How to display product variant in report? - python-2.7

I have create a custom module for sale order report . In my case, articles have attributes that have more then one value for example color: red, blue. I want to display in the article description the value of the variants. I tried several code but I did not get the right result either it displays all the value of an attribute.Any idea for help please?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<data> ...
<table class="table table-condensed" style="margin-top:25px;">
<th class="text-left">QTE</th>
<th class="text-left">PRIX UHT</th>
<th t-if="display_discount" class="text-left"
<th>TOTAL NET HT</th>
<th class="text-left">TVA</th>
<tbody class="sale_tbody">
<t t-foreach="doc.order_line" t-as="l">
<tr t-if="l.product_uom_qty">
<span t-esc="str(l_index+1)"/>
<span t-field="l.product_id.default_code"/>
<span t-field=""/>
<td style="width:50%;">
[<span t-field=""/>]
<t t-foreach="l.product_id.attribute_line_ids" t-as="variant">
<!-- - -->
<strong><span t-field="variant.attribute_id"/>:
<t t-foreach="variant.value_ids" t-as="value">
<!--<span t-field=""/>-->
<span t-field=""/>
<span t-field="l.product_id.description_sale"/>
<td class="text-left" style="width:7%;">
<span t-esc="'%.f'%(l.product_uom_qty)"/>
<!--<span groups="product.group_uom" t-field="l.product_uom"/>-->
<td class="text-left" style="width:12%;">
<span t-field="l.price_unit"/>
<td t-if="display_discount" class="text-left"
groups="sale.group_discount_per_so_line" style="width:11%;">
<span t-esc="'%.f'%("/>
<td style="width:15%;">
<span t-field="l.price_subtotal"/>
<td class="text-left" style="width:9%">
<span t-esc="', '.join(map(lambda x: (x.description or, l.tax_id))"/>

This question is similar and somehow a duplicate of:
(odoo10) how to add product attributes in pdf invoice
See how to do it there


Capella XHTML tables are not properly handled by M2Doc

I am using tables in Capella descriptions and found out that M2Doc fails at handling properly merged cells.
Here is an example of what I have in a Capella description:
<table border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" dir="LTR" width="172">
<td colspan="1" height="19" rowspan="2" width="50%">
<p align="CENTER">test</p>
<td height="19" width="50%">
<p align="LEFT"><font face="Calibri" size="3"><font face="Calibri" size="3">c</font></font></p>
<td height="19" width="50%">
<p align="LEFT"><font face="Calibri" size="3"><font face="Calibri" size="3">d</font></font></p>
<td height="19" width="50%">
<p align="LEFT"><font face="Calibri" size="3"><font face="Calibri" size="3">a</font></font></p>
<td height="19" width="50%">
<p align="LEFT"><font face="Calibri" size="3"><font face="Calibri" size="3">e</font></font></p>
<td height="19" width="50%">
<p align="LEFT"><font face="Calibri" size="3"><font face="Calibri" size="3">b</font></font></p>
<td height="19" width="50%">
<p align="LEFT"><font face="Calibri" size="3"><font face="Calibri" size="3">f</font></font></p>
Table in Capella
The result in Word is the following:
enter image description here
Is that a known bug? I have used an online editor (link towards XHTML tool) to check the validity of the Capella XHTML code and it is valid. Therefore, I have the feeling it is the conversion to Word that is faulty.
Thank you very much,
Merged cells are supported by M2Doc:
But it is not used by the HTML service. I opened the following issue:

Get verification code from a html string code using regex

I am currently writing an automation script, Where I read email Gmail through API and i am getting below html content. Now i need only code 191418 from this html content, I want to take it using regex. I tried with this
To find 6 digit code but its returns 10 matchings, I am not good at regex, Can someone please help me to get the code using regex?
<div dir="ltr"><br><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr"><br></div><u></u>
<center id="m_-2051398760120817894wrapper">
<table id="m_-2051398760120817894main" width="100%">
<tbody><tr id="m_-2051398760120817894logo">
<table width="100%">
<img src="" width="140px" alt="xxxxx Logo" style="padding:0 10px">
<td height="18px"></td>
<tr id="m_-2051398760120817894header">
<table width="100%">
<td height="64px" style="background-color:#10069f;color:#fff;padding-left:24px;font-weight:700">Reset your password</td>
<tr id="m_-2051398760120817894content">
<table width="100%">
<td style="background-color:#f6f5ff;padding:24px 24px 16px 24px">
<p style="margin-top:0">The following is the verification code required to complete your password reset.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:24px">Enter the following verification code on the screen during the registration, and proceed to the next step.</p>
<div style="display:block;text-align:center;margin-bottom:8px;background-color:#fff;height:92px;font-weight:600;font-size:36px;line-height:92px">191418</div>
<span style="display:block;font-size:12px;color:#5d5d5d">*The verification code is valid only for 24 hours.</span>
<td height="24px"></td>
<tr id="m_-2051398760120817894footer">
<table width="100%">
<td style="background-color:#6d7777;padding:16px 24px;font-size:12px;color:#fff">
<table width="100%">
<td id="m_-2051398760120817894footer-left">
<span style="display:block">amnimo Inc.</span>
<span style="display:block">0-3-30 usaa-fso, xxxxxxxx-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750, Japan</span>
<span style="display:block">Phone: +81-422-52-6779</span>
<span id="m_-2051398760120817894copyright-mb" style="margin-top:16px">© 2020 <div dir="ltr"><br><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr"><br></div><u></u>
<center id="m_-2051398760120817894wrapper">
<table id="m_-2051398760120817894main" width="100%">
<tbody><tr id="m_-2051398760120817894logo">
<table width="100%">
<img src="" width="140px" alt="Amnimo Logo" style="padding:0 10px">
<td height="18px"></td>
<tr id="m_-2051398760120817894header">
<table width="100%">
<td height="64px" style="background-color:#10069f;color:#fff;padding-left:24px;font-weight:700">Reset your password</td>
<tr id="m_-2051398760120817894content">
<table width="100%">
<td style="background-color:#f6f5ff;padding:24px 24px 16px 24px">
<p style="margin-top:0">The following is the verification code required to complete your password reset.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:24px">Enter the following verification code on the screen during the registration, and proceed to the next step.</p>
<div style="display:block;text-align:center;margin-bottom:8px;background-color:#fff;height:92px;font-weight:600;font-size:36px;line-height:92px">191418</div>
<span style="display:block;font-size:12px;color:#5d5d5d">*The verification code is valid only for 24 hours.</span>
<td height="24px"></td>
<tr id="m_-2051398760120817894footer">
<table width="100%">
<td style="background-color:#6d7777;padding:16px 24px;font-size:12px;color:#fff">
<table width="100%">
<td id="m_-2051398760120817894footer-left">
<span style="display:block">test Inc.</span>
<span style="display:block">2-9-32 ssdsa-sss, puakano-shi, Tokyo, 000-8000, Japan</span>
<span style="display:block">Phone: +81-000-00-652</span>
<span id="m_-2051398760120817894copyright-mb" style="margin-top:16px">© 2020 amnimo Inc.</span>
<td id="m_-2051398760120817894footer-right">
<span style="display:block">© 2020 amnimo Inc.</span>
</div></div> Inc.</span>
<td id="m_-2051398760120817894footer-right">
<span style="display:block">© 2020 test Inc.</span>
You should use some DOM library that will let you query the element you want and get its content. Parsing HTML with regex is bad idea.
If you must do it, getting six numbers is not enough - after inspecting, I see that it's div content. So I would write something among the lines:
Pattern explanation:
<div - match <div literally
[^>]* - match zero or more characters other from >
> - match > literally
\d{6} - match 6 digits
<\/div> - match <\/div> literally
Regex demo
In order to extract desired text, use capturing groups:
Then text in first capturing group will be your desired result.
Maybe try word boundaries, which will prevent matching inside longer numbers:

how to print the product variants in report sale order

I want to print the variants product as a description of the product in report sale order. For that i have added a new tag th description and i have used span t-esc="', '.join([x.attribute_id for x in o.order_line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.attribute_line_ids])"/ but it shows error QWebException: "sequence item 0: expected string, product.attribute found" while evaluating
"', '.join([x.attribute_id for x in doc.order_line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.attribute_line_ids])" .Any help please ?
<t t-foreach="doc.order_line" t-as="l">
<tr t-if="l.product_uom_qty">
<span t-field=""/>
<span><t t-esc="', '.join([x.attribute for x in doc.order_line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.seller_ids])"/> </span>
<span t-field="l.product_id.default_code"/>
<span><t t-esc="', '.join([x.product_code for x in doc.order_line.product_id.product_tmpl_id.attribute_line_ids])"/> </span>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="l.product_uom_qty"/>
<span groups="product.group_uom" t-field="l.product_uom"/>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="l.price_unit"/>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-esc="', '.join(map(lambda x: (x.description or, l.tax_id))"/>
i find the solution and it works
<t t-foreach="l.product_id.attribute_line_ids" t-as="variant">
-<span t-field="variant.attribute_id"/>:
<span t-field=""/>

Regex - How to properly grab nested value

I understand parsing html with a regex isn't ideal, but I have a use case for it.
I have this coverage report/html page:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>LCOV - .info.cleaned</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="gcov.css">
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<tr><td class="title">LCOV - code coverage report</td></tr>
<tr><td class="ruler"><img src="glass.png" width=3 height=3 alt=""></td></tr>
<td width="100%">
<table cellpadding=1 border=0 width="100%">
<td width="10%" class="headerItem">Current view:</td>
<td width="35%" class="headerValue">top level</td>
<td width="5%"></td>
<td width="15%"></td>
<td width="10%" class="headerCovTableHead">Hit</td>
<td width="10%" class="headerCovTableHead">Total</td>
<td width="15%" class="headerCovTableHead">Coverage</td>
<td class="headerItem">Test:</td>
<td class="headerValue">.info.cleaned</td>
<td class="headerItem">Lines:</td>
<td class="headerCovTableEntry">399</td>
<td class="headerCovTableEntry">1019</td>
<td class="headerCovTableEntryLo">39.2 %</td>
<td class="headerItem">Date:</td>
<td class="headerValue">2016-11-07</td>
<td class="headerItem">Functions:</td>
<td class="headerCovTableEntry">22</td>
<td class="headerCovTableEntry">67</td>
<td class="headerCovTableEntryLo">32.8 %</td>
<tr><td><img src="glass.png" width=3 height=3 alt=""></td></tr>
<tr><td class="ruler"><img src="glass.png" width=3 height=3 alt=""></td></tr>
<table width="80%" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=0>
<td width="50%"><br></td>
<td width="10%"></td>
<td width="10%"></td>
<td width="10%"></td>
<td width="10%"></td>
<td width="10%"></td>
<td class="tableHead">Directory <span class="tableHeadSort"><img src="glass.png" width=10 height=14 alt="Sort by name" title="Sort by name" border=0></span></td>
<td class="tableHead" colspan=3>Line Coverage <span class="tableHeadSort"><img src="updown.png" width=10 height=14 alt="Sort by line coverage" title="Sort by line coverage" border=0></span></td>
<td class="tableHead" colspan=2>Functions <span class="tableHeadSort"><img src="updown.png" width=10 height=14 alt="Sort by function coverage" title="Sort by function coverage" border=0></span></td>
<td class="coverFile">src</td>
<td class="coverBar" align="center">
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><tr><td class="coverBarOutline"><img src="ruby.png" width=39 height=10 alt="39.2%"><img src="snow.png" width=61 height=10 alt="39.2%"></td></tr></table>
<td class="coverPerLo">39.2 %</td>
<td class="coverNumLo">399 / 1019</td>
<td class="coverPerLo">32.8 %</td>
<td class="coverNumLo">22 / 67</td>
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<tr><td class="ruler"><img src="glass.png" width=3 height=3 alt=""></td></tr>
<tr><td class="versionInfo">Generated by: LCOV version 1.10</td></tr>
I am attempting to parse out the data from this line:
<td class="headerCovTableEntryLo">39.2 %</td>
as 39.2 (a float value).
I am currently using this regex to find two matching TD's:
<td class="headerCovTableEntryLo">[0-9.].*?.%<\/td>
I'm misunderstanding how groups work. I tried:
(<td class="headerCovTableEntryLo">[0-9.].*?.%<\/td>)[0-9.].*?\1
To take what was found in the first group and grab just the numberical values but I have zero matches. Can anyone lend some insight into what I am doing wrong?
Is this what you want to perform? (capture only the floating value):
<(td) class="headerCovTableEntryLo">([0-9.]+)\s?%<\/\1>
see it working here:
If so, if you try to reuse the first match you're making correct use of it with \1 or to etc to match which captured group. but in your trial you also captured the class which wont match in closing tag.
Not sure this is really what you try to do though. haha
Plus, in this case doing <(td)>(.*?)<\/\1> does not really make sense. It is more usefill if your usecase is something like this <(td|th|tr)>(.*?)<\/\1>
In the end if I was doing it I would rather do it this way for more flexibility: (?<=class="headerCovTableEntryLo">)([0-9.]+)(?=\s?%)
See it working here:

Linux (sed|PCRE|grep) Regular expression to isoloate XML (KML) style data conditionally

Updates after sample code.
Solution: as provided by BeniBela He figured out what I failed to make clear...It has to be command line, not necessarily regex, and offered up this solution:
xpath -e '//Placemark[contains(description, "Iron")]'
as promised:
( )
/ \
| _ |
| | | | All must enter and pay homage! (Shrine of BeniBela)
Problem: I need some form of command line regex to accomplish the following: Detect in one file of a set of Placemarks, Placemarks which include a keyword (in this case Iron) in a contained CDATA tag. without grabbing Placemarks which do not have the keywod. (All data from <Placemark> to </Placemark> needs to be captured.)
Two code samples are given below, one showing three full placemarks, two of which are useless to me, the third of which I want. The second code sample shows just the one I am interested in.
I need to extract the valid Placemark from the data file (which contains hundreds of placemarks) and append it into another file. I will then merge this file into a properly formatted KML later. The data sets are from the US Geological Survey and are very large.
The idea here is to recover placemarks for mines which are extracting a given kind of Ore (Iron for this example), and create a specialized KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file for display in a Google Earth type application.
sample1 (Multiple data with one valid entry):
Las Antos Prospect</name>
Record 10005251</Snippet>
Record <a href="">
of the <a href="">
Mineral Resources Data System</a>
<table border='1' padding='3' cellspacing='0'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
Limestone, General</td>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
Unnamed Occurence</name>
Record 10005252</Snippet>
Record <a href="">
of the <a href="">
Mineral Resources Data System</a>
<table border='1' padding='3' cellspacing='0'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
Iron</td> ######################Iron here makes it valid
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
Merced I Quarry</name>
Record 10005254</Snippet>
Record <a href="">
of the <a href="">
Mineral Resources Data System</a>
<table border='1' padding='3' cellspacing='0'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
Limestone, General</td>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
The above sample contains two Placemarks which I have no use for, bracketing one which I need to extract.
Sample 2 (Showing just a 'valid' entry):
(The capture would need to grab all of this)
Unnamed Occurence</name>
Record 10005252</Snippet>
Record <a href="">
of the <a href="">
Mineral Resources Data System</a>
<table border='1' padding='3' cellspacing='0'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
Iron</td> ######################Iron here makes it valid
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
<tr valign='top'>
<th align='right' bgcolor='#ddffee'>
Update 1:
I got this to work in a regex tester, but I am still working on how to get it into grep
That is trivial with XPath instead regex:
/Placemark[contains(description, "Iron")]
(or /*/Placemark[contains(description, "Iron")] if your xml contains a (required) root element)