How to use boost serialization? - c++

I'm an amateur in programming. I was wondering how I can use boost's serialization only (
When I download boost, it has many libraries and is a big folder, but I just want to use the serialization library. Does my user need to install of all boost in order for me to use serialization?
I'm a complete beginner, so if you can tell me each step I need to do to get serialization into my project, it'll be much appreciated. For example, do I have to statically link a library? I have no idea. Thank you for your help.
edit: I want my user to not have to deal with much. So is there a way to use boost without having the user to install anything? Thank you.

You usually need to link the "link library" (traditionally a .lib file on windows) that matches the "dynamic library" (.dll) at runtime. Of course, at runtime it needs to exist, so you need it "installed" (present at the target machine, in a compatible form, so matching the OS and architecture).
The good news:
MSVC will do "Auto Link" for the lib (
If you build on a platform similar to your target platform, the default target will usually be compatible with the target
Note that you may need indirect requirements (such as Boost System).
Indeed, you can XCOPY-deploy the libraries in the same folder as the exe file, but that's not really a common approach and might not be the best idea if you have little experience.
If you can get your hands on a (free) installer builder (a quick google leads to things like you'll enjoy the guidance of tools that know the intricacies involved.

Does my user need to install of all boost in order for me to use
When you link boost, the MSVC++ and MFC runtimes statically into your application, you get a single executable, that includes all dependencies. Then all your user has to do is double-click the .exe file of your application.
Building boost libs from scratch can be tricky, so for getting started I recommend to download prebuilt binaries. Make sure to download the package that exactly matches both your version of Visual C++ and the bitness (32/64) of the application you are building.
Though in the long run, it can be beneficial to build boost yourself, so you don't depend on the prebuilt binaries being up-to-date for the most recent version of VC++.
Make sure to add the directory path of the .lib files to your project's library path. You don't need to specify individual .lib files because boost uses auto-linking.
In case you need to know, the static lib files include "mt-s" in the file name (e. g. "libboost_serialization-vc141-mt-s-x32-1_68.lib" for the 32-bit release version and "libboost_serialization-vc141-mt-sgd-x32-1_68.lib" for the 32-bit debug version).
In your project settings, make sure to choose MFC static library ("Generic" category > "Use of MFC"). Also choose "Runtime Library" > "Multithreaded" (/MT) or "Multithreaded Debug" (/MTd), depending on your project configuration (C/C++ category). If you don't do this, the linking will fail or you will link to the boost DLLs instead.


What is the proper way to include a source library in a Visual Studio C++ project?

Right now I'm trying to create my first "real" project in C++ using Visual Studio 2019. I need to include a third-party library as a dependency. The instructions on the project homepage simply recommend to include all source/header files directly into the project. My understanding is that it's a bad practice, since the end result would look quite ugly in any VCS.
Thankfully, the library author also provided build scripts that call cl, lib and link with appropriate arguments and produce the coveted foo.lib. I added that file to dependencies in linker options and after some haranguing with compiler/linker options finally got it running.
To my distress, I realised that I've done all those manipulations in Release configuration, which prevented me from using the debugger. I then built the library with /MDd, fixed some compiler options... and got a bizarre compile-time error in vcruntime.h ( fatal error C1189: #error: _HAS_CXX17 and _HAS_CXX20 must both be defined, and _HAS_CXX20 must imply _HAS_CXX17).
At this point, I knew I was doing something terribly wrong, since including a simple library should't require so much manual knob-tweaking. What is the right, canonical way of including third-party dependencies in Visual Studio (and C++ in general)? Assuming the dependency isn't available on Nuget, vcpkg or somesuch.
As I understand from the stuff you did was on Windows. First of all I would recommend you try a linux distro. In windows it is possible to get lib files running, but not easy. It would help if you could send me a link to the library you are using.
The usual approach is to just stick those sources in their own directory and their own Visual Studio project (not solution). This can still build a foo.lib. You won't need many options for this.
Next, you just tell Visual Studio that your own project depends on that other project, and it will then link foo.LIB for you.
Having said that, it sounds like you try to build your two projects with different settings for the C++ version. VS2019 has good support for C++17 and experimental support for C++20, so you can choose. But you need to choose consistently for all your projects.
In larger solutions you can us a .vsprops file for that, which is like an #include for project files. A bit overkill when you have two projects, a lifesaver when you have 150.
It varies a bit how you include 3rd party libraries, sometimes 3rd party libraries have an installation and install themselves like under Common Components sometimes you have to do it manually.
E.g. YourSolution/3rdParty/foo/include
Sometimes the libraries have different names then they may be in the same folder.
Once you have that structure go to your project's properties C/C++ and add the include under Additional Include Directories make sure you have configuration "All Configurations" here. Then go to Project properties/Linker/Input and the dependency for Debug Configuration and for the Release Configuration - since usually they are different libraries per configuration. e.g. release/foo.lib and debug/foo.lib (foo.lib foo-d.lib or whatever they are called).
Use the macros to make sure you get the right locations so that they are relative to your solution and project. It is not good having absolute paths. E.g. $(SolutionDir)3rdparty\foo\include
Disclaimer : I am not sure this is the "optimal" way to do it but that is the way I do it.

Distribution of C++ application with dependencies in Visual Studio

I'm a junior programmer. I have developed a Visual Studio C++ project with a fair amount of dependencies: Boost, a fingerprint recognition library and Windows Biometrics Frameworks. As for today I know the Windows Biometric Framework can be downloaded from the standard Windows Update and I am not concerned about that, to my knowledge, the application is ready to search and link WBF dependencies on the computer by itself.
My concern is: which is the easiest (not most efficient, I need speed here) way to pack the executable file with all the resources and dependencies this .exe needs (Boost and the fingerprint recognition SDK) so that I can minimize distribution troubles, i.e this dll is missing, please reinstall the application, and things like that, without having to compile everything in the client's computer?
I've been able to see a couple ways here: copy the dlls listed in the project config, change to static linking... but I don't know if that is the simplest way. I have little to no trust in my abilities for this and those methods seem quite manual, wondering if there might be an automatic way for doing these things?
I'm not familiar with the fingerprint library or WBF, but most of Boost resides in headers so its compiled in when you compile your application. Some, like the threading library and system specific calls(e.g. getting CPU core count) are libraries that are statically linked to.
What format of the fingerprint library is provided? Dynamically, there would be at least a .dll with a corresponding import .lib file. Your application links statically to the importer after compiling, and binds to the library during run time. Or the library can be included in one large, single .lib that's linked to your application after its compiled. If you have both options available and you only want to distribute the binary file, use static linking.
Like in any systems, you will need to include every .dll libraries your app links and every external resources(images, config files, ...) your app uses. I usually make my Windows distributions by using
Very easy to use.

The dependencies between opencv libraries

When we build the opencv library, either in a dynamic way or in a static way, we will produce several separated libraries. Take the 2.48 version for example, we will have
opencv_core248 opencv_imgproc248 zlib IlmImf comctl32 opencv_highgui248 libpng
and so on. So my question here is clearly there are some dependencies between these libraries, for example, if I want to invoke opencv_core248 and opencv_imgproc24 library in a project, I have link errors. Then, if I add zlib library, the compilation error will be solved.
Question: I want to ask a very general question: how can I know the dependencies between all the libraries insider opencv? Are there some documents I can follow? Thanks.
I don't think there is a document listing all the dependencies between the OpenCV libraries.
However I can suggest two methods to find out these dependencies:
Using Dependency Walker, a free tool allowing to analyze executables and DLLs. For instance, if you open opencv_calib3dXXX.DLL (where XXX represents your OpenCV version), you'll see that it requires opencv_coreXXX.dll, opencv_flannXXX.dll, opencv_imgprocXXX.dll and opencv_features2dXXX.dll and some system DLLs.
Using the project structure generated by CMake, a free tool for cross-platform compilation which is used for compliing OpenCV from sources. For instance, if I generate the project structure for VS2010 and open it, I can right-click on the project associated to opencv_calib3d and view the project dependencies.
I mentionned the tools I know and use for Windows, but equivalent tools must also exist for other platforms.

How do you link to a library from the software manager on Linux?

So I recently got fed up with Windows and installed Linux Mint. I am trying to get a project to build I have in Code::Blocks. I have installed Code::Blocks but I need glew(as well as a few other libraries). I found it in the software manager and installed it. I've managed to locate and include the header files. But I feel like the next step should be relatively straightforward and all over the internet but (perhaps due to lack of proper terminology) I have been as of yet unable to locate an answer.
Do I need to locate the files on my system and link to each library manually? This is what I did on windows but I just downloaded the binaries and knew where they were. I found one library from the software manager and linked to it manually but it just feels like I'm doing it the wrong way. Since it's "installed" on the system is there some quick way to link?
You should use two flags for linker '-l' and '-L'. You can set these flags somewhere in project properties.
The first one '-l' tells linker to link with particular library. For example glew, probably in /usr/lib is a file named, when you link your program with '-lglew' flag, it will link it with glew library. Linker looks for libraries in few standard places: /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib and few extra. If you have your libs in nonstandard place, use '-L' flag to point these dirs.
Many linux distributions provide two kinds of packages with libraries, regular ones just with runtime, and devel ones (usually prefixed or suffixed with dev or devel) with header files and development version of libraries.
use build systems, Luke!
the typical way to develop/build software in *nix world is 3 steps:
configure stage -- before building smth you have to realize in what environment you are going to build your software... is everything that required is installed... it wouldn't be good if at compile stage (after few hours of compilation) you (or user who build your soft) got an error: unable to #include the 'xxx.h'. the most popular build systems are: cmake, my favorite after autotools. yout may try also scons or maybe crazy (b)jam...
compile stage -- usually just make all
install stage -- deploy just built software into the system. or other way: build packages for target distro (.deb/.rpm/&etc)
at configuration stage using test scripts (don't worry there are plenty of them for various use cases) you can find all required headers/libraries/programs/compiler options/whatever you need to compile your package... and yes: do not use hardcoded paths in your Makefiles (or whatever you use to make your binaries)
Answer to this question really depends on what you want to achieve. If you want just to build you app by yourself then you can just write path to libraries in your makefile, or your code editor settings. You may not even have to do that as if libraries installed by your linux distribution package manager, headers usually go to /usr/include and libraries to /usr/lib or /urs/lib64 etc. That locations are standard and you do not need to specify them explicitly. Anyway you need to specify libraries you want to link to.
If you want to create application that can be build by others, or by you on many different configurations/environments using something like cmake would be very helpful.

Compiling linux library for mingw

I have been using a socket library for C++. Some other info: 32 bit Linux, Codelite and GCC toolset. I want to be able to compile my program for Windows using the windows edition of Codelite. The socket library I have been using doesn’t have a mingw32 build of the library, but it’s open source. So how can I make a mingw32 build of the socket library so I can make a windows build using the source provided?
Most open source linux libraries are built with the make build system (although there others like jam etc, and custom written scripts for building). MinGW comes with the make utility, it's mingw32-make.exe. It may be possible (if you're lucky) to simply rebuild your library by making it on Windows.
The more usual scenario is that you will need to configure the project before you can build it though. The windows shell doesn't support the scripting requirements required to configure, but there's another part of the MinGW project that does called MSYS. If you install msys and all the required tools you need for it, you'll be able to ./configure your project before running make.
Of course, the above will only work if the library is written to be portable. There are some breaking difference between the linux socket implementation (sys/socket.h), and the windows implementation (winsock2.h). You may be forced to edit chunks of the code to ensure that it is versioned correctly for the platform (or that any dependencies required are also built for Windows).
Also, there is the chance that the library may already be built for Windows, but using a different compiler like MSVC, which produces .lib and .dll files. Mingw requires .a files for libraries, but a clever feature is the ability to link directly against a .dll, without the need for an imports library, so you can often use an existing windows library that was not built against Mingw (Although this won't help for static linking). There is also a tool, dlltool, which can convert .lib to .a.
If you give detail on the specific library you're working with, I may be able to pick out for you what needs to be done to run it on Win.
You port it to the new platform. :)
You're fortunate that it is opensource, because then it would be practically impossible to port it (You'd have to pay $$$'s to get a copy of the code for a particular license, or rewrite the entire product).
Alternatively, they may well already have a port... Check the documentation for the library you are using.
First off your going to need to make sure that you aren't including any Linux specific libraries.