When creating a feathers service with nedb, is it possible to define a unique index? - unique-constraint

I made a feathers service using nedb with feathers generate service
Let's say the service is called warehouses and I want to have a unique index on the name.
The Nedb docs tell me I can create a unique index with db.ensureIndex, but I cannot seem to find WHERE in my feathers code I should do this.
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Oh, so I think I just found it :-)
I'll leave it here if anyone else encounters this.
Just open the model file under /src/models/<servicename>.model.js.
And then adjust like so:
const NeDB = require('nedb');
const path = require('path');
module.exports = function (app) {
const dbPath = app.get('nedb');
const Model = new NeDB({
filename: path.join(dbPath, 'warehouses.db'),
autoload: true
// here it is: create a unique index on the name
Model.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'name', unique: true })
return Model;


Increment Number Property in AWS DynamoDB

How do I increment a number in AWS Dynamodb?
The guide says when saving an item to simply resave it:
However I am trying to use a counter where many users may be updating at the same time.
Other documentation has told me to use and UpdateItem operation but I cannot find a good example to do so.
However, I cannot find a method to implement the expression. In the future I will be adding values to arrays and maps. Will this be the same? My code is in Obj C
Currently my code looks like:
AWSDynamoDBUpdateItemInput *updateItemInput = [AWSDynamoDBUpdateItemInput new];
updateItemInput.tableName = #"TableName";
updateItemInput.key = #{
updateItemInput.updateExpression = #"SET counter = counter + :val";
updateItemInput.expressionAttributeValues =#{
It looks like you're missing the last bit of code that actually makes the update item request:
AWSDynamoDB *dynamoDB = [AWSDynamoDB defaultDynamoDB];
[[dynamoDB updateItem:updateItemInput]
continueWithBlock:^id(AWSTask *task) {
if (task.error) {
NSLog(#"The request failed. Error: [%#]", task.error);
if (task.exception) {
NSLog(#"The request failed. Exception: [%#]", task.exception);
if (task.result) {
//Do something with result.
return nil;
In DynamoDB if you want to increment the value of the any propertie/field you can use the UpdateItemRequest with action option ADD. I used in android this method would update the existing value of the field. Let me share the code snippet. You can use any actions such like add,delete,put etc.
AttributeValue viewcount = new AttributeValue().withS("100");
AttributeValueUpdate attributeValueUpdate = new AttributeValueUpdate().withAction(AttributeAction.ADD).withValue(viewcount);
updateItems.put(UploadVideoData.FIELD_VIEW_COUNT, attributeValueUpdate);
UpdateItemRequest updateItemRequest = new UpdateItemRequest().withTableName(UploadVideoData.TABLE_NAME)
UpdateItemResult updateItemResult = amazonDynamoDBClient.updateItem(updateItemRequest);
You can see the above code will add 100 count into the existing value of that field.
This code is for android but the technique would remain the same.
Thank you.

Sitecore Commerce Server - get full order list

I have a task: create a custom admin page in Sitecore to show FULL order history. I found a way to get order history per visitor, but couldn't find anything to get a full list of orders.
To get an order list per visitor we can use method
public virtual GetVisitorOrdersResult GetVisitorOrders(GetVisitorOrdersRequest request);
from class Sitecore.Commerce.Services.Orders.OrderServiceProvider
and assembly: Sitecore.Commerce
I think we can get all users and after that get orders for each user. However, I don't think that it is a best way to solve the task. I will appreciate if you advice any other way to get all data.
Thank you in advance for the help.
P.S. I am using Sitecore 8.
I think I found the solution
var contextManager = new CommerceServerContextManager(); //using Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer;
OrderManagementContext orderManagementContext = contextManager.OrderManagementContext;
var orderManager = orderManagementContext.PurchaseOrderManager;
CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
DataSet searchableProperties = orderManager.GetSearchableProperties(culture.ToString());
SearchClauseFactory searchClauseFactory = orderManager.GetSearchClauseFactory(searchableProperties, "PurchaseOrder"); //using CommerceServer.Core; Assembly CommerceServer.Core.CrossTier
SearchClause searchClause = searchClauseFactory.CreateClause(ExplicitComparisonOperator.OnOrAfter, "Created", StartDate);
SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions();
options.SetPaging(10, 1);
var result = orderManager.SearchPurchaseOrders(searchClause, options);
Might be useful for somebody else.

How to get store name of Ember Data model

How can I determine the "store name" (not sure what the proper terminology is) for a given ED Model? Say I have App.Payment, is there a store method that let's me look up its corresponding name, i.e. payment (for example to use in find queries)?
For Ember Data 1.0 (and later)
modelName is a dasherized string. It stored as a class property, so if you have an instance of a model:
var model = SuperUser.create();
console.log(model.constructor.modelName); // 'super-user'
For Ember Data Pre 1.0
typeKey is the string name of the model. It gets stored as a class property of the model, so if you have an instance of a model:
var model = App.Name.create({});
console.log(model.constructor.typeKey); // 'name'
You might be looking for Ember's string dasherize method:
var fullClassName = "App.SomeKindOfPayment";
var className = fullClassName.replace(/.*\./, ""); // => "SomeKindOfPayment"
var dasherizedName = Ember.String.dasherize(className); // "some-kind-of-payment"
There might be a built-in way to do this in Ember, but I haven't found it after spending some time looking.
EDIT: Ember Data might also let you get away with passing "App.SomeKindOfPayment" when a model name is needed - it usually checks the format of the model name and updates it to the required format by itself.
store.find, store.createRecord, and other persistence methods, use the store.modelFor('myModel'). After some setup it call container.lookupFactory('model:' + key); where key is the 'myModel'. So any valid factory lookup syntax is applicable. For example:
Given a model called OrderItems you can use: order.items, order_items, order-items, orderItems.
It turns out there was no need to do this after all, and here's why:
I was trying to the the string representation of the model ("payment" for App.Payment) in order to call store.findAll("payment"). However, looking at the ED source for store, the findQuery function calls modelFor to look up the factory (App.Payment) from the string (payment), unless a factory is already provided. And the factory is easily accessible from the controller by calling this.get('model').type. There's no need to convert it to a string (and back).
Here's the relevant code from the Ember Data source.
modelFor: function(key) {
var factory;
if (typeof key === 'string') {
factory = this.container.lookupFactory('model:' + key);
Ember.assert("No model was found for '" + key + "'", factory);
factory.typeKey = key;
} else {
// A factory already supplied.
factory = key;
factory.store = this;
return factory;

Store find by id on column that return x_id

I made an API that return in a JSON format a catalog. The problem is that the "id" is not named "id", but "catalog_id". When I do :
return this.store.find('catalog', 1);
* Note that the I have set my adapter to :
namespace: 'web/app_dev.php'
Here's what my api returns:
Unfortunatly, Ember-data translate this into :
EDIT: this image is too small, here's the link for full size : http://i.imgur.com/oZA6H6q.png
Any idea how I can fix this issue? I would like not to rename my "category_id" into "id". I would have to do lots of refactoring and I don't want this.
EDIT #2: Note that my console return the following error : Assertion failed: You must include an id in a hash passed to push
The id key name is defined by the primaryKey propety from RESTSerializer. You can override this using:
App.CatalogSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
primaryKey: 'catalog_id'
I hope it helps

Accessing Item Fields via Sitecore Web Service

I am creating items on the fly via Sitecore Web Service. So far I can create the items from this function:
And I also tried this link: http://blog.hansmelis.be/2012/05/29/sitecore-web-service-pitfalls/
But I am finding it hard to access the fields. So far here is my code:
public void CreateItemInSitecore(string getDayGuid, Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader reader)
if (getDayGuid != null)
var sitecoreService = new EverBankCMS.VisualSitecoreService();
var addItem = sitecoreService.AddFromTemplate(getDayGuid, templateIdRTT, "Testing", database, myCred);
var getChildren = sitecoreService.GetChildren(getDayGuid, database, myCred);
for (int i = 0; i < getChildren.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
if (getChildren.ChildNodes[i].InnerText.ToString() == "Testing")
var getItem = sitecoreService.GetItemFields(getChildren.ChildNodes[i].Attributes[0].Value, "en", "1", true, database, myCred);
string p = getChildren.ChildNodes[i].Attributes[0].Value;
So as you can see I am creating an Item and I want to access the Fields for that item.
I thought that GetItemFields will give me some value, but finding it hard to get it. Any clue?
My advice would be to not use the VSS (Visual Sitecore Service), but write your own service specifically for the thing you want it to do.
This way is usually more efficient because you can do exactly the thing you want, directly inside the service, instead of making a lot of calls to the VSS and handle your logic on the clientside.
For me, this has always been a better solution than using the VSS.
I am assuming you are looking to find out what the fields looks like and what the field IDs are.
You can call GetXml with the ID, it returns the item and all the versions and fields set in it, it won't show fields you haven't set.