I wrote this to reverse array in OCaml like how I usually do in Java:
let reversearray array = let len=Array.length array in
for i=0 to (len/2) do
let temp = array.(i) in
array.(i) <- array.(len-i-1);
array.(len-i-1) <- temp done;
However, this does not seem to work sometimes when there is an even number array.
# let a2 = [|"a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"|];;
val a2 : string array = [|"a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"|]
# reversearray a2;;
- : string array = [|"f"; "e"; "c"; "d"; "b"; "a"|]
Could someone explain what's wrong?
Let's say the length is 2. Your for loop is executing for i = 0 and 1. This reverses the elements twice.
Commonly one writes loops in C-influenced languages like this:
for (i = 0; i < len/2; i++)
This executes just for i = 0, which does the right thing. OCaml executes the loop for all values including the upper value.
I have a VB 5.0 code that does what I need, but I need to implement it in Visual Studio C++ (2013), the thing is that I'm not getting there, and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, so I'll show you some code (VB vs C++ - mine) and hope someone is able to help.
For now, thank you for reading this.
I've tried to send the string in very different formats and I think that I finally got it, in how to send, the problem still is reading the answer, I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
The machine returns (I think 2 bytes) and they are START OF HEADING and ?, I can see it by printing in the console the numbers 1 and 63.
I'll just leave some code.
For asking the current temperature the VB program is:
Private Sub cmdGetTemperaturePV_Click()
If MSComm.PortOpen Then
MSComm.Output = Chr(1) & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
txtMsg(1).Text = "1,0,0,1,13,10"
txtPVTemperature.Text = ""
txtMsg(1).Text = "COM Port OFF"
End If
End Sub
And mine(C++) is:
String^ a1 = "\x1";
String^ a2 = "\x0";
String^ a3 = "\x0";
String^ a4 = "\x1";
String^ a5 = "\xD";
String^ a6 = "\xA";
String^ enviar = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6;
By using the program "Hercules" I can simulate the reception of the machine and I can see that I'm sending exactly the same thing as the VB program.
Now I think that the problem is receiving, so about that, there's this:
Private Sub tmrRun_Timer()
Dim i As Integer
Dim apt As Byte, B1 As Byte, B2 As Byte
Dim stx As String
If MSComm.PortOpen Then
If MSComm.InBufferCount >= 6 Then
stx = MSComm.Input
stx = Right(stx, 6)
txtMsg(2).Text = ""
For i = 1 To Len(stx)
txtMsg(2).Text = txtMsg(2).Text & Asc(Mid(stx, i, 1)) & ","
Next i
txtMsg(2).Text = Left(txtMsg(2).Text, Len(txtMsg(2).Text) - 1)
apt = Asc(Left(stx, 1))
B1 = Asc(Mid(stx, 2, 1))
B2 = Asc(Mid(stx, 3, 1))
Select Case apt
Case 1:
txtPVTemperature.Text = Format(0.1 * GetInt(B1, B2), "0.0")
Case 2:
txtSPTemperature.Text = Format(0.1 * GetInt(B1, B2), "0.0")
Case 3:
Case 4:
txtPVHumidity.Text = Format(0.1 * GetInt(B1, B2), "0.0")
Case 5:
txtSPHumidity.Text = Format(0.1 * GetInt(B1, B2), "0.0")
Case 6:
Case 7:
Case 8:
Case 9:
If Asc(Mid(stx, 2, 1)) > 0 Then
txtChamber.Text = "ON"
txtChamber.Text = "OFF"
End If
Case 10:
txtEvents.Text = GetInt(B1, B2)
Case 11:
Case 12:
txtInputs.Text = "1..8 = " & B1 & " 9..16 = " & B2
Case 13:
txtAlarms1.Text = " 1.. 8 = " & B1 & " 9..16 = " & B2
Case 14:
txtAlarms2.Text = "17..24 = " & B1 & " 25..32 = " & B2
End Select
End If
End If
End Sub
And I'm trying many different things, the best I got (the one that led me to 1 and 63) is this:
String^ rec;
if (this->serialPort1->IsOpen)
this->textBox1->Text = String::Empty;
rec = this->serialPort1->ReadExisting();
catch (TimeoutException^)
this->textBox2->Text = "Timeout";
this->textBox1->Text = rec;
char aux[100];
if (rec == String::Empty)
this->textBox2->Text = "String Empty";
std::string rec1 = marshal_as<std::string>(rec);
strcpy(aux, rec1.c_str());
int a, b, c, d, e1, f;
printf("String received: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (aux[i] == 0)
printf("%ld ", aux[i]);
if (i == 0)
a = aux[i];
if (i == 1)
b = aux[i];
if (i == 2)
c = aux[i];
if (i == 3)
d = aux[i];
if (i == 4)
e1 = aux[i];
if (i == 5)
f = aux[i];
I'm expecting to receive a 6 byte string and It's not happening.
I'm so sorry for the long post, but I think this way I can be more specific.
Again, thank you very much!
I am creating a list of random numbers using the following approach
val randomList = List(4) { Random.nextInt(0, 100) }
However, this approach doesn't work as I want to avoid repetitions
One way is to shuffle a Range and take as many items as you want:
val randomList = (0..99).shuffled().take(4)
This is not so efficient if the range is big and you only need just a few numbers.In this case it's better to use a Set like this:
val s: MutableSet<Int> = mutableSetOf()
while (s.size < 4) { s.add((0..99).random()) }
val randomList = s.toList()
val list = (0 until 100).toMutableList()
val randList = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (i in 0 until 4) {
val uniqueRand = list.random()
One line approach to get a list of n distinct random elements. Random is not limited in any way.
val list = mutableSetOf<Int>().let { while (it.size() < n) it += Random.nextInt(0, 100) }.toList()
I need to create a function that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet (without using encode). I'm relatively new to Python so it has taken me a while to figure out a way to do this without using Encode.
Here's what I have so far. When I use this to type in a normal word like "hello" it works but if I pass through a sentence with special characters I can't figure out how to JUST include letters of the alphabet and skip numbers, spaces or special characters completely.
def rot13(b):
b = b.lower()
a = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)]
c = []
d = []
x = a[0:13]
for i in b:
for i in c:
if i <= 13:
elif i > 13:
y = len(a[i:])
z = len(x)- y
e = ''.join(d)
return e
I tried using .isalpha() but this doesn't seem to be working for me - characters are duplicating for some reason when I use it. Is the following format correct:
def rot13(b):
b1 = b.lower()
a = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)]
c = []
d = []
x = a[0:13]
for i in b1:
if i.isalpha():
for i in c:
if i <= 12:
elif i > 12:
y = len(a[i:])
z = len(x)- y
if message[0].istitle() == True:
d[0] = d[0].upper()
e = ''.join(d)
return e
Following on from comments. OP was advised to use isalpha, and wondering why that's causing duplication (see OP's edit)
This isn't tied to the use of isalpha, it's to do with the second for loop
for i in c:
isn't necessary, and is causing the duplication. You should remove that. Instead you can do the same by just using index = a.index(i). You were already doing this, but for some reason appending to a list instead and causing confusion
Use the index variable any time you would have used i inside the for i in c loop. On a side note, in nested for loops try not to reuse the same variables. It just causes confusion...but that's a matter for code review
Assuming you do all that right it should work.
So, basically, in Excel, I have 4 columns of data (all with strings) that I want to process, and want to have the results in another column, like this (nevermind the square brackets, they just represent cells):
Line Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Result
1: [a] [b] [k] [YES] [NO]
2: [a] [c] [l] [YES] [NO]
3: [b] [e] [] [YES] [NO]
4: [c] [e] [f] [NO] [NO]
5: [d] [h] [b] [NO] [NO]
6: [d] [] [w] [NO] [NO]
7: [e] [] [] [YES] [NO]
8: [j] [m] [] [YES] [YES]
9: [j] [] [] [YES] [YES]
10: [] [] [] [YES] [YES]
The process that I want the data to go through is this:
Assume that CheckingLine is the Line for which I currently want to calculate the value of Result, and that CurrentLine is any Line (except CheckingLine) that I am using to calculate the value of Result, at a given moment.
If Column4[CheckingLine] is "NO", Result is "NO" (simple enough, no help needed);
Example: CheckingLine = 1 -> Column4[1] = "NO" -> Result = "NO";
Else, I want to make sure that all Lines that share a common value with CheckingLine (in any Column between 1 and 3), also have Column4 as "YES" (Doing that would be simple enough even without VBA - in fact, I started by doing it in plain Excel and realised that it wasn't what I wanted) - if that happens, Result is "YES";
Example: CheckingLine = 8 -> Only shared value is "j" -> CurrentLine = 9 -> Column4[9] = "YES" -> Result = "YES";
Here's the tricky part: If one of those lines has any value (again, in any Column between 1 and 3) that IS NOT shared with CheckingLine, I want to do the whole process (restart at 1.), but checking the CurrentLine instead.
Example: CheckingLine = 2, "a" is shared with Line 1, c is shared with Line 4 -> CurrentLine = 1 -> Column4[1] = "YES", but "b" and "k" are not shared with CheckingLine -> CheckingLine' = 1 -> "b" is shared with Line 5 -> Column4[5] = "NO" -> Result = "NO";
I have written the corresponding C++ code (which works) (and it could have been in any other language, C++ was just the one I was using at the moment) (and the code HAS NOT been optimized in any way, because it's purpose was to be AS CLEAR about its functionality AS POSSIBLE) (the table above is the actual result of running it):
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::string> column1, column2, column3, column4, contentVector;
unsigned int location, columnsSize;
void InsertInVector(std::string Content)
if(Content == "")
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < contentVector.size(); i++)
if(contentVector[i] == Content)
std::string VerifyCurrentVector(unsigned int Start)
std::string result = "";
if(contentVector.size() == 0)
result = "YES";
unsigned int nextStart = contentVector.size();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < columnsSize; i++)
if(i != location)
for(unsigned int j = Start; j < nextStart; j++)
if(column1[i] == contentVector[j])
else if(column2[i] == contentVector[j])
else if(column3[i] == contentVector[j])
if(nextStart == contentVector.size())
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < columnsSize; i++)
if(i != location)
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < nextStart; j++)
if(column1[i] == contentVector[j] || column2[i] ==
contentVector[j] || column3[i] == contentVector[j])
if(column4[i] == "NO")
result = "NO";
return result;
result = "YES";
result = VerifyCurrentVector(nextStart);
return result;
std::string VerifyCell(unsigned int Location)
std::string result = "";
location = Location - 1;
if(column4.size() < Location)
result = "Error";
else if(column4[location] == "NO")
result = "NO";
result = VerifyCurrentVector(0);
return result;
void SetUpColumns(std::vector<std::string> &Column1, std::vector<std::string> &Column2,
std::vector<std::string> &Column3, std::vector<std::string> &Column4)
if(Column4.size() > Column1.size())
for(unsigned int i = Column1.size(); i < Column4.size(); i++)
if(Column4.size() > Column2.size())
for(unsigned int i = Column2.size(); i < Column4.size(); i++)
if(Column4.size() > Column3.size())
for(unsigned int i = Column3.size(); i < Column4.size(); i++)
column1 = Column1;
column2 = Column2;
column3 = Column3;
column4 = Column4;
columnsSize = Column4.size();
int main()
std::vector<std::string> Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4;
SetUpColumns(Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4);
std::cout << "Line\t" << "Column1\t" << "Column2\t" << "Column3\t" << "Column4\t" <<
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Column4.size(); i++)
std::cout << i + 1 << ":\t" << "[" << column1[i] << "]\t[" << column2[i] <<
"]\t[" << column3[i] << "]\t[" << column4[i] << "]\t[" << VerifyCell(i + 1)
<< "]" << std::endl;
return 0;
So, after this lengthy explanation, what I want to know is this:
Is there any way to do this in Excel's VBA (or even better, in plain Excel without VBA)?
If not, how can I have my code (which I can easily translate to another C-like language and/or optimise) get the data from, and deliver the results to, Excel?
Is there any way to do this in Excel's VBA?
Yes, you can surely do this with VBA, it is a complete and powerful programming language
(or even better, in plain Excel without VBA)?
Nope. The calculation seems too complicated to fit with Excel formulae without any VBA code.
If not, how can I have my code (which I can easily translate to another C-like language and/or optimise) get the data from, and deliver the results to, Excel?
You can access Excel from C++ in many ways. Using ATL is one of them. another, easier way would be to import/export your Excel file in CSV format, which is easy to parse and write from C++.
Also consider C#, it has complete COM inter-operability to access office components.
Ok, if you like to "whipped the code in a rush" then you'll love VBA, next time please try to ask a more specific question. Based on code and comments #MikeAscended you're a relatively good programmer, with a grasp of functions/recursion, variable/parameters, conditions, loops, data structures, etc. Re: " I have only touched VBA once in my life and ran away from it" My intent is to get you started and give you syntax here not necessarily a working solution. I'm happy to answer any further specific questions you may continue to have.
I recommend plain VBA which is easy to use in Excel. Obviously your problem can be solved in many ways including formulas, however VBA is a powerful tool that any programmer will benefit from using.
To start access the editor from Excel press [Alt-F11], or from Design Mode insert and double-click an ActiveX button. To run a macro press [Alt-F8], or in VBA click the green play button.
One last note, if you want those line numbers in column 1 in excel then yours will become Column 2-5 or B-F. I'm assuming you'll use the row numbers in excel so that Column 1 is A, but row 1 will still have titles, so you are staring your data on row 2.
sub processResults_Col5()
' Run This Script as Main()
dim rowCount as long, i as long 'rowCount = columnsSize
with sheets(1)
.Range("A1:D1") = Array("a", "b", "k", "YES")
' finish init here
' SetUpColumns not necessary in excel
if .cells(2,1).value <> "" then 'do not use .end(xldown) if data is missing
rowCount = .cells(1,1).end(xldown).row
for i = 1 to rowCount
.cells(i,5) = verifyCell(i + 1, rowCount)
next i
endif 'space will be added :p
end with
end sub
function verifyCell(rowLocation as long, size as long, optional wSh as excel.worksheet) as string
' the rest should be easy for you to figure out based on C-code
with wSh
if wsh is nothing then set wsh = activesheet 'let VBA capitalize stuff so you know you typed it correctly
if size < rowlocation then
verifyCell = "Error" 'the function name is the return value
'msgbox "Error" ' you can uncomment this line to see error
elseif cells(rowLocation, 4).value = "NO" then
cells(rowLocation, 5) = "NO" 'set result
call InsertInVector(rowLocation) 'CheckingLine
' edit the current rowLocation with for loops
verifyCell = VerifyCurrentVector(0) 'whatever you're doing here
end with
end function
sub InsertInVector()
end sub
sub VerifyCurrentVector() 'function returns a value
end sub
Some tips:
Generally, Comment Your Code!
Generally, The first word/acronym of Variable and Object names should start in lowercase, then continue in camel-case. This helps distinguish them from library types.
In VBA always put [option explicit] in the beginning of every sheet/module, this requires you to [dim varName as Type] which will help debugging and make your code more explicit so it's easy to understand.
In VBA for numbers use type Long, learn early vs late-binding. If you're instantiating any object that requires a reference/library, always state it explicitly. This includes Excel.Worksheet, Excel.Workbook, etc. (eg. you may want your code in MS Access)
In Office One of the first settings you're going to want to disable is the popup error window, also use debug.print and the immediate box a few times.
Generally, as you know from C++ take your time, try to write correct code on your the first try as this will save you debugging time. Try not to rush and keep coffee & healthy snacks on hand. Good luck and have fun :)
This issue drives me crazy. In SAS, when I want to concat a string, the variable which will be assigned to the result cannot be used in the input.
DATA test1;
LENGTH x $20;
x = "a";
x = x || "b";
Result: x = "a";
DATA test2;
LENGTH x $20;
y = "a";
x = y || "b";
Result: x = "ab";
DATA test3;
LENGTH x $20;
x = "a";
y = x;
x = y || "b";
Result: x = "a";
The last one is so strange. x is not even involved in concat directly.
This does not make sense. Because 1) you can do other operations in this way, e.g. transtrn, substr. 2) SAS does not give any warning message.
It's because the length of X is initially set 20, so it has 19 trailing blanks. If you add b, there isn't room for it, because of the trailing blanks. Either trim the x before cat operator or use catt. You can use lengthc to see the length of the character variable.
DATA test1;
LENGTH x $20;
x = "a";
x = trim(x) || "b";
*x = catt(x, b);
proc print data=test1;
You could also use substr() on the left hand side of the equation. Something like:
substr(x,10,1) = 'a';
to set the 10th car to 'a'. Then loop over each character in x (where the 10 is).