Rotate object with keys [duplicate] - opengl

i am trying to implement functions, where i can rotate/ translate an object in local or global orientation, like in 3D modeling software, using glm. Something like this:
void Rotate(float x, float y, float z, bool localOrientation);
but I dont know how to get it working. Local rotation rotation should just be something like this(?):
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(x, glm::vec3(1,0,0);
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(y, glm::vec3(0,1,0);
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(z, glm::vec3(0,0,1);
// (m_Orientation is glm::mat4)
But how to combine this with local orientation? Actually i need to rotate the rotation matrix in world orientation, right?
I hope you know what i mean with local and global oriented rotation/translation, like it is in 3D modeling programs. In most of them you have a button to switch between local and global.
And how would i calculating the forward/right/up vector then?
normally it should be something like this, right?:
forward = m_Orientation * glm::vec4(0,0,-1,0);
I tried global rotation with this:
m_GlobalOrientation = glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.x, glm::vec(1,0,0);
m_GlobalOrientation *= glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.y, glm::vec(0,1,0);
m_GlobalOrientation *= glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.z, glm::vec(0,0,1);
but then only x rotation is in global orientation, y and z rotation is in local orientation, since it is already rotated around x axis. So I need to rotate all 3 angles at once(?)
Translating local should just be adding translation values to current translation, and local translation should be glm::inverse(m_Orientation) * translationVector right?

Before I come to your question, let me explain some core concepts of matrices.
Assume that we have the following matrix:
wher T is a translation and R is a rotation matrix.
When we use this matrix to transform a vertex (or even mesh), there is one unique result. However, we can get to this result with the help of two interpretations:
Interpretation 1: Evaluate from right to left
If we evaluate the matrix from right to left, all transformations are performed in the global coordinate system. So if we transform a triangle that sits at the origin, we get the following result:
Interpretation 2: Evaluate from left to right
In the other case, all transformations are performed in the local coordinate system:
Of course, we get the same result.
So coming back to your question. If you store the position and orientation of the object as a matrix T. You can rotate this object in its local coordinate system by multiplying a rotation matrix to the right side of the current matrix. And in the global system by multiplying it at the left side. The same applies for translation:
void Rotate(float x, float y, float z, bool localOrientation)
auto rotationMatrix = glm::rotate(x, glm::vec3(1,0,0));
rotationMatrix *= glm::rotate(y, glm::vec3(0,1,0));
rotationMatrix *= glm::rotate(z, glm::vec3(0,0,1));
this->T = this->T * rotationMatrix;
this->T = rotationMatrix * this->T;
The right / forward / up vectors are the column vectors of the matrix T. You can either read them directly or get them by multiplying the matrix with (1, 0, 0, 0) (right), (0, 1, 0, 0) (up), (0, 0, 1, 0) (for/backward) or (0, 0, 0, 1) (position).
If you want to read more about this, take a look at my blog article about matrices in DirectX. But it's for DirectX, which uses transposed matrices. Therefore the matrix order is reversed. Watch out for that when reading the article.


Determining rotation matrix about an axis for a given angle

I've been trying to understand matrices and vectors and implemented Rodrigue's rotation formula to determine the rotation matrix about an axis for a given angle. I've got function Transform which calls out to function Rotate.
// initial values of eye ={0,0,7}
//initial values of up={0,1,0}
void Transform(float degrees, vec3& eye, vec3& up) {
vec3 axis = glm::cross(glm::normalize(eye), glm::normalize(up));
mat3 resultRotate = rotate(degrees, axis);
eye = eye * resultRotate;
up = up * resultRotate;`enter code here`
mat3 rotate(const float degrees, const vec3& axis) {
//Implement Rodrigue's axis-angle rotation formula
float radDegree = glm::radians(degrees);
float cosValue = cosf(radDegree);
float minusCos = 1 - cosValue;
float sinValue = sinf(radDegree);
float cartesianX = axis.x;
float cartesianY = axis.y;
float cartesianZ = axis.z;
mat3 myFinalResult = mat3(cosValue +(cartesianX*cartesianX*minusCos), ((cartesianX*cartesianY*minusCos)-(cartesianZ*sinValue)),((cartesianX*cartesianZ*minusCos)+(cartesianY*sinValue)),
((cartesianX*cartesianY*minusCos)+(cartesianZ*sinValue)), (cosValue+(cartesianY*cartesianY*minusCos)), ((cartesianY*cartesianZ*minusCos) - (cartesianX*sinValue)),
((cartesianX*cartesianZ*minusCos)-(cartesianY*sinValue)), ((cartesianY*cartesianZ*minusCos) + (cartesianX*sinValue)), ((cartesianZ*cartesianZ*minusCos) + cosValue));
return myFinalResult;
All the values, resultant rotation matrix and the changed vectors are as expected for +angle of rotation, but wrong for negative angles and from then on, has cascading effect until the all the vectors are re-initialised. Can someone please help me figure out the problem? I cannot use any inbuilt functions like glm::rotate.
I do not use Rodrigues_rotation_formula because it needs to compute a system of equation on runtime and gets very complicated in higher dimensions.
Instead I am using axis aligned incremental rotations along with 4x4 homogenous transform matrices which are really easily portable to higher dimensions like 4D rotors.
Now there are local and global rotations. Local rotations will rotate around your matrix coordiante system local axises and global ones will rotate around world (or main coordinate system)
What you want is create a transform matrix around some point,axis and angle. To do that just:
create a transform matrix A
that has one axis aligned to axis of rotation and origin is center of rotation. To construct such matrix you need 2 perpendicular vectors which are easily obtainable from cross product.
rotate A around its local axis aligned to axis of rotation by angle
by simple multiplication of A by axis aligned incremental rotation R so
revert the original transform of A before rotation
by simply multiplying inverse of A to the result so
apply this on matrix M you want to rotate
also by simply multiplying this to M so:
And that is it... Here 3D OBB approximation you can find function :
template <class T> _mat4<T> rotate(_mat4<T> &m,T ang,_vec3<T> p0,_vec3<T> dp)
int i;
T c=cos(ang),s=sin(ang);
_vec3<T> x,y,z;
_mat4<T> a,_a,r=mat4(
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, c, s, 0,
0,-s, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
// basis vectors
x=normalize(dp); // axis of rotation
y=_vec3<T>(1,0,0); // any vector non parallel to x
if (fabs(dot(x,y))>0.75) y=_vec3<T>(0,1,0);
z=cross(x,y); // z is perpendicular to x,y
y=cross(z,x); // y is perpendicular to x,z
// feed the matrix
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
a[0][i]= x[i];
a[1][i]= y[i];
a[2][i]= z[i];
} a[3][3]=1;
return r;
That does exactly that. Where m is original matrix to transform (and returns the rotated one), ang is signed angle in [rad], p0 is center of rotation and dp is axis of rotation direction vector.
This approach does not have any singularities nor problems to rotate by negative angles ...
If you want to use this with glm or any other GLSL like math just change the templates to what you use so float,vec3,mat4 instead of T,_vec3<T>,mat4<T>.

Arcball camera locked when parallel to up vector

I'm currently in the process of finishing the implementation for a camera that functions in the same way as the camera in Maya. The part I'm stuck in the tumble functionality.
The problem is the following: the tumble feature works fine so long as the position of the camera is not parallel with the up vector (currently defined to be (0, 1, 0)). As soon as the camera becomes parallel with this vector (so it is looking straight up or down), the camera locks in place and will only rotate around the up vector instead of continuing to roll.
This question has already been asked here, unfortunately there is no actual solution to the problem. For reference, I also tried updating the up vector as I rotated the camera, but the resulting behaviour is not what I require (the view rolls as a result of the new orientation).
Here's the code for my camera:
using namespace glm;
// point is the position of the cursor in screen coordinates from GLFW
float deltaX = point.x - mImpl->lastPos.x;
float deltaY = point.y - mImpl->lastPos.y;
// Transform from screen coordinates into camera coordinates
Vector4 tumbleVector = Vector4(-deltaX, deltaY, 0, 0);
Matrix4 cameraMatrix = lookAt(mImpl->eye, mImpl->centre, mImpl->up);
Vector4 transformedTumble = inverse(cameraMatrix) * tumbleVector;
// Now compute the two vectors to determine the angle and axis of rotation.
Vector p1 = normalize(mImpl->eye - mImpl->centre);
Vector p2 = normalize((mImpl->eye + Vector(transformedTumble)) - mImpl->centre);
// Get the angle and axis
float theta = 0.1f * acos(dot(p1, p2));
Vector axis = cross(p1, p2);
// Rotate the eye.
mImpl->eye = Vector(rotate(Matrix4(1.0f), theta, axis) * Vector4(mImpl->eye, 0));
The vector library I'm using is GLM. Here's a quick reference on the custom types used here:
typedef glm::vec3 Vector;
typedef glm::vec4 Vector4;
typedef glm::mat4 Matrix4;
typedef glm::vec2 Point2;
mImpl is a PIMPL that contains the following members:
Vector eye, centre, up;
Point2 lastPoint;
Here is what I think. It has something to do with the gimbal lock, that occurs with euler angles (and thus spherical coordinates).
If you exceed your minimal(0, -zoom,0) or maxima(0, zoom,0) you have to toggle a boolean. This boolean will tell you if you must treat deltaY positive or not.
It could also just be caused by a singularity, therefore just limit your polar angle values between 89.99° and -89.99°.
Your problem could be solved like this.
So if your camera is exactly above (0, zoom,0) or beneath (0, -zoom,0) of your object, than the camera only rolls.
(I am also assuming your object is at (0,0,0) and the up-vector is set to (0,1,0).)
There might be some mathematical trick to resolve this, I would do it with linear algebra though.
You need to introduce a new right-vector. If you make a cross product, you will get the camera-vector. Camera-vector = up-vector x camera-vector. Imagine these vectors start at (0,0,0), then easily, to get your camera position just do this subtraction (0,0,0)-(camera-vector).
So if you get some deltaX, you rotate towards the right-vector(around the up-vector) and update it.
Any influence of deltaX should not change your up-vector.
If you get some deltaY you rotate towards the up-vector(around the right-vector) and update it. (This has no influence on the right-vector). at Rotation matrix from axis and angle you can find a important formula.
You say u is your vector you want to rotate around and theta is the amount you want to pivot. The size of theta is proportional to deltaX/Y.
For example: We got an input from deltaX, so we rotate around the up-vector.
up-vector:= (0,1,0)
right-vector:= (0,0,-1)
cam-vector:= (0,1,0)
theta:=-1*30° // -1 due to the positive mathematical direction of rotation
new-cam-vector=R*cam-vector // normal matrix multiplication
One thing is left to be done: Update the right-vector.
right-vector=camera-vector x up-vector .

Rotating the LookAt vector of gluLookAt

I'm a student new to opengl. Currently, I'm doing a project that creates a scene.
Right now, my team is using gluLookAt() for my camera. What I want to accomplish is to try and rotate the LookAt vector around a certain point, namely where the camera is looking at.
This accomplishes a sort of "swaying in a circle". I need this because I am making a dart game for the scene, and my camera stay still, but I need it to move in a circle, but still allow the user's mouse to influence it. I also need it to create a drunken movement. That is why I am not considering rotating the Up or Eye vectors.
Currently, my look at code is like this.
int deltax = x - mouse.mX;
int deltay = y - mouse.mY;
cameradart.mYaw -= ((deltax/360.0) * 3.142) * 0.5;
cameradart.mPitch -= deltay * 0.02;
mouse.mX = x;
mouse.mY = y;
cameradart.lookAt.x = sin (cameradart.mYaw);
cameradart.lookAt.y = cameradart.mPitch ;
cameradart.lookAt.z = cos (cameradart.mYaw);
gluLookAt (cameradart.eye.x, cameradart.eye.y, cameradart.eye.z,
cameradart.eye.x + cameradart.lookAt.x, cameradart.eye.y + cameradart.lookAt.y,
cameradart.eye.z + cameradart.lookAt.z,
cameradart.up.x, cameradart.up.y, cameradart.up.z);
I know that it could be done easier using a different camera, but I really don't want to mess with my team's code by not using gluLookAt().
There's a couple of solutions in my mind, I'll tell you the easiest to understand/implement as a new graphics student
Assuming at first you're looking at (0,0,1) -store that vector-:
Think of a point that's drawing a circle and you're looking at it,
-Do it first to turn right and left (2D on X & Z)
-Let HDiff be the horizontal difference between old mouse position and the new one
-Update the x = cos(HDiff)
-Update the z = sin(HDiff)
*I didn't try it but it should work :)
If you want to be able to manipulate the camera, using a camera matrix is a much more effective mechanism than working with gluLookat. GLM is a good library for matrix and vector math and includes a lookat mechanism you can use to initialize the matrix, or you can just initialize it with a series of operations. However, remember that lookat produces a view matrix, and the view matrix is the inverse of the camera matrix.
This piece of code has a demonstration of what I'm talking about. Specifically look at the player member variable and how it's manipulated
glm::mat4 player;
glm::vec3 playerPosition(0, eyeHeight, ipd * 4.0f);
player = glm::inverse(glm::lookAt(playerPosition, glm::vec3(0, eyeHeight, 0), GlUtils::Y_AXIS));
This approach lets you apply changes like rotation and translation directly to the player matrix
// Rotate on the Y axis
player = glm::rotate(player, angle, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
This is much more intuitive than manipulating the view matrix, since changes to the view matrix always have to be the inverse of what you'd do to the player matrix.
When you're ready to render you need to convert the player matrix to a view matrix by taking it's inverse. In my example it's done like this:
gl::Stacks::modelview().top() = riftOrientation * glm::inverse(player);
This is because I'm using an application based modelview matrix stack that gets applied to the Shader programs I'm running.
For an OpenGL 1.x program, you'd instead use LoadMatrix
glm::mat4 modelview = glm::inverse(player);

Rotate and translate object in local and global orientation using glm

i am trying to implement functions, where i can rotate/ translate an object in local or global orientation, like in 3D modeling software, using glm. Something like this:
void Rotate(float x, float y, float z, bool localOrientation);
but I dont know how to get it working. Local rotation rotation should just be something like this(?):
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(x, glm::vec3(1,0,0);
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(y, glm::vec3(0,1,0);
m_Orientation *= glm::rotate(z, glm::vec3(0,0,1);
// (m_Orientation is glm::mat4)
But how to combine this with local orientation? Actually i need to rotate the rotation matrix in world orientation, right?
I hope you know what i mean with local and global oriented rotation/translation, like it is in 3D modeling programs. In most of them you have a button to switch between local and global.
And how would i calculating the forward/right/up vector then?
normally it should be something like this, right?:
forward = m_Orientation * glm::vec4(0,0,-1,0);
I tried global rotation with this:
m_GlobalOrientation = glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.x, glm::vec(1,0,0);
m_GlobalOrientation *= glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.y, glm::vec(0,1,0);
m_GlobalOrientation *= glm::rotate(m_GlobalRotation.z, glm::vec(0,0,1);
but then only x rotation is in global orientation, y and z rotation is in local orientation, since it is already rotated around x axis. So I need to rotate all 3 angles at once(?)
Translating local should just be adding translation values to current translation, and local translation should be glm::inverse(m_Orientation) * translationVector right?
Before I come to your question, let me explain some core concepts of matrices.
Assume that we have the following matrix:
wher T is a translation and R is a rotation matrix.
When we use this matrix to transform a vertex (or even mesh), there is one unique result. However, we can get to this result with the help of two interpretations:
Interpretation 1: Evaluate from right to left
If we evaluate the matrix from right to left, all transformations are performed in the global coordinate system. So if we transform a triangle that sits at the origin, we get the following result:
Interpretation 2: Evaluate from left to right
In the other case, all transformations are performed in the local coordinate system:
Of course, we get the same result.
So coming back to your question. If you store the position and orientation of the object as a matrix T. You can rotate this object in its local coordinate system by multiplying a rotation matrix to the right side of the current matrix. And in the global system by multiplying it at the left side. The same applies for translation:
void Rotate(float x, float y, float z, bool localOrientation)
auto rotationMatrix = glm::rotate(x, glm::vec3(1,0,0));
rotationMatrix *= glm::rotate(y, glm::vec3(0,1,0));
rotationMatrix *= glm::rotate(z, glm::vec3(0,0,1));
this->T = this->T * rotationMatrix;
this->T = rotationMatrix * this->T;
The right / forward / up vectors are the column vectors of the matrix T. You can either read them directly or get them by multiplying the matrix with (1, 0, 0, 0) (right), (0, 1, 0, 0) (up), (0, 0, 1, 0) (for/backward) or (0, 0, 0, 1) (position).
If you want to read more about this, take a look at my blog article about matrices in DirectX. But it's for DirectX, which uses transposed matrices. Therefore the matrix order is reversed. Watch out for that when reading the article.

Quaternion-Based-Camera unwanted roll

I'm trying to implement a quaternion-based camera, but when moving around the X and Y axis, the camera produces an unwanted roll on the Z axis. I want to be able to look around freely on all axis.
I've read other topics about this problem (for example: ), but I'm not getting what is meant by "Fix this by continuously rebuilding the rotation matrix by rotating around the WORLD axis, i.e around <1,0,0>, <0,1,0>, <0,0,1>, not your local coordinates, whatever they might be."
glm::quat rotation;
void Camera::rotate(glm::vec3 vec)
glm::quat paramQuat = glm::quat(vec);
rotation = paramQuat * rotation;
I call the rotate function like this:
cam->rotate(glm::vec3(0, 0.5, 0));
This must have to do with local/world coordinates, right? I'm just not getting it, since I thought quaternions are always based on each other (thus a quaternion can't be in "world" or "local" space?).
Also, should i use more than one quaternion for a camera?
As far as I understand it, and from looking at the code you provided, what they mean is that you shouldn't store and apply the rotation incrementally by applying rotate on the rotation quat all the time, but instead keeping track of two quaternions for each axis (X and Y in world space) and calculating the rotation vector as the product of those.
[edit: some added (pseudo)code]
// Camera.cpp
void Camera::SetRotation(glm::quat value)
rotation = value;
// controller.cpp --> probably a place where you'd want to translate user input and store your rotational state
xAngle += deltaX;
yAngle += deltaY;
glm::quat rotationX = QuatAxisAngle(X_AXIS, xAngle);
glm::quat rotationY = QuatAxisAngle(Y_AXIS, yAngle);
camera.SetRotation(rotationX * rotationY);