When running tests using a command such as ember test --module="Acceptance | example", how could I capture the module option within the environment.js config file?
The aim here is to pass a flag indicating the acceptance test module into the application instance when testing. The flag will simply be used in the application to check whether to execute a block of code.
Update 23/09/18:
One idea I've had is that perhaps I can pass a flag into the application instance from the beforeEach hook in acceptance test modules. This would be better because I wouldn't have to include the --module option in the test command, and I'd be able to run all my tests at once. I'm not sure this is possible or how to do this but it's currently my best start.
I've had success implementing my idea. In the acceptance tests, I've got:
import config from '../../config/environment';
module('Acceptance | example', function(hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function() {
config.APP.testModule = 'Acceptance | example';
I can then use this by importing the config, then accessing the flag with:
For now at least, I'm going to use this. I will hold off from accepting this answer for a while because it would still be great to hear if anyone has any other ideas or suggestions on how to improve this!
I am having problems using Jest manual mocks (the one in a parallel __mocks__ directory) in my project.
I think I understand how to use it and it actually works fine if I remove a single line in a file specified in the Jest setupFiles array.
In that file a global helper is installed (into global.createComp) that uses the vuex store.
This is a vue + vuex project but even running the stripped down spec using only jest gives unexpected results.
Can somebody look at my minimal reproducible example repo at https://github.com/thenoseman/jest-manual-mock-not-working, do a npm i and npm run test:unit and help me understand why the mock is not active?
You can find the line that need to be commented out in test/unit/support/helpers.js.
Also the README shows a screenshot and further explains what the problem looks like.
setupFiles are evaluated before test files. As the reference states,
A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment. Each setupFile will be run once per test file. Since every test runs in its own environment, these scripts will be executed in the testing environment immediately before executing the test code itself.
JavaScript modules are evaluated once on first import. Importing #/store/modules/internetAtHome in helpers.js results in importing original #/api/DslService.
The mock in test file doesn't affect #/api/DslService because it has already been evaluated earlier:
import DslService from "#/api/DslService";
In case helpers.js needs mocked #/api/DslService, jest.mock needs to be moved there.
In case helpers.js needs original #/api/DslService but tests need mocked one, the module (and any module that depends on it) needs to be re-imported with jest.resetModules or jest.isolatedModules:
let DslService;
jest.isolateModules(() => {
DslService = require("#/api/DslService").default;
For a module that was imported with original implementation and needs to be re-imported as a mock, jest.requireMock can be used, it doesn't need jest.mock('#/api/DslService'):
let DslService = jest.requireMock("#/api/DslService").default;
I got DataFixtures set up, that I can load via console into my test database.
$ php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --env=test -n
> purging database
> loading App\DataFixtures\PropertyFixtures
> loading App\DataFixtures\UserFixtures
> loading App\DataFixtures\UserPropertyFixtures
works like a chram
But I am lost how to load these fixtures automatically with my service unit tests, without having to run the command manually before testing. There has to be another way!
What I found so far is descriptions for testing with older versions of symfony or for testing Controllers. Who wants to test Controllers anyway, if you can avoid it?
The Liip\FunctionalTestBundle also seems to work only for WebTestCases at least I have seen no way to extend or replace the usual KernelTestCase.
So is there any way I can maybe run the command with the setUp() method of my test class?
Any link to a tutorial for symfony 4? Any example for a service? I cannot imagine, that I am the only person with that problem.
I got a solution and although it is not full of beauty and style here it is. More elegant alternatives are appreciated.
I extended my Kernel class found in Kernel.php with a class called AppKernel.
To activate it for tests and only those I changed my phpunit.xml file:
<ini name="error_reporting" value="-1" />
<env name="KERNEL_CLASS" value="App\AppKernel" />
So now only for tests this class is loaded.
In the AppKernel Class I extended the boot method as follows:
public function boot()
* Loads the tests data for DataFixtures when we start phpUnit.
protected function importDataFixtures()
system('php /var/www/octopus/bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --env=test -n');
So of course the call of the import via system is ugly, but it works. If somebody has a better idea, please let my know.
I am creating another test module for an application service which is using different DbContext.
Is there any way to bypass permission checking for the application service in Unit Test?
I've tried
Configuration.ReplaceService<IPermissionChecker, NullPermissionChecker>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);
in Test Module PreInitialize() but it is still checking the permissions.
Please help! Thank you!
services.AddAbpIdentity replaces IPermissionChecker again. You can use AddPermissionChecker<NullPermissionChecker> extension method after services.AddAbpIdentity.
For AspNet Zero, it's inside IdentityRegistrar class. Example (add the last line):
services.AddAbpIdentity<Tenant, User, Role>(options =>
Notice that: You probably want to make this conditional and apply only for unit tests.
I have multiple packages under a subdirectory under src/,
running the tests for each package with go test is working fine.
When trying to run all tests with go test ./... the tests are running but it fails..
the tests are running against local database servers, each test file has global variables with db pointers.
I tried to run the tests with -parallel 1 to prevent contention in the db, but the tests still fail.
what can be the issue here?
EDIT: some tests are failing on missing DB entries, I completely clear the DB before and after each test. the only reason I can think of why this is happening is because of some contention between tests.
each one of my test files has 2 global variables (using mgo):
var session *mgo.Session
var db *mgo.Database
also it has the following setup and teardown functions:
func setUp() {
s, err := cfg.GetDBSession()
if err != nil {
session = s
db = cfg.GetDB(session)
func tearDown() {
each tests startup with setUp() and defer tearDown()
also cfg is:
package cfg
import (
func GetDBSession() (*mgo.Session, error) {
session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost")
return session, err
func GetDB(session *mgo.Session) *mgo.Database {
return session.DB("test_db")
I changed cfg to use a random database, the tests passed.
it seems that the tests from multiple packages are running somewhat in parallel.
is it possible to force go test to run everything sequentially across packages ?
Update: As pointed out by #Gal Ben-Haim, adding the (undocumented) go test -p 1 flag builds and tests all packages in serial. As put by the testflag usage message in the Go source code:
-p=n: build and test up to n packages in parallel
Old answer:
When running go test ./..., the tests of the different packages are in fact run in parallel, even if you set parallel=1 (only tests within a specific package are guaranteed to be run one at a time). If it is important that the packages be tested in sequence, like when there is database setup/teardown involved, it seems like the only way right now is to use the shell to emulate the behavior of go test ./..., and forcing the packages to be tested one by one.
Something like this, for example, works in Bash:
find . -name '*.go' -printf '%h\n' | sort -u | xargs -n1 -P1 go test
The command first lists all the subdirectories containing *.go files. Then it uses sort -u to list each subdirectory only once (removing duplicates). Finally all the subdirectories containing go files get fed to go test via xargs. The -P1 indicates that at most one command is to be run at a time.
Unfortunately, this is a lot uglier than just running go test ./..., but it might be acceptable if it is put into a shell script or aliased into a function that's more memorable:
function gotest(){ find $1 -name '*.go' -printf '%h\n' | sort -u | xargs -n1 -P1 go test; }
Now all tests can be run in the current directory by calling:
gotest .
apparently running go test -p 1 runs everything sequentially (including build), I haven't see this argument in go help test or go help testflag
I am assuming that because the packages individually pass that in this situation you are also dropping the DB before that test as well.
Therefore it sounds like the state of the DB for each package test is expected to be empty.
So between each set of the package tests the DB must be emptied. There are two ways around this, not knowing your entire situation I will briefly explain both options:
Option 1. Test Setup
Add an init() function to the start of each package _test file which you then put processing to remove the DB. This will be run before the init() method of the actual package:
func init() {
fmt.Println("INIT TEST")
// My test state initialization
// Remove database contents
Assuming that the package also had a similar print line you would see in the output (note the stdout output is only displayed when the a test fails or you supply the -v option)
Option 2. Mock the database
Create a mock for the database (unless that is specifically what you are testing). The mock db can always act like the DB is blank for the starting state of each test.
Please try out the following github repository.
Copy coverage.sh to /usr/local/bin/coverage and change permission.
$ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appleboy/golang-testing/master/coverage.sh /usr/local/bin/coverage
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/coverage
Is there a way to inject providers when writing unit tests using Karma(Testacular) and Jasmine in angular?
Our team decided recently to use angularjs $log to write debugging details to the console. This way we can leverage the ability to disable the logging via the $logProvider.debugEnabled() method.
angular.module("App", ["prismLogin", "ui.bootstrap"])
.config(["$routeProvider", "$logProvider",
function ($routeProvider, $logProvider) {
//routes here edited for brevity
//This is the offending line, it breaks several pre-existing tests
However after adding the $logProvider.debugEnabled(true); line several of our tests no longer execute successfully, failing with the following message:
TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'debugEnabled' from App
So my question again, is it possible to mock the $logProvider? Or should I provide my own configuration block for the test harness?
I attempted searching for a way to mock the app module with no luck. It seems to me that using the concrete app module instead of a mock is very brittle. I would like to avoid reworking tests associated with the app module every time a change is made in the app or run configuration blocks.
The tests that are failing are units of code with no relation to the $logProvider? I feel as if I a missing something here and making things much harder than they should be. How should one go about writing tests that are flexible and are not affected by other side effects introduced in your application?
It appears that this is a know issue with angular-mocks.
Until the issue is addressed , I was able to resolve the issue by adding the following method to the angular.mock.$LogProvider definition in angular-mocks.js at line 295.
this.debugEnabled = function(flag) {
return this;