I want to gradually move from Heroku to AWS. How to do setup "Weighted routing policy" in Route 53? - amazon-web-services

This problem is hurting my brains for almost the whole weekend. I hope someone will come and release me :-)
I want to move a webapplication from Heroku to AWS in a gradual way. So, i.e. that we start routing 10% of the request to AWS, and increase that number in time – when our canary tests passed and everything runs smoothly. FYI; the database is already moved to AWS and can also be accessed by Heroku via a Network Load Balancer.
The setup should also be able to serve a maintenance-page (running from s3 bucket with cloudfront) when – in some hopefully rare case – the health checks for both are failing. I've added an extra alias record for that with a weight of 0, because route53 will always try to give a result when all checks are failing, even if the weight is set to nil.
The Application Load Balancer we need for routing all the traffic to the correct ECS containers, also arrange some redirects (apex to www, and http to https) for us.
With all these requirement, I came up with the diagram shown below.
During implementation, I run into a problem that I do not get solved.
I can't create an specific A-Record (the one with weight 100), because it tries to refer to an recordset as alias which is from another type (CNAME). And that's not allowed within Route 53.
The problem is that it has to be a A-record, because when you want to leverage the 'weighting routing policy', all dns record should be from the same type.
The records with weight 90 and 10 should also be CNAME's (the need to be from the same type as well), because I can't use a A-record for my Heroku endpoint.
Anyone have an idea how to solve this? Our maybe knows a better way to do this?


How do I setup SSL for a php single instance on AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

This is my first time setting up a dynamic website, so bare with me. My goal is to have SSL/https working on my php single instance aws Elastic beanstalk web app.
I already know that with a load balancer SSL is easy to set up and ACM certificates only work with load balancer.
I want single instance since it is cheaper. My project is small, don't expect a lot of traffic at most 1 user per day.
... back to problem, I did some research and came across this link, which is a "how to" from amazon:
The problem I'm running into is the part where I'm suppose to put my "certificate contents here".
From research what goes here is a SSL certificate from a third party. When I purchased my domain from namecheap , I also purchased PostivieSSL. Now where I'm confused is how to create this "cerificate contents". I found this link on namecheap:
I know that I have to generate a CSR through SSH with commands ,where they will ask info about my site which is needed to make the request and get the certificate. It says I have to do this where I'm hosting my website. My question is how do I do this in elastic beanstalk? or is there another way to do this or am I understanding wrong. I'm a bit lost here
I've spent 2 days researching but cant find how to do this. I've found some people linking GitHub repositories doing this in some other similar questions but they don't seem to help me understand how to do this.
I was more or less in your shoes, but with the Java app instead of PHP. The way I see it, you have got three broad tasks to solve.
Generate proper certificate. You can either go for the one you already have from PositiveSSL or generate a free one for test purposes with Let's Encrypt and certbot (this might give you more control and understanding over what (sub)domain you're using it for). The end result is a set of certificate and key for the desired domain.
Make sure the certificate and key are on the Elastic Beanstalk instance in question and are being picked up by your web server. For this you need to properly package your app before deploying it, paying attention to the paths and the AWS docs for the single instance which you mentioned. Paste your certificate data in .ebextensions/https-instance.config, and it will be deployed as files under specified paths. Once you're done with the whole process later on, consider sourcing private certs and keys from your S3, never commit private data to version control.
Make sure the HTTPS traffic flows through. For this you'll need to make sure that your Elastic Beanstalk VPC security group has an inbound rule for port 443 (also covered in the AWS docs).

Switching between on-prem and cloud server IPs without load balancing

I own a something.com domain and want to switch between an old on-premises server to a new Google Cloud VM. I can do that by changing the A record under DNS settings. If the new server fails I need to be able to switch back to the old server.
The problem with using A records is that DNS doesn't propagate fast even if you use Cloudflare. Google Chrome in particular sticks to its DNS table like crazy and if it first learned that something.com resolves to X.X.X.X it will not let go of it.
I need to be able to direct all traffic going to the Google Cloud static IP back to the old server's IP. I'm looking to find a proxy/routing rule menu that I can use to apply - not a full blown load-balancing menu that will cost extra per month.
The solution is to get rid of the old server and build a more robust solution on GCP. There are multiple ways to do this, but one obvious way is to use a Managed Instance Group (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instance-groups). MIGs can be configured to be autohealing (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/tutorials/high-availability-autohealing) and autoscaling (if needed).
In this case you should be particularly looking at stateful MIGs I guess (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instance-groups/stateful-migs).
You have two solutions to switch your DNS from an IP to another one dynamically
Either you use a DNS failover service, not proposed on GCP today. Use a low TTL in your DNS definition, else your will wait a lot before the automatic switch.
Or you implement it by yourselves with a proxy server that you have to manage.

Unexpected latency issues AWS-API Gateway

I need help to troubleshoot AWS API gateway latency issues. We have same configuration and even data everything same but facing high latency issues in Non Prod. Actually we are using Nlb and VPC link for API Gateway . Please find same values here below.
We have copied the data from dev mongo to test environment to make sure the same volume of data is present in both the places. We hit /test/16 from both the environment, but experiencing very high latency in dev as compared to sandbox.
Have you checked your VPC logs to see the flow paths for the requests? If not, I suggest starting there.
As FYI, you can learn about VPC flow logs at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/flow-logs.html#working-with-flow-logs.
What is behind the load balancer? Anything you are reaching for with DNS names or just IPs?
We had a similar problem at one point, looking in the monitoring of the load balancer(ELB) we found that the problem was downstreams.
The monitoring even showed that we got 504s in the load balancer.
In our case it was DNS caching that caused it, the target instances had been replaced and the DNS in some nginx instances, on the network path to the target, had not been updated.
The nginx instances had to be updated with dynamic DNS resolving. Since nginx default only resolved the target on startup.
With out knowing your architecture however, hard to say what can cause your problems. Here is another DNS story, with some debugging examples: https://srvaroa.github.io/kubernetes/migration/latency/dns/java/aws/microservices/2019/10/22/kubernetes-added-a-0-to-my-latency.html 🍿
Good luck.

Having specific website access on specific EC2 instance under ELB

I wanted to know if there is an option in Amazon Web Services, two have two EC2 instances running, and me, as a developer, being able to have a direct access to one of my choice when both servers serve under the same domain.
By access, I mean regular access to the website via a web browser (e.g. www.domain.com/some-post/)
I want my site to continue be up and live. I currently have a single EC2 server that servers under www.domain.com. If I add another server via Elastic Load Balancer,I don't have control over which server the load balancer sends me.
I have a Wordpress site which I want to upgrade its theme, plugins and the core files, so I want only me to have access to that server and test it out. I could open a server and test it on a public ip, I did it, and it doesn't work as expected, so I need to run it under the original address to make sure that if it runs OK like that, it will run OK live.
The only way that I thought about doing it is to create an image of the server, create an EC2 instance, use a different domain name, restrict access to the server to my IP address, change in the DB to the new domain name, than after everything works, change the domain back to original and make the Elastic IP point to the new server.
No you can't achieve this behavior with an ELB. This would totally defeat the purpose of an ELB - who's purpose is to evenly distribute traffic amongst the instances associated with it.
By the sounds of it, you're looking for a testing stage that you can use to test out new updates etc without damaging the live site.
You could always set up a DNS name for your domain for your testing stage - eg."alpha.mysite.com".
It's quite common practice to use environment variables for use cases like this. You might have an environment variable set on machines that on prod could be eg: stage=prod and on your testing stage could be stage=test. Then in your code, you can get this environment variable an do something different depending on what stage the code is running on. For example, use the prod/development database.
It might be an idea to start using Code Deploy for pushing your code. This way, you can have deployment hooks set up your environment on each instance - install dependencies, load the code, start the application etc. And then using the environment variables already on the instances being deployed to, your code will do the correct thing.
I suppose you could put the test stage on a different port on your prod machines and that way you could use the same domain, but this would be a really bad idea. I think to get a safe, fault tolerant and scalable solution, you're going to need an additional DNS name. And you most certainly shouldn't use the same ELB. If you want to test load balancing for your test application, you should use an additional ELB.
In fact some people even go the lengths of using different AWS accounts for managing test environments.
You might also be interested in Code Pipeline to help you with this.
If I understand correctly, you run multiple instances behind a single ELB and want to be able to access one of the instances to test upgrades. I assume that, while performance and testing the upgrade, you don't want other users to access that instance.
I can think of a few ways to accomplish this. Here are two practical ones:
1. Remove the instance from the load balancer using the AWS console or CLI. No requests to the ELB will go to this instance.
Access the instance you want to upgrade directly on it's own address. For this, the security group on the instance must be configured to allow HTTP connections from the outsite. You could allow only access from your own IP and the load balancer, for example.
2. Create another ELB for test purposes. Make sure that the instance you're upgrading only responds to the test ELB, not to the production ELB. Two ways to accomplish this: either remove it from the production ELB manually, or make the ELB health check on the instance fail. (in the latter case, you would need different healthchecks for the test and production elb).
My advice: when costs are an issue, go for option one. When the additional costs of an extra ELB is not an issue, go for option 2, manually remove the instance from the production ELB while upgrading, and re-attach it when done and tested.
Update (i realized i didn't answer your question completely): for this to work without changing the domain in your database, you would need to point the machine you're testing from to the right host.
Two options:
1. When going for the direct http connection to the instance, make sure that the instance has an external ip. Put the domain in your hosts file and point it to the ip.
2. When going for an extra test elb, either point the domain in your hosts file to one of the ELB ip's, or run a local dns server that has a record for the domain with a CNAME to the ELB hostname.
Although verifying the correct upgrade of a single production node is a valid use case, in this case you're probably better off creating a separate test environment on a different domain.
This way, you can test all changes/upgrades in isolation.
For best results, you would need to periodically transfer the database from production to the test environment. You could write a database scripts that automatically changes the domain in the database so you can (partially or fully) automate the production-to-test-database-restore process.

How do you put up a maintenance page for AWS when your instances are behind an ELB?

How do you put up a maintenance page in AWS when you want to deploy new versions of your application behind an ELB? We want to have the ELB route traffic to the maintenance instance while the new auto-scaled instances are coming up, and only "flip over" to the new instances once they're fully up. We use auto-scaling to bring existing instances down and new instances, which have the new code, up.
The scenario we're trying to avoid is having the ELB serve both traffic to new EC2 instances while also serving up the maintenance page. Since we dont have sticky sessions enabled, we want to prevent the user from being flipped back and forth between the maintenance-mode page and the application deployed in an EC2 instance. We also can't just scale up (say from 2 to 4 instances and then back to 2) to introduce the new instances because the code changes might involve database changes which would be breaking changes for the old code.
I realise this is an old question but after facing the same problem today (December 2018), it looks like there is another way to solve this problem.
Earlier this year, AWS introduced support for redirects and fixed responses to Application Load Balancers. In a nutshell:
Locate your ELB in the console.
View the rules for the appropriate listener.
Add a fixed 503 response rule for your application's host name.
Optionally provide a text/plain or text/html response (i.e. your maintenance page HTML).
Save changes.
Once the rule propagates to the ELB (took ~30 seconds for me), when you try to visit your host in your browser, you'll be shown the 503 maintenance page.
When your deployment completes, simply remove the rule you added.
The simplest way on AWS is to use Route 53, their DNS service.
You can use the feature of Weighted Round Robin.
"You can use WRR to bring servers into production, perform A/B testing,
or balance your traffic across regions or data centers of varying
More information in AWS documentations on this feature
EDIT: Route 53 recently added a new feature that allows DNS Failover to S3. Check their documentation for more details: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/dns-failover.html
Came up with another solution that's working great for us. Here are the required steps to get a simple 503 http response:
Replicate your EB environment to create another one, call it something like app-environment-maintenance, for instance.
Change the configuration for autoscaling and set the min and max servers both to zero. This won't cost you any EC2 servers and the environment will turn grey and sit in your list.
Finally, you can use the AWS CLI to now swap the environment CNAME to take your main environment into maintenance mode. For instance:
aws elasticbeanstalk swap-environment-cnames \
--profile "$awsProfile" \
--region "$awsRegion" \
--output text \
--source-environment-name app-prod \
--destination-environment-name app-prod-maintenance
This would swap your app-prod environment into maintenance mode. It would cause the ELB to throw a 503 since there aren't any running EC2 instances and then Cloudfront can catch the 503 and return your custom 503 error page, should you wish, as described below.
Bonus configuration for custom error pages using Cloudfront:
We use Cloudfront, as many people will for HTTPS, etc. Cloudfront has error pages. This is a requirement.
Create a new S3 website hosting bucket with your error pages. Consider creating separate files for response codes, 503, etc. See #6 for directory requirements and routes.
Add the S3 bucket to your Cloudfront distribution.
Add a new behavior to your Cloudfront distribution for a route like /error/*.
Setup an error pages in Cloudfront to handle 503 response codes and point it to your S3 bucket route, like /error/503-error.html
Now, when your ELB thorws a 503, your custom error page will be displayed.
And that's it. I know there are quite a few steps to get the custom error pages and I tried a lot of the suggested options out there including Route53, etc. But all of these have issues with how they work with ELBs and Cloudfront, etc.
Note that after you swap the hostnames for the environments, it takes about a minute or so to propagate.
Route53 is not a good solution for this problem. It takes a significant amount of time for DNS entries to expire before the maintenance page shows up (and then it takes that same amount of time before they update after maintenance is complete). I realize that Lambda and CodeDeploy triggers did not exist at the time this question was asked, but I wanted to let others know that Lambda can be used to create a relatively clean solution for this, which I have detailed in a blog post:
The jist of the solution is to subscribe a Lambda function to CodeDeploy events, which replaces your ASG with a micro instance serving a static page in your load balancer during deployments.
As far as I could see, we were in a situation where the above answers didn't apply or weren't ideal.
We have a Rails application running the Puma with Ruby 2.3 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.9.0 that seems to come with a (classic) ELB.
So ALB 503 handling wasn't an option.
We also have a variety hardware clients that I wouldn't trust to always respect DNS TTL, so Route53 is risky.
What did seem to work nicely is a secondary port on the nginx that comes with the platform.
I added this as .ebextensions/maintenance.config
content: |
server {
listen 81;
server_name _ localhost;
root /var/app/current/public/maintenance;
command: service nginx restart
And dropped a copy of https://gist.github.com/pitch-gist/2999707 into public/maintenance/index.html
Now to set maintenance I just switch my ELB listeners to point to port 81 instead of the default 80. No extra instances, s3 buckets or waiting for clients to fresh DNS.
Only takes maybe ~15s or so for beanstalk (probably mostly waiting for cloudformation in the back-end) to apply.
Our deployment process first runs a cloudformation to spun up a ec2 micro instance (Maintenance instance) which copies pre-defined static page from s3 onto the ec2. Cloudformation is supplied with elb's to which micro ec2 instance is attached. Then a script (powershell or cli) is run to remove web instances (ec2) from elb's leaving Maintenance instance.
This way we switch to maintenance instance during deployment process.
In our case, we have two elb's, one for external and the other internal. Our internal elb's will not be updated during this process and is how we have post prod deployment smoke test is done.
Once testing is done, we run another script to attach web instances back to elb's and delete the Maintenance stack.