AWS service to deploy a machine with default security groups, alarms, etc.? - amazon-web-services

I am looking to provide my software setup to others for use on AWS with as few manual steps as possible. I can create an AMI with my software pre-installed and configured rather than just an installer which cuts out several issues (badly sized disks, people picking wrong/unsupported distro for my compiled binary, etc.) but this does not bundle the config for network interfaces, alarms, or other related Amazon services.
Does Amazon have a service/mechanism that will such features? I know of launch templates but these are per-region, per-account and need to be created after groups etc. have been added manually.
I know Amazon have API's for all this, but before turning to third parties or my own script I want to be sure that Amazon has no portable template type thing that can be provided and they simply launched in the console.

You can create your AMI with your software pre-installed and publish them to all the available regions(AWS marketplace/ public access).
Later use Cloud formation template which will include creation of aws resources needed for your application to run including launching instance using your AMI id's for each region and the instance launch uses the ami from the corresponding region. This way your customers can just use the cloudformation template and all prerequisites will be met.
In terms of having your AMI ID in the cloud formation template and using it based on the region in which it is launched can be achieved using the Mappings section in Cloud formation. Hope that helps


Automated creation of a new environment in AWS

I could not find a definite 'yes' or 'no' anywhere, so I thought maybe I ask here. Is it possible to run a custom script which would automatically create a new environment on AWS with all the settings like (Network, Capacity, Security etc.)? I need to create a lot of new environments as I am switching from individual load balancers to shared ones, and all the settings are the same (apart from the environment and application name), so it involves a lot of manual work.
From What is AWS CloudFormation? - AWS CloudFormation:
AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your AWS resources so that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon RDS DB instances), and CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring those resources for you. You don't need to individually create and configure AWS resources and figure out what's dependent on what; CloudFormation handles that.
If you want to create the CloudFormation template programmatically, you can use AWS CDK - AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK):
The AWS CDK lets you build reliable, scalable, cost-effective applications in the cloud with the considerable expressive power of a programming language.
The AWS CDK supports TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Java, C#/.Net, and Go. Developers can use one of these supported programming languages to define reusable cloud components known as Constructs. You compose these together into Stacks and Apps.
Or, you can simply write your own script in a programming language that calls an AWS SDK to individually create resources in AWS. Everything in AWS can be done via API calls.

How to deploy Infrastructure as Code on AWS

Had a question regarding infrastructure as code on AWS.
Wondering how to do this (the process of deploying) and also why is this an efficient method for architecture? Also, are there other methods that should be looked at over this?
I am looking to deploy this for a startup I am working for and need assistance in getting this going. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
From What is AWS CloudFormation?:
AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your Amazon Web Services resources so that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications that run in AWS. You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want (like Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon RDS DB instances), and AWS CloudFormation takes care of provisioning and configuring those resources for you. You don't need to individually create and configure AWS resources and figure out what's dependent on what; AWS CloudFormation handles all of that.
So, instead of manually creating each bit of architecture (network, instances, queues, storage, etc), you can define them in a template and CloudFormation will deploy them. It is smart enough to mostly know the correct order of creation (eg creating the network before creating an Amazon EC2 instance within the network) and it can also remove resources when the 'stack' is no longer required.
Other benefits:
The template effectively documents the infrastructure
Infrastructure can be checked into a source code repository, and versioned
Infrastructure can be repeatedly and consistently deployed (eg Test environment matches Production environment)
Changes can be made to the template and CloudFormation can update the 'stack' by just deploying the changes
There are tools (eg that can generate the template from existing infrastructure, or just create it from code snippets taken from the documentation.
Here's an overview: Simplify Your Infrastructure Management Using AWS CloudFormation - YouTube
There are also tools like Terraform that can deploy across multiple cloud services.

Exploring tools to trigger build script to rollout specific git branch to a subset of the amazon ec2 instances

We have multiple amazon ec2 instances behind a load balancer. Our build script is written in phing and is integrated with git.
We are looking for a tool (like Jenkins or Amazon code deploy) which could display all the active instances currently behind load balancer and then allow us to select some of them (or select a group defined previously) and then trigger either of the following (whichever is better) -
a build script hosted on the same dedicated server where the tool is hosted.
or the respective build scripts hosted on the selected ec2 instances.
We should be able to do the following -
specify a git branch name, optionally, when we trigger the build script for any group of instances.
be able to roll out in batches of boxes, so as to get some time to monitor load, and then move to next batch if all is good. Best way, I guess, would be to specify a size of the batch (e.g. 10), so that the process waits for a user prompt after rollout on every batch completes.
So, if we have to rollout two different git branches to two groups of instances, we should be able to run them in two steps (if we do not specify batch size).
Would like to know about experiences of people who dealt with something similar.
For CodeDeploy, it supports Git (more precisely, GitHub). It also allows you to deploy only to tagged EC2 instances. If combined with custom DeploymentConfig (, you can also control how fast (the size of the batch) to deploy.
I would re-structure the question:
The choices you have for application deployment
and whether the tool has option to perform rolling deployments.
Jenkins is software for CI/CD, which will have to use plugins,custom scripting or leverage an existing orchestration software setup for doing the deployments.
For software orchestration, you have many choices, some of the more famous tools are Chef, puppet, ansible etc.. All of these would need you to manage some kind of centralized setup. All such software support application deployment.
You need to make a decision on whether you would want to invest in maintaining such a setup.
If you decide against such a setup, you have the option of using managed services such as AWS OpsWorks, AWS CodeDeploy, hosted chef etc.
In choosing any of these services, you delegate the management of orchestration software to a vendor, which will ensure the service is up all the time.
AWS code deploy and AWS OpsWorks are managed services on aws and work pretty well on AWS setups.
AWS OpsWorks uses chef under the hood.
AWS CodeDeploy only provides a subset of what OpsWorks provides and is responsible only for deployments. With AWS code deploy you get convenient visualization of your software deployments through AWS console.
With AWS code deploy, you can achieve the goal of partial roll out to ec2 instances.
You can do the same with other tools as well but CodeDeploy on AWS environment will take least amount of work.
CodeDeploy also allows you to deploy from GIT. Please refer to the following aws documentation
The pitfall with code deploy is the fact that the agent that will run on instances has been tested for and is supported for only a limited number of OS combinations.(
Also in future if you decide to move away from AWS, you will have to redo the deployment related work.
CodeDeploy service only charges you for the underneath AWS resources.
Please find the link to pricing documentation below:

Can I use AWS CloudFormation with a custom AMI?

I want to use an AMI that have not been created from a snapshot. The AMI was created using a virtual machine and then I used CLI tools to create the instance and the AMI.
This instance have installed cloud-init. Could I use this AMI to create instances using cloudformation?
Do I need to install more software to use that service?
Yes, definitely, that is a very common use case:
Amazon Web Services (AWS) publishes many Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
that contain common software configurations for public use. In
addition, the AWS developer community has published many custom AMIs.
You can also create your own custom AMIs so that you can quickly and
easily start new instances that have everything you need for your
application. For example, if your application is a website or a web
service, your AMI could include a web server, the associated static
content, and the code for the dynamic pages. After you launch an
instance with this AMI, your application is running and ready to
accept requests.
Should you plan to use Cloudformation:Init inside your template to add additional configuration when your instance will start, be sure to install cfn tools as well (cfn-init, cfn-hup, cfn-signal...)
More details about Cloudformation:Init :
How to install cfn helper scripts :
When you are specifying the instance in the cloud formation script you can use "ImageID": "" <- put in the AMI ID
Provides the unique ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that was assigned during registration.
Required: Yes
Type: String
Update requires: Replacement

Boot strapping AWS auto scale instances

We are discussing at a client how to boot strap auto scale AWS instances. Essentially, a instance comes up with hardly anything on it. It has a generic startup script that asks somewhere "what am I supposed to do next?"
I'm thinking we can use amazon tags, and have the instance itself ask AWS using awscli tool set to find out it's role. This could give puppet info, environment info (dev/stage/prod for example) and so on. This should be doable with just the DescribeTags privilege. I'm facing resistance however.
I am looking for suggestions on how a fresh AWS instance can find out about it's own purpose, whether from AWS or perhaps from a service broker of some sort.
EC2 instances offer a feature called User Data meant to solve this problem. User Data executes a shell script to perform provisioning functions on new instances. A typical pattern is to use the User Data to download or clone a configuration management source repository, such as Chef, Puppet, or Ansible, and run it locally on the box to perform more complete provisioning.
As #e-j-brennan states, it's also common to prebundle an AMI that has already been provisioned. This approach is faster since no provisioning needs to happen at boot time, but is perhaps less flexible since the instance isn't customized.
You may also be interested in instance metadata, which exposes some data such as network details and tags via a URL path accessible only to the instance itself.
An instance doesn't have to come up with 'hardly anything on it' though. You can/should build your own custom AMI (Amazon machine image), with any and all software you need to have running on it, and when you need to auto-scale an instance, you boot it from the AMI you previously created and saved.
I would recommend to use AWS Beanstalk for creating specific instances, this makes it easier since it will create the AutoScaling groups and Launch Configurations (Bootup code) which you can edit later. Also you only pay for EC2 instances and you can manage most of the things from Beanstalk console.