Geonode Layers Page Invalid URL - python-2.7

I have uploaded a layer to geonode using the web interface. I would now like to see the layers details.
I have debugging turned on. This is the error page.
This feels like something I would need to change in I have default values except for the following:
DEBUG = True

Have a look at the geoserver URL which is missing a /
Make sure that your geoserver url is correctly set in settings:
and correctly redirected in apache conf:


Django cannot embed a Youtube url in a frame

I am trying to embed a youtube URL into a frame in a Django template. Each time I receive the same message in the console:
Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
I have tried inserting two decorators before the view:
No effect. In a final test I inserted this statement into just to see if it would turn off the xframe check:
The same error appears.
I also tried removing the XFrameOptions middleware, no change.
This is in a local testing environment so I am using the Django web server, my production server (which I have not tried moving this to for obvious reasons) is an Azure instance running NGINX
Are you using an embeddable URL?
It is YouTube that is providing the X-Frame-Options header that the browser is complaining about, which implies you are trying to embed the normal URL to the video.

AWS, Django, Apache, ALLOWED_HOSTS not working 400 Bad Request

I have two Django applications working on the AWS Lightsail. First one is working great with and, but when I try to visit the second app without www in URL, it returns 400 Bad Request. In both apps, DEBUG set to False, and I have necessary hosts in like this:
I have tried with '*' and also tried to write down all possible hosts in ALLOWED_HOSTS but it didn't work. I am able to see website with but always return Bad Request (400)
After any update in, I always restart Apache (tried to reload also) nothing changes, still getting 400 Bad Request. Any ideas? Maybe I should set up AWS in some way, this is my first experience with Django
For anyone who will face this kind of issues, check your VirtualHost configurations. In my VirtualHost configurations I had ServerName as when I add ServerAlias it works. Now I am able to see my app with and
P.S.: However I don't have ServerAlias for first application but it still working as and, not sure why this casing an issue for the second one.

Django error when entering from multiple domains

I'm by setting two domains that point to the same IP of Django, but I can just logging in to one, on the other just will not let me, from the admin or web always redirects me to the logging box, tried everything but nothing.
In test environment I have django running on runserer and the / etc / hosts as follows:
# This if it works
# This one does not work
I think the problem is with django but not to start looking, anyone know about this?
Make sure your ALLOWED_HOSTS looks like this:

Hosting a django project behind proxypass

I have hosted to django admin project on a local machine X.
http://10.4.x.y/myapp/admin works.
I have an external IP on another machine Y and i am doing a proxy pass
from the Y to X. works.
But, When i click the link "Save" or "Save continue editing" button after editing in admin page, it redirects to local machine ip (i.e. http://10.4.x.y/myapp/blah_blah_blah).
How to make sure that the django project redirects to proxypass name instead of local IP?
This is happening because the admin redirects to IP it thinks it has. It gets in in the HTTP request's header.
However, the fix is very easy. Assuming you proxy server implements the X-Forwarded-For standard, it could be easily fixed.
in your, simply set:
and restart your Django.
If that doesn't work, you can try to see if your proxy sets a different kind of header, and write a middleware that does the same thing. It's the first example on Django's documentation chapter on middleware
I did these two things and it worked.
Whenever you add a ProxyPass, you should add ProxyPassReverse
SITE_ID should be set to the domain where you want to point this django project.

Django SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN on localhost

When I set SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '' and then run the production site, the site creates the proper cross domain cookie and it's set to However, if I set SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '.localhost' and run the local development server at localhost:8000 the cookie that is created is the non-cross domain cookie localhost.
Why might this be the case?
This has to do with how browsers and cookies work. Because you're not allowed to set cookies to something like .com, you can't set it as .localhost either.
You can check out more here: Looks like there's no real solution within Django for this. I do wish they would warn us though rather than just break.
I don't have a good solution though. For testing you could set your hosts file to use something like instead of localhost to point to your runserver.
for dev server, you can just use
SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE= False #default use just to override your prod setting
SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN= None #default use just to override your prod setting
or you can resolve domain name with the host's file
Or something like this
You can't set SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '.localhost' because of browsers security features. (cf Django issue 10560)
However if you have foo.localhost:8000 and bar.localhost:8000 you can
switch to and and set
SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = '.dev.localhost'
SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = "youcustomcookiename"