What are the advantages of using std::variant as opposed to traditional polymorphic processing? - c++

Suppose I have a Shape base class and Circle, Line, and Point derived classes. I have two functions.
std::variant<Circle, Line, Point> process(const Shape &s);
Shape process(const Shape& s);
I can pass in any of my derived classes and return a Shape object in the second function, a variant is just a union that can hold any of my derived class variables at any given time.
Now with std::variant I can also employ a visitor where I can process some function depending on what type my variant is currently holding (I could just create a function object and pass it std::transform and apply it to each of my objects). However, I can just make that function virtual in my base class and have each derived class implement it.
So, is variant just a convenience?

So, is variant just a convenience?
No, they are different concepts. Main difference that on one side std::variant can work with unrelated types including builtins like int which is not possible with virtual functions directly. On another side std::variant must know types it is working with at compile time. For example it is possible to add a type with virtual function(s) by just linking additional object module without recompiling rest of the code or loading a shared library dynamically to existing application (you do not even have to restart the app) while with std::variant you must recompile code dealing with types std::variant contains.

However, I can just make that function virtual in my base class and have each derived class implement it.
Yes.... if all the elements in the variant share a common Base (which Slava already mentioned).
Another big difference is that, with a variant, there's not necessarily any dynamic polymorphism happening at all (no RTTI needed) during visitation.
In conjunction with std::visit, there are a lot of tricks under the hood to make sure that there's (basically) zero runtime overhead in calling the appropriate function for a given std::variant. Although there could be non-trivial additional compile time and memory usage because it does this by creating a big matrix of function pointers (See this excellent blog post from Michael Park about it)


c++ polymorphism and list

struct struct_unit{};
struct struct_unit_rotable : struct_unit {};
std::list <struct_unit> unitsList;
struct_unit *su=new struct_unit_rotable;
then i have 2 draw methods:
void drawUnit(struct_unit &su);
void drawUnit(struct_unit_rotable &su);
when i call drawUnit(unitsList.front()); --- the WRONG nonrotable draw method is called
how to correctly insert
struct_unit_rotable type into list so the unitsList.front() will return type struct_unit_rotable?
You misunderstand polymorphism. The idea of polymorphism is to allow derived classes to provide implementations for methods declared virtual in a base class, but use pointer or reference to base class to access that implementation (if you use the objects directly, they will get sliced, see David's answer). In your case, there are no such declarations and hence no polymorphism.
To invoke polymorphism you would need
struct unit
virtual void draw();
virtual ~unit(); // important
struct unit_rotatable // did you really mean 'rotable'?
: unit
virtual void draw(); // 'virtual' needed only for another level of polymorphism
virtual ~unit_rotatable();
and invoke them via
std::list <std::unique_ptr<unit>> unitsList; // we need pointer (or reference) to base
unitList.emplace_front(new unit_rotatable);
unitList.front()->draw(); // calls unit_rotatable::draw()
I used unique_ptr to ensure the automatic de-allocation of the objects at the destruction of unitsList.
Your list will contain objects of type struct_unit. If you pass it objects of type struct_unit_rotable they will get sliced
Even if you use pointers only void drawUnit(struct_unit *su) will get called, you need to put the polymorphism into the structures as Walter has shown
as long as you insert the object as struct_unit, you'll always get this kind of object back and your drawUnit function called will always be the one for struct_unit. Aren't you able to move the drawUnit() function inside the object and make a class ? If you make the function virtual, you can have the correct one called.
This is quite an odd use of polymorphism.
A better way would be a virtual drawUnit() in struct_unit that will be overridden in struct_unit_rotable.
I do not have the standard at hand but I am sure that there is no proper way without casting to detect the most appropriate method as for the vector content it is of type struct_unit.
See here for a related issue: Matching an overloaded function to its polymorphic argument
It is stated that overload resolution is done at compile time. Your code would require overload resolution during execution time as it is not clear what type would be placed in the vector during compile time.
I see what you're trying to do. There is a very slick way to do this, introduced in this video which I would recommend anyone to study.
[Inheritance Is The Base Class of Evil][1]
The basic premise here is that "inheritance should be an implementation detail, not an interface".
The more I have worked this way, the happier I have been that I have done so.

Vector of pointers to base type, find all instances of a given derived type stored in a base type

Suppose you have a base class inside of a library:
class A {};
and derived classes
class B: public A {};
class C: public A {};
Now Instances of B and C are stored in a std::vector of boost::shared_ptr<A>:
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<A> > A_vec;
A_vec.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<B>(new B()));
A_vec.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<C>(new C()));
Adding instances of B and C is done by a user, and there is no way to determine in advance the order, in which they will be added.
However, inside of the library, there may be a need to perform specific actions on B and C, so the pointer to the base class needs to be casted to B and C.
I can of course do "trial and error" conversions, i.e. try to cast to Band C(and any other derivative of the base class), until I find a conversion that doesn't throw. However, this method seems very crude and error-prone, and I'm looking for a more elegant (and better performing) way.
I am looking for a solution that will also work with C++98, but may involve boost functionality.
Any ideas ?
O.k., thanks for all the answers so far!
I'd like to give some more details regarding the use-case. All of this happens in the context of parametric optimization.
Users define the optimization problem by:
Specifying the parameters, i.e. their types (e.g. "constrained double", "constrained integer", "unconstrained double", "boolean", etc.) and initial values
Specifying the evaluation function, which assigns one or more evaluations (double values) to a given parameter set
Different optimization algorithms then act on the problem definitions, including their parameters.
There is a number of predefined parameter objects for common cases, but users may also create their own parameter objects, by deriving from one of my base classes. So from a library perspective, apart from the fact that the parameter objects need to comply with a given (base-class) API, I cannot assume much about parameter objects.
The problem definition is a user-defined C++-class, derived from a base-class with a std::vector interface. The user adds his (predefined or home-grown) parameter objects and overloads a fitness-function.
Access to the parameter objects may happen
from within the optimization algorithms (usually o.k., even for home-grown parameter objects, as derived parameter objects need to provide access functions for their values).
from within the user-supplied fitness function (usually o.k., as the user knows where to find which parameter object in the collection and its value can be accessed easily)
This works fine.
There may however be special cases where
a user wants to access specifics of his home-grown parameter types
a third party has supplied the parameter structure (this is an Open Source library, others may add code for specific optimization problems)
the parameter structure (i.e. which parameters are where in the vector) may be modified as part of the optimization problem --> example: training of the architecture of a neural network
Under these circumstances it would be great to have an easy method to access all parameter objects of a given derived type inside of the collection of base types.
I already have a templated "conversion_iterator". It iterates over the vector of base objects and skips those that do not comply with the desired target type. However, this is based on "trial and error" conversion (i.e. I check whether the converted smart pointer is NULL), which I find very unelegant and error-prone.
I'd love to have a better solution.
NB: The optimization library is targetted at use-cases, where the evaluation step for a given parameter set may last arbitrarily long (usually seconds, possibly hours or longer). So speed of access to parameter types is not much of an issue. But stability and maintainability is ...
There’s no better general solution than trying to cast and seeing whether it succeeds. You can alternatively derive the dynamic typeid and compare it to all types in turn, but that is effectively the same amount of work.
More fundamentally, your need to do this hints at a design problem: the whole purpose of a base class is to be able to treat children as if they were parents. There are certain situations where this is necessary though, in which case you’d use a visitor to dispatch them.
If possible, add virtual methods to class A to do the "specific actions on B and C".
If that's not possible or not reasonable, use the pointer form of dynamic_cast, so there are no exceptions involved.
for (boost::shared_ptr<A> a : A_vec)
if (B* b = dynamic_cast<B*>(a.get()))
else if (C* c = dynamic_cast<C*>(a.get()))
Adding instances of B and C is done by a user, and there is no way to determine in advance the order, in which they will be added.
Okay, so just put them in two different containers?
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<A> > A_vec;
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<B> > B_vec;
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<C> > C_vec;
void add(B * p)
void add(C * p)
Then you can iterate over the Bs or Cs to your hearts content.
I would suggest to implement a method in the base class (e.g. TypeOf()), which will return the type of the particular object. Make sure you define that method as virtual and abstract so that you will be enforced to implement in the derived types. As for the type itself, you can define an enum for each type (e.g. class).
enum class ClassType { ClassA, ClassB, ClassC };
This answer might interest you: Generating an interface without virtual functions?
This shows you both approaches
variant w/visitor in a single collection
separate collections,
as have been suggested by others (Fred and Konrad, notably). The latter is more efficient for iteration, the former could well be more pure and maintainable. It could even be more efficient too, depending on the usage patterns.

C++ typedef versus unelaborated inheritance

I have a data structure made of nested STL containers:
typedef std::map<Solver::EnumValue, double> SmValueProb;
typedef std::map<Solver::VariableReference, Solver::EnumValue> SmGuard;
typedef std::map<SmGuard, SmValueProb> SmTransitions;
typedef std::map<Solver::EnumValue, SmTransitions> SmMachine;
This form of the data is only used briefly in my program, and there's not much behavior that makes sense to attach to these types besides simply storing their data. However, the compiler (VC++2010) complains that the resulting names are too long.
Redefining the types as subclasses of the STL containers with no further elaboration seems to work:
typedef std::map<Solver::EnumValue, double> SmValueProb;
class SmGuard : public std::map<Solver::VariableReference, Solver::EnumValue> { };
class SmTransitions : public std::map<SmGuard, SmValueProb> { };
class SmMachine : public std::map<Solver::EnumValue, SmTransitions> { };
Recognizing that the STL containers aren't intended to be used as a base class, is there actually any hazard in this scenario?
There is one hazard: if you call delete on a pointer to a base class with no virtual destructor, you have Undefined Behavior. Otherwise, you are fine.
At least that's the theory. In practice, in the MSVC ABI or the Itanium ABI (gcc, Clang, icc, ...) delete on a base class with no virtual destructor (-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor with gcc and clang, providing the class has virtual methods) only results in a problem if your derived class adds non-static attributes with non-trivial destructor (eg. a std::string).
In your specific case, this seems fine... but...
... you might still want to encapsulate (using Composition) and expose meaningful (business-oriented) methods. Not only will it be less hazardous, it will also be easier to understand than it->second.find('x')->begin()...
Yes there is:
std::map<Solver::VariableReference, Solver::EnumValue>* x = new SmGuard;
delete x;
results in undefined behavior.
This is one of the controversial point of C++ vs "inheritance based classical OOP".
There are two aspect that must be taken in consideration:
a typedef is introduce another name for a same type: std::map<Solver::EnumValue, double> and SmValueProb are -at all effect- the exact same thing and cna be used interchangably.
a class introcuce a new type that is (by principle) unrelated with anything else.
Class relation are defined by the way the class is "made up", and what lets implicit operations and conversion to be possible with other types.
Outside of specific programming paradigms (like OOP, that associate to the concept of "inhritance" and "is-a" relation) inheritance, implicit constructors, implicit casts, and so on, all do a same thing: let a type to be used across the interface of another type, thus defining a network of possible operations across different types. This is (generally speaking) "polymorphism".
Various programming paradigms exist about saying how such a network should be structured each attempting to optimize a specific aspect of programming, like the representation or runtime-replacable objects (classical OOP), the representation of compile-time replacable objects (CRTP), the use of genreric algorithial function for different types (Generic programming), teh use of "pure function" to express algorithm composition (functional and lambda "captures").
All of them dictates some "rules" about how language "features" must be used, since -being C++ multiparadigm- non of its features satisfy alone the requirements of the paradigm, letting some dirtiness open.
As Luchian said, inheriting a std::map will not produce a pure OOP replaceable type, since a delete over a base-pointer will not know how to destroy the derived part, being the destructor not virtual by design.
But -in fact- this is just a particular case: also pbase->find will not call your own eventually overridden find method, being std::map::find not virtual. (But this is not undefined: it is very well defined to be most likely not what you intend).
The real question is another: is "classic OOP substitution principle" important in your design or not?
In other word, are you going to use your classes AND their bases each other interchangeably, with functions just taking a std::map* or std::map& parameter, pretending those function to call std::map functions resulting in calls to your methods?
If yes, inheritance is NOT THE WAY TO GO. There are no virtual methods in std::map, hence runtime polymorphism will not work.
If no, that is: you're just writing your own class reusing both std::map behavior and interface, with no intention of interchange their usage (in particular, you are not allocating your own classes with new and deletinf them with delete applyed to an std::map pointer), providing just a set of functions taking yourclass& or yourclass* as parameters, that that's perfectly fine. It may even be better than a typedef, since your function cannot be used with a std::map anymore, thus separating the functionalities.
The alternative can be "encapsulation": that is: make the map and explicit member of your class letting the map accessible as a public member, or making it a private member with an accessor function, or rewriting yourself the map interface in your class. You gat finally an unrelated type with tha same interface an its own behavior. At the cost to rewrite the entire interface of something that may have hundredths of methods.
To anyone thinking about the danger of the missing of vitual dtor, note tat encapluating with public visibility won't solve the problem:
class myclass: public std::map<something...>
std::map<something...>* p = new myclass;
delete p;
is UB excatly like
class myclass
std::map<something...> mp;
std::map<something...>* p = &((new myclass)->mp);
delete p;
The second sample has the same mistake as the first, it is just less common: they both pretend to use a pointer to a partial object to operate on the entire one, with nothing in the partial object letting you able to know what the "containing one" is.

Why bother with virtual functions in c++?

This is not a question about how they work and declared, this I think is pretty much clear to me. The question is about why to implement this?
I suppose the practical reason is to simplify bunch of other code to relate and declare their variables of base type, to handle objects and their specific methods from many other subclasses?
Could this be done by templating and typechecking, like I do it in Objective C? If so, what is more efficient? I find it confusing to declare object as one class and instantiate it as another, even if it is its child.
SOrry for stupid questions, but I havent done any real projects in C++ yet and since I am active Objective C developer (it is much smaller language thus relying heavily on SDK's functionalities, like OSX, iOS) I need to have clear view on any parallel ways of both cousins.
Yes, this can be done with templates, but then the caller must know what the actual type of the object is (the concrete class) and this increases coupling.
With virtual functions the caller doesn't need to know the actual class - it operates through a pointer to a base class, so you can compile the client once and the implementor can change the actual implementation as much as it wants and the client doesn't have to know about that as long as the interface is unchanged.
Virtual functions implement polymorphism. I don't know Obj-C, so I cannot compare both, but the motivating use case is that you can use derived objects in place of base objects and the code will work. If you have a compiled and working function foo that operates on a reference to base you need not modify it to have it work with an instance of derived.
You could do that (assuming that you had runtime type information) by obtaining the real type of the argument and then dispatching directly to the appropriate function with a switch of shorts, but that would require either manually modifying the switch for each new type (high maintenance cost) or having reflection (unavailable in C++) to obtain the method pointer. Even then, after obtaining a method pointer you would have to call it, which is as expensive as the virtual call.
As to the cost associated to a virtual call, basically (in all implementations with a virtual method table) a call to a virtual function foo applied on object o: o.foo() is translated to o.vptr[ 3 ](), where 3 is the position of foo in the virtual table, and that is a compile time constant. This basically is a double indirection:
From the object o obtain the pointer to the vtable, index that table to obtain the pointer to the function and then call. The extra cost compared with a direct non-polymorphic call is just the table lookup. (In fact there can be other hidden costs when using multiple inheritance, as the implicit this pointer might have to be shifted), but the cost of the virtual dispatch is very small.
I don't know the first thing about Objective-C, but here's why you want to "declare an object as one class and instantiate it as another": the Liskov Substitution Principle.
Since a PDF is a document, and an OpenOffice.org document is a document, and a Word Document is a document, it's quite natural to write
Document *d;
if (ends_with(filename, ".pdf"))
d = new PdfDocument(filename);
else if (ends_with(filename, ".doc"))
d = new WordDocument(filename);
// you get the point
Now, for this to work, print would have to be virtual, or be implemented using virtual functions, or be implemented using a crude hack that reinvents the virtual wheel. The program need to know at runtime which of various print methods to apply.
Templating solves a different problem, where you determine at compile time which of the various containers you're going to use (for example) when you want to store a bunch of elements. If you operate on those containers with template functions, then you don't need to rewrite them when you switch containers, or add another container to your program.
A virtual function is important in inheritance. Think of an example where you have a CMonster class and then a CRaidBoss and CBoss class that inherit from CMonster.
Both need to be drawn. A CMonster has a Draw() function, but the way a CRaidBoss and a CBoss are drawn is different. Thus, the implementation is left to them by utilizing the virtual function Draw.
Well, the idea is simply to allow the compiler to perform checks for you.
It's like a lot of features : ways to hide what you don't want to have to do yourself. That's abstraction.
Inheritance, interfaces, etc. allow you to provide an interface to the compiler for the implementation code to match.
If you didn't have the virtual function mecanism, you would have to write :
class A
void do_something();
class B : public A
void do_something(); // this one "hide" the A::do_something(), it replace it.
void DoSomething( A* object )
// calling object->do_something will ALWAYS call A::do_something()
// that's not what you want if object is B...
// so we have to check manually:
B* b_object = dynamic_cast<B*>( object );
if( b_object != NULL ) // ok it's a b object, call B::do_something();
object->do_something(); // that's a A, call A::do_something();
Here there are several problems :
you have to write this for each function redefined in a class hierarchy.
you have one additional if for each child class.
you have to touch this function again each time you add a definition to the whole hierarcy.
it's visible code, you can get it wrong easily, each time
So, marking functions virtual does this correctly in an implicit way, rerouting automatically, in a dynamic way, the function call to the correct implementation, depending on the final type of the object.
You dont' have to write any logic so you can't get errors in this code and have an additional thing to worry about.
It's the kind of thing you don't want to bother with as it can be done by the compiler/runtime.
The use of templates is also technically known as polymorphism from theorists. Yep, both are valid approach to the problem. The implementation technics employed will explain better or worse performance for them.
For example, Java implements templates, but through template erasure. This means that it is only apparently using templates, under the surface is plain old polymorphism.
C++ has very powerful templates. The use of templates makes code quicker, though each use of a template instantiates it for the given type. This means that, if you use an std::vector for ints, doubles and strings, you'll have three different vector classes: this means that the size of the executable will suffer.

Is there a way to determine at runtime if an object can do a method in C++?

In Perl, there is a UNIVERSAL::can method you can call on any class or object to determine if it's able to do something:
sub FooBar::foo {}
print "Yup!\n" if FooBar->can('foo'); #prints "Yup!"
Say I have a base class pointer in C++ that can be any of a number of different derived classes, is there an easy way to accomplish something similar to this? I don't want to have to touch anything in the other derived classes, I can only change the area in the base class that calls the function, and the one derived class that supports it.
EDIT: Wait, this is obvious now (nevermind the question), I could just implement it in the base that returns a number representing UNIMPLEMENTED, then check that the return is not this when you call it. I'm not sure why I was thinking of things in such a complicated manner.
I was also thinking I would derive my class from another one that implemented foo then see if a dynamic cast to this class worked or not.
If you have a pointer or reference to a base class, you can use dynamic_cast to see which derived class it is (and therefore which derived class's methods it supports).
If you can add methods to the base class, you can add a virtual bool can_foo() {return false;} and override it in the subclass that has foo to return true.
C++ does not have built in run-time reflection. You are perfectly free to build your own reflection implementation into your class hierarchy. This usually involves a static map that gets populated with a list of names and functions. You have to manually register each function you want available, and have consistency as to the calling convention and function signature.
I believe the most-correct way would be to use the typeid<> operator and get a reference to the type_info object, and then you could compare that (== operator) to the desired type_info for the data types you wish to care about.
This doesn't give you method-level inspection, and does require that you've built with RTTI enabled (I believe that using typeid<> on an object that was built without RTTI results with "undefined" behavior), but there you are.
MSDN has an online reference to get you started : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b2ay8610%28VS.80%29.aspx