OSX 14: identify mojave microphone missing permission - audiounit

I wonder,
I developed my own voice recording app for mac.
In Mojave, user must give microphone permissions.
How can I identify if the user gave me those permissions?
I noticed that I can still Init and start the AudioUnit, even without permissions.
Any idea?


Debugging a watchOS install from phone

I have an iOS app that I added a WatchOS to. I paired simulators, works fine. I build it for my iPhone, it runs fine. When I try to install the watch app to the watch from my phone, I get a generic error. The watch has plenty of storage. How can I see a log of why it refuses to install? image of the error
The error dialog on the watch says “This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified“
Update: Could it be because another developer originally made the iOS project so it has a package name for his account? com.<hisName>... and since I am signing with my account, I would need to change the package name to com.<myName>.AppName & com.<myName>.AppName.watchkitapp?
Solved. The bundle IDs matched but they needed to be for my account since I was signing it. I added my watch to my account too (UIDD). I was able to also build straight to my watch if I desired while my phone was tethered to my laptop. When I installed a new iOS app, the watch app was automatically installed for me too.

Authentication Error when Trying to Log into WSO2 IoT Server - Device Management Console in wso2-iot-3.3.0

I followed the instructions in the link (https://docs.wso2.com/display/IOTS330/Enterprise+IoT+solution) in Windows to start WSO2 IoT server. So, broker, iot-server and analytics are started. But, when I'm trying to log in to the device management console using admin login or the login credentials I created, it gives me an authentication error.
I tried the solutions in this answer (Not able to access WSO2 IoTS Device Management Console in wso2-iot-3.3.0 when logged in 'admin') also (Reducing Java version to 1.8.0_144 and making the compression parameter to off in all the catalina-server.xml files). But any of it didn't work for me.
I have attached the screen shots of the error. Please help me to go through this! Thank you.
Error in browser
Error description in iot-server console-Part 1
Error description in iot-server console-Part 2
This is related to the issue mentioned in the github issue mentioned below and it seems, it is already fixed in latest master.
As a quick workaround you could try to modify the startup script files (bat files in this case) and add the changes mentioned in the above git issue.
For example, you can change the file modules/distribution/src/core/bin/iot-server.bat at line number 73 as below.
FOR %%D in ("%CARBON_HOME%\wso2\lib\commons-lang*.jar") DO set CARBON_CLASSPATH=!CARBON_CLASSPATH!;".\wso2\lib\%%~nD%%~xD"
Similarly do the same change as above for files mentioned below as well.
This should resolve the issues you are facing.
Related github issue - https://github.com/wso2/product-iots/pull/1838/files

Unity3d application development on Amazon Web Services

I ask here because I've asked on the Unity3D forums (in July) and nobody has responded, and I still have the same issue.
I have an AWS EC2 instance and I am using it to develop with Unity3D.
The problem is that while the keyboard and mouse work perfectly fine in the editor, the mouse stops responding when in "play" mode.
I access my EC2 instance via Windows Remote Desktop, I have an Administrators account and I have all drivers up to date.
Any ideas?
I am doing research, so cross-platform compatibility is not a concern. I'm using Windows because the tools I require, require Windows. Changing OS is not an option.
I've tried starting the editor with admin. I've also tried launching the remote desktop with admin. Nothing fixes it.
Even the standard Unity3D demo applications have this issue, so it is not something that I am doing.

How to access same account using SSH and RStudio server with an EC2 instance

I'm trying to create a tutorial to teach users how to use a command line software package that we've developed with RStudio to analyze a preset collection of data files. To do this, I want to create AMI that comes with a directory that contains a number of files and is pre-loaded with the necessary software including RStudio server. To install RStudio server, I've been following Randy Zsitch's instructions and I'm able to login to RStudio using the user account. However, if the user is logged into RStudio, they can't see the default home directory (i.e. /home/ubuntu), their home directory (i.e. /home/rstudio) only has the R directory. I could certainly install the data files for the tutorial into /home/rstudio. However, if they SSH into the default account to access the command line software then they can't get the rstudio account without using sudo.
I'm looking for help to achieve one of two options...
Enable user to SSH into the EC2 instance using the rstudio account and password and access RStudio server with the rstudio account. Currently, I can seem to do this
Enable user to access RStudio server with the ubuntu account. This doesn't seem possible since the log in uses key-pair and not a password making it impossible to access RStudio server with a password since there isn't one.
I feel like I must be missing something obvious, but I'm still pretty new to the world of AWS. How do I set things up so that someone can directly log into the same account using RStudio server and SSH?

Creating a manifest file inside of /Library/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts requires super user permissions

This is on Mac 10.8
I have written Google Chrome Extension and a Native Messaging executable which communicates with the Chrome Extension using Native Messaging. All works fine with my Proof of Concept as part of development.
Issue is that now I want to get it deployed.
I have my in house installer which by which I need to create a com.my_company.my_product.json manifest file inside of this /Library/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts directory which cannot be accessed unless I ask for the password of the admin user.
I am doing this port as part of migration of NPPlugin to Chrome Extension Native messaging communication which will replace the NPPlugin. NPPlugin can be accessed from both /Library as well as ~/Library which does not require sudo permissions.
Why does the manifest file need to be at root /Library level ad not user ~/library level? If so how can we get this installed on a Mac without bothering the user with admin password which the user will obviously be less likely to share.
If anyone has a solution, the Native Executable is a C++ program that can use Mac API calls.
Your understanding is correct. The Chromium team is investigating user directories as an additional option. Ensuring continuing security is the primary concern. I'll update this answer when there's more to report. (Update 6/1/2014: see Rob W.'s comment to this answer)