Dql query to find all the attributes - d

I need a full dql query to find all the attributes (single and Repeating) for the documents. I haven't tried any query.

You can select all attributes for object type using this query:
SELECT DISTINCT attr_name, attr_type, attr_repeating, attr_length FROM dm_type WHERE name = 'dm_document' ORDER BY attr_name
Where you replace dm_document by your target object type name and
attr_name contains attribute name
attr_type defines attribute type (0 - Boolean, 1 - Integer, 2 - String, 3 - ID, 4 - Time, 5 - Double)
attr_repeating indicates whether the attribute is repeating or not
attr_length defines size of String based attributes
If you want only attributes for that object type and not ones inherited from super type then you can select them by this query:
SELECT DISTINCT r_object_id, attr_name, attr_type, attr_repeating, attr_length, i_position, start_pos FROM dm_type WHERE name = 'dm_document' AND i_position < -start_pos ORDER BY attr_name ENABLE(ROW_BASED)

You could also use a "describe " to get information.
You should also investigate the views underneath if you're querying from non-dql application.


How to query DynamoDB by string between + other keys

I'm trying to design a DynamoDB query that meets the following criteria:
get items by type, category, and date between(date_1, date_2)
I have these attributes already stored in a Global Secondary Index:
type (string)
category (string)
date (string)
I know I could use the between operator to query by a given date string:
gsi_1_pk = 'products' and gsi_1_sk between '2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' and '2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
But there are situations where I want to query by the 3 attributes, not only the date.
So, I want a solution that allows me to query by all the possible filtering combinations: type, category, date between, type + category, type + date between, category + date between type + category + date between.
How can I combine this between operation with the other attributes from the GSI?
I ended up creating a new Global Secondary Index, where I store the date alone at the Sorting Key, which allows me to use the between Dynamo operation with no problem.
The downside is that I had to create a new GSI for such a simple query. But as many said here, DynamoDB seems not to be the "right/best" tool for this job.

Extract table name and columns from SQL schema

I need help to export table-name & columns from table schema (DDL) using regex.
title TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "Hello World!",
UNIQUE (title),
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users (id),
FOREIGN KEY (team_id) REFERENCES teams (t_id)
Table name
2. Columns
id // as group 1 (column name)
INTEGER // as group 2 (column type)
NOT NULL // as group 3 (column nullable) empty if nothing
DEFAULT // as group 4 (default value for example "Hello World")
UNIQUE // as group 5 (column uniqueable) empty if nothing
Note: UNIQUE can be also on table level same as title column.
3. Primary key
id // as group 1 (primary key)
Table level: PRIMARY\sKEY\s+\(([^\)]+)\)
Column level: check below answer.
4. Foreign keys:
// first
user_id // as group 1 (foreign key)
users // as group 2 (reference table name)
id // as group 3 (reference primary)
// second
team_id // as group 1 (foreign key)
teams // as group 2 (reference table name)
t_id // as group 3 (reference primary)
ON UPDATE RESTRICT // as group 4
ON DELETE RESTRICT // as group 5
I've found a simple regex in [github] (https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/6351#issuecomment-91064631) but not support RESTRICT
/FOREIGN KEY\s+\(([^\)]+)\)\s+REFERENCES\s+([^\(^\s]+)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)/mi
Extract a table name:
Get column names:
Get a primary key field:
Get foreign keys data:
You can test it here (respectively):
The Regex are returning results into a named captured group, you can find the name if you look here (?'GREOUP-NAME'..myregex...). It makes it easier for you to reference them after a finished regex search, it will be easier to split them.
Get table name:
Get primary key:
Get column name: This one is a little bit sloppy and will only capture columns that are lowercase. Since your text didn't have any tabs-characters. This was the best i could do but it's a bit risky.
You can run them here, regex101, and try it out.
Be aware that the regex is dependent on whatever regex-engine your are using. There are some shortcomings regarding standards, and some regex's might need to be translated to your engine. For ex. lookbehind is not supported on all engines.

DAX - How to lookup and return a value from another table based on 2 possible lookups

I have 2 tables, one has a ton of fields so I didn't copy it all but the 2 fields in the big table that I'm working with are "Item Number" and "Item Description". The smaller table is pictured below.
ItemData table
The two tables are not related; I need to have a column in the big table named "Entity" where I lookup the item number or the item description (if the item number is missing) and return what Entity is associated. If both fields are empty then return "NONE".
My current code is below and it works sometimes which doesn't make sense because the code isn't correct, I know. I also can't get it to look at one field if the other is blank which is why that part of the code has been deleted.
Entity = LOOKUPVALUE(ItemData[Entities],ItemData[Item Number],Page1_1[Item Number],"None")
Here is what I want it to say in DAX - Entity = if itemNumber is not null then use item number to retrieve the entity name, otherwise use the itemdescription to find the entity.
Here is what I would like to see:
Item number = "123"
Item Description = "Sunshine"
Entity = "Florida"
I can pull item number and description from the big table. I just need to match those with the small table to get the entity.
You can create an if statement:
Entity = IF(ISEMPTY(ItemData[Item Number]) then
LOOKUPVALUE(ItemData[Entities],ItemData[Item Description],Page1_1[Item Description]) else
LOOKUPVALUE(ItemData[Entities],ItemData[Item Number],Page1_1[Item Number]))

Doctrine: Is it possible to INDEX BY a related field?

I have a Doctrine model (Assignment), which has a many-to-one relationship with another model (Region). Assignments are owned by users (with each user having only one assignment per region at a time), and I am trying to use indexBy to have the user's array of assignments be keyed by the ID of the assignment's region. However, I only get standard 0..n numeric keys.
When I try to run a DQL query like SELECT am, reg, user FROM Assignment am INDEX BY [...] JOIN am.region reg JOIN am.user user WHERE user.id = ?1, none of these values for INDEX BY work:
region (Error: Invalid PathExpression. Must be a StateFieldPathExpression.)
region_id (Error: Class ...\Assignment has no field or association named region_id)
region.id (Error: Expected end of string, got '.')
Is this possible? If not, then what would be a convenient way to access a User's assignment on a region without indexBy?
I was dealing with the same problem today. Fortunately I've found the solution : )
First of all, you have to declare additional column in ORM mapping:
type: entity
table: entityA
targetEntity: EntityB
name: label_id
referencedColumnName: id
type: integer
id: true
strategy: AUTO
type: text
type: integer
lifecycleCallbacks: { }
notice that I've declared entityB_id as a field + I've configured manyToOne relation by adding a joinColumn clause
so now you can use entityB_id as scalar value
->from('AbdulklaraplMyBundle:EntityA', 'c', 'c.entityB_id')
it will return assoc array
c.entityB_id: {
id: "",
value: ""
entityB_id: ""
you can also use AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY as a argument for getResult() - it will return assoc array with array instead the objects
If you need to INDEX BY a foreign key e.g. "region_id" it is possible in your mapping:
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Region", mappedBy="user", indexBy="region_id")
protected $regions;
The feature was added here.
Unfortunately it does not seem to be documented that you have to use the name of the column of the foreign key itself.
Working with Indexed Associations
Import the Query class (optional):
use \Doctrine\ORM\Query;
Create the query:
$query = $this->data->em->createQuery('
FROM Assignment a
INDEX BY a.reg //to set array custom key
WHERE a.user = :user');
$query->setParameter('user', 3); //user with id 3
//set the hidration mode in order to work with read-only arrays
$assignments = $query->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);

query builder select the id from leftJoin

I have a select field that fetch from an entity
and I would like to customize completely my select by choosing the table the id is picked from
(here I would like to select t.id instead of tl.id as the select value)
return $er->createQueryBuilder('tl')
->leftJoin('tl.lang', 'l')
->leftJoin('tl.type', 't')
->where('l.isDefault = 1')
->orderBy('tl.name', 'ASC');
Due to my tables, I can't simply fetch the table t, I have to use tl
Your query is not according to the syntax defined in Doctrine 2 QueryBuilder: http://www.doctrine-project.org/docs/orm/2.0/en/reference/query-builder.html
Your query might work in Doctrine 1.2 but in Doctrine 2 you should build your query according to the syntax defined in the link I posted above.
For example ->addSelect('l') is not being used in Doctrine 2 anymore. It has become ->add('select', 'l').
You don't have to set different alias for your column. It'll be hydrated as column of the related entity.