c++ Permanent Offline Counter - c++

I have an embedded server, which can be unplugged any time. Is there an elegant way to implement a transactional c++ counter? In the worst case it should return the previous ID.
I have an embedded server which periodically generates report files. The server does not have time or network connection, so I want to generate the report files incrementally. However, after the report files are downloaded I would like to delete the report files, while maintaining the counter:
// all the files have been deleted
I would like to use a code like this:
int last = read_current_id("counter.txt");
// transaction begin
write_id("counter.txt", last);
// transaction end

(assuming your server is running some sort of unixy operating system)
You could try using the write-and-rename idiom for this.
What you do is write your new counter value to a different file, say counter.txt~, then rename the temporary file onto the regular counter.txt. rename guarantees that either the new or old version of the file will exist at any time.
You should also mount your filesystem with the sync option so that file contents are not buffered in RAM. Note however that this will reduce performance, and may shorten lifespan of flash memory.


Parallel Writes to NFS-backed File

UPDATE: I had each node write to a separate file, and when the separate files were concatenated together the result was correct. I also updated the code to attempt a channel flush and file sync after each write of a single record, but there are still issues between nodes 0 and 1, now. If I make Node 0 sleep for a few seconds before it starts its iteration of the coforall loop, the records come out correct. If not, the last few hundred bytes of Node 0's records seem to be reliably overwritten with NULL bytes, up to the start of Node 1's records. The issues between Node 1 and Node 2, and Node 2 and Node 3, seem to not show up anymore.
Additionally, if I suppress either Node 0 or Node 1 from writing, I see the fully-formed records from the un-suppressed node written correctly to the file. In the case that Node 1 is suppressed, I see 9,997 100B records (or 999,700) correct bytes followed by NULL bytes in the file where Node 1's suppressed records would go. In the case that Node 0 is suppressed, I see exactly 999,700 NULL bytes in the file, after which Node 1's records begin.
Original Post:
I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue with parallel writes from different nodes to a shared NFS-backed file on disk. At the moment, I suspect that something is wrong with the way writes to the disk happen on the NFS server.
I'm working on adapting MPI+C code that uses pwrite to write to coordinated chunks of a file. If I try to have the equivalent locales in Chapel write to the file inside of a coforall loop, I end up with the bits of the file around the node boundaries messed up - usually the final few hundred bytes of each node's data are garbled. However, if I have just one locale iterate through the data on all locales and write it, the data comes out correctly. That is, I use the same data structures to calculate the offsets, but only Locale 0 seeks to that offset and performs the writes.
I've verified that the offsets into the file that each locale runs do not overlap, and I'm using a single channel per task, defined from within the on loc do block, so that tasks don't share a single channel.
Are there known issues with writing to a file from different locales? A lot of the documentation makes it seem like this is known to be safe, but an unsubstantiated guess seems to indicate that there are issues with caching of file contents; when examining the incorrect data, the bits that are incorrect seem to be the original data from the file in that location at the beginning of the program.
I've included the relevant routine below, in case you easily spot something I missed. To make this serial, I convert the coforall loc in Locales and on loc do block into a for j in 0..numLocales-1 loop, and replace here.id with j. Please let me know what else would help get to the bottom of this. Thanks!
proc write_share_of_data(data_filename: string, ref record_blocks) throws {
coforall loc in Locales {
on loc do {
var data_file: file = open(data_filename, iomode.cwr);
var data_writer = data_file.writer(kind=ionative, locking=false);
var line: [1..100] uint(8);
const indices = record_blocks[here.id].D;
var local_record_offset = + reduce record_blocks[0..here.id-1].D.size;
writeln("Loc ", here.id, ": record offset is ", local_record_offset);
var local_bytes_offset = terarec.terarec_width_disk * local_record_offset;
for i in indices {
var write_rec: terarec_t = record_blocks[here.id].records[i];
line[1..10] = write_rec.key;
line[11..98] = write_rec.value;
line[99] = 13; // \r
line[100] = 10; // \n
lines_written += 1;
Adding an answer here that solved my particular problem, though it doesn't explain the behavior seen. I ended up changing the outer loop from coforall loc in Locales to for loc in Locales. This isn't too big of an issue since it's all writing to one file anyway - I doubt that multiple locales can actually make much headway in all attempting to write concurrently to a single file on an NFS server. As a result, the change still allows nodes to write the data they have locally to NFS, rather than forcing Node 0 to collect and then write the data on behalf of all locales. This amounts to only adding idle time to the write operation commensurate with the time it takes Locale 0 to start the remote task on other nodes when the previous node has finished writing, which for the application at hand is not a concern.
Have you tried specifying start/end in file.writer instead of using seek? Does that change anything? What about specifying the end offset for the channel.seek call? Does it matter if the file is created and has the appropriate size before you start?
Other than that, I wonder if this issue would appear for both NFS and Lustre. If it appears for both it might well be a Chapel bug. It sounds from your description that the C program was using this pattern, which points to it being a bug. But, have you run C code doing this on your setup? If it being a Chapel bug seems most likely after further investigation, we would appreciate a bug report issue with a reproducer.
I know that NFS does not always do what one would like, in terms of data consistency. It's my understanding that it has "close to open" semantics but it's unclear to me what that means in the context of opening a file and writing to a particular region within it, in parallel from different locales.
From Why NFS Sucks by Olaf Kirch:
An NFS client is permitted to cache changes locally and send them to
the server whenever it sees fit. This sort of lazy write-back greatly
helps write performance, but the flip side is that everyone else will
be blissfully unaware of these change before they hit the server. To
make things just a little harder, there is also no requirement for a
client to transmit its cached write in any particular fashion, so
dirty pages can (and often will be) written out in random order.
I read two implications from this paragraph that are relevant to your situation here:
The writes you do on different locales can be observed by the NFS server in an arbitrary order. (However as I understand it, the data should be sent to the server by the time your fsync call returns).
These writes are done at an OS page granularity (usually 4k). (Note that this is more a hypothesis I am making than it is a fact. It should be tested or further investigated).
It would be interesting to check if 2. is a plausible explanation for the behavior you are seeing. For example, you could explore having each locale operate on a multiple of 4096 records (or potentially try writing records of 4096 bytes each) and see if that changes the behavior. If 2 is indeed the explanation, it should be possible to create a C program that demonstrates the behavior as well.

Speed up ADO's recordset BOF call

I have some C++ code on Windows that uses plain old ADO (not ADO.NET) to retrieve data from a bunch of SQL Server databases. The code uses forward-only cursors to allow for fire hose cursors for maximum data throughput on queries that produce large Recordsets.
The code that processes the results looks like this, using the #import-generated wrapper for ADO 2.7:
ADODB::_RecordsetPtr records("ADODB.Recordset");
records->Open(cmd, _variant_t(static_cast<IDispatch *>(m_DBConnection)), ADODB::adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB::adLockReadOnly, ADODB::adCmdText);
if (!(records->BOF && records->EOF))
... Loop over the recordset and extract data from each record ...
Profiling shows that close to 40% of the above loop is spent in the call to BOF and this is having a massive impact on the overall database code's read performance. Because the code uses forward only cursors, it's not possible to check the RecordCount property as it is always -1 when using a forward only cursor.
Is there another way to either check for an empty Recordset that is not using the BOF/EOF check, or a way to speed up this check?
The other alternative that I can think of at the moment is to use one of the other cursor types and check how that will affect data throughput.

What are the possible causes of "BUG: scheduling while atomic?"

There is another process continuously creating files that need processing by this code.
This code constantly scans the file-system for new files that need processing by comparing the contents of the file-system against a sqlite database that contains the processing results - one record for each file. This process is running at nice -n 19 so as not to interfere with the creation of new files by the other process.
It all works perfectly for a large number (>1k) of files, but then blows up with BUG: scheduling while atomic.
According to this
"Scheduling while atomic" indicates that you've tried to sleep
somewhere that you shouldn't
But the only sleep in the code is like this
void doFiles(void) {
for (...) { // for each file in the file-system
... // check database - do processing if needed
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) {
while (true) doFiles();
return -1;
The code will hit this sleep after it has checked every file in the file-system against the database. The process needs to be repeated since new files will be added from time to time. There is no multi-threading in this code. Are there other possible causes for "BUG: scheduling while atomic" besides a misplaced sleep?
Edit: additional error output:
note: mirlin[1083] exited with preempt_count 1
BUG: scheduling while atomic: mirlin/1083/0x40000002
Modules linked in: g_cdc_ms musb_hdrc nop_usb_xceiv irqk edmak dm365mmap cmemk
[<c002a5a0>] (dump_backtrace+0x0/0x110) from [<c028e56c>] (dump_stack+0x18/0x1c)
r6:c1099460 r5:c04ea000 r4:00000000 r3:20000013
[<c028e554>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x1c) from [<c00337b8>] (__schedule_bug+0x58/0x64)
[<c0033760>] (__schedule_bug+0x0/0x64) from [<c028e864>] (schedule+0x84/0x378)
r4:c10992c0 r3:00000000
[<c028e7e0>] (schedule+0x0/0x378) from [<c0033a80>] (__cond_resched+0x28/0x38)
[<c0033a58>] (__cond_resched+0x0/0x38) from [<c028ec6c>] (_cond_resched+0x34/0x44)
r4:00013000 r3:00000001
[<c028ec38>] (_cond_resched+0x0/0x44) from [<c0082f64>] (unmap_vmas+0x570/0x620)
[<c00829f4>] (unmap_vmas+0x0/0x620) from [<c0085c10>] (exit_mmap+0xc0/0x1ec)
[<c0085b50>] (exit_mmap+0x0/0x1ec) from [<c0037610>] (mmput+0x40/0xfc)
r9:00000001 r8:80000005 r6:c04ea000 r5:00000000 r4:c0427300
[<c00375d0>] (mmput+0x0/0xfc) from [<c003b5e4>] (exit_mm+0x150/0x158)
r5:c10992c0 r4:c0427300
[<c003b494>] (exit_mm+0x0/0x158) from [<c003cd44>] (do_exit+0x198/0x67c)
r7:c03120d1 r6:c10992c0 r5:0000000b r4:c10992c0
As others have said, you can sleep() anytime you want to in user code.
Looks like a problem with a driver on your platform. The driver may not actually call sleep() or schedule(), but often it will make a call of an kernel function which will, in turn, call one of these.
This also looks like it is using memory mapped file I/O on an embedded TI ARM processor.
This error was caused by a bad build.
A clean build by itself did not help.
A fresh checkout and build was required to resolve this issue.

QSettings - Sync issue between two process

I am using Qsettings for non gui products to store its settings into xml files. This is written as a library which gets used in C, C++ programs. There will be 1 xml file file for each product. Each product might have more than one sub products and they are written into xml by subproduct grouping as follows -
File: "product1.xml"
File: productn.xml
The code in one process does the following -
settings = new QSettings("product1.xml", XmlFormat);
settings.setValue("settings2", <value2>)
When the first process goes to sleep, I start another process which does the following -
settings = new QSettings("product1.xml", XmlFormat);
settings.setValue("settings3", <value3>)
I would expect the settings1 to go away from product1.xml file but it still persist in the file - product1.xml at the end of above two process. I am not using QCoreApplication(..) in my settings library. Please point issues if there is anything wrong in the above design.
This is kind of an odd thing that you're doing, but one thing to note is that the sync() call is what actually writes the file to disk. In this case if you want your second process to actually see the changes you've made, then you'll need to call sync() before your second process accesses the file in order to guarantee that it will actually see your modifications. Thus I would try putting a settings.sync() call right before your sleep(20)
Maybe you have to do delete settings; after the sync() to make sure it is not open, then do the writing in the other process?
Does this compile? What implementation of XmlFormat are you using and which OS? There must be some special code in your project for storing / reading to and from Xml - there must be something in this code which works differently from what you expect.

Editing an /etc/fstab entry in C++

I'm trying to edit the /etc/fstab file on a CentOS installation using C++. The idea being that based on another config file I will add entries that don't exist in the fstab, or edit entries in the fstab file where the mount point is the same. This lets us set the system up properly on initial bootup.
I've found setmntent() and getmntent() for iterating over the exiting entries so I can easily check whether an entry in fstab also exists in my config file. And I can then use addmntent() to add any entry that doesn't already exist - the documentation says nothing about this being able to edit an entry, only add a new entry to the end of the file. There seems to be no way to edit an existing entry or delete an entry. It seems odd that this feature doesn't exist, only the CR and not the UD of CRUD.
I'd rather not have to write my own parser if I can at all help it.
My other alternative is to:
open the file using setmntent()
read the whole of fstab into memory using getmentent() and perform any additions and/or edits
close the file using endmntent()
open /etc/fstab for writing
close /etc/fstab (thus emptying the file)
open the fstab using setmntent()
loop through the entries I read in previously and write them out using addmntent()
Which although probably fine, just seems a bit messy.
When modifying system configuration files such as /etc/fstab keep in mind that these are critical state and, should your "edit" be interrupted by a power loss, might result in a failure to reboot.
The way to deal with this is:
create an empty output:
FILE* out = setmntent("/etc/fstab.new", "rw");
open the original for input:
FILE* in = setmntent("/etc/fstab", "r");
copy the contents:
while (m = getmntent(in)) { addmntent(out, m); }
make sure the output has it all:
fflush(out); endmntent(out); endmntent(in);
atomically replace /etc/fstab:
rename("/etc/fstab.new", "/etc/fstab");
It's left as an exercise to the reader to change the body of the while loop to make a modification to an existing element, to substitute a specifically crafted mntent or whatever. If you have specific questions on that please ask.
UN*X semantics for rename() guarantee that even in the case of power loss, you'll have either the original version or your new updated one.
There's a reason why there is no modifymntent() - because that would encourage bad programming / bad ways of changing system critical files. You say at the end of your post "... probably fine ..." - not. The only safe way to change a system configuration file is to write a complete modified copy, sync that to safe storage, and then use rename to replace the old one.