I have a volume dataset, that I can render(this was part of a homework)
I have already implemented ray casting using front-to-back composition and I want to integrate phong-shading. For computing the gradient I use forward-difference-method.
I know I can estimate the gradient of a voxel texture coordinate with the forward difference method.
My question would be, since phong-shading returns a color and front-to-back raycasting also returns a color, when do I apply the shading to the color of the ray function? After I have finalized my new color for a specific ray or while computing the color from the ray hit?
Maybe this piece of code helps to understand my problem. I have added comments on where I think I should implement phong shading.
void main(){
if (raycast(t0,t1)) {
float t = t0;
for(float t =t0; t<t1;t+=stepsize){
vec3 p = ray_o + ray_d * t;
vec3 coord = worldToVolumeCoord(p, min_box, max_box);
float s = texture(tex_vol, coord).r;
vec4 color = texture(tex_tf, s);
if(color.a > 0){
// Front to back , when to apply shading?????
C = C + (1-A) * color.a * vec3(color);
A = A + (1-A) * color.a;
// vec3 Gradient = getGradient(tex_vol, coord, stepsize)
// But how to apply Phong Shading?
// Apply phong here?
I am attempting to create a voxel style game, and I want to use GL_POINTS to simulate spherical voxels.
I am aiming to have them look like 3d spheres without having to render an actual sphere with many vertices.
However, when I created a mass of GL_POINTS, they overlap in a way that makes it obvious that they are flat circle sprites.
Here is an example:
my image example of gl_points overlapping showing circular sprite:
I would like to have the circular GL_POINTS overlap in a way that makes them look like spheres being squished together and hiding parts of each other.
For an example of what I would like to achieve, here is an image showing Star Defenders 3D by Eric Gurt, in which he used spherical points as voxels in Javascript for his levels:
Example image showing points that look like spheres:
As you can see, where the points overlap, they hide parts of each other creating the illusion that they are 3d spheres instead of circular sprites.
Is there a way to replicate this in openGL?
I am using OpenGL 3.3.0.
I have finally implemented a way to make points look like spheres by changing gl_FragDepth.
This is the code from my fragment shader to make a square gl_point into a sphere. (no lighting)
void makeSphere()
//clamps fragments to circle shape.
vec2 mapping = gl_PointCoord * 2.0F - 1.0F;
float d = dot(mapping, mapping);
if (d >= 1.0F)
{//discard if the vectors length is more than 0.5
float z = sqrt(1.0F - d);
vec3 normal = vec3(mapping, z);
normal = mat3(transpose(viewMatrix)) * normal;
vec3 cameraPos = vec3(worldPos) + rad * normal;
////Set the depth based on the new cameraPos.
vec4 clipPos = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * vec4(cameraPos, 1.0);
float ndcDepth = clipPos.z / clipPos.w;
gl_FragDepth = ((gl_DepthRange.diff * ndcDepth) + gl_DepthRange.near + gl_DepthRange.far) / 2.0;
//calc ambient occlusion for circle
if (bool(fAoc))
ambientOcclusion = sqrt(1.0F - d * 0.5F);
I am trying to emulate some kind of specular reflections through anisotropy in my WebGL shader, something like this described in this tutorial here.
I realized that while is easy to get convincing results with spherical shapes like the Utah teapot, it is somewhat more difficult to get nice looking lighting effects by implementing anisotropic lighting for planar or squared geometries.
After reading this paper Anisotropic Lighting using HLS from nVIDIA, I started playing with following shader:
vec3 surfaceToLight(vec3 p) {
return normalize(p - v_worldPos);
vec3 anisoVector() {
return vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
void main() {
vec3 texColor = vec3(0.0);
vec3 N = normalize(v_normal); // Interpolated directions need to be re-normalized
vec3 L = surfaceToLight(lightPos);
vec3 E = anisoVector();
vec3 H = normalize(E + L);
vec2 tCoords = vec2(0.0);
tCoords.x = 2.0 * dot(H, N) - 1.0; //The value varies with the line of sight
tCoords.y = 2.0 * dot(L, N) - 1.0; //each vertex has a fixed value
vec4 tex = texture2D(s_texture, tCoords);
//vec3 anisoColor = tex.rgb; // show texture color only
//vec3 anisoColor = tex.aaa; // show anisotropic term only
vec3 anisoColor = tex.rgb * tex.aaa;
texColor += material.specular * light.color * anisoColor;
gl_FragColor = vec4(texColor, u_opacity);
Here is what I get actually (geometries are without texture coordinates and without creased normals):
I am aware that I can't simply use the method described in the above mentioned paper for everything, but, at least, it seems to me a good starting point to achieve fast simulated anisotropic lighting.
Sadly, I am not able to fully understand the math used to create the texture and so I am asking if there is any method to either
tweak the texture coordinates in this part of the fragment shader
tCoords.x = 2.0 * dot(H, N) - 1.0;
tCoords.y = 2.0 * dot(L, N) - 1.0;
tweak the shape of the alpha channel inside the texture (below the RGBA layers and the result)
...to get nice-looking vertical specular reflections for planar geometries, like the cube on the right side.
Does anyone know anything about this?
BTW, if someone interested, pay attention that the texture shall be mirrored:
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT);
...and here is the texture as PNG (the original one from nVIDIA is in TGA format).
Im currently in the process of writing a Voxel Cone Tracing Rendering Engine with C++ and OpenGL. Everything is going rather fine, except that I'm getting rather strange results for wider cone angles.
Right now, for the purposes of testing, all I am doing is shoot out one singular cone perpendicularly to the fragment normal. I am only calculating 'indirect light'. For reference, here is the rather simple Fragment Shader I'm using:
#version 450 core
out vec4 FragColor;
in vec3 pos_fs;
in vec3 nrm_fs;
uniform sampler3D tex3D;
vec3 indirectDiffuse();
vec3 voxelTraceCone(const vec3 from, vec3 direction);
void main()
FragColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
FragColor.rgb += indirectDiffuse();
vec3 indirectDiffuse(){
// singular cone in direction of the normal
vec3 ret = voxelTraceCone(pos_fs, nrm);
return ret;
vec3 voxelTraceCone(const vec3 origin, vec3 dir) {
float max_dist = 1f;
dir = normalize(dir);
float current_dist = 0.01f;
float apperture_angle = 0.01f; //Angle in Radians.
vec3 color = vec3(0.0f);
float occlusion = 0.0f;
float vox_size = 128.0f; //voxel map size
while(current_dist < max_dist && occlusion < 1) {
//Get cone diameter (tan = cathetus / cathetus)
float current_coneDiameter = 2.0f * current_dist * tan(apperture_angle * 0.5f);
//Get mipmap level which should be sampled according to the cone diameter
float vlevel = log2(current_coneDiameter * vox_size);
vec3 pos_worldspace = origin + dir * current_dist;
vec3 pos_texturespace = (pos_worldspace + vec3(1.0f)) * 0.5f; //[-1,1] Coordinates to [0,1]
vec4 voxel = textureLod(tex3D, pos_texturespace, vlevel); //get voxel
vec3 color_read = voxel.rgb;
float occlusion_read = voxel.a;
color = occlusion*color + (1 - occlusion) * occlusion_read * color_read;
occlusion = occlusion + (1 - occlusion) * occlusion_read;
float dist_factor = 0.3f; //Lower = better results but higher performance hit
current_dist += current_coneDiameter * dist_factor;
return color;
The tex3D uniform is the voxel 3d-texture.
Under a regular Phong shader (under which the voxel values are calculated) the scene looks like this:
For reference, this is what the voxel map (tex3D) (128x128x128) looks like when visualized:
Now we get to the actual problem I'm having. If I apply the shader above to the scene, I get following results:
For very small cone angles (apperture_angle=0.01) I get roughly what you might expect: The voxelized scene is essentially 'reflected' perpendicularly on each surface:
Now if I increase the apperture angle to, for example 30 degrees (apperture_angle=0.52), I get this really strange 'wavy'-looking result:
I would have expected a much more similar result to the earlier one, just less specular. Instead I get mostly the outline of each object reflected in a specular manner with some occasional pixels inside the outline. Considering this is meant to be the 'indirect lighting' in the scene, it won't look exactly good even if I add the direct light.
I have tried different values for max_dist, current_dist etc. aswell as shooting several cones instead of just one. The result remains similar, if not worse.
Does someone know what I'm doing wrong here, and how to get actual remotely realistic indirect light?
I suspect that the textureLod function somehow yields the wrong result for any LOD levels above 0, but I haven't been able to confirm this.
The Mipmaps of the 3D texture were not being generated correctly.
In addition there was no hardcap on vlevel leading to all textureLod calls returning a #000000 color that accessed any mipmaplevel above 1.
I have the following fragment shader:
#version 330
layout(location=0) out vec4 frag_colour;
in vec2 texelCoords;
uniform sampler2D uTexture; // the color
uniform sampler2D uTextureHeightmap; // the heightmap
uniform float uSunDistance = -10000000.0; // really far away vertically
uniform float uSunInclination; // height from the heightmap plane
uniform float uSunAzimuth; // clockwise rotation point
uniform float uQuality; // used to determine number of steps and steps size
void main()
vec4 c = texture(uTexture,texelCoords);
vec2 textureD = textureSize(uTexture,0);
float d = max(textureD.x,textureD.y); // use the largest dimension to determine stepsize etc
// position the sun in the centre of the screen and convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates
vec3 sunPosition = vec3(textureD.x/2,textureD.y/2,0) + vec3( uSunDistance*sin(uSunInclination)*cos(uSunAzimuth),
uSunDistance*cos(uSunInclination) );
float height = texture2D(uTextureHeightmap, texelCoords).r; // starting height
vec3 direction = normalize(vec3(texelCoords,height) - sunPosition); // sunlight direction
float sampleDistance = 0;
float samples = d*uQuality;
float stepSize = 1.0 / ((samples/d) * d);
for(int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
sampleDistance += stepSize; // increase the sample distance
vec3 newPoint = vec3(texelCoords,height) + direction * sampleDistance; // get the coord for the next sample point
float newHeight = texture2D(uTextureHeightmap,newPoint.xy).r; // get the height of that sample point
// put it in shadow if we hit something that is higher than our starting point AND is heigher than the ray we're casting
if(newHeight > height && newHeight > newPoint.z)
c *= 0.5;
frag_colour = c;
The purpose is for it to cast shadows based on a heightmap. Pretty nifty, and the results look good.
However, there's a problem where the shadows appear longer when they are horizontal compared to vertical. If I make the window size different, with a window that is taller than wide, I get the opposite effect. I.e., the shadows are casting longer in the longer dimension.
This tells me that it's to do with the way I'm stepping in the above shader, but I can't tell the problem.
To illustrate, here is the with a uSunAzimuth that results in a horizontally cast shadow:
And here is the exact same code with a uSunAzimuth for a vertical shadow:
It's not very pronounced in these low resolution images, but in larger resolutions the effect gets more exaggerated. Essentially; the shadow when you measure how it casts in all 360 degrees of azimuth clears out an ellipse instead of a circle.
The shadow fragment shader operates on a "snapshot" of the viewport. When your scene is rendered and this "snapshot" is generated, then the vertex positions are transformed by the projection matrix. The projection matrix describes the mapping from 3D points of a scene, to 2D points of the viewport and takes in account the aspect ration of the viewport.
(see Both depth buffer and triangle face orientation are reversed in OpenGL,
and Transform the modelMatrix).
This causes that the high map (uTextureHeightmap) represents a rectangular field of view, dependent on the aspect ratio.
But the texture coordinates, which you use to access the height map describe a quad in the range (0, 0) to (1, 1).
This mismatch must be balanced, by scaling with the aspect ratio.
vec3 direction = ....;
float aspectRatio = textureD.x / textureD.y;
direction.xy *= vec2( 1.0/aspectRatio, 1.0 );
I just needed to adjust the direction slightly.
float aspectCorrection = textureD.x / textureD.y;
vec3 direction = normalize(vec3(texelCoords,height) - sunPosition);
direction.y *= aspectCorrection;
I'm trying to create geometry to represent the Earth in OpenGL. I have what's more or less a sphere (closer to the elliptical geoid that Earth is though). I map a texture of the Earth's surface (that's probably a mercator projection or something similar). The texture's UV coordinates correspond to the geometry's latitude and longitude. I have two issues that I'm unable to solve. I am using OpenSceneGraph but I think this is a general OpenGL / 3D programming question.
There's a texture seam that's very apparent. I'm sure this occurs because I don't know how to map the UV coordinates to XYZ where the seam occurs. I only map UV coords up to the last vertex before wrapping around... You'd need to map two different UV coordinates to the same XYZ vertex to eliminate the seam. Is there a commonly used trick to get around this, or am I just doing it wrong?
There's crazy swirly distortion going on at the poles. I'm guessing this because I map a single UV point at the poles (for Earth, I use [0.5,1] for the North Pole, and [0.5,0] for the South Pole). What else would you do though? I can sort of live with this... but its extremely noticeable at lower resolution meshes.
I've attached an image to show what I'm talking about.
The general way this is handled is by using a cube map, not a 2D texture.
However, if you insist on using a 2D texture, you have to create a break in your mesh's topology. The reason you get that longitudinal line is because you have one vertex with a texture coordinate of something like 0.9 or so, and its neighboring vertex has a texture coordinate of 0.0. What you really want is that the 0.9 one neighbors a 1.0 texture coordinate.
Doing this means replicating the position down one line of the sphere. So you have the same position used twice in your data. One is attached to a texture coordinate of 1.0 and neighbors a texture coordinate of 0.9. The other has a texture coordinate of 0.0, and neighbors a vertex with 0.1.
Topologically, you need to take a longitudinal slice down your sphere.
Your link really helped me out, furqan, thanks.
Why couldn't you figure it out? A point where I stumbled was, that I didn't know you can exceed the [0,1] interval when calculating the texture coordinates. That makes it a lot easier to jump from one side of the texture to the other with OpenGL doing all the interpolation and without having to calculate the exact position where the texture actually ends.
You can also go a dirty way: interpolate X,Y positions in between vertex shader and fragment shader and recalculate correct texture coordinate in fragment shader. This may be somewhat slower, but it doesn't involve duplicate vertexes and it's simplier, I think.
For example:
vertex shader:
#version 150 core
uniform mat4 projM;
uniform mat4 viewM;
uniform mat4 modelM;
in vec4 in_Position;
in vec2 in_TextureCoord;
out vec2 pass_TextureCoord;
out vec2 pass_xy_position;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = projM * viewM * modelM * in_Position;
pass_xy_position = in_Position.xy; // 2d spinning interpolates good!
pass_TextureCoord = in_TextureCoord;
fragment shader:
#version 150 core
uniform sampler2D texture1;
in vec2 pass_xy_position;
in vec2 pass_TextureCoord;
out vec4 out_Color;
#define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279
void main(void) {
vec2 tc = pass_TextureCoord;
tc.x = (PI + atan(pass_xy_position.y, pass_xy_position.x)) / (2 * PI); // calculate angle and map it to 0..1
out_Color = texture(texture1, tc);
It took a long time to figure this extremely annoying issue out. I'm programming with C# in Unity and I didn't want to duplicate any vertices. (Would cause future issues with my concept) So I went with the shader idea and it works out pretty well. Although I'm sure the code could use some heavy duty optimization, I had to figure out how to port it over to CG from this but it works. This is in case someone else runs across this post, as I did, looking for a solution to the same problem.
Shader "Custom/isoshader" {
Properties {
decal ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
SubShader {
Pass {
Fog { Mode Off }
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279
sampler2D decal;
struct appdata {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float3 pass_xy_position : TEXCOORD1;
v2f vert(appdata v){
v2f o;
o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
o.pass_xy_position = v.vertex.xyz;
o.tex = v.texcoord;
return o;
float4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR {
float3 tc = i.tex;
tc.x = (PI + atan2(i.pass_xy_position.x, i.pass_xy_position.z)) / (2 * PI);
float4 color = tex2D(decal, tc);
return color;
As Nicol Bolas said, some triangles have UV coordinates going from ~0.9 back to 0, so the interpolation messes the texture around the seam. In my code, I've created this function to duplicate the vertices around the seam. This will create a sharp line splitting those vertices. If your texture has only water around the seam (the Pacific ocean?), you may not notice this line. Hope it helps.
* After spherical projection, some triangles have vertices with
* UV coordinates that are far away (0 to 1), because the Azimuth
* at 2*pi = 0. Interpolating between 0 to 1 creates artifacts
* around that seam (the whole texture is thinly repeated at
* the triangles around the seam).
* This function duplicates vertices around the seam to avoid
* these artifacts.
void PlatonicSolid::SubdivideAzimuthSeam() {
if (m_texCoord == NULL) {
// to take note of the trianges in the seam
int facesSeam[m_numFaces];
// check all triangles, looking for triangles with vertices
// separated ~2π. First count.
int nSeam = 0;
for (int i=0;i < m_numFaces; ++i) {
// check the 3 vertices of the triangle
int a = m_faces[3*i];
int b = m_faces[3*i+1];
int c = m_faces[3*i+2];
// just check the seam in the azimuth
float ua = m_texCoord[2*a];
float ub = m_texCoord[2*b];
float uc = m_texCoord[2*c];
if (fabsf(ua-ub)>0.5f || fabsf(ua-uc)>0.5f || fabsf(ub-uc)>0.5f) {
//test::printValue("Face: ", i, "\n");
facesSeam[nSeam] = i;
if (nSeam==0) {
// no changes
// reserve more memory
int nVertex = m_numVertices;
m_numVertices += nSeam;
m_vertices = (float*)realloc((void*)m_vertices, 3*m_numVertices*sizeof(float));
m_texCoord = (float*)realloc((void*)m_texCoord, 2*m_numVertices*sizeof(float));
// now duplicate vertices in the seam
// (the number of triangles/faces is the same)
for (int i=0; i < nSeam; ++i, ++nVertex) {
int t = facesSeam[i]; // triangle index
// check the 3 vertices of the triangle
int a = m_faces[3*t];
int b = m_faces[3*t+1];
int c = m_faces[3*t+2];
// just check the seam in the azimuth
float u_ab = fabsf(m_texCoord[2*a] - m_texCoord[2*b]);
float u_ac = fabsf(m_texCoord[2*a] - m_texCoord[2*c]);
float u_bc = fabsf(m_texCoord[2*b] - m_texCoord[2*c]);
// select the vertex further away from the other 2
int f = 2;
if (u_ab >= 0.5f && u_ac >= 0.5f) {
c = a;
f = 0;
} else if (u_ab >= 0.5f && u_bc >= 0.5f) {
c = b;
f = 1;
m_vertices[3*nVertex] = m_vertices[3*c]; // x
m_vertices[3*nVertex+1] = m_vertices[3*c+1]; // y
m_vertices[3*nVertex+2] = m_vertices[3*c+2]; // z
// repeat u from texcoord
m_texCoord[2*nVertex] = 1.0f - m_texCoord[2*c];
m_texCoord[2*nVertex+1] = m_texCoord[2*c+1];
// change this face so all the vertices have close UV
m_faces[3*t+f] = nVertex;
One approach is like in the accepted answer. In the code generating the array of vertex attributes you will have a code like this:
const float threshold = 0.7;
if(tcoords_1.s > threshold || tcoords_2.s > threshold || tcoords_3.s > threshold)
if(tcoords_1.s < 1. - threshold)
tcoords_1.s += 1.;
if(tcoords_2.s < 1. - threshold)
tcoords_2.s += 1.;
if(tcoords_3.s < 1. - threshold)
tcoords_3.s += 1.;
If you have triangles which are not meridian-aligned you will also want glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);. You also need to use glDrawArrays since vertices with the same position will have different texture coords.
I think the better way to go is to eliminate the root of all evil, which is texture coords interpolation in this case. Since you know basically all about your sphere/ellipsoid, you can calculate texture coords, normals, etc. in the fragment shader based on position. This means that your CPU code generating vertex attributes will be much simpler and you can use indexed drawing again. And I don't think this approach is dirty. It's clean.