I am used to using the standard function print_int in OCaml, but when I open the library Base by Jane Street, as recommended in the book Real World OCaml, I obtain a deprecation warning:
utop # print_int;;
- : int -> unit = <fun>
utop # open Base;;
utop # print_int;;
Line 1, characters 0-9:
Alert deprecated: Base.print_int
- : int -> unit = <fun>
Even worse, when I build it with dune, as recommended in that book, warnings become errors. What should I do ? Replace print_int with printf "%i" ? or with Caml.print_int ? Both seem to work but look needlessly complicated. Something else ?
Thank you.
This is answered here: https://ocaml.janestreet.com/ocaml-core/v0.13/doc/base/index.html#using-the-ocaml-standard-library-with-base
Base is intended as a full stdlib replacement. As a result, after an open Base, all the modules, values, types, etc., coming from the OCaml standard library that one normally gets in the default environment are deprecated.
In order to access these values, one must use the Caml library, which re-exports them all through the toplevel name Caml: Caml.String, Caml.print_string, ...
I'm very new to OCaml and recently studying on program verification.
For implementation, I need a library module of Ocaml that gets a result of another Ocaml program. I hope the library has the same functions as the ProcessBuilder in JAVA.
I wonder if there is such one for Ocaml.
Sure, OCaml provides facilities to create processes. Here is an example, showing how to use the Unix.open_process_in function,
# let input = Unix.open_process_in "echo 'hello, world'";;
val input : in_channel = <abstr>
# input_line input;;
- : string = "hello, world"
# input_line input;;
Exception: End_of_file.
You can spawn a process that runs any program, no matter in which language it is written. If you want your processes to communicate OCaml data structures, then you can use the Marshal module to safely translate your OCaml values to and from strings.
My project requests a new layer, which needs the new operator of Tensor to compute bitwiseXOR between input x and constant Key k.
E.g. x = 4 (bit form: 100), k = 7 (111), the bitwiseXOR(x, k) expects as 3 (011).
As far as I know, Tensor only has LogicXOR operator for bool type. Luckily, Tensorflow has the extended ability to have a new Op. However, I read the document in https://www.tensorflow.org/extend/adding_an_op, I can get the basic idea, but that is far from the implementation, maybe because of the lack of c++ knowledge. Any suggestions for implementation the new operator that will be helpful. Then I can use that new Op of Tensor to build the new layers.
If you don't want to implement your own C++ op, you can try with tf.py_func which allows you to define a python function that operates on numpy arrays and is then used as a Tensorflow operation in the graph.
For your problem you can use numpy's bitwise_xor():
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
t1 = tf.constant([2,4,6], dtype=tf.int64)
t2 = tf.constant([1,3,5], dtype=tf.int64)
t_xor = tf.py_func(np.bitwise_xor, [t1, t2], tf.int64, stateful=False)
with tf.Session() as sess:
val = sess.run(t_xor)
which prints [3,7,3] as expected.
Please take care of the known limitations of this function (taken from the link above):
N.B. The tf.py_func() operation has the following known limitations:
The body of the function (i.e. func) will not be serialized in a
GraphDef. Therefore, you should not use this function if you need to
serialize your model and restore it in a different environment.
The operation must run in the same address space as the Python program
that calls tf.py_func(). If you are using distributed TensorFlow, you
must run a tf.train.Server in the same process as the program that
calls tf.py_func() and you must pin the created operation to a device
in that server (e.g. using with tf.device():).
I am a Spirit beginner and studying it nowadays. I am at this example, a simple calculator. I compiled and runned the program successfully. When run the program it says, type some statements and then type . to compile and run these statements. I type the followings in distinct runs and after each line i type a . (period).
But none of them works. Everytime it says "parsing failed.". What am is missing, or is there sth wrong with the example. The example program's grammar is here. Note that i am aware that i am not using the latest spirit, i use 1.46.1 version which is the default in Ubuntu 12.04.
You appear to have missed the fact that the program parses statements, not bare expressions, see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/libs/spirit/example/qi/calc6/calc6c.hpp
So try this:
var y;
var x = 6;
y = 3 * x;
Parsing succeeded
x: 6
y: 18
Bye... :-)
Hope that helps. And consider upgrading boost - installing it from source is really simple on Debian/Ubuntus.
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Closed 11 years ago.
What are the specific utilities that can help R developers code and debug more efficiently?
I'm looking to set up an R development environment, and would like an overview of the tools that would be useful to me in crafting a unit testing infrastructure with code coverage, debugging, generation of package files and help files and maybe UML modeling.
Note: Please justify your answers with reasons and examples based on your experience with the tools you recommend. Don't just link.
Recommendations for Windows text editor for R
What IDEs are available for R in Linux?
Tools Commonly used to Program in R
I have written way too many packages, so to keep things manageable I've invested a lot of time in infrastructure packages: packages that help me make my code more robust and help make it easier for others to use. These include:
roxygen2 (with Manuel Eugster and Peter Danenberg), which allows you to keep documentation next to the function it documents, which it makes it much more likely that I'll keep it up to date. roxygen2 also has a number of new features designed to minimise documentation duplication: templates (#template), parameter inheritance (#inheritParams), and function families (#family) to name a few.
testthat automates the testing of my code. This is becoming more and more important as I have less and less time to code: automated tests remember how the function should work, even when I don't.
devtools automates many common development tasks (as Andrie mentioned). The eventual goal for devtools is for it to act like R CMD check that runs continuously in the background and notifies you the instance that something goes wrong.
profr, particularly the unreleased interactive explorer, makes it easy for me to find bottlenecks in my code.
helpr (with Barret Schloerke), which will soon power http://had.co.nz/ggplot2, provides an elegant html interface to R documentation.
Useful R functions:
apropos: I'm always forgetting the names of useful functions, and apropos helps me find them, even if I only remember a fragment
Outside of R:
I use textmate to edit R (and other) files, but I don't think it's really that important. Pick one and learn all it's nooks and crannies.
Spend some time to learn the command line. Anything you can do to automate any part of your workflow will pay off in the long run. Running R from the command line leads to a natural process where each project has it's own instance of R; I often have 2-5 instances of R running at a time.
Use version control. I like git and github. Again, it doesn't matter exactly which system you use, but master it!
Things I wish R had:
code coverage tools
a dependency management framework like rake or jake
better memory profiling tools
a metadata standard for describing data frames (and other data sources)
better tools for describing and rendering tables in a variety of output formats
a package for markdown rendering
As I recall this has been asked before and my answer remains the same: Emacs.
Emacs can
do just about anything you want to do with R thanks to ESS, including
code execution of various snippets (line, region, function, buffer, ...)
inspection of workspaces,
display of variables,
multiple R sessions and easy switching between them
transcript mode for re-running (parts of) previous sessions
access to the help system
and much more
handles Latex with similar ease via the AucTex mode, which helps Sweave for R
has modes for whichever other programming languages you combine with R, be it C/C++, Python, shell, SQL, ... covering automatic indentation and colour highlighting
can access databases with sql-* mode
can work remotely with tramp mode: access remote files as if they were local (uses ssh/scp)
can be ran as a daemon which makes it stateful so you can reconnect to your same Emacs session, be it on the workstation under X11 (or equivalent) or remotely via ssh (with or without X11) or screen.
has org-mode, which together with babel, provides a powerful sweave alternative as discussed in this paper discussing workflow apps for (social) scientists
can run a shell via M-x shell and/or M-x eshell, has nice directory access functionality with dired mode, has ssh mode for remote access
interfaces all source code repositories with ease via specific modes (eg psvn for svn)
is cross-platform just like R so you have similar user-interface experiences on all relevant operating systems
is widely used, widely available and under active development for both code and extensions, see the emacswiki.org site for the latter
<tongueInCheek>is not Eclipse and does not require Java</tongueInCheek>
You can of course combine it with whichever CRAN packages you like: RUnit or testthat, the different profiling support packages, the debug package, ...
Additional tools that are useful:
R CMD check really is your friend as this is what CRAN uses to decide whether you are "in or out"; use it and trust it
the tests/ directory can offer a simplified version of unit tests by saving to-be-compared against output (from a prior R CMD check run), this is useful but proper unit tests are better
particularly for packages with object code, I prefer to launch fresh R sessions and littler makes that easy: r -lfoo -e'bar(1, "ab")' starts an R session, loads the foo package and evaluates the given expression (here a function bar() with two arguments). This, combined with R CMD INSTALL, provides a full test cycle.
Knowledge of, and ability to use, the basic R debugging tools is an essential first step in learning to quickly debug R code. If you know how to use the basic tools you can debug code anywhere without having to need all the extra tools provided in add-on packages.
traceback() allows you to see the call stack leading to an error
foo <- function(x) {
d <- bar(x)
bar <- function(x) {
> foo(1:10)
Error: is.matrix(x) is not TRUE
> traceback()
4: stop(paste(ch, " is not ", if (length(r) > 1L) "all ", "TRUE",
sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
3: stopifnot(is.matrix(x))
2: bar(x)
1: foo(1:10)
So we can clearly see that the error happened in function bar(); we've narrowed down the scope of bug hunt. But what if the code generates warnings, not errors? That can be handled by turning warnings into errors via the warn option:
options(warn = 2)
will turn warnings into errors. You can then use traceback() to track them down.
Linked to this is getting R to recover from an error in the code so you can debug what went wrong. options(error = recover) will drop us into a debugger frame whenever an error is raised:
> options(error = recover)
> foo(1:10)
Error: is.matrix(x) is not TRUE
Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit
1: foo(1:10)
2: bar(x)
3: stopifnot(is.matrix(x))
Selection: 2
Called from: bar(x)
Browse[1]> x
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Browse[1]> is.matrix(x)
You see we can drop into each frame on the call stack and see how the functions were called, what the arguments are etc. In the above example, we see that bar() was passed a vector not a matrix, hence the error. options(error = NULL) resets this behaviour to normal.
Another key function is trace(), which allows you to insert debugging calls into an existing function. The benefit of this is that you can tell R to debug from a particular line in the source:
> x <- 1:10; y <- rnorm(10)
> trace(lm, tracer = browser, at = 10) ## debug from line 10 of the source
Tracing function "lm" in package "stats"
[1] "lm"
> lm(y ~ x)
Tracing lm(y ~ x) step 10
Called from: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
Browse[1]> n ## must press n <return> to get the next line step
debug: mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
debug: if (method == "model.frame") return(mf) else if (method != "qr") warning(gettextf("method = '%s' is not supported. Using 'qr'",
method), domain = NA)
debug: if (method != "qr") warning(gettextf("method = '%s' is not supported. Using 'qr'",
method), domain = NA)
debug: NULL
Browse[2]> Q
> untrace(lm)
Untracing function "lm" in package "stats"
This allows you to insert the debugging calls at the right point in the code without having to step through the proceeding functions calls.
If you want to step through a function as it is executing, then debug(foo) will turn on the debugger for function foo(), whilst undebug(foo) will turn off the debugger.
A key point about these options is that I haven't needed to modify/edit any source code to insert debugging calls etc. I can try things out and see what the problem is directly from the session where there error has occurred.
For a different take on debugging in R, see Mark Bravington's debug package on CRAN