Google Cloud APIs usage data by projects - google-cloud-platform

Is there any way to programmatically get data similar to APIs overview of Google CLoud dashboard. Specifically, I'm interested in the list of APIs enabled for the project and their usage/error stats for some predefined timeframe. I belive there's an API for that but I struggle to find it.

There's currently no API that gives you a report similar to the one you can see through the Google Cloud Console.
The Compute API can retrieve some quotas with the get method but it's somewhat limited (only Compute Engine quotas) and, for what I understood from your question, not quite what you're looking for.
However, I've found in Google's Issue Tracker a feature request that's close to what you're asking for.
If you would need something more specific or want to do the feature request yourself, check the "Report feature requests" documentation and create your own. The GCP team will take a look at it to evaluate and consider implementation.


Analyze Number value in Different Conditions with google cloud platform logging

I'm struggling to find out how to use GCP logging to log a number value for analysis, I'm looking for a link to a tutorial or something (or a better 3rd party service to do this).
Context: I have a service that I'd like to test different conditions for the function execution time and analyze it with google-cloud-platform logging.
Example Log: { condition: 1, duration: 1000 }
Desire: Create graph using GCP logs to compare condition 1 and 2.
Is there a tutorial somewhere for this? Or maybe there is a better 3rd party service to use?
PS: I'm using the Node google cloud logging client which only talks about text logs.
PSS: I considered doing this in loggly, but ended up getting lost in their documentation and UI.
There are many tools that you could use to solve this problem. However, you suggest a willingness to use Google Cloud Platform services (e.g. Stackdriver monitoring), so I'll provide some guidance using it.
NOTE Please read around the topic and understand the costs involved with using e.g. Cloud Monitoring before you commit to an approach.
Conceptually, the data you're logging (!) more closely matches a metric. However, this approach would require you to add some form of metric library (see Open Telemetry: Node.js) to your code and instrument your code to record the values that interest you.
You could then use e.g. Google Cloud Monitoring to graph your metric.
Since you're already producing a log with the data you wish to analyze, you can use Log-based metrics to create a metric from your logs. You may be interested in reviewing the content for distribution metric.
Once you've a metric (either directly or using logs-based), you can then graph the resulting data in Cloud Monitoring. For logs-based metrics, see the Monitoring documentation.
For completeness and to provide an alternative approach to producing and analyzing metrics, see the open-source tool, Prometheus. Using a 3rd-party Prometheus client library for Node.js, you could instrument you code to produce a metric. You would then configure Prometheus to scrape your app for its metrics and graph the results for you.

Google Cloud Healthcare API not supporting PlanDefintion/$apply and Activity Definition/$apply

I am trying to create a carePlan as output by doing $apply operation on PlanDefinition and ActivityDefintion.
For example:<project_id>/locations/<location_name>/datasets/<dataset_name>/fhirStores/<fhirstore_name>/fhir/PlanDefinition/<plandefintion_id>/$apply?subject=Patient/
This endpoint is throwing Error 404 (Not Found)!!1.
Tried many ways of making this endpoint work as per FHIR R4 documentation. But seems like GCP is not yet supporting $apply operation in PlanDefintion and ActivityDefinition in both v1 and v1beta1 version of Healthcare APIs.
Need help on this.
On their documentation page they indicate that you can view your server's capabilities by retrieving the CapabilityStatement. If this does not list the $apply operation, it is not supported.
And actually further down on the page, the documentation mentions: "Most extended operations aren't implemented". If you need that functionality, maybe you can reach out to them to see if it can be integrated, or look into using a different FHIR server implementation.

How to generate uptime reports through Google Cloud Stackdriver?

I am a new user with Google cloud (Stackdriver).
I would like to set and generate uptime reports on a monthly basis which would include the past 4 weeks through e-mail in the cloud but I have not been able to find from where I could do this.
I have done research but have not managed to find what I am looking for. The closes I got to was TRACE but is still not what I would like to have.
It's not possible to generate that kind of reports using tools available in Google Cloud.
Using traces is probably the best you can do now - although you can try the Cloud Trace API which may give you a way to extract the information in a more structured way.
If you want this feature included in GCP please go to IssueTracker and create a new feature request with detailes explanation of what your goal is and mention the time-span you want to be able to get data from.

How do I get the query quotas from Deployment Manager via the API?

Over at or, I am able to see the query and well as the write quotas and are can determine if I'm going to hit limits if any.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to get these values programmatically using the Deployment Manager APIs (using Go) or using gcloud.
Am I missing something here, or there are some other ways of getting at these values, possibly, not via the APIs directly.
Currently, there's no way to get the quotas programmatically or with gcloud(apart from the compute engine quotas) , however, there's a feature request to get/set the project quotas via API. I suggest starring this issue to track it and ask for updates from it.
knowing of no API, which could be used to do so ...
guess one could only limit the quota per user; see the documentation.
there are several questions concerning other API (all the same).

Google cloud platform support plan from API

I've been looking for a programmatic way to get the support plan for each sub-account we have from GCP. I've looked under Google::Cloud::ResourceManager (Ruby SDK) but it only gives me administrative information (like labels, name, id, etc.)
After talking with Google support there is no API or programmatic way to get the support level for projects (and by definition - sub-accounts)
You may consider taking advantage of the useful "gcloud compute project-info" command, documented on the similarly-titled page.