Compiler settings for VS 2017 Community Edition - visual-studio-2017

I'm creating a kind of big project, that will interact with a family of programs (for now, CorelDraw but in the future could also work with InkScape, maybe Illustrator) and maybe as a stand-alone.
For this I separated my solution in many projects:
- one for WinForms UI,
- another for the Domain Model,
- another for a specific version of Corel Draw
So, since I'm still learning C# (and the tools - VS2017 community) I chose WinForms because it was closer to the VBA I'm already familiar with, but in the future I intend to maybe move to WPF, or some other UI (the domain could be used for a mobile app or website for instance).
Also regarding the specific version of Corel Draw, I'm starting with the one I use at work but in the future I will add other projects for the interaction with each version. More specifically, a project each to generate the .dll(s) each version of Corel Draw expects to start the plug-in. Or another project for the .dll InkScape expects, or even the Main exe if I choose to make a standalone app.
So in short: how can I save different "profiles" for the compiler to know which projects to compile and which to not compile, and set a different "build path" for each (so when I make the installer for each kind of build, I have all the necessary files that build needs to work correctly)?

With your solution open, "Solution Explorer"->right-click your solution (at the top of the window)->"Properties"->"Configuration Properties"->"Configuration".
Then click "Configuration Manager", then "Active Solution Configuration"->"New...".
This creates a new configuration. You can now select how/if the various projects should build for that configuration. (You can also use this same window to edit how existing configurations build).
Also you can consider making an entirely different solution if you're fundamentally building a different thing (this is likely to be easier than ending up with 30 build configurations for one solution)
Also, you can get at the configuration name in your projects via the $(ConfigurationName) macro. It's good to make sure your projects can build without this being set properly, though (so that they aren't dependent on a particular solution)


Eclipse CDT update/sync project list automatically (to easy "refresh" related project set)

Historical context:
We have a project consisting of following parts:
Host application (C++)
Scripting Engine library (also written in C++)
A lot of C++ plugins (around 30+)
A lot of scripts that tie all the stuff together...
From version to version some plugins are added and some are removed.
Till now we used Visual Studio solution (*.sln) to contain all the projects (*.vcxproj) for Host application, Scripting Engine library and plugins (one *.vcxproj per plugin!).
To share sources/projects we use proprietary source control system, and till now once we merged updates from the server (some plugin projects are added and some plugin projects are removed) all the project tree in the VS were refreshed thanks to "reload" feature (no action was required from developer to see and build updated source tree).
The problem:
Now our senior management decided to switch to Eclipse CDT/MinGW pair and we faced the issue that Eclipse Workspace is not the same thing as Visual Studio *.sln ...
Now when some plugin project folder appears or some plugin project folders disappears corresponding workspace items do not update accordingly.
Thus from now every developer has to use File>Import...>General>"Existing projects into workspace" File/"Open Projects from File System" to add new projects to own Workspace manually once they were added by other developer to the source control.
Also one has to manually remove from own Workspace those plugin projects that were deleted from source control...
This is a great contrast with what we previously had with Visual Studio where "reload" feature automatically updated project/source tree (just bacause all the information arrived with *.sln/*.vcxproj from server).
Our first option was to place Workspace\.metadata etc stuff to source control (as we previously did for *.sln files) but "that is not the way how Eclipse Workspace is designed to be used" (this is even not possible just because paths in .metadata\* are absolute and tons of Workspace\* stuff it is not mergeable at all)
Is there some way to automatically syncronize Eclipse CDT Workspace with project set obtained from source control. Like just press some (hidden?) magic "refresh" button (in special plugin to install or something like that) and all the new projects will be automatically added to the source tree in the Workspace and deleted projects will also disappear automatically, wothout need to use all those "Import" wizards, and withot need to remove deleted projects manually?
May be there is a special "Container" project type in Eclipse to play the same role as *.sln did in Visual Studio or something like that?
May be other options available?... Overall intention is not in replacing *.sln by some Eclipse equivalent but to support similar workflow when bunch of plugin projects is managed as a whole and project set "refresh" to be simple operation that does not require from each person in the team to manually track projects appeared/disappeared in that set.
Have you looked at using CMake to generate the Eclipse project files? You can then import those into an Eclipse workspace.
Its not automatic, but if you create separate CMakeLists.txt files for each part, then you can easily comment the include of that part in the main CMakeLists.txt file and regenerate the project files when you only want to load subset of the project.
Should you ever want to change back to VS or to another IDE CMake can generate project files for that too.
I've personally only used CMake to generate VS-solutions and Unix make files so I can't vouch for how well this works.
On side note, why did management decide that Eclipse should be used instead of Visual Studio? It sounds like a poor decision without factual grounds or impact research prior to the decision being made.
Was it because Eclipse is free? Did they consider what reduced developer productivity costs?

Qt Application : How to create standalone executable file for Windows (& Mac) from Mac?

I developed a Qt application in MacBook (El-Capitan 10.11.2) and it is ready now to be released.
What i want now, is to create the standalone executable file for both Mac and Windows OS.
But I don't know how !
I found this link but I am unable to follow it is guidance, it looks different from what my system is showing me.
If you have any idea, please help me.
Thank you
Well, to compile an application for windows, you will need a windows machine (or at least a virtual machine). You can't compile for windows on mac.
Regarding the "standalone": The easy way is to deploy your application together with all the required dlls/frameworks and ship them as one "package". To to this, there are the tools windeployqt and macdeployqt. However, those will not be "single file" applications, but rather a collection of files.
If you want to have one single file, you will have to build Qt statically! You can to this, but you will have to do it on your own. And if you do, please notice that the LGPL-license (the one for the free version of Qt) requires you to make the source-code of your program public! That's not the case if you just link to the dynamic libraries.
Deployment can be really hard, because you have to do it differently for each platform. Most times you will have 3 steps
Dependency resolving: In this step, you collect all the exectuables/lirabries/translations/... your application requires and collect them somewhere they can find each other. For windows and mac, this can be done using the tools I mentioned above.
Installation: Here you will have to create some kind of "installer". The easiest way is to create a zip-file that contains everyhing you need. But if you want to have a "nice" installation, you will have to create proper "installers" for each platform. (One of many possibilities is the Qt Installer Framework. Best thing about it: It's cross platform.)
Distribution: Distribution is how to get your program to the user. On Mac, you will have the App-Store, for windows you don't. Best way is to provide the download on a website created for this (like sourceforge, github, ...)
I can help you with the first step, but for the second step you will have to research the possibilities and decide for a way to do it.
Resolving the dependencies can be done by either building Qt statically (this way you will have only one single file, but gain additional work because you will have to compile Qt) or using the dynamic build. For the dynamic build, Qt will help you to resolve the dependencies:
macdeployqt is rather easy to use. Compile your app in release mode and call <qt_install_dir>/bin/macdeployqt <path_to_your_bundle>/<bundle>.app. After thats done, all Qt libraries are stored inside the <bundle>.app folder.
For windeployqt is basically the same: <qt_install_dir>\bin\windeployqt --release <path_to_your_build>\<application>.exe. All dependencies will be inside the build folder. (Hint: copy the <application>.exe in an empty directoy and run windeployqt on that path instead. This way you get rid of all the build-files).
Regarding the static build: Just google it, you will find hundreds of explanations for any platform. But unless you have no other choice but to use one single file (for whatever reason) it would recommend you to use dynamic builds. And regarding the user experience: On mac, they won't notice a difference, since in both cases everything will be hidden inside the app bundle. On windows, it's normal to have multiple files, so no one will bother. (And if you create an installer for windows, just make sure to add a desktop shortcut. This way the user will to have "a single file" to click.)

Resources for setting up a Visual Studio/C++ development environment

I haven't done much "front-end" development in about 15 years since moving to database development. I'm planning to start work on a personal project using C++ and since I already have MSDN I'll probably end up doing it in Visual Studio 2010. I'm thinking about using Subversion as a version control system eventually. Of course, I'd like to get up and running as quickly as I can, but I'd also like to avoid any pitfalls from a poorly organized project environment.
So, my question is, are there any good resources with common best practices for setting up a development environment? I'm thinking along the lines of where to break down a solution into multiple projects if necessary, how to set up a unit testing process, organizing resources, directories, etc.
Are there any great add-ons that I should make sure I have set up from the start?
Most tutorials just have one simple project, type in your code and click on build to see that your new application says, "Hello World!".
This will be a Windows application with several DLLs as well (no web development), so there doesn't need to be a deploy to a web server kind of process.
Mostly I just want to make sure that I don't miss anything big and then have to extensively refactor because of it.
I would also like a good answer to this question. What I've done is set it up so that each solution makes reference to a $(SolutionDir)\build directory for includes and libraries. That way each project that has dependencies on other projects can access them and versions won't compete. Then there are post-build commands to package up headers and .lib files into a "distribution" folder. I use to build each package on checkin. When we decide to update a dependency project we "release" it to ourselves, which requires manual tagging, manual copying into a releases area and giving it a version number, and copying that into the /build of the projects that depend on the upgrade.
Everything works pretty great except this manual process at the end. I'd really love to get rid of it but can't seem to. Read an article from ACM about "Continuous Release" that would be really nice to have an implementation of but there isn't any. I keep telling myself I'll make one.
If I use "junctions" in the windows filesystem I can link "distribute" to "build" and then build a secondary solution that includes all the projects that are dependent on each other to build a product. When I did that though it encouraged developers to use it for active development, which discouraged TDD and proper releasing.

keeping Eclipse-generated makefiles in the version control - any issues to expect?

we work under Linux/Eclipse/C++ using Eclipse's "native" C++ projects (.cproject). the system comprises from several C++ projects all kept under svn version control, using integrated subclipse plugin.
we want to have a script that would checkout, compile and package the system, without us needing to drive this process manually from eclipse, as we do now.
I see that there are generated makefile and support files (, etc.), scattered around, which are not under version control (probably the subclipse plugin is "clever" enough to exclude them). I guess I can put them under svn and use in the script we need.
however, this feels shaky. have anybody tried it? Are there any issues to expect? Are there recommended ways to achieve what we need?
N.B. I don't believe that an idea of adopting another build system will be accepted nicely, unless it's SUPER-smooth. We are a small company of 4 developers running full-steam ahead, and any additional overhead or learning curve will not appreciated :)
thanks a lot in advance!
I would not recommend putting things that are generated in an external tool into version control. My favorite phrase for this tactic is "version the recipe, not the cake". Instead, you should use a third party tool like your script to manipulate Eclipse appropriately to generate these files from your sources, and then compile them. This avoids the risk of having one of these automatically generated files be out of sync with your root sources.
I'm not sure what your threshold for "super-smooth" is, but you might want to take a look at Maven2, which has a plugin for Eclipse projects to do just this.
I know that this is a big problem (I had exactly the same; in addition: maintaining a build-workspace in svn is a real pain!)
Problems I see:
You will get into problems as soon as somebody adds or changes project settings files but doesn't trigger a new build for all possible platforms! (makefiles aren't updated).
There is no overall make file so you can not easily use the build order of your projects that Eclipse had calculated
BTW: I wrote an Eclipse plugin that builds up a workspace from a given (textual) list of projects and then triggers the build. That's possible but also not an easy task.
Unfortunately I can't post the plugin somewhere because I wrote it for my former employer...

Avoiding too many configurations for a Visual Studio project

I'm currently porting a large Linux project to Visual Studio. The project depends on a number of third-party libraries (Python, MPI, etc.) as well as a couple of in-house ones. But it can also be built without these libraries, or with only a few of them. So I don't want to create a different configuration for each possible combination, e.g. "Parallel with Python", "Parallel without Python", etc. There are just too many combinations. Is this a situation where I could use MSBuild?
Edit: One possibility I considered is to create a bunch of .vsprops files, but this is essentially the same as creating a bunch of different configurations.
Edit: Maybe CMake is more what I'm looking for? I'd love to hear from any CMake users out there...
One approach could be to conditionally reference your libraries using the Condition attribute of every assemblies Reference element (Python, MPI, etc).
This could separate your libraries from the configuration and platform properties, and allow you to build them by default, or conditionally using MSBuild properties.
So in your csproj:
<Reference Include="YourPythonLibrary"
Condition="$(BuildType) == '' Or $(BuildType) == 'TypeA'" />
<Reference Include="YourMpiLibrary"
Condition="$(BuildType) == 'TypeA' Or $(BuildType) == 'TypeB'" />
That includes Python by default and MPI only if the correct build type is set. Wouldn't matter what the configuration or platform is set as, and you could adjust the boolean logic to suit each library for each of your build types.
MSBuild /p:BuildType=TypeA
MSBuild /p:BuildType=TypeB
It would be nice to use some form of bitwise operation on the condition, but i'm not sure that is possible in MSBuild?
Note: Doesn't have to a Reference element, if it's just included as Content this approach will still work.
There's no good solution to this that I'm aware of. The IDE seems to require a configuration for each set of command line arguments to the tools. So if N different sets of arguments are required -- as it sounds like the case is here -- N different configurations will be required. That's just how the IDE works, it appears.
Unfortunate, but one rarely wins in a fight against Visual Studio, so I personally have always given in and created as many configurations as needed. It's a pain, and it's fiddly, and yes the IDE should ideally provide some better mechanism for managing the combinations -- but it's doable, just about, and it doesn't actually take as long to set up as it feels like at the time.
(As I understand them, .vsprops can take some of the pain away by allowing easy sharing of configuration settings between configurations. So those miniscule text boxes in VS are only used to set up the settings that differ between configurations. This may make them still worth investigating. This isn't something I've used myself yet, though; only discovered it recently.)
If you right-click the solution in Visual Studio and select Configuration Manager you can create build targets for each configuration.
You can select between those targets with a combo box in the toolbar if you have the default settings.
Those targets can also be selected when using MSBuild just as you can choose between Release and Debug.