Angular 6 and DRF Django Social authentication - django

I'm using Angular 6 for the front-end and for the back-end I have Django. I connect the front-end and back-end with Django Rest Framework. I need to implement social authentication with (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn). right now I'm using angular-6-social-login. But I don't know how to implement it in the back-end.

use this package
It is one of the packages listed on the Django Rest Framework documentation


Authentication in django for both web and mobile

I have django website running with django-allauth authentication.
Now, I am planning to build a mobile app using already existing django as a backend.
If there is a way I can continue using django-allauth as authentication for mobile app ?
What is the standard way to implement authentication in django for both web and mobile ?
You could try django rest framework to build a restful api that your mobile application makes use of. It comes with support for OAuth.

Web Development - Should social login be performed on frontend or handled on the backend of and application?

I am building a social login based application using Django on the backend and I want to know whether it is a good practice to do Social Auth(facebook, google, github, twitter etc.) on the front end or the backend of an application?
For example, If I want to allow a user to signup using their facebook account, is it a good idea to handle that using JavaScript on the front end or using Django on the backend(e.g, using something like social_auth_app_django)?
Both sides =) The authToken you store should placed in your backend while the session interaction could be done with the frontend.
If you are a beginner ,My recommendation is to go with Django Social Auth.
Django Social Auth is an easy way to setup social authentication/authorization mechanism for Django projects.
docs :
github :
pip install django-social-auth

Stormpath for Django Rest Framework

We are using Django Rest Framework to build API's that feed AngularJS apps. The intent is to use Stormpath for oauth2 authentication and for storage of backend authorization information. However, all of the examples that I have found using Stormpath with Django are for Django web pages (not REST API's) using username and password, not tokens.
How do you integrate Django REST Framework authentication with Stormpath using oauth2?
In this case, you'll actually be relying on Django Rest Framework for the OAuth2 support -- not Stormpath at all. Stormpath will only provide the User model that DRF uses in the backend -- nothing more.
This was a design decision we made to help simplify the data model.
I'm currently looking into ways to add OAuth2 as a first-class Stormpath feature in Django, but that's a ways down the line currently.

Proper authentication with a Django REST API through OAuth2

For my application (in ionic, so Angular) I need authentication on my REST API powered by Django (1.7). And I want Google/Facebook/Twitter/Classic authentication through OAuth2.
The problem during my researches is that there are a lot of Django packages available, some have some problems with Djangon >1.6, some are incompatible with serializers and some seem poorly developed or received their last commit a year ago. And with some other, I'm lost in the documentation.
Do you have any suggestions of OAuth2 packages in a REST Django API (>=1,7) with serializers?
I've already tried (for the main ones):
django oauth toolkit
django oauth plus
Do you have any good tutorials on those ones (still in Django API (>=1,7) with serializers)?

Connect with Facebook in Django Rest Framework + Django Social Auth

I'm using Django Social Auth for connect with Facebook issue and it works perfect. I have developed an API for my Django app with Django Rest Framework. But I'm confused about using Django Social Auth with Django Rest Framework for iOS devices.
I have searched 1, 2, 3 and 4 but they are generally with Angular.js. I'm not familiar with iOS development.
What is different between facebook connect with spa and a mobile device? * How could I use these packages together?
May I migrate from django-social-auth to python-social-auth?
You can now authenticate your users against your django-rest-framework with bearer tokens/third party access tokens from any python-social-auth backend (Facebook, Google, Github, etc.) using this library
This module provides a python-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework. Thus this saves you a lot of time to setup what is required to have your DRF with social authorization and to be OAuth2 secure.
I think that you can achieve that using django rest framework, django-rest-auth and allauth.
Those three work nice together.
With django rest framework you already familiar.
The allauth is responsible for the social authentication.
The django-rest-auth responsible for create the RESTful api for the social authentication, i.e. the connection between django-rest-framework and allauth.
It is recommended that you let python-social-auth handle the Facebook login for you, and instead you use another OAuth plugin for Django REST Framework to authenticate with Django. This has the added benefit of also supporting non-Facebook login through the standard Django authentication system.
I'm confused about using Django Social Auth with Django Rest Framework for ios devices.
I recently answered a similar question about implementing authentication with python-social-auth and Django REST Framework. It includes some important points to read about when implementing authentication using a third party along with some important notes about how you should not pass the third-party OAuth tokens back to your client.
How could I use these packages together?
While that answer specifically mentions using OAuth as the authentication method for the API that is behind python-social-auth, you can use other authentication methods that internally use Django authentication system, such as TokenAuthentication. In any case, you will end up proxying authentication between your front end application and your third party authentication provider, using your back end API.
What is different between facebook connect with spa and a mobile device?
Facebook provides direct integration with some mobile operating systems, most notably iOS and Android. This bypasses your API for authentication, and directly authenticates your mobile application with Facebook. Ideally, it would be authenticating your back end API instead of the mobile application. This may still be possible to do if you pass the access token back to your API manually, essentially doing the same thing that python-social-auth would be doing, but that could be risky and may not be worth the extra effort.
Facebook Connect (now known as just Facebook Login) works in a similar way to how Facebook integration works on mobile devices. The one difference that may work in your favor is that it's very easy to move from Facebook Login for single page apps, to an OAuth-based authentication pattern. This is documented in the Facebook developers documentation as "Manually Building a Login Flow" and is compatible with libraries that support OAuth-based login, like python-social-auth.
May I migrate from django-social-auth to python-social-auth?
This shouldn't be an issue anymore, as python-social-auth has effectively replaced django-social-auth.