When using lambda to generate elbv2 attributes (name specifically), receiving error from Lambda that name is longer than 32 characters - amazon-web-services

I am building a CloudFormation template that uses a Lambda function to generate the name of the load balancer built by the template.
When the function runs, it fails with the following error:
Failed to validate attributes of ELB arn:aws-us-gov:elasticloadbalancing:us-gov-west-1:273838691273:loadbalancer/app/dev-fu-WALB-18VHO2DJ4MHK/c69c48fd3464de01. An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DescribeLoadBalancers operation: The load balancer name 'arn:aws-us-gov:elasticloadbalancing:us-gov-west-1:273838691273:loadbalancer/app/dev-fu-WALB-18VHO2DJ4MHK/c69c48fd3464de01' cannot be longer than '32' characters.
It is obviously pulling the arn rather than the name of the elbv2.
I opened a ticket with AWS to no avail, and also with the company that wrote the script... same results.
I have attached the script and any help is greatly appreciated.
import cfn_resource
import boto3
import boto3.session
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
handler = cfn_resource.Resource()
# Retrieves DNSName and source security group name for the specified ELB
def get_elb_attribtes(event, context):
properties = event['ResourceProperties']
elb_name = properties['PORALBName']
elb_template = properties['PORALBTemplate']
elb_subnets = properties['PORALBSubnets']
client = boto3.client('elbv2')
elb = client.describe_load_balancers(
for az in elb['AvailabilityZones']:
if not az['SubnetId'] in elb_subnets:
raise Exception("ELB does not include VPC subnet '" + az['SubnetId'] + "'.")
target_groups = client.describe_target_groups(
target_group_arns = []
for target_group in target_groups:
if elb_template == 'geoevent':
if elb['Type'] != 'network':
raise Exception("GeoEvent Server requires network ElasticLoadBalancer V2.")
response_data = {}
response_data['DNSName'] = elb['DNSName']
response_data['TargetGroupARNs'] = target_group_arns
msg = 'ELB {} found.'.format(elb_name)
return {
'Status': 'SUCCESS',
'Reason': msg,
'PhysicalResourceId': context.log_stream_name,
'StackId': event['StackId'],
'RequestId': event['RequestId'],
'LogicalResourceId': event['LogicalResourceId'],
'Data': response_data
except Exception, e:
error_msg = 'Failed to validate attributes of ELB {}. {}'.format(elb_name, e)
return {
'Status': 'FAILED',
'Reason': error_msg,
'PhysicalResourceId': context.log_stream_name,
'StackId': event['StackId'],
'RequestId': event['RequestId'],
'LogicalResourceId': event['LogicalResourceId']

The error says:
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DescribeLoadBalancers operation
So, looking at where it calls DescribeLoadBalancers:
elb = client.describe_load_balancers(
The error also said:
The load balancer name ... cannot be longer than '32' characters.
The name comes from:
properties = event['ResourceProperties']
elb_name = properties['PORALBName']
So, the information is being passed into the Lambda function via event. This is coming from whatever is triggering the Lambda function. So, you'll need to find out what is triggering the function and discover what information it actually sending. Your problem is outside of the code listed.
Other options
In your code, you can send event to the debug logs (eg print (event)) and see whether they are passing the ELB name in a different field.
Alternatively, you could call describe_load_balancers without a Name filter to retrieve a list of all load balancers, then use the ARN (that you have) to find the load balancer of interest. Simply loop through all the results until you find the one that matches the ARN you have. Then, continue as normal.


AWS SSM error while targets.1.member.values failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length less than or equal to 50

I am trying to run a SSM command on more than 50 EC2 instances of my fleet. By using AWS boto3's SSM client, I am running a specific command on my nodes. My code is given below. After running the code, an unexpected error is showing up.
# running ec2 instances
instances = client.describe_instances()
instance_ids = [inst["InstanceId"] for inst in instances] # might contain more than 50 instances
# run command
run_cmd_resp = ssm_client.send_command(
{"Key": "InstanceIds", "Values": inst_ids_all},
"commands": ["#!/bin/bash", "ls -ltrh", "# some commands"]
On executing this, getting below error
An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the SendCommand operation: 1 validation error detected: Value '[...91 instance IDs...]' at 'targets.1.member.values' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length less than or equal to 50.
How do I run the SSM command my whole fleet?
As shown in the error message and boto3 documentation (link), the number of instances in one send_command call is limited up to 50. To run the SSM command for all instances, splitting the original list into 50 each could be a solution.
FYI: If your account has a fair amount of instances, describe_instances() can't retrieve all instance info in one api call, so it would be better to check whether NextToken is in response.
ref: How do you use "NextToken" in AWS API calls
# running ec2 instances
instances = client.describe_instances()
instance_ids = [inst["InstanceId"] for inst in instances]
while "NextToken" in instances:
instances = client.describe_instances(NextToken=instances["NextToken"])
instance_ids += [inst["InstanceId"] for inst in instances]
# run command
for i in range(0, len(instance_ids), 50):
target_instances = instance_ids[i : i + 50]
run_cmd_resp = ssm_client.send_command(
{"Key": "InstanceIds", "Values": inst_ids_all},
"commands": ["#!/bin/bash", "ls -ltrh", "# some commands"]
Finally after #Rohan Kishibe's answer, I tried to implement below batched execution for the SSM runShellScript.
import math
ec2_ids_all = [...] # all instance IDs fetched by pagination.
PG_SIZE = 50
PG_COUNT = math.ceil(len(ec2_ids_all) / PG_SIZE)
for page in range(PG_COUNT):
cmd = ssm.send_command(
Targets=[{"Key": "InstanceIds", "Values": ec2_ids_all[PG_START:PG_STOP]}],
Parameters={"commands": ["ls -ltrh", "# other commands"]}
In above way, the total number of instance IDs will be distributed in batches and then executed accordingly. One can also save the Command IDs and batch instance IDs in a mapping for future usage.

Getting error while testing AWS Lambda function: "Invalid database identifier"

Hi I'm getting error while testing lambda function like:
"errorMessage": "An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the DescribeDBInstances operation: Invalid database identifier: <RDS instance id>",
"errorType": "ClientError",
"stackTrace": [
" File \"/var/task/lambda_function.py\", line 25, in lambda_handler\n db_instances = rdsClient.describe_db_instances(DBInstanceIdentifier=rdsInstanceId)['DBInstances']\n",
" File \"/var/runtime/botocore/client.py\", line 391, in _api_call\n return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)\n",
" File \"/var/runtime/botocore/client.py\", line 719, in _make_api_call\n raise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)\n"
AND here is my lambda code :
import json
import boto3
import logging
import os
LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
#Initialise Boto3 for RDS
rdsClient = boto3.client('rds')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
#log input event
LOGGER.info("RdsAutoRestart Event Received, now checking if event is eligible. Event Details ==> ", event)
#Input event from the SNS topic originated from RDS event notifications
snsMessage = json.loads(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'])
rdsInstanceId = snsMessage['Source ID']
stepFunctionInput = {"rdsInstanceId": rdsInstanceId}
rdsEventId = snsMessage['Event ID']
#Retrieve RDS instance ARN
db_instances = rdsClient.describe_db_instances(DBInstanceIdentifier=rdsInstanceId)['DBInstances']
db_instance = db_instances[0]
rdsInstanceArn = db_instance['DBInstanceArn']
# Filter on the Auto Restart RDS Event. Event code: RDS-EVENT-0154.
if 'RDS-EVENT-0154' in rdsEventId:
#log input event
LOGGER.info("RdsAutoRestart Event detected, now verifying that instance was tagged with auto-restart-protection == yes")
#Verify that instance is tagged with auto-restart-protection tag. The tag is used to classify instances that are required to be terminated once started.
tagCheckPass = 'false'
rdsInstanceTags = rdsClient.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceName=rdsInstanceArn)
for rdsInstanceTag in rdsInstanceTags["TagList"]:
if 'auto-restart-protection' in rdsInstanceTag["Key"]:
if 'yes' in rdsInstanceTag["Value"]:
tagCheckPass = 'true'
#log instance tags
LOGGER.info("RdsAutoRestart verified that the instance is tagged auto-restart-protection = yes, now starting the Step Functions Flow")
tagCheckPass = 'false'
#log instance tags
LOGGER.info("RdsAutoRestart Event detected, now verifying that instance was tagged with auto-restart-protection == yes")
if 'true' in tagCheckPass:
#Initialise StepFunctions Client
stepFunctionsClient = boto3.client('stepfunctions')
# Start StepFunctions WorkFlow
# StepFunctionsArn is stored in an environment variable
stepFunctionsArn = os.environ['STEPFUNCTION_ARN']
stepFunctionsResponse = stepFunctionsClient.start_execution(
stateMachineArn= stepFunctionsArn,
input= json.dumps(stepFunctionInput)
LOGGER.info("RdsAutoRestart Event detected, and event is not eligible")
return {
'statusCode': 200
I'm trying to Stop an Amazon RDS database which starts automatically after 7 days. I'm following this AWS document: Field Notes: Stopping an Automatically Started Database Instance with Amazon RDS | AWS Architecture Blog
Can anyone help me?
The error message is saying: Invalid database identifier: <RDS instance id>"
It seems to be coming from this line:
db_instances = rdsClient.describe_db_instances(DBInstanceIdentifier=rdsInstanceId)['DBInstances']
The error message is saying that the rdsInstanceId variable contains <RDS instance id>, which seems to be an example value rather than a real value.
In looking at the code on Field Notes: Stopping an Automatically Started Database Instance with Amazon RDS | AWS Architecture Blog, it is asking you to create a test event that includes this message:
"Message": "{\"Event Source\":\"db-instance\",\"Event Time\":\"2020-07-09 15:15:03.031\",\"Identifier Link\":\"https://console.aws.amazon.com/rds/home?region=<region>#dbinstance:id=<RDS instance id>\",\"Source ID\":\"<RDS instance id>\",\"Event ID\":\"http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_Events.html#RDS-EVENT-0154\",\"Event Message\":\"DB instance started\"}",
If you look closely at that line, it includes this part to identify the Amazon RDS instance:
dbinstance:id=<RDS instance id>
I think that you are expected to modify the provided test event to fill-in your own values for anything in <angled brackets> (such as the Instance Id of your Amazon RDS instance).

AWS unable to get query result because of ResourceNotFoundException

I'm trying to get cloudwatch query with boto3, but I'm getting ResourceNotFoundException.
import boto3
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = boto3.client('logs')
response = client.start_query(
queryString="fields #message",
I attempted to the above code. And an error message is as follows.
botocore.errorfactory.ResourceNotFoundException: An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the StartQuery operation: Log group '/aws/lambda/My-Stack-Name-SE349DJ' does not exist for account ID '11111111' (Service: AWSLogs; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException; Request ID: xxxxx-xxxx-xxx; Proxy: null)
What I tested are as below.
The log group exists. I tested it with Logs Insights on the aws console. Also I tested after paste the log group as it is.
I added a backslash to test if '/' is a problem (ex. '/aws/lambda/My-Stack-Name-SE349DJ') and InvalidParameterException appears.
The aws account has administrate access privileges in the log group.
I got the same error message when I tested with aws cli.
An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the StartQuery operation: Log group 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' does not exist for account ID '11111111' (Service: AWSLogs; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException; Request ID: xxxxx-xxxx-xxx; Proxy: null)
How can I solve this problem?
Actually the reason why I'm trying this is because I need to get more than 500,000 data from the filtered log group, but 10,000 are the maximum. I think It's better to pull it out by changing the start time and end time.
There is a high possibility that there are too many data in certain time, so I think it would be better to run it with boto3 rather than directly. Is there an easy way to extract more than 500,000 pieces of data from the console or other methods?
As #Marcin commented, It was because of the region configuration.
I added these lines before creating an aws client.
from botocore.config import Config
my_config = Config(
region_name = 'us-east-2',
client = boto3.client('logs', config=my_config)

EC2 instance state change alerts Lambda , Cloud Event & SNS

I want that if state of my ec2 will change then I will receive a SNS and it contains ec2 name ,instance id and account name, region.
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Extract Instance ID from event
instance_id = event['detail']['instance-id']
# Obtain information about the instance
ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')
instance_info = ec2_client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id])
instance = instance_info['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]
# Extract name tag
name_tags = [t['Value'] for t in instance['Tags'] if t['Key']=='Name']
name = name_tags[0] if name_tags is not None else ''
# Send message to SNS
MY_SNS_TOPIC_ARN = 'arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:foo'
sns_client = boto3.client('sns')
Subject = 'Instance Change State: ' + instance_id,
Message = 'Instance: ' + instance_id + ' has changed state\n' +
'State: ' + instance['State']['Name'] + '\n' +
'IP Address: ' + instance['PublicIpAddress'] + '\n' +
'Name: ' + name
Getting below error...
START RequestId: 7c29aec4-2d51-4b29-91a0-8fc1217397ce Version: $LATEST
'detail': KeyError
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/lambda_function.py", line 6, in lambda_handler
instance_id = event['detail']['instance-id']
KeyError: 'detail'
Did you create the trigger by cloudwatch event and create cloudwatch event based on EC2 instance state-change?
At first glance, the event pattern preview is
"source": [
"detail-type": [
"EC2 Instance State-change Notification"
So please check with above and give us more information about your case.

AWS: How to programmatically create a RDS Aurora Cluster in Python/Boto3

My application is hosted on Amazon Web Services, and I'm starting to script the creation of all the infrastructure of my app (VPC, Security Group, Beanstalk ect ...). I did not find the proper way to create a RDS Aurora Cluster, and I failed to reproduce the RDS wizard (helping you to create the db instances and the cluster) in Python with Boto3. Maybe I lack of knowledge in infrastructure, and networks, but I think creating a Aurora cluster must be accessible to me.
So here is my question:
Lets says I have a VPC id, a security group id, and some database info (user, password...), what are the minimum API calls I have to do to create a cluster, and make it usable by my application? The procedure must end with a cluster reader/writer endpoint and a reader only endpoint.
Here is how I create an Aurora MySQL instance in Python/BOTO3. You have to implement by yourself some missing functions.
def create_aurora(
instance_identifier, # used for instance name and cluster name
vpc_sg, # Must be an array
public_access = False,
AZ = None,
instance_type = "db.t2.small",
multi_az = True,
nb_instance = 1,
extratags = []
rds = boto3.client('rds')
# Assume a DB SUBNET Groups exists before creating the cluster. You must have created a DBSUbnetGroup associated to the Subnet of the VPC of your cluster. AWS will find it automatically.
# Search if the cluster exists
db_cluster = rds.describe_db_clusters(
DBClusterIdentifier = instance_identifier
db_cluster = db_cluster[0]
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
psa.printf("Creating empty cluster\r\n");
res = rds.create_db_cluster(
DBClusterIdentifier = instance_identifier,
db_cluster = res['DBCluster']
cluster_name = db_cluster['DBClusterIdentifier']
instance_identifier = db_cluster['DBClusterIdentifier']
psa.printf("Cluster identifier : %s, status : %s, members : %d\n", instance_identifier , db_cluster['Status'], len(db_cluster['DBClusterMembers']))
if (db_cluster['Status'] == 'deleting'):
psa.printf(" Please wait for the cluster to be deleted and try again.\n")
return None
psa.printf(" Writer Endpoint : %s\n", db_cluster['Endpoint'])
psa.printf(" Reader Endpoint : %s\n", db_cluster['ReaderEndpoint'])
# Now create instances
# Loop on requested number of instance, and balance them on AZ
for i in range(1, nb_instance+1):
if AZ != None:
the_AZ = AZ[i -1 % len(AZ)]
dbinstance_id = instance_identifier+"-"+str(i)+"-"+the_AZ
the_AZ = None
dbinstance_id = instance_identifier+"-"+str(i)
psa.printf("Creating instance %d named '%s' in AZ %s\n", i, dbinstance_id, the_AZ)
res = rds.create_db_instance(
Tags = psa.tagsKeyValueToAWStags(extratags)
psa.printf(" DbiResourceId=%s\n", res['DbiResourceId'])
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
psa.printf(" Instance seems to exists.\n")
res = rds.describe_db_instances(DBInstanceIdentifier = dbinstance_id)['DBInstances']
psa.printf(" Status is %s\n", res[0]['DBInstanceStatus'])
return db_cluster
Yeah, you are on the right track. Here is the boto3 document for creating a Aurora RDS cluster.
Further, to address the bigger picture problem (i.e. managing your entire infrastructure as code), you should look at options like Terraform.
Check out their Git Repo Terraform Git Repo So, you can accomplish the same task of creating the Aurora cluster using terraform using this template