Textfield with autocomplete - oracle-apex

I have several fields that contain exactly the same sql query! Is it possible to place the sql question centrally in APEX in the same way as list of values or as a function in oracle? I am using APEX 18.2

Here are two extended solutions
Pipelined SQL
Dynamic SQL

Call me dense, but I don't think I understand why you'd have multiple fields (presumably on the same form) whose source is the same SQL query.
Are you passing a parameter to the SQL to get a different value for each field?
If you are passing a parameter to the SQL query, why not create a database view to hold the query, then pass the parameter to the view. That way, if you need to change it, it's in one place.
If they really are all the same value from the same query, how about using the SQL for one field/page_item, then make the source for the others be the first page item?

I would create a hidden item with the query in the source as text and use &HIDDEN_ITEM_NAME. to reference its value in the source of any item I was trying to display the query.

Finally isolved it with a function and use the type PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL Query in APEX, then i have all in one place. I created a function in SQL developer that returns a SQL query.


How to change a database name in a query via a URL in power bi

i am trying to change my database name in my advanced editor query in power bi. I know i can create parameters with in the power bi desktop app and pass the different database with in it. I have done this and it works fine.
But what i am trying to do is when i give a user a link for example
how do i get the datasource name which is "PowerBi_1" and pass it into my advanced editor query which looks as follows
Source = Sql.Database(".", "PowerBi_2", [Query="select *#(lf)from Customer"])
so i want to replace the Powerbi_2 with PowerBi_1
is this possible?
I tried searching and the only things i could find was to add parameters from "manage parameters" which i can already do. But i need it to be passed from the URL and automatically change the data source instead of manually changing it via "edit parameters"
i know you can use filter in your URL as https://app.powerbi.com/groups/me/reports/12345678-6418-4b47-ac7c-f8ac7791a0a7?filter=Customer/PostalCode eq '15012'
but this would only work on datasets. im not sure how to do this for a database change in a query
The only thing you could try is if you have a direct query and use the new feature of binding query parameters.
Then you can set a filter with url to point to the database you need. Not sure how it would work - haven't tried it myself.
To expand on the idea a bit - you would need a table with database names in it. Then you would bind database column of that table to your query parameter and finally, use your url to set appropriate filter on this new table.
Scratch that, in the article I linked to, it says that direct query T-SQL is not supported. But if they were ;)...

Classic report issue with multiple inputs with IN statement

I am trying to refresh a report with dynamic action. And get the following errors:
{'dialogue': {'uv': true, 'line': [{'V': "failure of Widget}]}}
ORA-20876: stop the engine of the APEX.
I think its an issue with string which can't take and ST.ID IN (:P11_ROW_PK) in sql query.
Please suggest a workaround for the same.
This question requires the context you've provided in
If P11_ROW_PK is a delimited list of IDs, then you must structure your query accordingly, not expect the IN statement to deconstruct a bind variable containing a string.
Try this instead
select * from your_table
where st.id in (select column_value from apex_string.split(:P11_ROW_PK))
where REGEXP_LIKE(CUSTOMER_ID, '^('|| REPLACE(:P4_SEARCH,',','|') ||')$')
Above code will act same as APEX_STRING only if you are using lower version Apex

How do I batch update a field with a function in Django

How do I batch update a field with a function in Django and The function argument is the field value . such as
You can't. .update does its work at the SQL query level, i.e. inside the Database engine. Unless you can encode your function in SQL, you have to fetch the objects, update them, and save them. There is .bulk_update (link) as an optimization compared to a simple iteration over a queryset saving objects one-by-one.
Database functions here

APEX ORACLE How to use one form to insert data into multiple tables

I was wondering if you can help me out with my current problem which is to insert data into multiple tables in my relational database using a single form. I am fairly new to APEX but do have a little bit of background on mysql and php programming. In the past, I normally achieve such task by creating a view of all the columns from different table that I want to populate and using a simple insert commands but doing the same thing in apex gives me and error stating that "ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table".
In Oracle you can not just update a view which has eg a JOIN clause. Oracle will not map all columns back to the source tables: one table might while the others won't. This isn't an apex problem: if you were to run an update against your view in the db you would get this error just as well.
If you want to have your apex screen remain as transparent as possible, then you may want to consider user an instead-of trigger on the view. You will have to write the correct dml statements in this trigger though in order to ensure your data is pushed through correctly to all tables.
Another option is to use the view only to fetch, and use different processes to push the data to the correct tables. Using data-layer packages might alleviate the use of code stored in apex (eg having a lot of plsql code in apex itself is usually not favored and is rather stored in packages).
Create items and get all the items values and use PL/SQL on submit button.
Eg: p1_party_Name, p2_Service_Name
INSERT INTO par VALUES(par_party_uid_seq.nextval,:p1_Party_name);
INSERT INTO par VALUES(ser_service_uid_seq.nextval,:p2_Service_name);

Django QuerySet way to select from sql table-function

I work with Django 1.3 and Postgres 9.0. I have very complex sql query which extends simple model table lookup with some extra fields. And it wrapped in table function since it is parameterized.
A month before I managed to make it work with the help of raw query but RawQuerySet lacks a lot of features which I really need (filters, count() and clone() methods, chainability).
The idea looks simple. QuerySet lets me to perform this query:
SELECT "table"."field1", ... ,"table"."fieldN" FROM "table"
whereas I need to do this:
SELECT "table"."field1", ... ,"table"."fieldN" FROM proxy(param1, param2)
So the question is: How can I do this? I've already started to create custom manager but can't substitute model.db_table with custom string (because it's being quoted and database stops to recognize the function call).
If there's no way to substitute table with function I would like to know if I can create QuerySet from RawQuerySet (Not the cleanest solution but simple RawQuerySet brings so much pain in... one body part).
If your requirement is that you want to use Raw SQL for efficiency purposes and still have access to model methods, what you really need is a library to map what fields of the SQL are the columns of what models.
And that library is, Unjoinify