How to train SageMaker BlazingText model using multiple channels - amazon-web-services

I have two separate normalized text files that I want to train my BlazingText model on.
I am struggling to get this to work and the documentation is not helping.
Basically I need to figure out how to supply multiple files or S3 prefixes as "inputs" parameter to the method.
I first tried:
s3_train_data1 = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, prefix1)
s3_train_data2 = 's3://{}/{}'.format(bucket, prefix2)
train_data1 = sagemaker.session.s3_input(s3_train_data1, distribution='FullyReplicated', content_type='text/plain', s3_data_type='S3Prefix')
train_data2 = sagemaker.session.s3_input(s3_train_data2, distribution='FullyReplicated', content_type='text/plain', s3_data_type='S3Prefix'){'train1': train_data1, 'train2': train_data2}, logs=True)
this doesn't work because SageMaker is looking for the key specifically to be "train" in the inputs parameter.
So then i tried:{'train': train_data1, 'train': train_data2}, logs=True)
This trains the model only on the second dataset and ignores the first one completely.
Now finally I tried using a Manifest file using the documentation here:
(see manifest file format under "S3Uri" section)
the documentation says the manifest file format is a JSON that looks like this example:
{"prefix": "s3://customer_bucket/some/prefix/"},
Well, I don't think this is valid JSON in the first place but what do I know, I still give it a try.
When I try this:
s3_train_data_manifest = ''
train_data_merged = sagemaker.session.s3_input(s3_train_data_manifest, distribution='FullyReplicated', content_type='text/plain', s3_data_type='ManifestFile')
data_channel_merged = {'train': train_data_merged}, logs=True)
I get an error saying:
ValueError: Error training blazingtext-2018-10-17-XX-XX-XX-XXX: Failed Reason: ClientError: Data download failed:Unable to parse manifest at s3://mybucketpath/myfilename.manifest - invalid format
I tried replacing square brackets in my manifest file with curly braces ...but still I feel the JSON file format seems to be missing something that documentation fails to describe correctly?

You can certainly match multiple files with the same prefix, so your first attempt could have worked as long as you organize your files in your S3 bucket to suit. For e.g. the prefix: s3://mybucket/foo/ will match the files s3://mybucket/foo/bar/data1.txt and s3://mybucket/foo/baz/data2.txt
However, if there is a third file in your bucket called s3://mybucket/foo/qux/data3.txt that you don't want matched (while still matching the first two) there is no way to do achieve that with a single prefix. In these cases a manifest would work. So, in the above example, the manifest would simply be:
{"prefix": "s3://mybucket/foo/"},
(and yes, this is valid json - it is an array whose first element is an object with an attribute called prefix and all subsequent elements are strings).
Please double check your manifest (you didn't actually post it so I can't do that for you) and make sure it conforms to the above syntax.
If you're still stuck please open up a thread on the AWS sagemaker forums - and after you do that we can setup a PM to try and get to the bottom of this (never post your AWS account id in a public forum like StackOverflow or even in AWS forums).


Error: Cannot find the jsonl: gs://{bucket_name}/Frist_test.jsonl in request

I am exploring using Google Cloud Platform Natural Language for entity extraction. I am working on just setting up a playground to get the hang of things and I can't seem to get past square one. I have created a new cloud store bucket to hold my project file.
I made a simple csv file to point to a one line jsonl file. But I am missing something in the address to my cloud bucket stored file.
My csv looks like this:
Train, gs://new_wc_training/Frist_test.jsonl
And my jsonl file looks like this:
{"text_snippet":{"content": "This is a first test of my json file."}}
When I import my csv file I get the error:
Error: Cannot find the jsonl: gs://new_wc_training/Frist_test.jsonl in request.
I am sure I am just missing something in the structure of the address to the jsonl file in the bucket, but I am at a loss as to finding it.
Thank you for looking over my issue and if there is any additional information needed do not hesitate in asking.
As per discussion with #fred_rogers, the problem is that the JSONL filename declared inside the CSV file does not match with the actual filename in the bucket.
The fix is to match the JSONL filename in the bucket and in the CSV file.

Regex Filter Error in google_logging_project_sink Terraform Script

I'm trying to create a Cloud Logging Sink with Terraform, that contains a regex as part of the filter.
textPayload=~ '^The request'
There have been many errors around the format of the regex, and I can't see anything in the documentation or other SO questions on how to properly create the script. Sinks are also not a valid option for a script generated by Terraformer, so I can't export the filter created via the UI
When including the regex as a standard string, the following error is thrown.
Unparseable filter: regular expressions must begin and end with '"' at line 1, column 106, token ''^The',
And when included as a variable with and without slash escapes variable "search" { default = "/^The request/" }
there is the following:
Unparseable filter: unrecognized node at token 'MEMBER'
I'd be grateful for any tips, or links to documentation on how I would be able to include a regex as part of a logging filter.
The problem is not with your query, which is obviously a valid query to search google cloud logging. I think it is due to the fact that you are using another provider (Terraform) to deploy everything. Which will transform your string values and pass them to GCP as a JSON. We ran into a similar issue and it caused me some headaches as well. What we came up with was the following:
"severity>=ERROR AND NOT protoPayload.#type=\"\" AND NOT (resource.type=\"cloud_scheduler_job\" AND jsonPayload.status=\"UNKNOWN\")"
Applying this logic to your query:
filter = "textPayload=~\"^The request\""
Another option is to exclude the quotes:
filter = "textPayload=~^The request"

I wonder if I can perform data-pipeline by directory of a specific name with DataFusion

I'm using google-cloud-platform data fusion.
Assuming that the bucket's path is as follows:
In the test_buk bucket there are four files:
20190901, 20190902
20191001, 20191002
Let's say there is a directory inside test_buk called dir.
I have a prefix-based bundle based on 201909(e.g, 20190901, 20190902)
also, I have a prefix-based bundle based on 201910(e.g, 20191001, 20191002)
I'd like to complete the data-pipeline for 201909 and 201910 bundles.
Here's what I've tried:
with regex path filter
gs://test_buk/dir//2019 to run the data pipeline.
If regex path filter is inserted, the Input value is not read, and likewise there is no Output value.
When I want to create a data pipeline with a specific directory in a bundle, how do I handle it in a datafusion?
If using directly the raw path (gs://test_buk/dir/), you might be getting an error when escaping special characters in the regex. That might be the reason for which you do not get any input file into the pipeline that matches your filter.
I suggest instead that you use ".*" to math the initial part (given that you are also specifying the path, no additional files in other folders will match the filter).
Therefore, I would use the following expressions depending on the group of files you want to use (feel free to change the extension of the files):
path = gs://test_buk/dir/
regex path filter = .*201909.*\.csv or .*201910.*\.csv
If you would like to know more about the regex used, you can take a look at (1)

Beam/Dataflow ReadAllFromParquet doesn't read anything but my job still succeeds?

I have a Dataflow job which:
Reads a text file from GCS with other filenames in it
Passes the filenames to ReadAllFromParquet to read the .parquet files
Writes to BigQuery
Despite my job 'succeeding' it basically doesn't have an output collection past the ReadAllFromParquet step.
I successfully read the files in a list such as:['gs://my_bucket/my_file1.snappy.parquet','gs://my_bucket/my_file2.snappy.parquet','gs://my_bucket/my_file3.snappy.parquet']
I am also confirming this list is correct and the GCS paths to the files are correct using a logger on the step before ReadAllFromParquet.
That's what my pipeline looks like (omitting the full code for brevity but I am confident that it normally works as I have the exact same pipeline for .csv using ReadAllFromText and it works fine):
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options_batch) as pipeline_2:
final_data = (
|'Create empty PCollection' >> beam.Create([None])
|'Get accepted batch file: {}'.format(runtime_options.complete_batch) >> beam.ParDo(OutputValueProviderFn(runtime_options.complete_batch))
|'Read all filenames into a list'>> beam.ParDo(FileIterator(runtime_options.files_bucket))
|'Read all files' >>['locationItemId','deviceId','timestamp'])
|'Process all files' >> beam.ParDo(ProcessSch2())
|'Transform to rows' >> beam.ParDo(BlisDictSch2())
|'Write to BigQuery' >>
table = runtime_options.comp_table,
schema = SCHEMA_2,
project = pipeline_options_batch.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).project, #options.display_data()['project'],
create_disposition =, #'CREATE_IF_NEEDED',#create if does not exist.
write_disposition = #'WRITE_APPEND' #add to existing rows,partitoning
except Exception as exception:
That's what my job diagram looks like after:
Does somebody have an idea what might be going wrong here and what's the best way to debug?
My ideas currently:
A bucket permissions issue. I noticed the bucket I am reading from is odd as earlier I couldn't download the files despite being a project Owner. The Owners of project only had 'Storage Legacy Bucket Owner'. I added 'Storage Admin' and it then worked fine when manually downloading files with my own account. As per the Dataflow documentation I have ensured that both the default compute service account as well as the dataflow one have 'Storage Admin' on this bucket. However, maybe that's all a red herring as ultimately if there was a permissions issue I should see this in the log and the job would fail?
ReadAllFromParquet expects the file patterns in a different format? I have showed an example of the list (in my diagram above I can see the input collection correctly shows elements added = 48 for 48 files in the list) I supply above. I know this format works for ReadAllFromText so I assumed that they are equivalent and should work.
Noticed something else potentially consequential. Comparing against my other job which uses ReadAllFromText and works fine I noticed a slight mismatch in the naming that is worrying.
This is the name of the output collection for my working job:
And that's the name on my parquet job that doesn't actually read anything:
Note specifically
Read all files/ReadAllFiles/ReadRange.out0
Read all files/Read all files/ReadRange.out0
The first part of the path is the name of my step for both jobs.
But I believe the second to be the ReadAllFiles class from ( which both ReadAllFromText and ReadAllFromParquet call.
Seems like a potential bug but don't seem to be able to trace it in the source code.
After some more digging it seems that ReadAllFromParquet just isn't functional yet. ReadFromParquet calls whereas ReadAllFromParquet simply calls
I wonder if there's a way to turn this on if it's an experimental function?
You didn't mentioned if you are using the last Beam SDK, try using SDK 2.16 to test the last changes.
The doc states that ReadAllFromParquet is an experimental funtion as well as ReadFromParquet; nonetheless, ReadFromParquet is reported as working in this thread Apache-Beam: Read parquet files from nested HDFS directories, you might want to try to using this funtion.

Cloud Storage Text to BigQuery using GCP Template

I'm trying to execute a pipeline using the GCP template available at:
But I'm getting the error:
2018-03-30 (15:35:17) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to match any files with the pattern: gs://.......
Can anyone share a working CSV file to be used as an input for running that pipeline?
The problem was between chair and keyboard, you just need to create a CSV file accordingly to the data structure defined in the JSON file and transformed by the JS file.
I see that this has been answered but I was having a similar issue and this answer was partial for me - as it turns out, the path pattern (at the moment, at least) in the template does not support some types of patterns.
For example, for multiple CSV files across multiple sub-directories in a given GCS path (this was my use-case):
The pattern that will work is:
These patterns, although they are valid via gsutil ls and return the correct files, will not work in the template: