AWSDeploy to re-deploy ASP.NET WebAPI ELB application isn't working - amazon-web-services

I am using the Visual Studio AWS add-on/plugin to deploy my application, but want to move to a CI/CD server and scripted deployment.
I've installed the AWS SDK for Windows and thus want to use the awsdeploy.exe command line to accomplish this.
I've used msbuild and a publish profile to create the .zip deployable of my application (ASP.NET WebApi project)
I've put together the following command line command:
awsdeploy.exe -r -w -v -l "C:\<path_to>\deploylog.txt" "-DDeploymentPackage=C:\<path_to>\" "-DAWSAccessKey=<my_access_key>" "-DAWSSecretKey=<my_secret_key>" "C:\<path_do>\AWSDeployConfiguration.txt"
The "AWSDeployConfiguration.txt" file is what was generated by VisualStudio when I did the first deployment.
The console output and the text written to the log is:
INFO - Scanning configuration.
INFO - ...inspecting application '<my_app_name>' for environment '<my_environment_name>' and version 'v20180918223701'
Nothing happens with the ELB application.
What am I missing and/or how do I get more information to figure this out?

I posted this question on the AWS forums and got the following answer that also worked for me.
Hi! I have this same what You when I trying run this from cmd. But it You will try check what application is returning You will see that value is 3. Generally everything !=0 is error.
What I did?
1. I checked with Process Monitor if application is doing any network request to AWS - no it even not trying.
I decided to recompile awasdeploy.exe and I found out that in the main procedure is a try... catch.. without any logs and just return(3). I added some logs and get a detailed error - look at attached image.
After few attempts I get a list of missing dll files:
All these files I found in: C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS SDK for .NET\bin and just simply copied to: C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\Deployment Tool (next to awsdeploy.exe)
Now deploy is working again.


Error when deploying to codedeploy in AWS ec2

error : /scripts/ Script at specified location:
/scripts/ failed with error Errno::ENOENT with
message No such file or directory -
Project on Github
I am trying to upload projects to an AWS ec2 instance, build them, and deploy them.
Right now, you can see the structure in the picture below.
I checked that the .zip file is saved without error in s3.
An error like this occurs when its building in codedeploy:
I tried googling. I tried to create a codedeploy application. I tried searching. Nothing has worked so far.
It says it could not locate the file, but there is actually a file in the directory.
This is my appspec.yml:
I really want to find a solution. Any help will be appreciated. I've been trying to solve it by myself for 4 days now.
Have you tried to manually execute your deployment in CodeDeploy applications via AWS Console ?

How to specify the root folder to deploy an app using the Cloud SDK?

I'm using "Google App Engine" from GCP to host a static website. I already created the website files (HTML, JS) and yaml using Visual Studio Code. I have the folder with those files stored locally in my local computer.
I downloaded the Cloud SDK Shell for Windows. I logged in to my account, and selected the project. According to videos and tutorials, I need to deploy the app using "gcloud app deploy".
However I got an error saying that an "app.yaml" file is required to deploy this directory...
I'm trying to follow this tutorial:
I'm also trying to follow the steps contained in this video:
How do I specify the root folder where I have my "app.yaml" file?
Thanks in advance!!
I already tried with many commands and unfortunately none of them have worked
The particular case in which gcloud app deploy works without additional arguments is for single-service applications only and only if the command is executed in the directory in which the service's app.yaml configuration file exists (and has that exact name, can't use a different name).
For other cases deployables can/must be specified. From gcloud app deploy:
gcloud app deploy [DEPLOYABLES …] [--bucket=BUCKET] [--image-url=IMAGE_URL] [--no-promote] [--no-stop-previous-version]
This command is used to deploy both code and configuration to the App
Engine server. As an input it takes one or more DEPLOYABLES that
should be uploaded. A DEPLOYABLE can be a service's .yaml file or a
configuration's .yaml file (for more information about configuration
files specific to your App Engine environment, refer to
Note, for Java Standard apps, you must add the path to the
appengine-web.xml file inside the WEB-INF directory. gcloud app
deploy skips files specified in the .gcloudignore file (see gcloud
topic gcloudignore for more information).
So apart from running the command with no arguments in the directory in which your app.yaml exists is to specify the app.yaml (with a full or relative path if needed) as a deployable:
gcloud app deploy path/to/your/app.yaml
IMHO doing this is a good habit - specifying deployables is more reliable and is the only way to deploy apps with multiple services or using routing via a dispatch.yaml file.
gcloud app deploy will look at the current directory first for app.yaml. Generally you will change to the directory with app.yaml and your other files before deploying

Error Wso2 "Problem accessing: /. Reason: Not Found" when I try to log in Api Manager after configure Api Analytics

I've installed Wso2 Api Manager a few days ago follow this intructions:
1. I've downloaded
2. I've installed using the wizard in C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager directory.
3. I've initialize Api Manger console, then created some apis from https://localhost:9443/publisher .
Now, I want to see some statistics ( I've read that API Analytics has to be configured, so I carried out the following steps (
I download it (
Unzip file in C:\WSO2\wso2am-analytics-2.6.0.
I've created and Environment Variables called JAVA_HOME. In value field, I typed the installation path of the Java Development Kit, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191.
I edited the tag true in the file "C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager\2.6.0\repository\conf\api-manager.xml".
I exec this command in cmd windows: "C:\WSO2\wso2am-analytics-2.6.0>worker.bat -run". It excecuted some process and aparentely everything was ok.
Finally, I run another windows console and exec: "C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager\2.6.0\bin>wso2server.bat -run".
Now, when I try to log in https://localhost:9443/publisher, /store o /carbon, I'm getting this error:
Problem accessing: /. Reason: Not Found
If I only lunch the Api Manager, it works perfectly but I can't get the statistics.
Did you follow Quick setup?
To access Analytics you need to carry out Standard Setup which includes:
Creating Analytics DB with the "am_usage_uploaded_files" table in addition
Configuring /conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml --> APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
Configuring /conf/worker/deployment.yaml --> APIM_ANALYTICS_DB
Configure /conf/worker/deployment.yaml --> WSO2AM_MGW_ANALYTICS_DB
And then starting the worker which creates the rest tables for analytics.

Elastic Beanstalk .ebextensions ignored (Windows)

This is Driving me nuts.
I had a working .ebextensions config file in my Project which was working fine.
Recently my single instance failed and a new one got initiated. My configuration failed to run so i tried to troubleshoot what went wrong. I didn't find anything suspicious so i just created a new .config with a very simple command but it still fails!!
I validated my config file with an online yaml validator.
I Connected to the instance through remote desktop and saw that .ebextensions folder is actually created within the wwwroot and then it disappears meaning that it got successfully picked up by elastic beanstalk.
I also granted all permissions to everyone on the test folder just to make sure this is not the reason.
Whichever i tried the old configuration or this test command it just does not work and elastic beanstalk just ignores it!
Any info of what might be wrong is appreciated.
command: mkdir kakarot
cwd: c:\\testdir
waitForCompletion: 0
I think everything under 01_DoWork needs to be indented (command, cwd, waitForCompletion). Also, make sure you're using spaces and not tabs.
Check the properties on your config file in VS. It should be (I think) both 'Content' and 'Copy if Newer'. Also, make sure that it gets packaged into the msdeploy package. It's a .zip file in/below your obj directory.
The command will error-out of it's already succeeded, so you would want to either ignore errors or add this. I found this syntax on another SO post but don't know who to credit for it :-/. The errorlevel will cause your command to not run if the directory already exists.
test: test ! -d c:\\testdir\\kakarot
If you're creating a (that inside has a deploy manifest json file plus the actual content) for a Windows deployment, it appears the .ebextensions directory needs to be inside, alongside the manifest json, not inside the, contrary to the current documentation.

AWS Code Deploy Error on Before Install Cannot Solve

So I am attempting to setup CodeDeploy for my application and I keep getting an error during the BeforeInstall part of the deployment. Below is the error.
Error Code UnknownError
Script Name
Message No such file or directory - /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/06100f1b-5495-42d9-bd01-f33d59fb5deb/d-NL5K1THE8/deployment-archive/appspec.yml
Log Tail
I assumed this meant the YAML file was in the wrong place. However it is in the root directory of my revision. I have tried using a simple AppSpec file like so instead of a more complex one.
## YAML Template.
version: 0.0
os: linux
- source: /
destination: /home/ubuntu/www
More or less since this is a first deployment I want it to add all files in the revision to the public directory on the web server.
I am tearing my hair out over this and I feel it is a simple issue. I have the IAM policies and roles correct and I have CodeDeploy setup and running on my instance I am trying to deploy to.
It seems to think you had a successful deploy at some point.
Go into /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/deployment-instructions/ and delete all the files in there. Then it won't look for this last deploy.
I just had this SAME problem and I figured it out! Make sure your AppSpec file has the right EXTENSION! I was using yaml and not yml, now everything works perfectly.
I made it work like this:
I had a couple of failed deployments for various reasons.
The thing is that CD keeps in the EC2 instance and in the path /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/​ a folder named by the ID of the failed deployment [a very long alphanumeric sting] .
Delete this folder and create a new deployment [from the aws UI console] and redeploy the application. This way the appspec.yml file that is in the wrong place will be deleted.
It should now succeed.
Extra Notice:
CD does not rewrite files [that have not been created by it's specific deployment]
CodeDeploy does not deploy in a folder that there is already code[files] as it does not want to interfere with different CD deployments and/or other CI/CD tools [like Jenkins].
It only deploys in a path that has already deploy code with the specific deployment.
You can empty the folder where your deployment want to happen and redeploy your code via CD.
When you login to the host, do you see the appspec.yml file in the directory there? If not are you positive it has been checked in with the rest of your deployed code?
Just encountered this issue too. In my case, the revision zip file extracts into a directory when deployed. Because of that /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/xxx/xxx/deployment-archive contains the parent directory of my revision files (instead of the actual revision files).
The key is to compress your revision without the parent directory. In mac terminal,
cd your-app-directory-containing-appspec
zip -r .