Facebook Graph API, share existing post - facebook-graph-api

How can I mimic the "Share" button below a post (see image) using the Graph API to re-share an existing Post to a group without re-posting the link? Is it possible to do the same using the Facebook PHP SDK?


FB does not allow using FB share dialog with Posting through Graph api

Whe I am trying to get permission for publish_actions for my facebook app, it asks few points. One of those points is -
My app does not use the Facebook Feed Dialog or the Facebook Share Dialog to publish content
This means that If I want to get the publish_actions permission for using graph api to post on a user's wall I will have to remove all the FB share dialogs used in every place of my site.
After reading above I decided not to use publish_actions permission at all. But then I got a chance to look into change.org website. They are actually using both kynd of sharing. On the campaigns, they post to your wall via Facebook Graph API and on their blogs they are using facebook share dialog. So I am bit confused that can we use both simultaneously or not? And if not, how the change.org is able to do it?

Embedded Facebook feed on website not possible after Graph Api 2.5?

I've been coding a website using and modifying Bootstrap template. End of summer I left the site as it was, but once returning there recently I noticed the Facebook activity feed (newests posts and such) had dissappeared from my front page. Reading from Facebook Developers; after the release of Graph Api 2.5 adding Facebook feed on your website is no longer possible? Is there any other way to get the Facebook feed back on the site? I had been using iframe on my site while it was still working.
There are two main steps involved in embedding Facebook page feed in your website- 1. Getting Facebook Access Token, 2. Calling the Graph API passing the access token.
1. Getting the access token - Here is the step by step process to get the access token for your Facebook page. - Embed Facebook page feed on my website. As per this you need to create an app in Facebook developers page which would give you an App Id and an App Secret. Use these two and get the Access Token.
2. Calling the Graph API - This would be pretty simple once you get the access token. You just need to form a URL to Graph API with all the fields/properties you want to retrieve and make a GET request to this URL. Here is one example on how to do it in asp.net MVC. Embedding facebook feeds using asp.net mvc. This should be pretty similar in any other technology as it would be just a HTTP GET request.
Sample FQL Query: https://graph.facebook.com/FBPageName/posts?fields=full_picture,picture,link,message,created_time&limit=5&access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE

How to get all the posts that a page is tagged in using Graph API

Since FQL is deprecated from 2.1 onwards.Is there any way to get all the posts that a page is tagged in using Graph API.
tried {page_id}/tagged but it shows only the page's posts not the posts that a page was tagged.
I want to query the posts using graph API by a user on their own wall that tags the page.is there any way to do that?
isn't this a functionality of the Public Feed API which Accessing it is restricted to a limited set of media publishers and usage requires prior approval by Facebook. Applications to the API are not open at this time.

Share large photo from FB album

I'm creating a web app where I'd like to 1) upload a photo to an app-specific album on Facebook and then 2) share that photo as a LARGE item/image (not a thumbnail) on the users' Timeline. I know this is doable via User Generated Photo optional parameter but is there any other way to accomplish this for a web app?
There is nothing stopping web apps from publishing Open Graph actions with User Generated Photos. It's a simple process:
Setup Facebook auth on your site, your simplest option being to use the Javascript SDK with getLoginStatus. Make sure to request publish_actions permission from users.
Create an Open Graph action and your OG object types
When the user takes the appropriate action, make an API call of the following form (signed with the user access token and POST'd):
Step 1 is the hardest part and you'd have to do that anyway if you weren't going down the Open Graph actions route.
As an example, Instagram use took as their action and a photo as their object. Their objects URLs are simply the individual photo pages on the Instagram website. So their API POST call would look like this:
As mentioned in the User Generated Photos documentation this will show up as a large, full-width photo on the users Timeline and feed.
The simplest way to perform all these API calls from a web app is to use the Javascript SDK and the FB.api function. You won't need to use any server-side code at all in that case!
Just fill this code on your photo caption
"took a ##[0:[124024574287414:1:photo]] with #[124024574287414:0]"
(without double quote symbol)
It clickable to instagram website, It's my own custom code, I made it for a week :(

How to share someone's post using Facebook Graph API

My Facebook App posts messages on user wall. I want to share this messages on my wall, same as I click share action under user message. How can I do it using Facebook Graph API?
Yes, you can share using the graph2 api. The way you do it is to use /feed edge and pass the post's url that you want to share as the link.
POST /v2.2/{page-id}/feed HTTP/1.1
Host: graph.facebook.com
Standard Fb permissions to the post you are sharing do apply.
This was done today, in a local rails app, using FbGraph2 gem, with the above method.
According to the permissions for accessing posts via the API, it would appear that you cannot do this as it would require accessing the post of another user's timeline that you don't have permissions/an access token for.
Edit From further reading of the documentation you definitely cannot do this: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.2/object/sharedposts#publish