How to setup custom breakpoints in the C++ program? - c++

I'm working on a project, where I cannot disclose the details of the code. So, the application is all written in C and C++. Since, a particular file which wanted to debug has a lot of dependencies and exports, I need to debug the whole project. How do I set breakpoints in the code itself so that the debugging would stop at that particular point? I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 (since the project is compatible with this environment) and gdb debugger.
I've tried using
#include <csignal>
// Generate an interrupt
But I keep getting error
error: ‘raise’ is not a member of ‘std’
Even this also didn't work
#include <signal.h>
Plus the debugging wont stop at that point, so that I could foresee the function at that point. I only want to debug it from console, rather using any IDE.
Since the programfile I want to debug has lot many header files which it imports, I'm unable to make a executable to use gdb. So, while make clean build of my MakeFile I want to debug the particular program file at a particular function. So, for that I want to add breakpoints in the program. I cannot use any GUI for debugging since I should not use.

Have you tried to use GDB Commands?
b lineno - set a break point at line 'lineno'
b srcfile:lineno - set a break point in source file 'srcfile' at line 'lineno'

Read more about debugging with gdb. Be sure to compile all your code with DWARF debug information (so use g++ -Wall -Wextra -g to compile it with GCC).
GDB is extensible and you can define your own gdb commands at startup in your init file, probably .gdbinit and put some initial commands there.
BTW, on Linux, debugging (so the gdb debugger) is using ptrace(2) facilities. And you can use gdb non-interactively on the command line, using scripts.
How do I set breakpoints in the code itself
I don't recommend adding specific C code for breakpoints. So don't do that in your C code. But see also this.
Perhaps you want some backtrace library, like Ian Taylor's libbacktrace ?
I cannot use any GUI for debugging
You don't need to. You'll use gdb on the command line. With an appropriate gdb script, you can even use it non-interactively (e.g. in a Makefile)
I only want to debug it from console, rather using any IDE.
Please realize that IDEs are only glorified source code editors capable of running other external tools (including the GCC compiler and the gdb debugger). You certainly don't need -on Linux- any IDE to run a compiler or a debugger (but IDEs could be convenient, but not necessary, for that), because you can (and should) run your compiler, your debugger, your build automation tool, on the command line.
Since the program file I want to debug has lot many header files which it imports, I'm unable to make a executable
You should fix that first. You need to make an executable. BTW, there is no "import" involved at run time, since header files are relevant only at compile time. Read more about the cpp preprocessor. You probably should invoke GCC (e.g. the g++ compiler, since you have C++ code) with appropriate preprocessor options (sometimes, tools like pkg-config are useful for that). You probably should use some build automation tool such as GNU make (with your Makefile; see this for inspiration) or ninja. You could add ad hoc gdb commands to your build procedure (e.g. with some additional and specific rules and/or recipes in your Makefile).

First, make sure you have compiled with -g. There are other gdb specific flags in gcc. You could add them in too.
Try using ddd, the graphical version of gdb. Great tool if you don't know the gdb command line. Just open up the relevant source file, select the line then click on breakpoint on the toolbar. It will tell you on the console section, what command was actually executed (good way to learn). There is a floating button list with run, next etc. for stepping through your code.
ddd will work on most of the gcc toolchain.
Say your code is made up of 2 files main.cpp and child.cpp. main.cpp contains main(). The executable is called a.out.
To start
ddd a.out &
It will open in main.cpp. To put a breakpoint in child.cpp, click on File/Open Source... and select child.cpp. Then scroll to where you want a breakpoint. Put your cursor on the line, then click on break in the toolbar.
To run, either type run in the gdb window below or click on Run in the floating button dialog.


How do run executable c++ through terminal in debug mode?

I have a c++ executable file named test .. To execute it in my terminal I run.....
Although I want to run it in debug mode wherein it shows the exact command being used immediately after being executed
If you are wondering what exactly I mean by debug mode..
Just like how we use -x for shell scripts
sh -x
bash -x
This shows every command immediately after its executed .
I want same thing for this test c++ executable file.
I hope there would be some way.
To debug a c++ program you need to:
1. Compile the program with debug information.
You need to tell the compiler to include information about symbols in the executable to be able to debug it later (at least to debug it in an easy way). For example if you use g++, add the -g option)
2. Run the program with attached debugger
Since your question is tagged with linux, you may want to use gdb. There also exist tools that provide a gui.
You cannot execute C++ source files. You have to first compile them into executables. Then you run the executable. C++ is not an interpreted scripting language.

How to set C++ breakpoint in eclipse when source is compiled with ccache?

Recently, our development team is starting to use ccache to do faster compile (the compile is done from sandbox /usr/x).
Now, when I compile from my sandbox (/usr/y), and try to set a breakpoint in the code in Eclipse (GDB (DSF) process launcher), it fails to find the file.
Further investigation shows that Eclipse gdb uses the complete path of the file to set a breakpoint (e.g. b /usr/y/untouchedFile.cpp:1234), but the actual path (in the gdb debugger) is actually /usr/x/untouchedFile.cpp.
The only thing that works is to set a breakpoint on the console by typing it, and do a source file mapping when the breakpoint is hit.
I would like to set the breakpoint by clicking on the code line (which used to work before ccache).
I was wondering if there is a way to get around this.

gdb Program exited code 01 for program using CMake

I am using scientific linux. I am dealing with a huge amount of code in C++ with tons of cpp files. Right now, it compiles successfully, but the values/data I'm getting are definitely wrong. Also, for some small changes I make to the code causes seg faults.
In the directory user/project/Build, I enter make to compile and link all the cpp files. I then have to go to user/project/Build/bin/project to run the project binary by typing user/run/
When I go to directory /user/project/Build/bin and then type gdb project and then run, I see
Program exited with code 01. Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc..
If I try to set a breakpoint, such as by break test.cpp:19, I get the message No source file named test.cpp.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load?
But I clearly have a source file named test.cpp
How can I set breakpoints? Considering that I'm a beginner with Unix, should I use another IDE such as emacs or Qt creator?
Did you read the documentation of GDB? It is definitely worthwhile to read it. Read also some tutorial on gdb
If your Makefile-s are generated by cmake, you should also study the documentation of cmake and the documentation of make. See also this answer to a related question.
Did you compile all your software with g++ -Wall -g (and without any optimization flags like -O1 or -O2) - or perhaps even -g3 instead of -g?
You might even install debugging variants of the major libraries you are using (e.g. packages like glibc-debuginfo etc...)
You probably want to specify (for gdb) the source directories to search with the dir command of gdb ...
And yes, I recommend using emacs. But above all, I strongly recommend spending hours (and perhaps days or even weeks) to learn more about Linux and software development on it (there are lots of books, websites, tutorials and other training, ... about that). Maybe start with a small, hello-world like, program (learning how to compile it with g++ and to debug it with gdb). Then try to compile and debug a small (e.g. of a hundred thousand lines of source code) free software that you like (e.g. fishshell or anything you've got from sourceforge or github), just to get a feeling of how such software is built.
If you are using (or improving) a big scientific software, it probably has some community website, mailing list, or forum for help (see geant or kiva or aster as examples, which I only know by name!). Please also use them.
PS. It is not mostly a matter of choosing tools: you are using the good ones (GCC i.e. g++, emacs, gdb, make, grep or ack, etags, git, awk, ....). It is a matter to get the knowledge -spending weeks or months of your time- about how to use them wisely and combine their use. See also this & that.

gdb not working properly in windows

I created a simple cpp file and compiled it using the cygwin g++ compiler in Win7. I am now trying to debug the resulting executable in gdb, but I can't get it to behave the way I expect it to. I cannot place breakpoints because when I try to execute b file.cpp:25 I get back
No source file named file.cpp.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n])
I select y and it still does not break at the expected point. I did compile from this source.
I am getting a segfault at a certain point and whe also does not actually show line numbers. It seems to show memory addresses, which is obviously not useful to me.
Is gdb is misbehaving or am i just expecting it to do things it can't do? If it doesn't have this capability (though I've done this kind of thing before), is there another tool I can use?
In order to add debug information during compilation you should use the -g flag for g++.

Fastest way to write & compile a C/C++ program in Windows

I'm usually using Visual Studio, but several things bother me when I just quickly want to test some code:
it has a rather long startup time
it always needs a project to execute/debug files
program output gets printed to the console, but the window simply closes when I don't insert a getchar() or a breakpoint in the program and thus I'm not seeing it.
I'm looking for a program which is suitable for a really, really quick programming in Windows. Such as, copying some code from an SO question, running it and seeing its output.
I don't think that console programs or g++ under CygWin are a good solution, because there it takes ages to cd into the right dir to save the file, I'm not used to editors such as Vim, and typing in the compiler commandline myself has always annoyed me etc.
So I guess what I'm looking for is a very lightweight free C/C++ IDE which is preconfigured to work with a free compiler (bonus points if it is even shipped with it.)
What can you recommend which adresses at least two items from the list above?
Is there maybe even a program which can execute/interpret C or C++ in an interactive commandline (like Python)?
I'm looking for a program which is suitable for a really, really quick
programming in Windows. Such as, copying some code from an SO question
and executing it and seeing it's output.
For quick-and-dirty experimental coding, I really like Not having to create a file is especially nice as it saves me from coming up with a suitable name and disk location. Be aware that it uses g++ 4.1.2 behind the scenes so some of the latest C++11 features aren't supported.
"really, really quick (and dirty, throw away?) programming "?
Compiler : VC++ command line - you already have it.
Editor: Notepad or somesuch
Compilation process: A .BAT file you write once
and supply a parameter with the name of the single source file.
Location: Set up some desktop shortcuts to a known directory for your
test code.
Use TCC : Tiny C Compiler
start a command prompt
cd wherever
notepad main.c
write code in notepad. save
back in the command prompt type tcc -run main.c
notice errors, go back to 4
Note that with -run parameter you're invoking tcc like an interpreter
Which compiler you use doesn’t really matter. I prefer G++ but cl.exe (from Visual Studio) works equally well.
In order to use the compiler quickly from the command line, either
include it into your PATH variable by setting it in the system settings, or
create a simple .cmd script which launches a console with the right paths included.
Visual Studio incidentally comes bundled with such a .cmd script which is linked in the Start Menu entry of Visual Studio. Personally, though, I prefer adjusting the PATH variable.
Then you can simply invoke the compiler from any directory in the command line. If you are too lazy to write the whole command line, create a script to do it for you. Or use Cygwin and (C)Make.
Two additional remarks:
Starting the project using the build configuration (Cntr+F5 (?)) leaves the console open after the program has run, without you having to include getch() calls or similar.
I highly recommend you learn an editor such as Emacs or Vim, unless you plan never to use any other platform than Windows, and even then. These editors are just tremendously powerful, and in some ways light-years beyond what the Visual Studio code editor offers.
But if you really don’t have the time, use a decent text editor such as Notepad++ instead.
Open Watcom is easy to install and use, it's fast and it's the closest compiler to MSVC++, although it's noticeably behind in features (especially in C++).
I don't use its IDE at all as I got used to doing most of the stuff in the console, but it's there and the debugger is there too.
Compiling one-filers is easy.
Compiling C code:
wcl386.exe /we /wx /q sourcefile.c
Compiling C++ code:
wcl386.exe /xs /we /wx /q sourcefile.cpp
On my machine, I have a "empty" project called "Test". When I want to test some random code on the internet, I simply put it into main.cpp in that project, and compile.
If you think MSVC takes too long to load, it should be possible to write a batch script that attempts to compile the project and puts the build log in a file. Then you can simply alter the existing main.cpp with notepad, double click the batch file, then pop open the build log or run the executable.
[Edit] I made a batch file to compile the entire solution. Turns out that requires loading visual studio. However, the batch file can compile/run a single cpp file easy enough.
My favorite IDE:
Here is a direct link to the download that includes the MinGW compiler:
You're not gonna find any (good) C/C++ interpreters.
Once I used PSPad setting its "compiler" option for C++ files to a reasonable default (cl.exe in the correct directory, speed optimization, all warnings). Then it's just Ctrl+F9.
All of the above compiler recommendations are good. For an editor, I really like Notepad2
I know you didn't ask...
First off, your expectations are not reasonable. no program can guess what you want, over a range of input from the simplest to the most complex. If cd'ing into cygwin is too hard, and starting up visual studio is too time-consuming, you're pretty much toast. Sorry.
That said, you can edit code with notepad (which you can invoke from the command line as notepad foo.cpp). Notepad uses your mouse and the arrow keys on your pc so it's pretty intuitive.
you can use visual studio tools from the command line, without having to fiddle with project files.
Visual studio comes with a tool called nmake, the most basic usage of which is similar to linux make. If you have very simple input, nmake's default rules may be good enough to produce an executable. If not, you may be able to construct a makefile that will take any single simple file, say foo.cpp, and compile and link it to an executable called foo.exe. You'll still have to learn to use nmake, which some people think is easy, and others think is fiendishly difficult. Try nmake foo.cpp and see if the result is what you want.