upload django site to the web hosting service - django

Hello im about the finish my first ever django website and I dont know how to upload it to the internet Bcuz I want to buy a web hosting service and to run django server I need to run a command python manage.py runserver and how is the web hosting service gonna do it? how should I upload my django website?

It's not easy to host a django project on a shared host. At least it come with a lot of problems that you have to face.
And you will need to use hostings that support a django project (Not only python). Django comes with requirements that not many hostings provide therefore i highly recommend to go with a VPS (Ubuntu for example) and host it yourself.
There is a lot of great docs for hosting a django project on a VPS and a lot of cloud services provide services for django.
How To Serve Django Applications with uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04

if you are fresher you need to create your on hosting service in your computer,
that is best idea for beginner,


What backend should I use to serve multiple websites, e.g. wordpress, web apps and mobile apps?

I am just starting to learn back end development, recently learned php and wordpress development, and I don't know what I should learn next.
The image below shows what I want to set up, and the software I think, but don't know if, I can use to achieve this.
Can I use a droplet on digitalocean and with django, nginx and uWSGI use that to host multiple static websites, wordpress websites and web apps. Can I also use the same server to communicate with mobile apps (created with flutter)?
Is this even possible, and what software do I need to use?
Pleas before asking any question google your question then ask.
There are no limits to the number of the services that you can host and deploy on your server or vps if you have enough resources on your machine.
To host a Web site or deploy a service there a lot of ways to do that, all you have to do is just google what ever you think you want to do, just google the question and the google will show you the path.

Django website running on Azure web app extremely slow

I have a django web app which I have deployed to an Azure web app (running on the B1 app service plan). The website works as intended, except for the loading time which can routinely take up to 10 minutes to load a single page (even with cached static files).
While I have not correctly set up a web hosting platform and are instead simply running the server using the default manage.py system, the website still should not be running this slowly. Is there a simple way to fix this problem?
If you running with manage.py, it may possible that you face performance issue or django web server thread issue. For performance you must configure django application with Apache2or IIS server.
Django web server is for debugging purpose only.
Recommend you to use Azure web services fir website.
Since your code runs normally on the local side, I suggest you try to change from FastCGI to httpPlatformHandler in your web.config file.You could follow this
In addition, please refer to this official doc to troubleshooting the performance of your Azure web app.
Optimize your code, where is blocking. I am also running website on Azure but never face slowly response even in free instance.

running Django web application publicly on the web

i'ev finished making a chatbot web application using Django and python3 and during the development phase i was using the:
python3 manage.py runserver
to see the results and test the application. Now i want for the application to entered like any other website publicly using URL.
any recommendation for deploying the django project?
thank you?
Depends on your hosting provider. Heroku is a good choice, it has a free pricing tier but that tier brings the VMs down if not used regularly.
It may be a good idea to start with the official documentation: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/howto/deployment/

How to deploy mid sized Django App [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just finished my Django App. All these months, I have been running the app on a local server using
python manage.py runserver
and it ran on and was accessible only to my computer. Now that I am finished my app, I want it to be accessible to the world. I tried researching how to deploy my django app, and probably like most people in my situation, I am now completely lost. The words 'WSGI, AWS, WebFaction, Domain, Web hosting, Shared hosting, servers, VPS Vendor, RackSpace, Apache2 etc' are all flying around my head.
The first post I cam across was this one:
How to setup Django website in Amazon EC2 hosting?
The post says Amazon EC2 servers are good, but recommends WebFaction / Dreamhost instead. I decide to pick Amazon EC2 instead of WebFaction / DreamHost. I google about Amazon EC2, and then I find myself reading comparisons about AWS and VPS Vendors like RackSpace. I then agree to use Amazon EC2 instead of RackSpace. Then I thought to myself, where exactly do I buy the domain name from? I know that goDaddy is really popular for hosting domians so I look into that and I realize that godaddy doesn't support Django. I google'd which web hosting companies support Django, and I came across WebFaction again. So wait, I use WebFaction to register the domain and Amazon to host the site? I look at the prices for WebFaction and they give prices for bandwidth, disk space, server location etc. I google the price for AWS and they talk about the exact same thing: server location, space etc. At this point, I don't even know if WebFaction and AWS accomplish the same thing and if I am supposed to pick one or the other, or if WebFaction is for simply hosting the domain and AWS for the server? I then decide to research about servers, hoping to come across a post of how Amazon servers work and their relation with domain hosting sites. Instead, I find myself reading about Apache. Hm, so Apache is now another option? I google the relationship between the Apache server and AWS, and find that I can set up Apache on AWS? So do I need WebFaction, AWS and Apache to deploy my Django app?
I tried doing more research about deploying a Django app and came across a post talking about WSGI. It seems as if the more research I do, the more confused I get. So this is where I need your help:
The Django Application is basically a 'Blog' site which allows users to create accounts, upload images, comment and like images, follow other users, make posts (which consist of only text and images), comment on posts and like posts.
The Django Application is directed to an audience of about 1500 users (I'm estimating about 1500 users within the first two months). The application will be put up on the Android and iPhone app store as well (through WebView). My hostOS is windows 8 but I downloaded a VM (which runs Lubuntu) and did all my Django stuff in Lubuntu using Django 1.5, Python 2.7 and had to install PIL and Pillow as well. I used a PostgreSQL database. With all these details, how should I host my site?
I don't want to say 'Which servers should I use' because then some will say 'Amazon', some will say 'DreamHost', some might say 'Buy a domain and then user Amazon' and some might even start talking about WSGI and Apache to make me really confused.
What steps do I need to take to host my 1500 user application? Once the application hits 1500 users and starts going higher than that, then I will think about switching to a larger server, but for the first 1500 users, where should I buy the domain name and host the site? The site needs to be live within the next 3 weeks (so if a VPS vendor or Amazon EC2 is highly recommend, I can take out an entire week to learn about them). I just want to know if there is a more recommended, simpler solution rather than jumping right into a VPS vendor or buying a Domain and using Amazon EC2 server.
Edit: Should this go on ServerFault instead?
There are several layers here that you all need, but it can be confusing at first. To set up a Django site in a production environment, you're going to need:
Server hardware.
Webserver software.
Python connector (WSGI).
Registered domain name with DNS records.
A hosting service gives you access to server hardware. You rent a physical server or a virtual environment on a physical server. Most hosting platforms include domain name registration and managing DNS records, but some might require you to seek these services elsewhere.
In order for the server to actually serve a http response upon receiving a request, it has to run a webserver process. Apache and Nginx are such webservers. WSGI is the standard that allows webservers to communicate with Python applications. You'll need an implementation of this in order to connect to your Django application. Some choices are gunicorn, uWSGI and Apache's mod_wsgi.
With this information you should be able to understand most articles explaining how to deploy a Django application. Everything except the part about WSGI is also applicable to any other website, not just Django.

Deploying website along with web application

I'm in the process of researching possible ways to deploy web site along with a web application. I'm using Python/Django with gunicorn as the webserver and AngularJS (front-end) for the web application, which will be deployed on some PaaS like Heroku.
The web site (mainly used for marketing purposes), what are some recommending ways to deploy this site along with the web application? My concern is that users hitting the site will slow down performance for users of the web application. If I'm using Django for the web application backend, is it ok to use Django for the web site and deploy it...say on a different port/server? Perhaps use nginx to serve just static content for the site? What are some best practices out there on solving this? Many thanks
If your "web site" is all static files, could you load it all up into a single folder and have it served directly by nginx?
Alternatively, you could look at something like CloudFlare