Adjust Scroll bar width in visual studio community edition 2017 - visual-studio-2017

Can someone shed light on how I can adjust the width of the scroll bars in Visual Studio. I mean the actual IDE itself and not code to do this in an application.
I have already adjusted the width of the windows explorer scroll bars (Windows 10) but this has no effect in the VS IDE.
Thanks in advance
An image of what I mean.

You can turn on the map view for vertical scrollbar in all languages settings. But it's scroll pace is different depending whether the current block is folded or not which is a little uncomfortable to use. So the quickest and smartest way in my opinion is to use the RockMargin extension. Works exactly like Sublime or VS Code minimap.


How to disable VS2019's syntax coloring for C++ and make it look like VS2017

I'm a light theme user, and I guess that makes me unpopular, but I'm sure there are still some light theme users out there. I have switched to VS2019 and the light theme (called Blue Theme) was a nightmare. It turned out it was an issue and the solution can be found in this thread.
My other question is the C++ syntax coloring in VS2019. It's just too many colors and makes it really hard for the eyes (once again if using the light theme).
I have looked but don't know where can I disable this new fancy syntax coloring and go back to VS2017's syntax coloring in VS2019. Any tips?
Here's a screenshot of what I have in VS2019:
I think it's a bit too much. I don't wanna see purple, green, red and brown.
As per this Microsoft link there is supposed to be this Color Scheme and it can be set to VS2017, as per this screenshot:
But for some reason I don't have it and I have just updated it and this what my Text Editor->C/C++->View looks like:
It looks the only way to solve this problem is to change the colors one by one. But you may ask, how do I come up with colors, I'm not a graphic/UI/UX designer? Here's how. You open the colors in VS2017 in Options->Fonts and Colors and select Text Editor in Show settings for:, and there when you scroll down you will see the colors for all C++ keywords.
That was Step 1. In Step 2 you go to the same dialog in VS2019, and one buy one change VS2019 settings to match those of VS2019. Having two monitors or one wide monitor helps.
Here's the screenshot:

Is Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 text color broken?

I'm trying to move over to Visual Studio from Eclipse, and I want to bring a similar color scheme with me. But when I change the colors in the options, nothing seems to be changing. This is more than just an aesthetic thing, the different colors make reading the code quickly much easier. It doesn't seem like the colors can be changed, other than basic stuff like line numbers and comments.

Disabling the 'Aero Blur' from the Windows 7 taskbar (using C++?)

I found a small program a while back that let me disable the Aero Blur while keeping the transparency that came with the theme. The program worked on literally everything, except for the taskbar which still appears to blur everything that happens to be underneath it.
This curious behavior led me to experimenting with the DWM api, in C++. Sadly, this didn't really help me at all, since no matter what functions I'd use - like DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow() -, none of them would actually affect the taskbar in a way that I wanted them to. I even tried turning the alpha levels of the taskbar's owner "window" down, but sadly that didn't work either - It made the taskbar icons transparent too which is a no-no for me, and it didn't actually remove the blur it just made the effect weaker.
As it seems that my skills are not enough to accomplish this task, I'm asking you - how can I remove the Aero blur from the Windows 7 taskbar? (Possibly using C++)
Remove Transparency that will do, else go to
Personalize by right clicking on desktop.
There go to theme, personalize the theme,
and find transparency/opacity. if you want with no blur and enabled transparency make it 100%
else disable transparency.
this you can do using c++ by doing twiks with Registry.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
this are the values for Windows 7,
if you will change here, you will get the result. it contains all things you need to change.
you may change values for this three
ColorizationBlurBalance, ColorizationGlassReflectionIntensity, ColorizationOpaqueBlend
I think that will do :)
I found a small program that will remove the blur.
Link to DeviantArt

How to set a blue border to edit control?

I added a manifest file to my project to set the windows XP style, it work for all controls except the edit control. I took screen shots :
My current style : screen shot
My dream : screen shot, From Windows Notepad
Thanks in advance !
There are a couple of reasons why your edit control might not look the way you want. If you've applied a window style to the control it might override the default style. Also there are a couple of different versions of the Rich Edit control, and the older one might not be compatible; look at the window class name.
Here's a Microsoft guide to Window styles that should help you achieve the dream look:

Visual Studio dialog editor not using square dimensions

So, I'm busy making a model viewer, I'm trying to get my dialog properly setup, and get my openGL view ports squared ( I'm using picture box controls for it ), one big problem. Visual studio doesn't allow me to set the the size manually, I can't see the actual pixel size. I can only see it in the bottom right corner of the screen but that's in dialog units not in pixel units and somehow that screw up terribly..
Look here for example, that selected thing should be a square according to visual studio, you can see in the bottom right corner it says "170 x 170" but you can clearly see it's nowhere near square, I can even test it by running my application, the openGL render gets squashed up and doesn't look right cause of the thing not being squared:
Because I can't set it by hand I can't get it right.. I've also tried opening/editing the .rc in other resource editors but visual studio saves it with it's own type of compression which makes any other tool unable to open the file, I've tried ResourceHacker, ResourceTuner, Restorator, XYExplorer and even the WinASM resource editor which I used for my previous model viewer, all are unable to open the file.
Does anybody have an idea or know about an option in visual studio so I can see it's width and height..? I can if I make a dialog in WinASM studio for example.. VisualStudio should support this.
The resource editor works in DLU ( Dialog Logical Unit), not in pixels.
see this other question (and links included) : MFC Dialog Size Question