How can nested lists be declared in Kotlin?
I'm looking for something in the form of:
var nestedList:List = [1,[2,[3,null,4]],[null],5]
so that I can flatten it later on (result should be nestedList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).
If you have nested arrays structure (for instance, val array: Array<Array<out Int?>> = arrayOf(arrayOf(1), arrayOf(2), arrayOf(3, null, 4))), you can just use flatten extension method:
All common collections can't maintain variable layers count, so with them you can make only something like Andrey Ilyunin wrote - val array: Array<Array<out Int?>>.
But I wrote class structure to help you with your goal. It is no another collection and you can't work with it like it is, but it can make any layers amount you want. It is totally generic, so you can put there not only Int.
First of all, we start with NestedArrayItem class, which represents single item or one more nested array:
class NestedArrayItem<T> {
private val array: ArrayList<NestedArrayItem<T>>?
private val singleItem: T?
constructor(array: ArrayList<NestedArrayItem<T>>) {
this.array = array
singleItem = null
constructor(singleItem: T?) {
this.singleItem = singleItem
array = null
fun asSequence(): Sequence<T?> =
array?.asSequence()?.flatMap { it.asSequence() } ?:
override fun toString() =
array?.joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]") ?:
singleItem?.toString() ?: "null"
Then class NestedArray that is just like top level container for all the layers:
class NestedArray<T> {
private val array: ArrayList<NestedArrayItem<T>> = arrayListOf()
fun add(value: T?) {
fun addNested(nestedArray: NestedArray<T>) {
fun flatten(): ArrayList<T?> = array.asSequence()
.flatMap { it.asSequence() }
override fun toString() = array.joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]")
And to make it easier to write values I additionally wrote builder class for that:
class NestedArrayBuilder<T> private constructor(private val result: NestedArray<T>){
constructor(fillNestedBuilder: NestedArrayBuilder<T>.() -> Unit) : this(NestedArray()) {
fun add(value: T?): NestedArrayBuilder<T> {
return this
fun addArray(fillNestedBuilder: NestedArrayBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): NestedArrayBuilder<T> {
val nestedResult = NestedArray<T>()
val nestedArray = NestedArrayBuilder(nestedResult).apply(fillNestedBuilder)
return this
fun build() = result
That's it! You can use it. I put here example how to use it:
val array = NestedArrayBuilder<Int> {
addArray {
addArray {
addArray {
assertEquals("[1, [2, [3, null, 4]], [null], 5]", array.toString())
assertEquals(arrayListOf(1, 2, 3, null, 4, null, 5), array.flatten())
Not using testing frameworks like MockK or Mockito seems to be becoming more and more popular. I decided to try this approach. So far so good, returning fake data is simple. But how do I verify that a function (that does not return data) has been called?
Imagine having a calss like this:
class TestToaster: Toaster {
override fun showSuccessMessage(message: String) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun showSuccessMessage(message: Int) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun showErrorMessage(message: String) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun showErrorMessage(message: Int) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
With MockK I would do
verify { toaster.showSuccessMessage() }
I do not want to reinvent a wheel so decided to ask. Finding anything on Google seems to be very difficult.
Since this is a thing, I assume the point would be to totally remove mocking libraries and everything can be done without them.
The old school way to do it before any appearance of the mocking library is to manually create an implementation that is just for testing . The test implementation will store how an method is called to some internal state such that the testing codes can verify if a method is called with expected parameters by checking the related state.
For example , a very simple Toaster implementation for testing can be :
public class MockToaster implements Toaster {
public String showSuccesMessageStr ;
public Integer showSuccesMessageInt;
public String showErrorMessageStr;
public Integer showErrorMessageInt;
public void showSuccessMessage(String msg){
this.showSuccesMessageStr = msg;
public void showSuccessMessage(Integer msg){
this.showSuccesMessageInt = msg;
public void showErrorMessage(String msg){
this.showErrorMessageStr = msg;
public void showErrorMessage(Integer msg){
this.showErrorMessageInt = msg;
Then in your test codes , you configure the object that you want to test to use MockToaster. To verify if it does really call showSuccessMessage("foo") , you can then assert if its showSuccesMessageStr equal to foo at the end of the test.
A lot of people seem to be suggesting the very straight forward solution for this, which totally makes sense. I decided to go a bit fancy and achieve this syntax:
verify(toaster = toaster, times = 1).showErrorMessage(any<String>()).
I created simple Matchers:
inline fun <reified T> anyObject(): T {
return T::class.constructors.first().call()
inline fun <reified T> anyPrimitive(): T {
return when (T::class) {
Int::class -> Int.MIN_VALUE as T
Long::class -> Long.MIN_VALUE as T
Byte::class -> Byte.MIN_VALUE as T
Short::class -> Short.MIN_VALUE as T
Float::class -> Float.MIN_VALUE as T
Double::class -> Double.MIN_VALUE as T
Char::class -> Char.MIN_VALUE as T
String:: class -> "io.readian.readian.matchers.strings" as T
Boolean::class -> false as T
else -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Not a primitive type ${T::class}")
Added a map to store call count for each method to my TestToaster where the key is the name of the function and value is the count:
private var callCount: MutableMap<String, Int> = mutableMapOf()
Whenever a function gets called I increase current call count value for a method. I get current method name through reflection
val key = object {}.javaClass.enclosingMethod?.name + param::class.simpleName
In oder to achieve the "fancy" syntax, I created inner subcalss for TestToaster and a verify function:
fun verify(toaster: Toaster , times: Int = 1): Toaster {
return TestToaster.InnerToaster(toaster, times)
That function sends current toaster instance to the inner subclass to create new instance and returns it. When I call a method of the subclass in my above syntax, the check happens. If the check passes, nothing happens and test is passed, if conditions not met - and exception is thrown.
To make it more general and extendable I created this interface:
interface TestCallVerifiable {
var callCount: MutableMap<String, Int>
val callParams: MutableMap<String, CallParam>
fun addCall(key: String, vararg param: Any) {
val currentCountValue = callCount.getOrDefault(key, 0)
callCount[key] = currentCountValue + 1
callParams[key] = CallParam(param.toMutableList())
abstract class InnerTestVerifiable(
private val outer: TestCallVerifiable,
private val times: Int = 1,
) {
protected val params: CallParam = CallParam(mutableListOf())
protected fun check(functionName: String) {
val actualTimes = getActualCallCount(functionName)
if (actualTimes != times) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"$functionName expected to be called $times, but actual was $actualTimes"
val callParams = outer.callParams.getOrDefault(functionName, CallParam(mutableListOf()))
val result = mutableListOf<Boolean>()
callParams.values.forEachIndexed { index, item ->
val actualParam = params.values[index]
if (item == params.values[index] || (item != actualParam && isAnyParams(actualParam))) {
if (params.values.isNotEmpty() && !result.all { it } || result.isEmpty()) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"$functionName expected to be called with ${callParams.values}, but actual was with ${params.values}"
private fun isAnyParams(vararg param: Any): Boolean {
param.forEach {
if (it.isAnyPrimitive()) return true
return false
private fun getActualCallCount(functionName: String): Int {
return outer.callCount.getOrDefault(functionName, 0)
data class CallParam(val values: MutableList<Any> = mutableListOf())
Here is the complete class:
open class TestToaster : TestCallVerifiable, Toaster {
override var callCount: MutableMap<String, Int> = mutableMapOf()
override val callParams: MutableMap<String, TestCallVerifiable.CallParam> = mutableMapOf()
override fun showSuccessMessage(message: String) {
val key = object {}.javaClass.enclosingMethod?.name + message::class.simpleName
addCall(key, message)
override fun showSuccessMessage(message: Int) {
val key = object {}.javaClass.enclosingMethod?.name + message::class.simpleName
addCall(key, message)
override fun showErrorMessage(message: String) {
val key = object {}.javaClass.enclosingMethod?.name + message::class.simpleName
addCall(key, message)
override fun showErrorMessage(message: Int) {
val key = object {}.javaClass.enclosingMethod?.name + message::class.simpleName
addCall(key, message)
private class InnerToaster(
verifiable: TestCallVerifiable,
times: Int,
) : TestCallVerifiable.InnerTestVerifiable(
outer = verifiable,
times = times,
), Toaster {
override fun showSuccessMessage(message: String) {
val functionName = object {}.javaClass.enclosingMethod?.name + message::class.simpleName
override fun showSuccessMessage(message: Int) {
val functionName = object {}.javaClass.enclosingMethod?.name + message::class.simpleName
override fun showErrorMessage(message: String) {
val functionName = object {}.javaClass.enclosingMethod?.name + message::class.simpleName
override fun showErrorMessage(message: Int) {
val functionName = object {}.javaClass.enclosingMethod?.name + message::class.simpleName
companion object {
fun verify(toaster: Toaster, times: Int = 1): Toaster {
return InnerToaster(toaster as TestCallVerifiable, times)
I have not tested this extensively and it will evolve with time, but so far it works well for me.
I also wrote an article about this on Medium:
I have a list with data that I pull from api. However, I need to make changes on this list (movieList). I need to swap the element at index 0 with the element at index 1. For example:
list[0] = movieA,
list[1] = movieB
list[0] = movieB,
list[1] = movieA
The class I intend to do these operations is below:
data class MovieListDto(
val docs: List<Movie>,
val limit: Int,
val offset: Int,
val page: Int,
val pages: Int,
val total: Int
fun MovieListDto.MovieListDtoToMovieList(): List<Movie> {
val movieList = mutableListOf<Movie>()
for (movie in docs) {
if (movie._id == "5cd95395de30eff6ebccde5c" ||
movie._id == "5cd95395de30eff6ebccde5b" ||
movie._id == "5cd95395de30eff6ebccde5d"
) {
return movieList
How can I do this?
You could use a simple extension function for that:
fun <T> MutableList<T>.swap(index1: Int, index2: Int){
val tmp = this[index1]
this[index1] = this[index2]
this[index2] = tmp
it can be use like this:
list.swap(0, 1)
val temp = movieList[0]
movieList[0] = movieList[1]
movieList[1] = temp
I think you can use also scope function to swap
movieList[0] = movieList[1].also { movieList[1] = movieList[0] }
use Collections.swap() method in JDK
In my app, at many places I have used Lists like this:-
List<int> nums = [];
// initializing list dynamically with some values.
nums.length = 12; // increasing length of list
// setting these values afterward using nums[i] at different places.
Now after migrating to null-safety obviously nums.length = 4 is giving me a runtime error, so I was wondering is there any method to set the length of the list with default values such that, after if the length of the list was smaller than before then with new length extra elements are added with some default value.
Note: Of course I know we can use for loop, but I was just wondering if there is any easier and cleaner method than that.
var num = List<int>.generate(4, (i) => i);
You can read this.
Another approach:
extension ExtendList<T> on List<T> {
void extend(int newLength, T defaultValue) {
assert(newLength >= 0);
final lengthDifference = newLength - this.length;
if (lengthDifference <= 0) {
this.addAll(List.filled(lengthDifference, defaultValue));
void main() {
var list = <int>[];
list.extend(4, 0);
print(list); // [0, 0, 0, 0];
Or, if you must set .length instead of calling a separate method, you could combine it with a variation of julemand101's answer to fill with a specified default value instead of with null:
class ExtendableList<T> with ListMixin<T> {
final T defaultValue;
final List<T> _list = [];
int get length => _list.length;
T operator [](int index) => _list[index];
void operator []=(int index, T value) {
if (index >= length) {
_list.extend(index + 1, defaultValue);
_list[index] = value;
set length(int newLength) {
if (newLength > length) {
_list.extend(newLength, defaultValue);
} else {
_list.length = newLength;
(I also made its operator []= automatically grow the ExtendableList if the specified index is out-of-bounds, similar to JavaScript.)
Your problem is that the List in Dart does not have the concept of adding more space while you promise that you are not going to use this new capacity before it is set.
But you can easily make your own List implementation which does this:
import 'dart:collection';
void main() {
List<int> nums = ExtendableList();
nums.length = 3;
nums[2] = 1;
nums[0] = 1;
nums[1] = 1;
print(nums); // [1, 1, 1]
print(nums); // [1, 1, 1, 2]
print(nums.runtimeType); // ExtendableList<int>
class ExtendableList<T> with ListMixin<T> {
final List<T?> _list = [];
int get length => _list.length;
T operator [](int index) => _list[index] as T;
void operator []=(int index, T value) => _list[index] = value;
set length(int newLength) => _list.length = newLength;
As you can see we are using a null type behind the scene but from the outside it will work like the list contains non-nullable. This only works because we assume the [] operator will not be called while a null value are in the list (which happens if we extend the list and does not set the value).
I should add that using such a List implementation does comes with great risk since you don't get any warning/error from the analyzer if you are using it wrongly.
You have to use a list of nullable element to make it longer.
List<int?> nums = [];
nums.length = 4; // OK
print(nums); // [null, null, null, null]
You can also use filled method. Here growable is false by default.
void main() {
var a = List<int>.filled(3, 0, growable: true);
// [0, 0, 0]
With the following code:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final List<Integer> items =
IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 23).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
final String s = items
I get:
What I would like to do, is to break the line every 10 items, in order to get:
I have try a lot of things after googling without any success !
Can you help me ?
If you're open to using a third-party library, the following will work using Eclipse Collections Collectors2.chunk(int).
String s = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 23)
.collectWith(MutableList::makeString, ",")
.makeString("", ",\n", ".");
The result of Collectors2.chunk(10) will be a MutableList<MutableList<Integer>>. At this point I switch from the Streams APIs to using native Eclipse Collections APIs which are available directly on the collections. The method makeString is similar to Collectors.joining(). The method collectWith is like with the difference that a Function2 and an extra parameter are passed to the method. This allows a method reference to be used here instead of a lambda. The equivalent lambda would be list -> list.makeString(",").
If you use just Eclipse Collections APIs, this problem can be simplified as follows:
String s = Interval.zeroTo(23)
.collectWith(RichIterable::makeString, ",")
.makeString("", ",\n", ".");
Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections.
If all you want to do is process these ascending numbers, you can do it like
String s = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 23).boxed()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(i -> i/10, LinkedHashMap::new,
Collectors.mapping(Object::toString, Collectors.joining(","))))
.collect(Collectors.joining(",\n", "", "."));
This solution can be adapted to work on an arbitrary random access list as well, e.g.
List<Integer> items = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 23).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
String s = IntStream.range(0, items.size()).boxed()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(i -> i/10, LinkedHashMap::new,
Collectors.mapping(ix -> items.get(ix).toString(), Collectors.joining(","))))
.collect(Collectors.joining(",\n", "", "."));
However, there is no simple and elegant solution for arbitrary streams, a limitation which applies to all kind of tasks having a dependency to the element’s position.
Here is an adaptation of the already linked in the comments Collector:
private static Collector<String, ?, String> partitioning(int size) {
class Acc {
int count = 0;
List<List<String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
void add(String elem) {
int index = count++ / size;
if (index == list.size()) {
list.add(new ArrayList<>());
Acc merge(Acc right) {
List<String> lastLeftList = list.get(list.size() - 1);
List<String> firstRightList = right.list.get(0);
int lastLeftSize = lastLeftList.size();
int firstRightSize = firstRightList.size();
// they are both size, simply addAll will work
if (lastLeftSize + firstRightSize == 2 * size) {
return this;
// last and first from each chunk are merged "perfectly"
if (lastLeftSize + firstRightSize == size) {
System.out.println("Almost perfect");
int x = 0;
while (x < firstRightSize) {
return this;
return this;
public String finisher() {
return ->",")))
.collect(Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.joining(",\n"), x -> x + "."));
return Collector.of(Acc::new, Acc::add, Acc::merge, Acc::finisher);
And usage would be:
String result = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 24)
I have a list:
val someList = listOf(1, 20, 10, 55, 30, 22, 11, 0, 99)
And I want to iterate it while modifying some of the values. I know I can do it with map but that makes a copy of the list.
val copyOfList = { if (it <= 20) it + 20 else it }
How do I do this without a copy?
Note: this question is intentionally written and answered by the author (Self-Answered Questions), so that the idiomatic answers to commonly asked Kotlin topics are present in SO. Also to clarify some really old answers written for alphas of Kotlin that are not accurate for current-day Kotlin.
First, not all copying of a list is bad. Sometimes a copy can take advantage of CPU cache and be extremely fast, it depends on the list, size, and other factors.
Second, for modifying a list "in-place" you need to use a type of list that is mutable. In your sample you use listOf which returns the List<T> interface, and that is read-only. You need to directly reference the class of a mutable list (i.e. ArrayList), or it is idiomatic Kotlin to use the helper functions arrayListOf or linkedListOf to create a MutableList<T> reference. Once you have that, you can iterate the list using the listIterator() which has a mutation method set().
// create a mutable list
val someList = arrayListOf(1, 20, 10, 55, 30, 22, 11, 0, 99)
// iterate it using a mutable iterator and modify values
val iterate = someList.listIterator()
while (iterate.hasNext()) {
val oldValue =
if (oldValue <= 20) iterate.set(oldValue + 20)
This will change the values in the list as iteration occurs and is efficient for all list types. To make this easier, create helpful extension functions that you can re-use (see below).
Mutating using a simple extension function:
You can write extension functions for Kotlin that do an in place mutable iteration for any MutableList implementation. These inline functions will perform as fast as any custom use of the iterator and is inlined for performance. Perfect for Android or anywhere.
Here is a mapInPlace extension function (which keeps the naming typical for these type of functions such as map and mapTo):
inline fun <T> MutableList<T>.mapInPlace(mutator: (T)->T) {
val iterate = this.listIterator()
while (iterate.hasNext()) {
val oldValue =
val newValue = mutator(oldValue)
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
Example calling any variation of this extension function:
val someList = arrayListOf(1, 20, 10, 55, 30, 22, 11, 0, 99)
someList.mapInPlace { if (it <= 20) it + 20 else it }
This is not generalized for all Collection<T>, because most iterators only have a remove() method, not set().
Extension functions for Arrays
You can handle generic arrays with a similar method:
inline fun <T> Array<T>.mapInPlace(mutator: (T)->T) {
this.forEachIndexed { idx, value ->
mutator(value).let { newValue ->
if (newValue !== value) this[idx] = mutator(value)
And for each of the primitive arrays, use a variation of:
inline fun BooleanArray.mapInPlace(mutator: (Boolean)->Boolean) {
this.forEachIndexed { idx, value ->
mutator(value).let { newValue ->
if (newValue !== value) this[idx] = mutator(value)
About the Optimization using only Reference Equality
The extension functions above optimize a little by not setting the value if it has not changed to a different instance, checking that using === or !== is Referential Equality. It isn't worth checking equals() or hashCode() because calling those has an unknown cost, and really the referential equality catches any intent to change the value.
Unit Tests for Extension Functions
Here are unit test cases showing the functions working, and also a small comparison to the stdlib function map() that makes a copy:
class MapInPlaceTests {
#Test fun testMutationIterationOfList() {
val unhappy = setOf("Sad", "Angry")
val startingList = listOf("Happy", "Sad", "Angry", "Love")
val expectedResults = listOf("Happy", "Love", "Love", "Love")
// modify existing list with custom extension function
val mutableList = startingList.toArrayList()
mutableList.mapInPlace { if (it in unhappy) "Love" else it }
assertEquals(expectedResults, mutableList)
#Test fun testMutationIterationOfArrays() {
val otherArray = arrayOf(true, false, false, false, true)
otherArray.mapInPlace { true }
assertEquals(arrayOf(true, true, true, true, true).toList(), otherArray.toList())
#Test fun testMutationIterationOfPrimitiveArrays() {
val primArray = booleanArrayOf(true, false, false, false, true)
primArray.mapInPlace { true }
assertEquals(booleanArrayOf(true, true, true, true, true).toList(), primArray.toList())
#Test fun testMutationIterationOfListWithPrimitives() {
val otherList = arrayListOf(true, false, false, false, true)
otherList.mapInPlace { true }
assertEquals(listOf(true, true, true, true, true), otherList)
Here's what I came up with, which is a similar approach to Jayson:
inline fun <T> MutableList<T>.mutate(transform: (T) -> T): MutableList<T> {
return mutateIndexed { _, t -> transform(t) }
inline fun <T> MutableList<T>.mutateIndexed(transform: (Int, T) -> T): MutableList<T> {
val iterator = listIterator()
var i = 0
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return this
Here is a custom solution, with an example :
val sorted: MutableList<Pair<Double, T>> = ...
val groups: mutableListOf<List<T>>() = ...
sorted.forEachMutable { it ->
if (size + it.first <= maxSize) {
size += it.first
group += it.second
this.remove() // Removing from iterable !
Here is code for "forEachMutable" :
fun <T> MutableIterable<T>.forEachMutable(block: Removable<T>.(T) -> Unit): Unit {
val iterator: MutableIterator<T> = iterator()
val removable = Removable(iterator, block)
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val item =
class Removable<T>(
private val iterator: MutableIterator<T>,
private val block: Removable<T>.(T) -> Unit) {
fun remove() =
fun action(item: T) {
Without having to write any new extension methods - yes, the functional paradigms are awesome, but they do generally imply immutability. If you're mutating, you might consider making that implicit by going old school:
val someList = mutableListOf(1, 20, 10, 55, 30, 22, 11, 0, 99)
for(i in someList.indices) {
val value = someList[i]
someList[i] = if (value <= 20) value + 20 else value
You can use list.forEach { item -> item.modify() }
This will modify each item in list while iterating.