a solution to my problem, but I ended up getting lost in the details. Here is an example that may help others with a similar situation:
1) Consider the following application yaml:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: my-web-app
app: my-web-app
serviceName: my-web-app
replicas: 1
app: my-web-app
app: my-web-app
- name: my-web-app
image: myregistry:443/mydomain/my-web-app
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 8080
name: cp
2) I decided to adopt Node Port (thank you #Leandro for pointing it out) to expose my service, hence I added the following to my application yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-web-app
name: my-web-app
type: NodePort
- name: http1
port: 80
nodePort: 30036
targetPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
name: my-web-app
One thing that I was missing is that the label names in both sets must match in order to link my-web-app:StatefulSet (1) to my-web-app:Service (2). Then, my-web-app:StatefulSet:containerPort must be the same as my-web-app:Service:targetPort (8080). Finally, my-web-app:Service:nodePort is the port that we expose publicly and it must be a value between 30000-32767.
3) The last step is to ensure that the security group in AWS allows inbound traffic for the chosen my-web-app:Service:nodePort, in this case 30036, if not add the rule.
After following these steps I was able to access my application via aws-node-ip:30036/my-web-app.
Basically the way kubernetes is constructed is different. First of all your containers are kept hidden from the world, unless you create a service to expose them, a load balancer or nodePort. If you create a service of the type of clusterIP, it will be available only from inside the cluster. For simplicity use port forwading to test your containers, if everything is working then create a service to expose them (Node Port or load balancer). The best and more difficult approach is to create an ingress to handle inbound traffic and routing to the services.
Port Forwading example:
kubectl port-forward redis-master-765d459796-258hz 6379:6379
Change redis for your pod name and the appropriate port of your container.

How to integrate Kubernetes with existing AWS ALB?

I want to use existing AWS ALB for my kubernetes setup. i.e. I don't want alb-ingress-controller create or update any existing AWS resource ie. Target groups, roles etc.
How can I make ALB to communicate with Kubernetes cluster, henceforth passing the request to existing services and getting the response back to ALB to display in the front end?
I tried this but it will create new ALB for new ingress resource. I want to use the existing one.
You basically have to open a node port on the instances where the Kubernetes Pods are running. Then you need to let the ALB point to those instances. There are two ways of configuring this. Either via Pods or via Services.
To configure it via a Service you need to specify .spec.ports[].nodePort. In the default setup the port needs to be between 30000 and 32000. This port gets opened on every node and will be redirected to the specified Pods (which might be on any other node). This has the downside that there is another hop, which also can cost money when using a multi-AZ setup. An example Service could look like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-frontend
app: my-frontend
type: NodePort
app: my-frontend
- port: 8080
nodePort: 30082
To configure it via a Pod you need to specify .spec.containers[].ports[].hostPort. This can be any port number, but it has to be free on the node where the Pod gets scheduled. This means that there can only be one Pod per node and it might conflict with ports from other applications. This has the downside that not all instances will be healthy from an ALB point-of-view, since only nodes with that Pod accept traffic. You could add a sidecar container which registers the current node on the ALB, but this would mean additional complexity. An example could look like this:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: my-frontend
app: my-frontend
replicas: 3
app: my-frontend
name: my-frontend
app: my-frontend
- name: nginx
image: "nginx"
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 8080

Exposing the same service with same URL but two different ports with traefik?

recently I am trying to set up CI/CD flow with Kubernetes v1.7.3 and jenkins v2.73.2 on AWS in China (GFW blocking dockerhub).
Right now I can expose services with traefik but it seems I cannot expose the same service with the same URL with two different ports.
Ideally I would want expose http://jenkins.mydomain.com as jenkins-ui on port 80, as well as the jenkin-slave (jenkins-discovery) on port 50000.
For example, I'd want this to work:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: jenkins
namespace: default
- host: jenkins.mydomain.com
- path: /
serviceName: jenkins-svc
servicePort: 80
- host: jenkins.mydomain.com
- path: /
serviceName: jenkins-svc
servicePort: 50000
and my jenkins-svc is defined as
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: jenkins-svc
run: jenkins
run: jenkins
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
name: http
- port: 50000
targetPort: 50000
name: slave
In reality the latter rule overwrites the former rule.
Furthermore, There are two plugins I have tried: kubernetes-cloud and kubernetes.
With the former option I cannot configure jenkins-tunnel URL, so the slave fails to connect with the master; with the latter option I cannot pull from a private docker registry such as AWS ECR (no place to provice credential), therefore not able to create the slave (imagePullError).
Lastly, really I am just trying to get jenkins to work (create slaves with my custom image, build with slaves and delete slaves after jobs' finished ), any other solution is welcomed.
If you want your jenkins to be reachable from outside of your cluster then you need to change your ingress configuration.
Default type of ingress type is ClusterIP
Exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP. Choosing this value makes the service only reachable from within the cluster. This is the default ServiceType
You want it type to be NodePort
Exposes the service on each Node’s IP at a static port (the NodePort). A ClusterIP service, to which the NodePort service will route, is automatically created. You’ll be able to contact the NodePort service, from outside the cluster, by requesting :
So your service should look like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: jenkins-svc
run: jenkins
run: jenkins
type: NodePort
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
name: http
- port: 50000
targetPort: 50000
name: slave