i use [objdump XXX.o -Ws] output many string lines, they are all struct names in my other c++ head files, but some of them are repeated, make my XXX.o so big.
can anyone tell me, are the repeated struct names in debug_str required for gcc ? and is there some parameters of gcc to reduce the repeated string? thanks.
can anyone tell me, are the repeated struct names in debug_str required for gcc ?
Yes, they are required if you want to debug your program in a friendly way.
and is there some parameters of gcc to reduce the repeated string? thanks.
Not directly, no.
You can remove the -g or similar arguments when you compile. Though that will not make source level debugging possible anymore.
You can also remove that information yourself, by running the strip -g command on your binary or object files.
Remember that this is debug information, used by a debugger. That information is not loaded or used when running your program normally.
So I've got a backtrace
Exit with signal 11 at 2013-12-28_14:28:58.000000
/opt/s3ds/App(_Z7handlers+0x52) [0x5de322]
/lib/libc.so.6(+0x32230) [0x7f6ab9b3a230]
/opt/s3ds/App(_ZN17Service17Controller5frameERKf+0x505) [0x5a6b85]
/opt/s3ds/App(_ZN17Service15Cloud10updateEf+0x1de) [0x58642e]
/opt/s3ds/App(_ZN17Manager6updateEf+0x21b) [0x59194b]
/opt/s3ds/App(_ZN7Manager3runEv+0xd2) [0x604fa2]
/opt/s3ds/App() [0x62bfea]
/lib/libpthread.so.0(+0x68ca) [0x7f6abb0048ca]
/lib/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f6ab9bd7b6d]
I've compiled my application with next arguments:
-std=c++11 -fpermissive -m64 -g -rdynamic -mtune=native -flto -O3
So it is a release build with some minimal debug information.
I wonder if it is possible to use addr2line to get any line number from such optimized build?
I tried example shown here yet I get ??:0 like:
$ addr2line -e ./App 0x62bfea
for all adresses in []. I know tha functions in that trace from Service::Controller::frame up to Manager::run (and probably even that lambda /opt/s3ds/App() [0x62bfea]) shall be in my app code (not in some library).
So Is it possible to get line numbers for production optimized code? Are there any additional compiler argiments required to get them?
It may be possible, but it might not amount to much.
You have to understand that the very goal of optimizations is to alter the code to make it better (by some metric); and alteration means that the resulting code may not be meaningfully mapped to source code afterwards.
Some examples:
Dead Code Elimination and the like will remove existing code, this mainly affect an attempt to place a breakpoint at a given source-line since there may not be code for that line
Common Sub-Expression Elimination will create new temporary variables out of the blue to compute a sub-expression only once; those sub-expressions may have originally appeared in multiple expressions spread throughout the source code so the new instructions belong to multiple lines... or none at all
Invariant Hoisting or Loop Rotation will change the order in which expressions are computed compared with the original source code so that you might see code executed at line 3 then 6 then 4, 5, 7...
Loop Unrolling will copy/paste the body of a loop multiple times
And of course, those are local to a function, you also to have to account for
Function Inlining will copy paste the body of a function at the call site
Function Merging will take two different functions and remove one of them, forwarding its calls to the other (because they have the same behavior, of course)
After all that, is it even meaningful to try and reason in terms of source code ? No, not really. And of course I did not even account for the fact that all those transformations occurred on the Intermediate Representation and that the final emission of assembly code will scramble things even further (Strength Reduction, yeah!).
Honestly, even if addr2line gives you some line, I would doubt its result... and then what is the point of asking in the first place ?
I'm not sure. Normally, the rdynamic switch should be sufficient when the function is part of your own code (which seem to be the case, in your example)
Have you tried to compile with -fno-inline-functions -fno-inline-functions-called-once -fno-optimize-sibling-calls? It is useful when you profiling an optimized program. Maybe it can also help to solve your problem.
(Side note: Calling addr2line with the -C switch activates demangling, which is recommended since you are using C++.)
I have disassembled code in arm. I want to know the corresponding line number of these instructions in its original source file.
Also, I would like to understand few things.
a function for example say android::CameraHardware::createInstance is being shown in assembly as _ZN7android18CameraHardware14createInstanceEib . I am not even completely sure if this is the right function i am supposed to compare it with or not.
Why are names so strange and things are appended in front and back? I generally do the same for C code. There function names look straight forward in disassembled code.
So to summarize I have two questions.
Inside GDB, is there a way i could get the line number of a
particular line of assembly instruction?
Say for example at 0x40d9078c, i want to know which line it
corresponds to in its source file. I tried info line. No use. Any
other suggestions?
When we are understanding the disassembly of cpp code, how to
understand the naming conventions? Also what other things we need to
understand as prerequisites?
The translation from android::CameraHardware::createInstance to _ZN7android18CameraHardware14createInstanceEib is called "name mangling", and is normal for C++. It is how you can have multiple functions with the same name, taking different parameters, and get the linker to tell you that "I couldn't find a foo(int x, double y)" when you only declared it, but didn't define it.
In Linux, you can use c++filt to translate a mangled name to its unmangled form (assuming it's compiled with Linux style mangling convention - which android does - but if you were to take a Microsoft compiled piece of code, it clearly wouldn't work).
If you compile with debug symbols, gdb should be able to show you the source for a given piece of code. Add -g to the g++ line in the compile.
I'm trying to get line numbers of address I collected in a stackwalk by using symgetlinefromaddr64, but I can't seem to get addresses of simple commands or their lines.
for example, if i'm looking at the method:
void Test(int g)
I'll get only the line number of "DoSomething", but I want the line numbers of "g++" etc.
I suppose it is doable because debuggers do it.
how can I do it myself in c++ on windows?
A stack walk will only retrieve addresses that are stored on the stack, which pretty much means function calls. If you want the address of your g++ or g--, you'll need to use something other than a stack walk to get them (e.g., SymGetFileLineOffsets64). If you're starting from a stackwalk and have info from SymGetLineFromAddr64, you can use SymGetLineNext64 and SymGetLinePrev64 to get information about the surrounding lines.
The only way to do it is to use compiler generated symbol files like the *.pdb files for microsoft visual studio compilers (pdb stands for program database). These files contain all symbols used during the compilation step. Even for a release compilation you'll get information about the symbols in use (some may have be optimized away).
The main disadvantage is that this is highly compiler dependent/specific. gcc for example may include symbol information in the executable so-file or executable. Other compilers have other formats...
What compiler do you use (name/version)?
It seems I often spend way too much time trying to get a #define macro to do exactly what i want. I'll post my current dilemma below and any help is appreciated. But really the bigger question is whether there is any utility someone could recommend, to quickly display what a macro is actually doing? It seems like even the slow trial and error process would go much faster if I could see what is wrong.
Currently, I'm dynamically loading a long list of functions from a DLL I made. The way I've set things up, the function pointers have the same nanes as the exported functions, and the typedef(s) used to prototype them have the same names, but with a prepended underscore. So I want to use a define to simplify assignments of a long long list of function pointers.
For example, In the code statement below, 'hexdump' is the name of a typedef'd function point, and is also the name of the function, while _hexdump is the name of the typedef. If GetProcAddress() fails, a failure counter in incremented.
if (!(hexdump = (_hexdump)GetProcAddress(h, "hexdump"))) --iFail;
So let's say I'd like to replace each line like the above with a macro, like this...
GETADDR_FOR(hexdump )
Well this is the best I've come up with so far. It doesn't work (my // comment is just to prevent text formatting in the message)...
// #define GETADDR_FOR(a) if (!(a = (#_#a)GetProcAddress(h, "/""#a"/""))) --iFail;
And again, while I'd APPRECIATE an insight into what silly mistake I've made, it would make my day to have a utility that would show me the error of my ways, by simply plugging in my macro.
Go to https://godbolt.org/. Enter your code in the left pane and select compiler as gcc put the argument as -E in the right pane. Your pre-processed code will appear on the right.
You can just run your code through the preprocessor, which will show you what it will be expanded into (or spit out errors as necessary):
$ cat a.c
#define GETADDR_FOR(a) if (!(a = (#_#a)GetProcAddress(h, "/""#a"/"")))
$ gcc -E a.c
# 1 "a.c"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "a.c"
a.c:1:36: error: '#' is not followed by a macro parameter
In GCC, it's gcc -E foo.c to only preprocess the file.
Visual Studio uses the /P argument.
http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/59a2438f-ba4a-4945-a407-a1a295598088 - visual studio plugin to expand macroses
You appear to be confused about what the exact syntax is for stringifying or token pasting in C preprocessor macros.
You might find this page about C preprocessor macros in general helpful.
In particular, I think this macro should read like this:
#define GETADDR_FOR(a) if (!(a = (_##a)GetProcAddress(h, #a))) --iFail
The trailing ; should be skipped because you will likely be typing this as GETADDR_FOR(hexdump);, and if you don't it will look very strange in your C code and confuse many syntax highlighters.
And as someone else mentioned gcc -E will run the preprocessor and skip the other compilation steps. This is useful for debugging preprocessor problems.
You might want to take a look at Boost Wave. Like most of Boost, it's really more a library than a utility, but it does have a driver to act as a complete preprocessor.
Whilst refactoring some old code I realised that a particular header file was full of function declarations for functions long since removed from the .cpp file. Does anyone know of a tool that could find (and strip) these automatically?
You could if possible make a test.cpp file to call them all, the linker will flag the ones that have no code as unresolved, this way your test code only need compile and not worry about actually running.
PC-lint can be tunned for dedicated purpose:
I tested the following code against for your question:
void foo(int );
int main()
return 0;
lint.bat test_unused.cpp
and got the following result:
--- Module: test_unused.cpp (C++)
--- Wrap-up for Module: test_unused.cpp
Info 752: local declarator 'foo(int)' (line 2, file test_unused.cpp) not referenced
test_unused.cpp(2) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
So you can pass the warning number 752 for your puropse:
lint.bat -"e*" +e752 test_unused.cpp
-e"*" will remove all the warnings and +e752 will turn on this specific one
If you index to code with Doxygen you can see from where is each function referenced. However, you would have to browse through each class (1 HTML page per class) and scan for those that don't have anything pointing to them.
Alternatively, you could use ctags to generate list of all functions in the code, and then use objdump or some similar tool to get list of all function in .o files - and then compare those lists. However, this can be problematic due to name mangling.
I don't think there is such thing because some functions not having a body in the actual source tree might be defined in some external library. This can only be done by creating a script which makes a list of declared functions in a header and verifies if they are sometimes called.
I have a C++ ftplugin for vim that is able is check and report unmatched functions -- vimmers, the ftplugin suite is not yet straightforward to install. The ftplugin is based on ctags results (hence its heuristic could be easily adapted to other environments), sometimes there are false positives in the case of inline functions.
In addition Doxygen (#Milan Babuskov), you can see if there are warnings for this in your compiler. E.g. gcc has -Wunused-function for static functions; -fdump-ipa-cgraph.
I've heard good things about PC-Lint, but I imagine it's probably overkill for your needs.